Between the lines : Never been kissed
2x06 ch 4 Thursday & Friday Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Jan. 20, 2013, 1:53 p.m.

Between the lines : Never been kissed: 2x06 ch 4 Thursday & Friday

K - Words: 1,336 - Last Updated: Jan 20, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Dec 23, 2012 - Updated: Jan 20, 2013
330 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: spoilers for 2x06


In the evening, Kurt lay on his bed with his mobile in his hands. He had no music on, which was quite unusual for him but he was too excited to bother with his iPod station.

Sure, Karofsky and what he and Blaine had talked about were likely to be more urgent to worry about but all he could think of was that Blaine had given him his freaking phone number!

Blaine had told him to call when he ''needed someone to talk'' and yeah, maybe Kurt's pure curiosity and desire to get to know him wasn't what Blaine had had in mind but still... he really wanted to hear Blaine's voice again - to ask him a million stupid questions and tell him everything that was crossing his mind.

The problem was just that even thinking about calling Blaine without any real reason seemed to be a very bad idea. He had given Kurt his number for emergencies and not for small talk and Kurt really didn't want to get annoying and overstep lines like he had so many times before...

So he just kept staring at his phone, with no idea how to start a text conversation with Blaine, minutes turning into hours. When he finally realised how late it was, he hurried to get some sleep before he had to face another day at McKinley. As he fell asleep he was still thinking about Blaine and his heart felt a little lighter as usual, when he drifted off into a dream.

He felt good when he woke up... a feeling he hadn't had when waking up for school in a very long time. It was Friday. The weekend - his favourite time of the week - was coming up and with Blaine in mind McKinley seemed even more stupid than always but also easier to handle.

Kurt rushed into his bathroom getting ready for the day singing along to his IPod, which he had put on full volume. After he had managed to put his hair into perfect shape, he opened his wardrobe, deciding to wear another of his fabulous sweaters. He went for some black skinny jeans, a blue Burberry polo, an asymmetric grass green knitted cardigan and black slippers.

It was a little toned down regarding his normal outfits. Guess going to Dalton more than once a week has an impact on people. I look sooo preppy.

He giggled while admiring himself in the mirror. He looked stunning. Not handsome or sexy or what else people might try for when getting dressed. He had kinda given up on aiming for those, but he looked classy and stylish and that was the best he could do.

He put his books into his bag, unplugged his IPod, grabbed his beige trench coat and red scarf and slipped his phone into his pocket. No messaged. But that wouldn't bring him down. Not today.

Kurt went upstairs to check on his dad, finding him already awake.

"Morning Kurt. Looking chirpy. Something happened?" Burt stood in the kitchen, still sleepy and in his PJs, making toast for them.

Kurt had made an effort to teach his father how to cook. Partly for bonding... partly because he was afraid that his father might starve without him... or get another stroke regarding how he fed himself when Kurt didn't.

It seemed strange to regard toast as a meal someone could need instructions for... but yes Kurt had needed to teach his father how to make tasty breakfast.

"No. Just slept well, I guess." Kurt said cheery giving his father a peak on the cheek, who gave him a questioning smile but didn't ask further.

Kurt grabbed the toast as it popped out and hurried to put some cream cheese on it before heading for the door.

"Gotta dash. Love you dad!" He yelled back. He was determined to find Mercedes or Tina today before Rachel could be all over them again. Also, now that what the now that the Dalton problem was kind of solved he really wanted to know what was up with Tina and Mike and plans for the weekend had to be made!

He arrived early at McKinley and a look over the parking lot told him that neither Tina nor Mercedes were there yet.

He stayed in his car, texting Mercedes to give him a ring when she'd arrive.

Maybe he felt stronger and more confident after talking to Blaine but that didn't mean that he would position himself at the main entrance for every passing jock to humiliate and shove him.

He turned the volume down a little and got a paperback version of Twilight out. He wouldn't even admit to Mercedes how often he had read it.

He wasn't one of these teens screaming and swooning at Robert Pattinson but he liked the idea of pure and eternal love in the story and all the literature references, he was sure most people missed out on. He hadn't even planned to read it... rather looking down on Mercedes and Tina gushing over Bella and her supernatural affairs but Mercedes had forced him to. The idea to do so had crept him out! He hated vampires. They were what his nightmares were made of since he had watched Dracula with Christopher Lee on cable when he was 8 while his father was out on a Sunday afternoon.

Still, Mercedes was very persistent and could, in a way, be much scarier than any vampire and so he had given it a shot... and, to be honest, had found the sparkling, charming vampire very therapeutic - both with his fear of vampires but also with his struggles in life.

Ten pages later - Bella was just about to touch Edward's face for the first time (sigh) - when Kurt's phone rang. It was Mercedes and so he hurried to get out, seeing her immediately when he left his car.

"Morning Kurt", she cheered, linking arms with him while heading for the main entrance. They chatted on the way to their lockers, Mercedes talking about the live album of Beyoncé which was to come out at the end of the month and how great she was and how she had spend half the evening on YouTube watching her live videos, after Rachel had finally let them home when she was satisfied with their glee number. "I swear to the sweet Lord, Kurt, one day Santana's going to break this Jewish nose. She was so pissed after Rachel criticised her for the umpteenth time and everyone else was pissed, too especially because the songs..." She shut up looking guilty. "God if she only heard me mentioning anything to you she'd probably kill me... and you." She smirked, leaning against her locker.

Kurt on the other hand had never been less interested in a singing competition all he wanted was to tell Mercedes about his afternoon, which had been quite a bit more interesting than hers.

"Yeah Mercedes don't worry", he started. "I think I have never cared less about any of Mr Schuh's assignments. I miss you girls and the boys kinda suck as a team but I have something else to tell you about." He looked at her grinning and relishing in her curious and surprised look.

"What is it? New Jimmy Choos? A revival production of The Sound of Music on Broadway?" He shook his head. What he had in store was so much better... and though the things she had suggested seemed awesome - as examples of what interesting things could have happened to him... his life seemed kinda dull. Never mind. Moving on.

"No Cedes. So much better. Like really brilliant. I, Kurt Elisabeth Hummel, went to..." It was this moment the bell decided to announce the close beginning of first period and Mercedes hurried to get her last book out of her locker.

"Oh darn it. Sorry boo. Tell me later yeah?" She waved good bye hurrying to her first class. Kurt remained behind, his body still a little tense with excitement but his expression slowly falling, watching her walk away.

His head dropped a little as he turned around to make his way to his first class. Algebra. Yeah...


End Notes: a chapter a day... until I run out of them :D


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