April 20, 2012, 6:11 a.m.
April 20, 2012, 6:11 a.m.
A Sad Goodbye and a Sweet Hello
"Blaine, stop worrying I'm absolutely fine." Kurt spoke carefully and reassuringly to his boyfriend.
"You've been eating enough right?"
"Yes, I-"
"You're not being bullied are you?"
"No, I'm perfectly-"
"Is college good then. Made new friends?"
"Blaine! SHUT UP!" Kurt roared down the phone.
"Kurt I-" Blaine said quietly.
"Why can't you just learn that I can get on fine without everyone around!"
"I didn't-"
"I don't need any hassle from you or Carole about anything! I can take care of myself!"
"Calm down. Please Kurt I was only-"
"I think we should break up Blaine."
"Yeah, we should break up."
"Because we've been apart for almost ten weeks. Everything has changed, I've changed."
"No you haven't Kurt. You're just the same, still as perfect."
"It just isn't working."
"But we were meant to be together Kurt. You're always saying that we're meant to be together, and we are. I know we are." There was no mistaking the hurt in Blaine's voice.
"Perhaps we weren't."
"Kurt, I love you."
"Bye Blaine."
And then Kurt hung up. "I love you too," he said. But it was too late, Blaine had gone.
"Was that your girlfriend?" A boy who looked about a year older than Kurt strolled through the front door as if he owned the place just in time to hear Kurt say 'I love you'. He flopped down on the sofa without even glancing at Kurt who was standing, bewildered, staring at the young man with his eyebrows raised. "Boyfriend?" The youth said as he looked up at Kurt for the first time.
Kurt fake smiled at him and the turned and walked into the small kitchen unit. "Tea, coffee?"
"I'd prefer a pint."
"I'm sorry but I don't have any beer," Kurt said.
"I thought even gays drank beer," the youth said rather rudely.
"I'm sorry. But who are you?" Kurt asked pointedly. He knew that this rude boy must be his roommate but it would be nice for a formal introduction.
"Robert Grennhill, you can call me Robbie."
"Well I'm glad we got that part out of the way Robert." Kurt walked out of the kitchen unit and towards the sofa where Robert Grennhill was lying. "I'm Kurt, Kurt Hummel," he thrust out a hand.
Grennhill looked up from his phone and wrinkled his nose.
"What's wrong?" Kurt dropped his hand by his side.
"Oh it's nothing. Just that..."
"Well I'd prefer it if you spat it out rather than stare at me as if I'm some alien from outta space."
"Yeah, no problem. I'll be watching my step in the future," Robert mocked. He jumped up from the sofa and dodged Kurt. "You really don't drink, do you?"
Kurt spun around, "Well I make a habit not to on regular occasions."
"What about your boyfriend? Does he drink?" Robert's nose was buried in the fridge door.
"Yes Blaine does drink," Kurt said carefully as he perched on the edge of the sofa straightening the cushions Grennhill had messed up.
"Guessing he hasn't visited you yet?"
"Well, it's only been ten weeks. He thought it would be best if we both had time to settle down, we need to get used to being apart."
"You two been together long?" Robert asked pulling out the carton of orange juice.
Kurt almost recited the specific date and time that Blaine had kissed him and they had fallen in love but, remembering who he was talking to, decided against it, "About a year and a half."
"Wow that's a long time. The longest relationship I've ever been in has been a week and that's only because my mate paid me!" Robert topped the cup up with orange juice and swallowed it in one gulp.
Kurt didn't exactly know what to do or say so he sat there staring at Robbie with a blank expression on his face.
"You sit like a gay don't you?" Robert said. He filled the glass with orange juice once again and swallowed it all.
Kurt was blushing. "Don't you think you're a little rude?"
"Well don't you think you're a little...gay?"
Kurt was absolutely outraged, "How dare you say that to me! How dare you stroll into my apartment and act as if it's your own-"
"Our apartment," Robert put in.
"Oh whatever! Why don't you just shut up while I set down a few ground rules? Number one: Stay out of my way and mind your own business! Number two: You sleep on the couch, I get the bedroom! Number 3: There will be absolutely no alcohol anywhere in this apartment and if I find you with it I will not be responsible for my actions. Also drugs, cigarettes or whatever crap you take! And number 4: If you want to drink a whole carton of orange juice every hour then you can buy it! Ok?! Are we clear now?!"
Robert looked totally shocked. "Well, that was unexpected. I'm Robbie Grennhill," Robbie put out his hand.
"Pleasure to meet you Robbie," Kurt shook his hand and smiled, "I'm Kurt, Kurt Hummel."