April 20, 2012, 6:11 a.m.
April 20, 2012, 6:11 a.m.
We Meet Again
"No I do not want to go and see that movie Kurt!" Robbie moaned.
"But I really want to-" Kurt began.
"Then find someone else to take you!"
"But you’re gay! You’re meant to be into all things gay!” Kurt pointed out.
"Come off it Kurt. Haven’t we already had this conversation? Anyway I’m not your boyfriend anymore and even though I’m cool with that I still don’t want to take you to anymore movies." Robbie smiled.
"You’re ok with us not being together even if you're sharing a bedroom with me?"
"Even if I'm sharing a bedroom with you!" Robbie laughed.
Kurt laughed too. He liked to think he had at least one true friend in New York.
"Anyway, you never shut up about that Blaine guy. It’s really annoying. I don’t think I was much of a competitor in the love game when I was against him," Robbie smiled. "Plus, Lizzi would murder me if she found out we had dated. She’d feel all protective of me which is not something you want with girls, trust me.”
"Who's Lizzi?"
"The latest," Robbie shrugged carelessly. Kurt should have guessed, it was hard to keep up with Robbie's endless girlfriend list.
"I thought you were dating Melissa?"
"Oh she went to months ago! God, keep up with it Kurt! Since then there's been Suzy, Hannah-oh she was terrible in bed- and Jenna and Oliv-"
"I thought Jenna was three months ago," Kurt laughed playfully. They were often caught on this subject, it made Kurt feel special, Kurt had Blaine. "Anyway seeing as Lizzi isn't the current I suppose I should probably take back he invite to my nineteenth birth-Whoops!" Kurt had just run into two men going in the opposite direction to him and Robbie.
"Hey! Watch your step man!" Robbie was instantly annoyed, Kurt didn't need to look to know That Robbie had also been caught in the collision.
"Right back at you! You should be-" A familiar voice boomed.
"We're really sorry, I-Kurt?" Another voice said.
Kurt looked up. "Blaine!" He yelled happily jumping immediately into his ex-boyfriend's arms.
"Hey-Kurt-watch it-ow-Kurt-I," Blaine stumbled over his words as Kurt's weight overwhelmed him.
"Blaine, I've missed you so much!" Kurt pulled away from Blaine who he hadn't seen since the year before. But Blaine had not changed, his hair was the same, he was the same height, his fashion sense was unfortunately the same. No, what was Kurt thinking, he loved Blaine and wouldn't change anything about him, not ever!
"You’re Blaine? The Blaine? Blaine Anderson?" Robbie stood there staring at both his roommate and Blaine.
"Yes, you must be Robbie! The date collector!" Blaine joked as he shook hands with Kurt's friend from New York.
Robbie laughed but he threw Kurt a dirty look.
But Kurt was too pleased to pay any attention. Blaine, his Blaine, was here, in New York. His Blaine, his perfect Blaine.
"Didn't know you lived in this part of New York, Kurt," Blaine's companion spoke for only the second time.
Kurt looked up to see none other than Sebastian Smyth. "Oh hi Sebastian. I-um-what are you doing here?" Kurt spoke slowly and nervously. Suddenly the wonderful reunion wasn't so wonderful anymore.
"We," Blaine began indicating Sebastian and himself. Kurt noticed how he emphasised the word, "Are on a little holiday. I was so hoping we'd bump into you Kurt! I can't believe how long it's been since we saw each other!"
"Well it's so good to see you-wait a minute ,we?" Kurt's face fell.
"Yeah. Didn't Blaine tell you? We're together now," Sebastian smiled down lovingly at Blaine.
Kurt stopped breathing.
"Well, better give you two some time to catch up. Looks like there's a lovely little coffee shop over there. Coming Rufus?" Sebastian said.
"It's Robbie," Robbie himself pointed out.
"Oh whatever, Rufus Bobbie, same thing," Sebastian started walking away.
Robbie, giving Kurt a sympathetic look that was blocked by his annoyance, followed him.
"Together?!" Kurt rounded on Blaine as soon as Robbie and Sebastian were out of earshot. "Together? You and Sebastian? Together?!"
"Come on Kurt! I haven't spoken to you in four months! What did you expect? We've both moved on and you broke up with me anyway so this really isn’t your business.”
"Moved on-what do you-"
"Isn't it obvious?! I'm going out with Sebastian now. And you and that Robbie," Blaine burst out.
"Me and Robbie, I don't-oh yes. Me and Robbie," Kurt smiled gleefully. Thanks for the idea Blaine.
"Oh Kurt, I'm sorry. We shouldn't be fighting. I haven't seen you in ages. How about dinner tonight? Seb and I booked a table for two but I'm sure they could make it a four," Blaine smiled.
"Doesn't look like its open," Sebastian said carelessly as he and Robbie walked back up to Kurt and Blaine.
"No problem. We'll see you tonight Kurt," and with that Blaine and Sebastian turned and walked back the way they had come.
Robbie turned to Kurt, "Kurt, what the f-?" But Kurt put a hand up to silence him.
This plan was going to work, just wait and see.
At the Restaurant, Blaine:
"They're late!" Sebastian grumbled.
"Don't worry they'll be here in a minute," Blaine smiled at the thought of seeing Kurt again. Yes, he loved Sebastian now but he still cared for Kurt, his fragile baby Kurt. But not his Kurt anymore, Robbie's Kurt.
"Can't we just leave, babe? I wouldn't mind just going back to the hotel room and-" Sebastian kissed Blaine fully on the lips.
"Oh-if we were doing make out sessions we would have preferred to stay back at the apartment," Kurt appeared with Robbie by his side.
"Kurt!" Blaine smiled pulling away from Sebastian. "It's great to see you again. You look stunning!" Blaine remembered how his mother had used the word 'stunning' to describe Kurt's clothing when he and his parents had come round for dinner once.
"Thanks. I still do take pride in my fashion sense. You should have seen Robbie here before I got my hands on him. Absolutely awful!" Kurt laughed taking the seat opposite Blaine leaving the one opposite Sebastian for his boyfriend.
It was true that Kurt had clearly passed on his fashion sense to Robbie who looked rather good and very much like Kurt.
"Now you Sebastian," Kurt looked straight at Sebastian, "Could use with a tip or two. Look at that shirt! Not even girls find that sexy anymore. Blaine, how could you insult yourself this much! Going from me to him! Everyone must have thought you were crazy and I was just starting to get the gift of fashion through to you as well!" Kurt laughed.
Blaine laughed too and so did Robbie but Sebastian just stared at Kurt.
"And your hair! You haven't changed it, so last year!" Kurt said even though his own hair and Blaine's hadn't changed either.
An hour later, Kurt:
"Guessing you picked the restaurant Sebastian! The food here is disgusting!" Kurt said.
"Well he did actually," Blaine laughed.
Kurt's plan was working; Blaine didn't seem so keen on Sebastian anymore.
"So Robbie. What are you into?" Blaine totally changed the subject.
Kurt flashed Robbie a worried look. Yes he had made Robbie look gay enough but even though Robbie really was gay Sebastian would never believe it if he heard anything the boy was truly into if it came out of his mouth. They been through cue cards with him all afternoon to make sure he knew what to say when someone asked him a question. But Robbie's memory was rubbish.
"Um...anything Kurt's into," Robbie looked nervous but gazed at Kurt lovingly. Kurt could only guess he was imagining Lola or Lulu or Lila or whatever her name was.
"Which is?" Sebastian said. "After all we haven't seen Kurt in ages. He must have changed a bit."
"Nope not changed at all," Kurt said quickly.
"Anyway. We have got to see you guys kiss. I can feel the chemistry between the two of you!" Sebastian continued.
Kurt stopped breathing again.
"We prefer the private life," Robbie said hurriedly.
"Just this once guys," Sebastian said innocently but Kurt could feel it. Sebastian knew they weren't together. No doubt he had realised that Robbie and Kurt really weren’t an item.
"I...um," Robbie said.
"Please!" Sebastian said.
Robbie hesitated but then moved towards Kurt. Kurt stayed still. This wasn't right. Blaine, his Blaine, his perfect Blaine, his perfect adorable Blaine, was right across the table. It was Blaine's lips that matched Kurt's perfectly. His only loving kisses had been to Blaine. His heart was still Blaine's if he wanted it. But Blaine didn't want it anymore.
"I...I...I just can't do this anymore," Kurt burst into tears and ran from the restaurant.
He heard Robbie call after him but Kurt carried on running. If Blaine didn't want his heart then Kurt didn't need it anymore.
One week later, Kurt:
Blaine...Blaine...my Blaine...no not my Blaine, Sebastian's Blaine.
I need Blaine.
I want Blaine.
I love Blaine.
He is perfect. Perfect eyes,
Perfect hair,
Perfect lips,
Perfect touch.
He is mine, no he used to be mine.
Now he is Sebastian's.
No longer mine.
Blaine, perfect Blaine.
I love him. Always and forever.
"Ring ring ring!" Kurt woke up with a start. His phone was ringing on the table beside him.
"Hi. Is that you Kurt?"
"Yeah it’s me. Well I called because I wanted you to know that I'm going back home tonight."
"I thought maybe we could meet up again. How about a coffee? In the cafe on Primbrook Street? I was in there two days ago. It’s really quiet in there. I like it."
"Yes sure. I'll be there. What time?"
"How about fifteen minutes?"
"Yep, that's fine. I'll see you there."
"Yeah. Bye,"
Kurt wasn't going to screw it up this time. His Blaine, his last chance.
15 mins later, Kurt:
"Over here Kurt!" Blaine shouted waving his arms from the other side of the cafe.
Kurt walked steadily towards him. "Hi...where's Sebastian?" Kurt had been expecting the everlasting cause of his nightmares would be there to accompany his boyfriend.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Sit down, I ordered you a drink."
Kurt sat own but didn't pay any attention to the drink in front of him.
"Sebastian went home. Last night we talked and he thought it would be best if he went back to Ohio." Blaine said looking Kurt in the eye. "We were meant to be together Kurt. I love you and you used to love me. You were, you still are my first love and you will be my only love. I was meant for you."
"No. You're wrong. I still love you. I need you in my life. You are the only person who accepts me fully, the only person I ever want to hold me, to touch me, to kiss me. Your mine Blaine." Kurt didn’t know whether he should tell Blaine that he and Robbie had actually been together for a while.
"I'm sorry about Sebastian."
"I'm sorry about Robbie. I was lying to you." What doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
"I understand why you did it Kurt. You did it because you're Kurt and that is the exact thing my Kurt would do."
"You would know!" Kurt laughed.
"You know I love you, don't you Kurt?"
"I will never doubt it again. And Blaine?"
"Have you still got Sebastian's plane ticket? I want to go back to Ohio with you. Just for a while. I need to be with you again."
"Yes, we'll work everything out there."
Kurt didn't have anything else to say. He kissed Blaine as if it was their first time again. "I'll follow you anywhere Blaine."