Aug. 27, 2013, 9:27 p.m.
Aug. 27, 2013, 9:27 p.m.
Chapter Nine
"Wait, Kurt," Blaine said. The moment the bell rang, the dark haired boy shot out of his seat. He blocked the doorway not allowing anyone Kurt or anyone else to pass.
"Move," Kurt said as the attempted to move past him.
"Just talk to me," Blaine pleaded.
"I have to go," Kurt said.
"Please," Kurt begged.
With a sigh, Blaine stepped aside and allowed the Cheerio to leave. He watched as the boy disappeared down the hallway. The same scene had played over and over for the past three days. Every day, since Tuesday, he had cornered Kurt in an attempt to get the younger boy to talk to him.
Blaine became concerned, when Sunday passed without the promised phone call. Then Monday he was unable to find the boy anywhere except when they had a class together. Unfortunately, Kurt ignored him. The moment class ended the boy took off and vanished.
"What's up with Kurt?" he asked Quinn at lunch that first day.
"I don't know," she said. "He wouldn't talk to us at practice Saturday."
That one sentence made him worry. As far as he knew, Kurt hadn't gone anywhere after Blaine dropped him off. He had obviously done something. The problem was, Blaine didn't have any idea what it was, or why Kurt would avoid his friends because of it.
He was frustrated, with himself and with Kurt. Without realizing it, Kurt had quickly become a big part of his life. His life was strangely empty without the other boy around.
Quinn wasn't helping to relieve it either. She was even causing some of it. Five times he'd taken her out, and the bitch still wouldn't spread her legs. So far, she was proving to be a harder conquest than the prudish cunts at the country club. Of course, most of them would have put out at the notion they might accompany him to the state dinner.
The worst part was, as much as he hated her, the blonde was one of the very few sources of entertainment Lima had to offer. He had even gone three weeks without fucking someone to keep her happy.
Between her and Kurt and all the other shit in his life, he really needed to fuck someone...or hit something. Neither was an option though.
Deciding he no longer had the patience to deal with the ingrates at the school, Blaine made his way out of the building. Classes and Melissa's stupid rules be damned. He met up with Puck and the Skanks underneath the bleachers.
"Decide you were too good for us?" Puck asked as he walked up.
"I've been busy," Blaine said. He fell onto the ratty couch that was out there and dropped his bag on the ground.
"With what?" Puck asked.
"Chasing Quinn's skirt," one of the Skanks, the redhead said. Blaine still hadn't bothered to learn their names.
He lit up a cigarette as Puck started laughing.
"The fuck man?" Blaine said.
"You know she's president of the celibacy club, right?" Puck asked sitting on the couch next to him.
"And?" Blaine said. Those clubs were jokes, the girls that joined them were whores.
"She's not going to put out any time soon."
"Don't be so sure about that," Blaine said.
Puck got serious quite suddenly. "She's not about to sleep with anyone, doesn't matter how many fancy dinners you take her to."
Before Blaine could ask why, the fat Skank spoke up. "Puck knocked her up last year."
Of course he did, Blaine thought wryly.
Laughing, he said, "Good job."
The girls laughed.
"I'm still going to fuck her," Blaine told them. He'd put too much effort into it to give up just because she was stupid enough to get pregnant.
"Wanna bet on that?" Puck challenged with a greedy glint in his eye.
God, he could never resist a good bed, especially when he was sure to win. "What are the terms?" Blaine asked.
"You've got one week to get her to sleep with you," Puck told him. "Let's say fifty bucks?"
Fifty dollars was barely worth even considering.
"You want fifty, fuck I can give that to you now," Blaine said pulling his wallet out of his pocket. "Give me a real bet."
"What do you suggest then?" Puck said, and took the fifty dollar bill Blaine showed him.
"Let's say..." Blaine pretended to think about a sum for a moment. "Five hundred."
"Where the fuck are either of us supposed to come up with five hundred dollars?" Puck said. His eyes were as wide as saucers.
Cocking an eyebrow, Blaine asked, "Afraid of losing?"
"Fuck no," Puck said. "I'm just wondering how you're gonna pay up."
"I'm horny as fuck and don't plan on waiting much longer," Blaine said. "You'll be the one paying. Count that fifty as part of your debt."
Puck laughed. "Dude, you're so gonna lose."
"Shank on it," the Skanks told them. "Otherwise it don't count."
The two teenagers shook hands.
"Now I came out here for a reason, and it wasn't to make petty bets," Blaine said.
He pulled a textbook and a small ziplock baggy out of his school bag.
"Don't tell me you came out here to study," Puck teased.
"I would have gone to class if I wanted to study," Blaine said as he searched through the pockets for a razor blade. "It's not like I have anything better to do in this sad excuse for a school."
"Why'd you need that book then?"
Blaine briefly wondered if Puck was stupid. For someone that was a self-proclaimed "bad ass", the taller boy was incredibly naive. Raising an eyebrow, Blaine held up the bag of white powder.
Pucks eyes got comically wide. "Fuck man, is that blow?" he asked.
"Want some?" Blaine offered rolling his eyes.
"Nah man, that shut fuck people up."
"That's the point," Blaine muttered under his breath.
He poured a small amount onto the textbook, which sat on the warped picnic table in front of him, and cut it with the razor blade.
There wasn't much of the blow, but it took the edge off. He would have used more, but he had to be careful. It was a long drive to reach his dealer. With his family and the detectives breathing down his back, he couldn't go very often.
"Can I get some," the fat Skank asked.
Blaine looked at her. "Can you pay?"
The girl looked offended. "You just offered some to Puckerman," she said.
"You want some, you pay for it."
The girl walked over to him, and dropped to her knees at his feet. She reached out and began unbuckling his belt. The girl looked at him in a seductive manner.
"How 'bout I do you a little favor," she said.
He roughly shoved the girl off. She hit the ground, and shrank under his harsh glare.
"Don't fucking try it, slut. Either pay in cash or fuck off," he spat.
"What's got your panties in a twist," Puck said.
"Fuck, everything," Blaine said lighting another cigarette.
Both boys ignored the Skanks as they helped the girl up. With a disgusted look, they turned back to whatever they were doing before Blaine got there.
Puck nodded, and went back to entertaining the girls.
Blaine laid down on the couch, smoking slowly, and let his high envelop him.
Ignoring the others, he pulled his phone out.
To: Jeff
How's the warden treating you?
To: Blaine
Well, I have my phone back.
To: Jeff
Can you leave the house?
To: Blaine
Not yet.
To: Jeff
Damn it!
To: Blaine
What do you want, B?
To: Jeff
You know what I want.
To: Blaine
Call Nick. I can't help you.
To: Jeff
Why the fuck not?
To: Blaine
You're person-non-grata here. Seriously, I think my dad will shoot both of us if I try to go hang out with you.
To: Jeff
Fuck him
To: Blaine
Fuck you, B. You know you deserve it, so don't be a bitch.
To: Jeff
To: Blaine
Blaine. Damn it, what about that chick you brought to dinner. The blonde?
To: Jeff
Not gonna cut it.
To: Blaine
Like I said, call Nick. Call one of your little toys. Fuck, call Wes and he'll hook you up, if you're that damn desperate.
To: Jeff
Promise not to get mad?
To: Blaine
As long as he goes with you.
To: Blaine
And doesn't do anything.
To: Jeff
Thank you.
To: Blaine
I have one condition
To: Jeff
To: Blaine
Stay out of trouble.
To: Jeff
No promises. ;)
The sound of loud giggling made him look up. Puck and the Skanks had disappeared to who knows where. From the slats in the bleachers, he could see the Cheerios stretching on the football field. He searched until he found the one person he couldn't get out of his head. His eyes landed on Kurt, who was standing off to the side. Blaine couldn't place it, but something seemed really off with him.
Blaine watched as the group ran through their different routines. Coach Sylvester verbal assaults didn't seem to bother the boy. Oddly enough, proximity to his friends did. For their entire practice, Blaine's focus didn't waiver from the boy.
As the group left the field, he send one last text.
To: Nick
Meet me at the club. Tomorrow. 10:30.
He then followed the cheerios into the building.
The boys locker room was deserted except for the lone male Cheerio. Blaine took the opportunity to corner him. He walked up to the boy, who was grabbing his bag out of the locker. For the first time all week, he seemed relaxed/
"Kurt," Blaine said approaching the boy.
At the sound of Blaine's voice, Kurt jumped and spun around. His eyes were wide with fear and shock. The boy leaned back into the lockers, trying to keep as much distance between them as he could.
"What?" he asked.
Blaine was stunned at the hostility in his voice.
"What's wrong?" Blaine asked softly. Thoughts ran through his head, trying to figure out what had made the younger boy afraid of him.
"Nothing," he snapped. "Just leave me alone."
"It's not nothing."
"Just...fuck off, Blaine!" he screamed.
"I was trying to fucking apologize for whatever the fuck it is I did!" He stormed out of the locker room, not even bothering to spare the other boy a glance.
Halfway down the hall, he saw Quinn and smirked. He could figure out Kurt later. Right now, he had a bet to win.
Blaine snuck up and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him.
"What?" she asked startled.
"Come with me," he demanded, biting at her neck.
"Hello to you too," she said giggling.
"Yes, hello, Hobbit," Santana said haughtily.
Waiving the latina off, he let Quinn go. Taking her hand, he pulled her out to the parking lot behind him.
"Get in," he said once they reached the car.
"You could try asking nicely," she said.
"Please get in the car," he said.
He took off out of the parking lot, and asked, "Are your parents home?"
"No?" she said.
"Good he said."
Blaine parked in front of her house a few minutes later. The door barely closed behind them before he had her pressed against the wall and was devouring her lips. His hands tugged at her clothes.
"Want you," he said moving from her lips to her neck.
"Blaine!" she moaned.
Her hand grabbed his arm and he reached to unbutton her pants. "Wait, stop," she said.
"What?" He pulled back.
"I can't."
"Why the fuck not?"
"I'm not ready, Blaine."
"Because you're afraid of getting knocked up again?" he spat.
"Blaine," she whined.
"Fuck Quinn. Puck is a fucking idiot."
"It's not..." she started.
He pulled her closer to him, pressing his erection against her. "I'll make it so good," he said. "Please, Quinn. I need you so bad."
"Come on Quinn."
"Okay," she whispered and led him up the stairs.
The past week had been one of the longest of Kurt's life. Not talking to Quinn had been difficult. They'd never gone more than a few hours without speaking, not since they became friends.
Avoiding Blaine though. that had been harder. He wanted to see Blaine. He wanted to talk to the older boy. His presence was something Kurt craved. That only served to make him more determined to keep his distance. The things he wanted, they were something that could never be. Kurt would just have to live with that. Regardless of how much it hurt.
That pain increased every time he walked away from Blaine, who was determined to seek him out. Whether it was out of concern or malice, he did know. Kurt refused to stick around long enough to find out. Of course, after the way the older boy cornered him in the locker room yesterday, he was sure it was the later.
He was still trying to process that encounter when Quinn called.
"God Kurt," she told him. "I think I'm in love."
You have no right to be jealous, the told himself as she spoke. He was though.
Which is why he called Elliot. And how he ended up in the man's car on his way to some place called "Scandals".
"It's shady, but it's the only place close to Lima," Elliot said.
Shady was an understatement. The bar was down a back road, practically in the middle of nowhere. Woods surrounded the building, which was little more than a small warehouse, on three sides. The tiny parking lot was full of potholes and only had one streetlight. It was busted. On the side of the building was a red neon sign that read "SC N LS", which flickered sporadically.
"I'm not sure about this," Kurt said as they walked across the trash littered ground.
"We'll be fine. It's not like there's any where else that'll take your pretty little head off mystery boy," Elliot said. He sent Kurt a playful wink.
Kurt nodded and followed him into the bar. The bouncer barely glanced at his fake ID before waiving them through.
Loud music assaulted his ears, and he choked on the thick smoke that permeated the air. He followed Elliot through a doorway with a tacky beaded curtain hanging over it, and into the bar. It was just as dingy inside, but it was crowded.
"Drinks, then dancing?" Elliot asked loudly in his ear.
Kurt nodded and followed him.
"What can I get you boys," the bartender asked.
Kurt ordered a cranberry and vodka, then made his way to the dance floor. Then he got lost in the music dancing with his friend and sipping on the drink. It was a strange experience, to have so many eyes watching him. Especially since it wasn't with disdain or hatred. And for a while, as he danced, Kurt managed to forget about Blaine, Quinn, and everything else that was bothering him.
"I need water!" Kurt said about an hour later.
He pushed through the crowd back towards the bar. However, an all too familiar laugh made him pause. Kurt searched for the source of that laugh, panicking that he might be losing his mind. Him being there was impossible. When his eyes fell on a head of curly black hair nestled in a corner, he wasn't sure if he should be shocked or relieved.
Forgetting about the water, Kurt fought his way over to the boy.
"Blaine," he asked, placing a hand on his arm. He needed to be sure it was Blaine; needed to see his face. Though he doubted he would ever mistake anyone for the older boy.
The boy spun around quickly with wide eyes. "Kurt," he gasped.
Now that he had confirmation, he wasn't sure what to say or how to react. Kurt spent an entire week fearfully avoiding Blaine just incase the other boy perceived his actions as too gay, only to come face to face with him in a gay bar. Confused didn't even cover how he was feeling.
"Blaine, he's gorgeous," the boy Blaine had been speaking with said.
Seeming to recover at the sound of his friend speaking, Blaine said, "Kurt, this is one of my good friends Nick. Nick, meet Kurt."
"It's nice to finally meet you," Nick said enthusiastically. "Blaine hasn't shut up about you all night." Nick pulled him into a tight hug as he spoke.
When he pulled away, Kurt send a questioning look towards Blaine.
The older boy was glaring playfully at Nick.
"Shut up Nick," Blaine said annoyed. "He didn't need to know that."
Kurt laughed. "What has he been saying about me?"
"It's only been good things, I swear."
Blaine let out an exasperated sigh. "Nick!"
"Oh lighten up B," Nick laughed. Turning to Kurt he stage whispered, "He's always so moody."
"I've noticed," Kurt said.
"Okay," Blaine said stopping the conversation. "What brings you here, Kurt?"
"I'm hanging out with a friend," he said. "I could ask you the same thing."
"Blaine was bored," Nick said.
"So you came to a gay bar?" Kurt asked looking at Blaine curiously.
Blaine looked like he was going to hit his friend.
"It's one of his favorite places," Nick said.
He didn't seem to notice the murderous look on Blaine's face or the growl that escaped him.
"Really?" Kurt asked turning his attention to him.
"Sometimes," Blaine said.
Kurt just stared at him, astonished.
"Dance with me," Blaine said holding his hand out.
"O-okay." Kurt took his hand and allowed the older boy to lead him back out to the dance floor.
"Why have you been avoiding me?" Blaine asked as they danced.
"It seems kind of silly now," Kurt told him honestly.
"What was it?" Blaine pushed..
"I was afraid you would...do something because to me because I kissed you last week."
"That peck on the cheek? That barely counts," Blaine said confused.
"It wouldn't matter to most of the guys at school," Kurt said.
"I'm not them," Blaine said.
"I told you it was silly," Kurt said. "But you're a little unpredictable, Blaine. I really didn't know how you'd react."
Blaine reached up and placed a hand on his face gently. "I promise to do my best to never hurt you," he said softly.
He slid his hand down to Kurt's waist, and spun him around. With his other hand, he pulled Kurt flush against his him.
Blaine's body was warm and solid against his back.
"Now dance with me, Kurt," Blaine said into his ear.
Kurt shuddered as shivers ran down his spine.
Blaine's grip tightened possessively as he began moving their bodies to the beat. Everything around them fell away. The only thing Kurt could focus on was Blaine, and how incredibly close he was. The roughness of Blaine's hand on his bare skin, where his shirt rode up slightly.
As they traveled, his hands roamed across Kurt's body. Underneath his shirt, across his stomach, down his thighs, they moved. Heat followed his touch. Blaine's breath was hot on his neck sending shivers down his spine and blood rushing south. His breathing stuttered and he moaned brokenly as Blaine pressed his lips to Kurt's neck. He dropped his head back on Blaine's shoulder, giving the older boy better access.
Blaine brought his hand up to cup Kurt's head and the kisses rapidly turned to bites. Using his other hand, he pulled the Cheerio closer. Kurt could feel every muscle in Blaine's body, ever move he made was amplified. His erection dug into him, and Kurt couldn't help but grind his ass back into it.
"God, Kurt," Blaine groaned.
Their bodies moved faster, and Kurt got completely lost in the feeling. He wanted more; needed more.
"Go good," Blaine moaned, and tilted Kurt's head up. He moved his lips from Kurt's neck to his mouth and pulled the younger boy into a kiss. His lips were soft and dry, and his mouth tasted like alcohol.
"Let's get out of here," Blaine said when he pulled away.
"Yeah," Kurt moaned.
Kurt left the bar with him in a haze. Before he knew it, Blaine was pushing him down onto the soft bed. He crawled between Kurt's legs, and pressed their clothed erections together.
The Cheerio gasped at the contact. He rolled his hips up to meet Blaine's. His arms locked around the older boy's neck.
Letting out a low growl, Blaine unwrapped Kurt's hands from his neck, and pressed them into the mattress above his head. He captured Kurt's lips in his, licking into his mouth and tangling their tongues together.
As they kissed, Blaine kept up the rhythm of his hips, rolling them into Kurt's, rubbing their erection together. Kurt writhed underneath him, lost to the friction. He whined when Blaine pulled away for air.
Blaine let go of Kurt's wrists and pulled his shirt off.
Bringing his hands up, Kurt rand them across Blaine's hard, muscled chest. He watched as the older boy shuddered when his fingers brushed over his nipples. He looked up to see Blaine staring down at him, eyes blown wide with lust. Kurt pinched his nipple between his fingers, making Blaine groan. Tentatively, he then leaned up and flicked his tongue over it. Urged on by the noises Blaine was making, Kurt drew his nipple into his mouth and lavished it with attention.
Blaine dropped his head to Kurt's shoulder. He began biting and sucking at the skin, as moved his hips faster. His hands slid beneath Kurt's shirt, rubbing the skin.
He moaned around Blaine's nipple when the older boy pinched his.
When Blaine pulled away, Kurt looked up at him through hooded eyes, panting. He allowed Blaine to pull his shirt off and toss it across the room. Blaine's arms wrapped around his waist and he pulled him into his lap. His hands ran down Kurt's back, fingertips brushing down his spine, and into the back of his pants. Blaine licked and bit at the exposed skin and massaged the globes of his ass.
A finger brushed across his puckered hole. Kurt's nails dug into Blaine's shoulders as heat shot through his body.
"Blaine!" Kurt moaned brokenly when he did it again.
Keeping Kurt's legs wrapped around him, Blaine leaned forward, dropping him onto the bed. Blaine's hand moved to Kurt's belt as he roughly pressed their lips together. He kissed and bit and licked down Kurt's throat and across his collarbone. Blaine's mouth traveled down, lavishing attention to every part of Kurt's body.
"Please," Kurt begged when his tongue ran along the waistband of his pants.
After bringing their lips together one last time, Blaine pulled away. He dropped his pants, and Kurt could stop from looking. A dark trail of hair led from Blaine's navel to his cock, which was slightly darker than his skin. It was long and thick, almost too big. And Kurt wanted to touch it, wanted to taste it, wanted to feel it inside of him.
Before he could act on any of those urges, Blaine was touching him again. He pulled Kurt's pants off in one swift movement. Kurt shivered as the cool air hit is overheated skin/ He fought the urge to cover himself under the older boy's gaze.
"So fucking beautiful," Blaine murmured. His fingertips ghosted across Kurt's thighs.
Then Blaine's mouth was back on his. Their bodies were touching again, grinding together. Blaine's bare cock rubbed against his, and Kurt was pulling him closer.
His moans were muffled by the kiss.
"Want you," Blaine growled . "Want you so much."
"Yes! oh God, yes."
"Want your mouth on me," Blaine moaned. His movements became frantic. "Want you to suck my cock."
Their positions were suddenly reversed, and Kurt was sliding down his body.
Then he noticed it, a faded bruise on the inside of Blaine's thigh. Reality came crashing back into him, and there was nothing Kurt could do to stop it. He was close to sleeping with Quinn's boyfriend. Close to sleeping with his best friend's boyfriend. What was he doing?
He pulled away from Blaine, putting as much distance as he could between himself and the other boy on the bed. This was bad, so very bad.
"Oh god," he said.
Blaine leaned up on his elbows, "What is it?" he asked.
"I-I can't do this," Kurt said.
He had ruined everything.
Seeming to sense his distress, Blaine sat up. "Can't do what?"
"This!" Kurt said. "Us! Oh God!" He was freaking out, looking anywhere but at Blaine.
"Kurt," Blaine said, touching his shoulder gently. Kurt completely missed him moving closer. He jerked back away from the touch.
"Don't," Kurt said.
He glanced around the room, trying to find where Blaine tossed his clothing. "Just take me home."
Blaine glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's three a.m.," he said.
"Please, Blaine. I can't..." Kurt trailed off.
Giving him a soft look, Blaine climbed of the bed and walked over to the dressed. He rummaged through a couple of drawers without saying anything. When he turned back to Kurt, he had a dark t-shirt in his hand and a pair of boxers.
"Put these on. I'll be back in a minute," he said. He laid the items on the bed then left the room.
Once the door finally closed, Kurt took a deep breath. He pulled the clothes on before sitting cross legged in the middle of the bed. Nervously, he waited for Blaine to return. And waited.
He leaned over the side of the bed, and fished his phone out of his jeans. There several missed text message.
To Kurt
Yo, Kurt! Where'd you go?
To Kurt
Seriously, where'd you go?
To: Kurt
If you left at least let me know?
To: Kurt
Look man, I gotta get going. If I don't hear back from you by morning I'm calling the police. And your dad.
Kurt sighed. He probably shouldn't have left without saying anything to his friend.
To: Elliot
Sorry for ditching you. I ran into someone and got...distracted.
Blaine came back a few minutes later. His hair was damp, and he wore a pair of loose sweatpants.
Kurt fiddled with his phone, afraid to meet his eyes.
"I'm sorry," Blaine said.
"It's not your fault."
"Yeah, It is. I shouldn't have tried to make you do something you didn't want to," Blaine said. He sat down on the bed leaning back against the headboard.
Kurt turned to look at him. "You didn't. I wanted it. I still want it," he admitted.
"Then why -"
"Because you're dating my best friend. Do you realize how wrong this is?" Kurt said, interrupting him.
"I'm sorry," Blaine repeated. He tugged Kurt closer to him. He wrapped his arms around the younger boy, holding him close.
Knowing he shouldn't, Kurt leaned into the touch, resting his head on Blaine's shoulder. "Why were you at Scandals?"
"I get you out of my head," Blaine admitted.
"At a gay bar?" Kurt asked. He had so many more questions now than he did before.
"Yes, at a gay bar."
Kurt didn't know what to say. "Why?" he finally asked.
Blaine sighed. "Because I needed to escape."
"So are you, like, Bi or?" Kurt asked.
"Does it matter?" Blaine asked. His voice was beginning to sound frustrated.
"Not really. I'm just...confused."
"What do you want to know?" Blaine asked.
"Have you been with other guys?"
"Dated them?"
"Not exactly. I've had..." Blaine paused for a moment before continuing,"flings. Never a real relationship."
"Because you're bad at them."
"Yes," Blaine said. There was no hesitation in his voice, but Kurt got the feeling he was still hiding something. "Can we talk about this tomorrow?"
He was afraid if they stopped talking, then Blaine would shut him out. The older boy was being unexpectedly honest. Their conversation might be easier if they were both fully rested.
"Okay," Kurt said.
Blaine shut the lights off and pulled the blankets over them. "Goodnight, Kurt," he said.
"Goodnight," Kurt mumbled. He couldn't help but snuggle into Blaine's hold. It was a nearly unconscious action. He craved Blaine's touch like nothing else.
As he drifted off, he could have sworn he heard Blaine say, "The things you do to me."