Jan. 20, 2013, 1:53 p.m.
Jan. 20, 2013, 1:53 p.m.
Kurt was dead tired the next morning but thinking about the day ahead pitched his adrenaline pretty high, so he was nothing close to sleepy when he left the house that morning.
He had paid close attention to every step of his morning routine, musing even longer than normal over what outfit to wear, in an attempt to distract himself from the ache in his stomach. He had no idea whether it came from his anxiety to see Blaine again, his dread of facing Karofsky or the sauce Bolognese from the prior day.
In his first two classes he couldn't pay attention at all, checking his watch every five minutes and tapping his pencil absentmindedly against his notebook without taking any notes.
When study hall approached, he had no idea what to do with himself anymore. Inside he was a mess. He just hoped that his ''training'' stopped it from showing... he didn't even know if the boys were supposed to practice their mashup for glee club or well, more like finally think about doing that that day.
Sam had texted him but he hadn't even bothered to read it.
He was vaguely moving towards the auditorium to search for some peace or hide, whatever you'd like to call it, when he heard someone calling his name down the hall.
"Kurt!" He cringed and spun on his heel, relief rushing through his body as he saw Mercedes approaching him.
"Where do you think you're going?" She said while grabbing his arm.
"I thought about going to the auditorium. Why do you ask?"
"Urgent Glee Club Meeting. No idea why but Schue said it was important."
Kurt didn't really feel like going to glee but what choice did he have, so he just let himself be dragged away by Mercedes, throwing in some ahas and rights at appropriate places while she made assumptions about why the glee club had to meet.
As they entered, the rest of the glee club was already present, talking, or in Mike and Tina's case, sitting next to each other while deliberately avoiding each other's gaze. Mercedes gave Kurt a significant look before plopping down in the seat in front of Mike and Kurt sat down beside her.
Mr. Schue was already present as well, leaning against the piano until everyone had calmed down a bit. He nodded, his face grim and stepped further into the room, crossing his arms and fixing them with his gaze.
Kurt had no idea what was going on but he didn't feel like putting up with glee club drama.
"Well, I genuinely hope you guys are happy because Coach Beiste has quit."
He did look up at that. What had Coach Beiste quitting to do with them and why should they be happy?
The boys were expressing their confusion, saying they didn't want that but Mr. Schue continued his speech: "Well, then you better put your heads together and find a way to get her back fast, because I am actually ashamed of you. You really hurt someone who is a great addition to the school."
Kurt looked at Mercedes who looked back with equal confusion, shaking her head. What exactly were they being accused of? He couldn't even remember to have ever talked to the coach.
Rachel also seemed to not be in the loop.
"I'm sorry what exactly did we do?" but before Mr. Schue could answer,Finn cut in, guilt evident in his voice: "No, no. It's us. The boys."
"And Tina." Mike added quietly from behind them. Kurt could see that everyone turned to look at the two Asian teens. He didn't though.
Finn seemed to explain what exactly had happened but Kurt didn't pay attention.
This had obviously nothing to do with him and even though at any other time this scandal would have made his day, he couldn't bring himself to care. It was less than two and a half hours away until he was set to meet Blaine and his stomach made a painful and excited swoop at that.
The others were still talking but Kurt only heard the blood rushing in his ears as he focused on his hands, willing himself not to shake.
Mercedes had just leant in to whisper something into his ear as the assembly was disturbed by Principle Figgins walking in, demanding Mr. Schue and Puck to get into his office.
Kurt couldn't believe it. Even for the glee club these were a lot of scandals for one meeting but at least everyone was so busy discussing, arguing or ignoring each other that nobody noticed how he zoomed out, focusing on the time ticking away instead.
Blaine was nervous. This was important and he had no idea if he was able to handle this. He had barely slept. He was tired but at the same time so anxious that it seemed impossible to simply stand outside and wait. So he returned to pacing up and down, glancing inside every few moments.
There were only a few people outside and he got nothing but a few curious side glances. Not a surprise. He was even sticking out more here in his Dalton blazer than Kurt had in his fake uniform back at his school.
He stopped for a moment, head hanging, as he closed his eyes and chuckled quietly, remembering Kurt's poor attempt at espionage.
It was then that he heard a voice calling his name and he'd recognize that voice anywhere.
"Blaine! There you are! Did you wait long?" Kurt sounded breathless, his eyes darting around as if he expected to be jumped any moment. It made Blaine's heart clench that that was probably it.
"Hey, yeah. No, I just got here. I just didn't want you to wait." He smiled at Kurt and Kurt's eyes widened before a small smile tugged at his lips as well.
"I -I am really glad you're here." Kurt stuttered before he looked down again.
For a moment they stood in awkward silence, Kurt thoroughly inspecting his hands which were fidgeting with his bag strap. Blaine took a moment to take in Kurt's appearance.
He had noticed before that Kurt was sweet but wow in this jacket he looked stunning, the piece of clothing somehow underlining his height and how lean he indeed was.
"So maybe we should go...?" Kurt said, interrupting Blaine's wandering thoughts. Blaine nodded in the affirmative but as Kurt still wasn't looking at him, so Blaine touched his arm lightly to make Kurt look up.
Kurt flinched slightly but when he was met with Blaine's smile and his gesture to lead the way he took in a deep breath, gave Blaine a half smile and turned around to enter the school.
They walked down the mostly deserted hallways, only getting a few curious looks from the students who were still at their lockers but no one said anything and Blaine took that as a good sign.
Still he could feel how tense Kurt was beside him and he wanted to do nothing more than to reach out and take Kurt's hand in his, to show him that he wasn't alone. Blaine had always been a ... touchy guy, rather showing what he felt than saying it. It had been one of the things he had to put to a minimum in his previous high school... one of the things that had made him miserable and as soon as he entered this school, he felt all the oppression and strange limits that were put on him because of how he was, washing over him once more.
"So I don't know where he is exactly. We should have thought of that. I guess we should just walk around. I don't normally do that. Walking around I mean. I rather spend my lunch with the girls in the cafeteria or if that isn't possible in the auditorium. It's nice there you know. No one there to... disturb..." Kurt explained.
Blaine just nodded numbly. Never alone. Never in places crowed by possible bullies. Kurt had built his whole school life around not being in a situation where he would be the victim. Not hiding who he was but avoiding contact and confrontation for as long as possible.
They had just left one building and proceeded to the stairs in the courtyard when Kurt finally faced him.
"Thanks again for coming." His voice was still breathless, showing how nervous he was.
"Don't worry about it." Blaine reassured him quickly, meeting his eyes. "Just let me do the talking. " This situation was already bad enough. Blaine didn't want Kurt to confront this guy again.
"There he is." Kurt said, glancing first up the stairs and then back at Blaine.
Blaine looked up and his heart stopped a beat. This guy was huge and Blaine had sent Kurt to deal with someone like that. He screamed jock to Blaine, letterman jacket, figure and the attitude he presented. He glanced back at Kurt, whose expression had gone tense.
" I got your back." He said in a quiet and calm voice as he hoped, before he walked towards the jock, determination on his face and said, more loudly this time: "Excuse me."
The jock stopped dead, Karofsky was his name, Blaine remembered, confusion and yes, maybe a hint of fear on his face.
"Hey ladyboys." The insult was immediate, but Blaine ignored it. What he couldn't ignore was the expression on Kurt's face. He had expected it.
"Is this your boyfriend, Kurt?" Karofsky huffed out. This too was certainly meant as an insult. Blaine wasn't sure for whom or how but it was. Maybe it was best to just get to the core. He looked at Kurt. He didn't look afraid. Tense, yes. But not scared. That was good.
"Kurt and I would like to talk to you about something." As soon as it was out, Karofsky was pushing through them, huffing out: "I gotta go to class", giving Kurt an extra push against the right shoulder and this just wouldn't do. Blaine couldn't just leave it there with Karofsky even more on edge than before.
Louder than might have been smart, Blaine called after him.
"Kurt told me what you did." It had the anticipated affect though. Karofsky faced them again.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" The boy shrugged, pushing his hands into his pockets, playing dumb.
Blaine was just about to speak as Kurt beat him to it.
"You kissed me." It was quiet but clear. Blaine didn't know if it was just him but he felt like he could hear so many more emotions in that simple statement: bitterness, hurt, disbelieve and resignation.
Karofsky breathed out heavily, nervously looking around but they were the only people present. Still, Blaine had hope. He really did just seem like a confused kid in denial.
"I dunno what ya talking about."
Blaine caught Kurt's look as the other teen glanced at him. He wasn't sure if it was a told you so or your turn look but he was determined to leave with a better outcome than this.
He chose his next words carefully.
"It seems like you might be a little confused..." He saw Karofsky tense even more at his words and hurried to say: "... and that's totally normal."
Still, Karofsky shook his head, slowly retreating, like a wild animal backed against a door, desperate for an escape. Blaine was nearly pitied the boy but he had to listen. He had to understand...
Karofsky turned and started walking down the stairs, Blaine and Kurt next to him, following behind.
"This is a very hard thing to come to terms with and you should just know that you're not alone."
Karofsky suddenly stopped at his last word and Blaine was about to smile and say something else when with a rush, the jock turned around and backed him against the metal bars as he hit them with a thud.
He put his hands up in a defensive gesture. His heart was pounding in his chest, recalling the emotions of a similar scenario, his body was itching to defend itself the way it had been taught by now while his mind fought to maintain control and not to make matters worse.
"Do not mess with me!" Karofsky hissed at him and a small part of his mind suggested that Kurt had been in a similar situation just the day before. It made maintaining his defensiveness even harder.
But then Kurt was beside him and with an enraged You have to stop this! and more strongly than anyone would have expected, he pushed Karofsky off Blaine, making the jock stumble back while Blaine closed his eyes for a moment and leaned back into the comfort of the strong metal in his back.
This had gone so damn wrong.
As he opened his eyes again Karofsky was still looking at them. Shifting from one foot to another, while Kurt was breathing heavily beside him.
A moment later Karofsky spun around and literally fled the scene. He heard Kurt exhale loudly. His face was not in his line of vision, though he did see Kurt's shoulder slump and the way he let his head hang slightly as all the tension seemed to drain from his body.
Blaine was desperately searching for something to say. Something. Anything to make the disatster that had just unfolded itself easier to bear.
"Well he's not coming out anytime soon." Blaine finally said in an attempt to lighten the mood. Just as it was out he wanted to facepalm himself. He awkwardly straightened out his blazer and trousers, aiming for nonchalance as he noticed Kurt sitting on the stairs, looking into the distance.
He looked torn and so sad that Blaine thought he could physically feel his pain.
"What's going on?" Blaine was sure that it had to do with all of this but he wanted Kurt to know that he was there. That they could talk.
He slowly moved to sit with Kurt on the stairs. Not directly next to him, giving him space and as Kurt hadn't said anything yet, he asked another question: "Why are you so upset?"
There was a short silence and then a quiet sniff, so quiet that Blaine wasn't sure if he hadn't imagined it, before Kurt spoke.
"Because until yesterday I had never been kissed. At least when it counted." Kurt's voice was so quiet again and this time Blaine was sure to hear the sniff.
Blaine didn't know what to say. His first kiss had been far from perfect but at least it had been consensual... For an insane small moment Blaine felt the urge to close the gap between them, carefully cup Kurt's cheeks and just brush his lips against Kurt's. Just for a tiny little moment, to show Kurt what kissing could be, should be like. But it wasn't his place. Kurt needed a friend now, not just another boy who kissed him without the meaning Kurt wanted from a kiss that counted.
And so Blaine stayed silent, shifting in his place before the second best idea crossed his mind. Time. Kurt needed time with nothing and no one to worry about. That Blaine could give him.
He looked at Kurt who was still staring at the floor, his face still marked by the sad expression that made Blaine ache.
"Come on." Blaine stated in what he hoped was a soothing, comforting tone. "I'll buy you lunch." His hand reached out to stroke over Kurt's back lightly, reassuring him of his presence and this time Kurt didn't flinch away at all.
Blaine stood up and caught Kurt giving him a watery smile before standing up as well, following him down the stairs and towards his car, in content silence.