Always & Forever
Chapter 15 - Davastian Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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Always and Forever

Always & Forever: Chapter 15 - Davastian

K - Words: 1,982 - Last Updated: Apr 20, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 33/33 - Created: Apr 20, 2012 - Updated: Apr 20, 2012
732 0 0 0 0




Kurt walked into his favourite place in the whole world. The Lima Bean. He and Blaine always felt so accepted there and they always felt so peaceful talking about their feelings with each other. Blaine was at his cousin’s house for the day so Kurt decided to go and have a quiet drink without Blaine talking about Finn hating him over and over again. 

He bumped into Sebastian who was getting up to collect a few napkins. He had been crying.

“Are you ok?” Kurt asked, trying not to care. Although he hated Sebastian like death, he wasn’t a monster.

“No.” Sebastian replied as Kurt sat down opposite him.

“What’s up?” Kurt asked quizzically.

“It’s Jared’s birthday today.” Sebastian sniffed.

“Who’s that?” Kurt looked up from his phone.

“M-my ex.” Sebastian said through masses of tears.

“Lemme guess. He caught you cheating, didn’t he?” Kurt said rudely.

“No. H-he died.” Sebastian said as he put his head on the table. 

Kurt froze up. He hadn’t meant it like that.“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! Oh my god.” Kurt whispered almost silently. He felt sick with guilt, “How? I mean that sounds really rude and personal, I mean if you don’t want to talk about it, I totally understand, I’m not pressurising you or anything like that, I swear.” Kurt babbled nervously.

Seb laughed sadly. “It was in a car crash.” Tears were rolling down his handsome face.

Kurt touched his arm. “I’m so sorry. Can you tell me about him?" Kurt replied quietly.

“It's a bit of a long story.” Sebastian admitted embarrassingly.

"I got time." Kurt smiled.


"Sebby! Can I talk to you? It's really urgent!" Lizzie Smythe yelled to her son who was currently on Facebook on his phone.

"Yah! I'm coming, god, mom!" Seb sighed and realised he was only wearing his boxers from the morning. He quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and a rugby shirt. Jared gave it to him.

"Come on! It's really urgent! Quick!" Lizzie yelled once again. Seb ran down the stairs and looked at disbelief at his mom.

"What? !" Seb was angry. Very angry. His face changed when he saw the look on his mom's pale face.

"What's going on?" Seb was suddenly worried.

It's about Jared." Seb felt his face fall. He remembered the fight they had the day before. It was horrible.

"What about him?" Seb said trying not to care.

"He was in a car crash last night on the way home from our house. And he is dying." Seb almost died himself. His Jared. Not his Jared...

"What? Can I see him? Where is he? Oh my frickin' god! No!" Seb was babbling and sweating heavily. His breath was speeding up and his heart was beating faster and faster.

"I need to go and see him." His mother nodded and before Seb left he noticed her face was covered in tears. She always liked Jared.

Sebastian ran down the street all the way to St Hopes Hospital. He didn't want to stop. He wanted to run until Jared was better and well again. When he arrived at the door of where Jared was, he saw all his best friends there. John, Lance, Dante, Adam and Pete. It was like one of those times they snuck into over 18 clubs. Except nobody was happy, nobody was drunk and nobody had a girl on their arm.

"S-shall I go in?" They all nodded.

As Seb walked in he felt so empty and rubbish. It was all his fault that Jared was in the car crash. If only he wasn't such a douche and called him all those names then maybe Jared wouldn't have left his house in such a rush and killed himself.

"J-Jared?" Seb said as he walked in. Jared looked horrifying. His face was covered in bruises and cuts. Although all those injuries were there, he could still see the beautiful boy that was his true love.

"Hey Sebby." Jared's voice was weak.

Seb sat down by his bed and stared right into Jared's cold and dying eyes.

"I'm so sorry about what I called you. I was stupid and I would understand totally if you hated me-" Seb was silenced by Jared.           

"How can I hate you when I'm dying. There's no point really." Jared whispered. Seb noticed his heart rate was slowing down.  

"I love you Jared. I love you so much and all this isn't fair." Jared was too weak to speak a whole bunch.

"I wanted you to marry me and I wanted us to adopt three kids, Monica, Joey and Rach." Jared smiled. Friends was their favourite TV Show. Tears were rolling down both of their faces.

"A-and I want you to love me forever and ever. I really love you a-and I-I want you." Jared sighed sadly and let the tears fall.

"All we've been through, our first time, the fights, you coming out to your parents, Prom, our holiday's together, and just everything." Seb was crying so hard. He was shaking and shaking his head.

"Please let this be all a dream. Please. It's not fair." Seb stared at his perfect, yet dying, boyfriend. Jared sighed and starting speaking slowly and quietly.

"Sebby, I have one more wish. Think of it as a dying guy's wish." Seb nodded. Jared's voice was gruff and different than his usual beautiful tone.

"I want you to forget about me." Seb's eyes widened.


"I want you to remember me for the first few months. Cry, throw stuff around, whatever. But when you grow up, find someone else. There are plenty of gay fish in the pond out there. Don't feel bad about dating someone new." Jared's heart rate was very slow. He was breathing slower and slower. "I love you. And you love me. And I promised I will watch over you from heaven if I ever get there."

Seb smiled. "You will get there."

Jared smiled feebly. "Sebby, things happen for a reason. When one life ends, a new one can begin."

"But that doesn't make sense."

"I think it means that  you might find a new person out of all this shmuck." Jared and Seb both laughed sadly. They always laughed when Jared said 'shmuck.'

"But I don't wanna find someone new. I just want you." Seb's tears were falling onto Jared's weak face.

"I want you too. But it's too late." Jared was becoming more and more tired.

"I love you so much." Seb whispered.

"I love you too. And now I can die a happy guy. Because, I had the best boyfriend in the whole world. And that's the only thing I ever wanted as a little kid, I wanted love. And I got it, so-" Jared was cut off when he saw the look on Seb's face.

"I'm never gonna forget you. I promise." Seb was crying more than he ever had before.

"Goodbye, my love." Jared's eyes fluttered shut and there was a beeping sound on the machine.

"I'm never gonna forget you. I love you." Seb kissed Jared's cold, dead lips for the last time before walking out.


Kurt didn't realise how much his tears had been streaming out of his eyes.

“A-and the only reason I wanted Blaine was because, I-I just wanted someone to love me the way Jared used to. I never meant to hurt you Kurt, never.” Sebastian whispered. Kurt looked up at his enemy. He realised how mean and rude he had been to him the whole time. He had no idea about all the pain he went through.

"I'm so sorry, Sebastian. And I didn't realise how much I've been crying!" Kurt and both Seb chuckled quietly, "I couldn't imagine me without Blaine and I just admire you for getting through something like that."

"That's where you're wrong. I didn't listen to Jared; I cried for months and didn't even go to school for most of them. I'm a coward." Seb admitted sounding embarrassed.

"That's ok! It doesn't matter if you were sad or depressed, that's fine! But I mean that some things happen for a reason." Kurt noticed that more tears were streaming down Seb's face.

"But what about me trying to get Blaine from you? I caused you pain and I know Blaine didn't like me making you upset. Besides, I don't even like Blaine all that much." Seb finally admitted.

"Well, if you hadn't met Blaine and crushed on him, I would have never been to a gay bar," Seb and Kurt both smiled, "I wouldn't have met you, and realised how lovely you truly are in the inside," Seb had never been told that before," And my relationship with Blaine wouldn't be as strong as it is now."

"How did I improve your relationship?"

"Trust. You helped us trust each other that we won't go off with other guys when the other one isn't there." Kurt whispered.

"Will I ever find another person? Sometimes I don't feel like I ever will find another guy." Seb said sadly.

“I know how you feel. My mom died when I was seven. And all my life I’ve wanted a mom and recently, I’ve found her. And that’s what’s gonna happen with you.” Kurt reassured Seb.

“H-how?” Seb said while wiping his eyes.

“We’re gonna go and see a friend of mine.” Kurt replied.

“Oh. Not another counsellor. That didn’t end well.” Seb pulled an awkward face before laughing. Kurt laughed too.

“No, no. Just a friend.”


At Dave's house


Kurt knocked loudly at Dave's large door.

“Hey, hey Kurt. How are-“ Dave opened the door and his eyes flew to Seb. Sebastian looked back, love struck.

“Hi.” Sebastian replied sounding smitten.

“Hey! Can we come in?” Kurt said happily to Dave. He nodded and they walked in, Dave leading the way.

“He’s gorgeous!” Sebastian whispered happily to Kurt. He smiled. They all sat down in Dave’s large living room.

“So… Kurt! What brings you here?” Dave asked awkwardly.

“Well, Dave. My friend Sebastian here plays for the same team.” Kurt hinted to Dave. Dave smiled happily.

“Oh. Sebastian, can I ask you something?” Dave asked.

“Yeah, fire away.” Sebastian said, while smiling uncontrollably.

“Ok. What was it like to come out?” Dave asked kindly. Sebastian took a deep breath.

“Horrible,” he whispered quietly, “Everyone ignored me for such a long time. I had to move schools where it was all ok. “Sebastian's face was streaked with tears. "I moved to Dalton where, where I met Jared." Seb started to cry and without warning, Dave went over to him and whispered into his ear.


30 mins later!

“Have you seen that new Harry Potter?” Sebastian asked happily.

“No…” Kurt replied quietly although he knew Seb was talking to Dave.

“Oh my gosh! Yes! Tom Felton…” Dave drooled.

“I know! He is hot with a capital H.O.T!” Sebastian laughed before realising how stupid it sounded.

“Oh, sorry. I get weird when I’m in love.” Sebastian said without thinking. There was an awkward silence, Dave smiled to himself.

“Ignoring that... Dave. Are you single?” Sebastian asked innocently.

“Yes.” Dave replied, grinning like a kid in a candy store.


10 mins later!

“Bye Dave! Thanks for having us!” Kurt shouted from the end of Dave’s drive.

“See ya!” Dave yelled back.

Sebastian was standing outside the door with Dave.

“Uh, so I’ll meet you at the Lima Bean tomorrow?” Sebastian asked Dave.

“Yeah, see you there.” Seb planted a quick kiss on Dave’s cheek. He walked down to Kurt, smiling like a mad person.

“Ah! He’s gorgeous! Thank you Kurt. Thank you for helping me find a new guy because I thought I never would. You know, Blaine’s lucky to have you.” Sebastian said smiling to his new friend.



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