Between the lines : Never been kissed
2x06 ch 9 Monday Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Jan. 20, 2013, 1:53 p.m.

Between the lines : Never been kissed: 2x06 ch 9 Monday

K - Words: 2,231 - Last Updated: Jan 20, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Dec 23, 2012 - Updated: Jan 20, 2013
299 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: spoilers for 2x06


On Monday Kurt left the house dressed to the nines and smiling.

His weekend had been awesome! They were usually good but this one had only added to his happiness of the previous week.

He had slept in on Saturday making a delicious and healthy meal for him and his father and they had even had a good chat over breakfast, his dad and him talking about glee and the garage and in a sentimental moment Burt telling Kurt teary eyed how much he reminded him of his mother so often. Kurt had felt precious and proud at that and after he had been done with cleaning up and getting ready he had pressed a soft kiss to his father's bald head, before leaving the house to meet Mercedes at the mall.

He had texted Tina to text them that morning but she had declined the offer of spending the day and the night with him and Mercedes because of some family business.

Spending time with Mercedes was fun though. They got their nails and toe nails done, chatting and laughing, discussing the charts, the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy and general gossip they found in US weekly and People Magazine.

After that they went to get lunch at one of the mall's restaurants and their discussion got more serious as Mercedes told Kurt everything about her talk with Tina the previous night.

"I tell you Kurt, something is really wrong with those two love birds. She was all jivey until I asked her how things were going with Mike. She nearly choked on her coke! And then she was like really quiet looking down at her plate, not eating and she used the word fine more often than I thought was humanly possible! But I could not get one freaking word out of her. She just didn't talk. We didn't even stay for dessert and I haven't heard from her since then. I mean really. There's something cooking!"

They had mused about what could possibly be going on but by the time they were wondering if Mike might be a Chinese prince determined to conquer Lima with the help of the Asian Vampire League and Tina wasn't down with his plans, they were simply cracking up and dropped the matter till Monday to engage in happier topics.

They had contained the joy of spending time all night and had chatted and talked till the early hours (Kurt couldn't stop talking about Blaine until Mercedes was complaining she'd probably dream of a boy she didn't know if Kurt didn't stop) and slept until noon.

When Mercedes said goodbye in the afternoon Kurt was sure that nothing that might happen on Monday could destroy his glee.

Besides that, Blaine and he had texted from time to time in those two days, just random things but mostly initiated by Blaine, what made it all even better.

Thanks to his good mood Monday passed in a blur and soon it was time for glee and the girls' boys-music-performance.

Mercedes and he had avoided talking about school over the weekend so Kurt had no idea what to expect.

When he entered the choir room the other boys where already seated and Mr. Schue instructed him to sit down. The girls would start the lesson off with their performance.

The music started and the girls entered and Kurt had to say that he was pretty impressed. It was amazing how the girls transformed from their normal selves into these rock ladies! It was dazzling and from the looks the boys gave them, the impact the girls were having on them was even bigger.

On the other hand he was happy for once that he wasn't on the girls' team because, as much as he enjoyed their sexy performance, he really couldn't see himself in leather, making out with a microphone stand.

While watching their performance he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. It was a text from Blaine and it contained just one word: courage. A smile spread over his face when he immediately relived how Blaine had said that word, his expression getting slightly dreamy when he remembered the feeling of Blaine squeezing his hand.

Even more important: Blaine knew how much Kurt hated Mondays - to go back to this hell of a school after a safe and happy weekend and there he was digitally comforting and supporting him. It was so wonderful.

He tried to shift his attention back to the girls' performance, which was quite easy as they really had done a good job with it, but part of his mind stuck with the text and Blaine, savouring the nice feeling, holding on to it.

Kurt was still blissful when he left the choir room after a thorough discussion of the girls' number. Mr. Schue had had to leave earlier for some reason but the glee kids still had talked about the girls' mash-up. Walking down the hall, Kurt got his phone out and looked at Blaine's text, smiling.

He was so occupied with thinking about Blaine that he didn't see it coming, but suddenly his phone flew out of his hands and he felt pain spreading down his back, as he hit the lockers with force. All the air seemed to escape from his lungs and he looked around to see Karofsky staring at him with a vicious look, walking off without saying a word.

His back hurt but suddenly he heard Blaine's voice in his head: confront him, call him out, you have the strength, you'll win. The warm feeling Blaine's text had caused was still glowing in his chest and suddenly the anger of weeks, of months took over and he found himself running after Karofsky. Kurt screamed after him but Karofsky didn't turn around.

Kurt followed him into the boys' locker room, pushing the door open angrily.

"I am talking to you! " The porcelain skinned boy exclaimed the moment he saw Karofsky. Kurt was furious, all the enragement that had built up for so long finally bursting out of him. Karofsky on the other hand didn't even look at him.

"The girls' locker room is next door," he said, while he took his shoes out. Kurt wasn't having it and stormed over to Karofsky yelling at him.

"What is your problem?" He stood close to Karofsky, rage making his eyes glow. He felt fierce and brave and it felt so good to finally stand up against this douche bag!

"'Scuse me? "

"What are you so scared of? " Kurt snapped his face only centimeters from Karofsky's. Hadn't he been so angry he would have found that really awkward.

"Besides you sneaking in here to peak at my junk? " This guy was unbelievable! All Kurt wanted was to be left in peace and now Karofsky implied that Kurt had a thing for him? That was insane! It seemed impossible but Kurt's rage grew even more.

"Oh yeah, every straight guys' nightmare; that all us gays are secretly out to molest and convert you. Well guess what, hamhock, you're not my type! "

Kurt thought about amber eyes and a kind smile. Yes. This jerk in front of him would not in a million years be anything he'd desire.

At this point Karofsky had gone back to ignoring Kurt but now he stopped, looking him straight in the eyes.

"That right? " Karofsky moved closer.

"Yeah." Kurt had to look up but his anger took all the fear he might have had away. "I don't date chubby boys who sweat too much and are going to be bald by the time they are 30!"

"Do not push me, Hummel." Karofsky's expression had gone from indifferent to angry. He put up his fist, The Furry he recalled, the fist with which Karofsky had threatened to hurt him. Kurt glanced at it but he wasn't going to back out. There he was, being courageous no matter what.

"You gonna hit me?" His voice was a little breathless but it didn't show any fear. "Do it." Kurt lifted his chin up, challenging.

Karofsky slammed the locker door yelling: "Don't push me! "

"Hit me 'cause it's not gonna change the way I am. You can't punch the gay out of me more than I can punch the ignoramus out of you!" Kurt was yelling too, their faces even closer.

"GET OUTTA MY FACE! " Karofsky screamed pointing at the door. His face was distorted by rage and ... pain? Kurt couldn't place it but then the moment was gone and pure repulsion was directed at him.

Kurt put up his finger, pointing shakily, his fingertip only millimeters from Karofsky's face.

"You are nothing but a little boy who can't handle how extraordinarily ordinary you are!"

Suddenly he was cut off by Karofsky's lips on his mouth. Kurt froze. His mind went blank, repeating over and over again this isn't happening, this isn't happening. But he could feel Karofsky's lips moving against his, his breath ghosting over his mouth and his hands on both sides of his face.

After a few seconds which felt like forever for Kurt, Karofsky moved back, still lightly holding Kurt's face. Kurt felt numb, taken aback by what had just happened but as Karofsky made a move to kiss him again he found his body acting against that, pushing him away with surprising strength.

He felt the locker behind him as he backed away and put a hand over his mouth, still looking shocked at Karofsky who stared back.

After a moment Karofsky made a grief-stricken noise, hitting the lockers with both hands before running out, leaving a shaken Kurt behind.

He sank down, leaning against the locker behind him, his hand still clutching to his mouth.

Karofsky had kissed him! He couldn't think of anything else. The memory of Karofsky's lips on his made him want to vomit!

What did that mean? What was he supposed to do? He couldn't just sit there in the boys' locker room, a hand clutched over his mouth, trembling.

This had been his first real kiss! And Karofsky had stolen it! Kurt felt dirty. Violated. Karofsky could hit him and push him. Kurt didn't care. He was above it all. But kiss him?

His mind was racing when he heard the door opening.

"Kurt?" a voice asked. It wasn't one of the boys and Kurt managed to whimper in response.

"Are you alright? I saw you running behind Karofsky and then him storming out and I was worried. I have your phone." He whimpered again. He could feel tears in his eyes. The door closed again and Tina appeared in his view, his phone in her hands.

"Kurt!" she yelped at his miserable state, rushing over to the spot where he sat on the floor. She kneeled down beside him, placing his phone in his lap and took his hands into hers.

"What happened? Did he hurt you? Shall I call a teacher?" Her eyes wandered over his body, like she was searching for some injury.

Kurt didn't know what to answer. Should he tell her? Should he tell anybody what Karofsky had done? That Karofsky was... presumably... gay? And if he did... would people even believe him?

He didn't know. But he knew that he didn't want to talk about it.

Tina was still looking at him worried, her eyes now focused on his widely open ones. She was clearly waiting for him to answer.

"I'm fine," he croaked, tears still running down his cheeks. Tina wasn't convinced. She squeezed his hands, reassuring him to continue.

"It- it's nothing. Karofsky just screamed at me and shoved me into the locker. Nothing new. It just got to me more this time but it's just... a normal day at McKinley." He kinda managed to get his sarcastic tone back and even tried to smile at her, though failing completely. He freed his hands to brush away the tears.

"Oh, Kurt!" Tina sounded teary: "I am so sorry."

At this Kurt actually laughed. "Why is that your fault?"

Tina was now really crying. "I don't know! I just wish I could help you somehow! Shall we go talk to Mr Schue?"

Kurt shook his head. There was only one person he wanted... no, could talk to: Blaine.

"No, but thank you Tina. And thank you for my phone." This time his smile looked real enough to get one from her in response.

"I just really want to go home now. I can't stand this place any longer!" Tina laughed and got onto her feet.

"Hear, hear!" she called out holding a hand out for Kurt, who put his phone into his pocket and took it. Tina dried her tears before linking arms with Kurt and they walked out together, heading for the car park.

They didn't talk but Tina walked him to his car. Arriving there she stepped back looking him into his eyes.

"Kurt, never think that you're alone in this, alright? I mean we all get treated badly but we'll get through this, okay? We always do! Lean on me, keep holding on, don't stop believing? Remember? We are in this together!" She smiled at him, sincerity in her eyes.

Kurt just managed to nod, his throat tight with tears and doubt, but it seemed to be enough for her because she gave him a peck on the cheek before walking off.

Kurt turned to unlock the car, when he heard her calling. He looked over his shoulder and saw Tina waving at him.

"By the way! I really like this sweater!" She winked at him as he waved back at her before getting into his car.

He locked the door and let his head hit the wheel. A moment later he started sobbing, grabbing his phone like a life belt.



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This was really good. I was glad to see that Tina was there for Kurt even though she didn't know what actually happened. I am looking forward to seeing how Blaine reacts when Kurt tells him what happened.