Something A Little Different
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Something A Little Different: Chapter 8

M - Words: 2,931 - Last Updated: Aug 27, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Dec 08, 2012 - Updated: Aug 27, 2013
148 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Chapter End Notes: Reviews?

Chapter Eight

Blaine watched from his Audi as the Cheerios filed out of the school late Friday afternoon. Only a few of the girls were still wearing their uniforms, most had changed into street clothes already. His eyes searched the small crown from behind dark sunglasses, before finding the person he was waiting on.

Kurt and Santana were the last two to come out of the double doors, and both seemed to be in a rush. Blaine briefly wondered where the other two girls Kurt hung around with were.

He was so busy watching for the male Cheerio, that he didn't notice the her walking towards his car.

"Hey baby," Quinn said leaning on the door of his car.

The girl had been been all over him since dinner the previous weekend, and nothing Blaine could do would get her to go away.

"Hey Q," he grunted tearing his eyes away from her friends.

As always, her blonde hair was pulled back in a high pony tail and she was smiling.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. "I thought you were taking me out tomorrow night?"

He sighed, trying to remember why he asked her out…again. He couldn't. Instead of answering, he said, "I'm waiting on Kurt."

He turned his eyes back towards the other boy. Blue eyes locked with his, and Blaine watched as a smile replaced the grimace across his face.

"Why?" Quinn asked, once again making him tear his attention away from the younger boy.

Blaine gave her a dark look. "Does it matter?" he asked.

Quinn huffed, "Blaine!"

He sighed with frustration. Nothing bothered him more than clingy, whinny girls and Quinn was definitely one of the worst ones he'd met. Especially since she seemed to hate him barely a week ago.

"What?" he snapped.

"I just-" she started. Then she said, "You spend more time with him than you do with me."

"Don't start that bullshit," he said. "It's fucking annoying."

"What bullshit?" she asked her voice going up a couple of octaves with anger.

Instead of responding to her, Blaine looked back to Kurt. He and Santana were nearly at his car, the latter of the two was glaring at him.

"Get in the car," he told the boy.

"Nice manners," he heard Santana mutter.

"Okay," Kurt said questioningly.

"Blaine," Quinn said as Kurt said bye to his friends.

"Don't Q," he stopped her. "That shit's not cool, and I really don't want to fucking deal with it."

"I'm supposed to be your girlfriend!" she screeched.

Rolling his eyes, Blaine started the car and took off. Kurt barely had time to close the door.

"What the hell, Blaine!" he yelled. Kurt quickly buckled his seatbelt in place and turned to look at the other boy.

"Sorry," Blaine said as he sped out of the parking lot and down the road. "She's being a jealous bitch and I really don't want to deal with it."

"What is she being jealous about?" Kurt asked.

"You," Blaine said simply. He pulled a cigarette out and lit up. The right of nicotine calmed his nerves. It also lessened the need to punch something. Not by much, but enough to allow him to focus on driving.

"Why is she jealous of me? I mean, I know she wants my spot as co-captain, but that wouldn't have anything to do with you.

"She thinks I spend more time with you than with her," he said.

"Blaine, you kind of do," Kurt pointed out softly.

"Fuck, why does it even matter? I took the bitch out like, twice. It's not like I'm her fucking boyfriend or some shit," Blaine said.

"Aren't you taking her out again tomorrow?"

"How is that fucking relevant?"

"You're the one that keeps asking her out; you are dating her. So don't be so pissed that she wants to spend time with you," Kurt pointed out.

"I never said I was her fucking boyfriend or whatever though."

"Then why do you keep asking her out if she bothers you so much?"

"She's fucking hot, Kurt. Why do you think I keep asking her out." It wasn't a question.

"She's not going to just sleep with you. Quinn's not that kind of girl."

"So am I wasting my fucking time then?" Blaine asked.

"Are you going to break up with her if she wont put out?"

"I don't do relationships," Blaine said. "I'm bad at them. Trust me, I've tried before."

"Then why did you ask her out? Three times?" Kurt asked.

His behavior was erratic, Blaine knew that. One minute he was asking her out being a perfect gentleman, the next he couldn't stand the sight of her. As pretty as she was, Quinn was everything he'd ever hated about the girls in his social circle. The only reason he was giving he the time of day was because she wasn't one of the girls in his social circle. She was an outsider that wouldn't cause too much of a scandal to bring in. But he hated the type of girl she was.

Finally, he said, "Because I was high as fuck when I asked her out the second time." And calling it off after the fact might have driven Kurt away from him. The other boy was the only person keeping him sane.

"Blaine," Kurt said softly.

The older boy didn't dare look at him. He took a long drag of his cigarette, trying to center himself. He didn't want to see the concern and disappointment in Kurt's eyes that he heard in his voice. Blaine wasn't used to having someone actually care about him and his well being, especially not someone he'd only known a few of weeks. And he'd definitely never wanted anyone to care.

"Can we just drop it?" Blaine asked as he shook his head trying to clear the thoughts out. The path they were taking wasn't one he was ready to explore.

"Sure," Kurt said softly. Then a little louder, he said, "Please don't hurt her."

"I'll try, Kurt," he said. "But I really can't promise you I wont."

"Thank you," Kurt said.

The rest of the drive was silent, and awkwardly so, except for the radio playing quietly in the background. Blaine was itching to get away, to put some distance between him and Kurt. It was the first time since he'd met the other boy that he didn't want to be closer to him.

"I'll be up in a few minutes," Blaine said passing the keys to Kurt after he parked in front of the Berry's house. "I just…" he struggled to find words to express how he felt.

"Take your time," Kurt said.

Once he disappeared into the house, Blaine took a deep breath. Finally, he was alone.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he screamed and grabbed his bag. Everything was too much, too fast. He needed a fix. He needed something familiar.

After digging through a few of the pockets Blaine found what he was looking for. Checking to make sure no neighbors were watching, he pulled the Ziplock filled with white powder out of the bag.

One of the many things having his car back helped with was him getting his hands on some drugs. His dealer was still in Columbus, and he didn't trust any of the trash around Lima to have anything good.

He dropped a pinch of the white powder into the hollow between his thumb and index finger. Within seconds of snorting it, bliss and warmth flooded his veins, and his head felt clearer.

Everything could be dealt with later, he decided. He slipped the baggy into his pants pocket and got out of the car.

Kurt had already taken his shoes off and spread out across his bed when Blaine got upstairs. His shoes were placed neatly at the foot of the bed while his textbooks and notes were spread messily around him. The Cheerio looked up from his English textbook as Blaine walked through the door.

"Everything good?" Kurt asked.

"Perfect," Blaine said flashing him a smile.

"Good. Now, Mister Anderson," Kurt said teasingly, "come teach me things."

"Oh I can teach you things," Blaine said jokingly. He ignored the heat that surged through his body, and climbed onto the bed next to Kurt.

"I bet you could," Kurt laughed.

Blaine winked at him and reached across the other boy to grab a book laying on the far side of the bed. "First, Chemistry," Blaine said.

"Ugh!" Kurt groaned and sat his English book aside.

"We could always start with calculus," Blaine suggested even though he already knew the answer.

"Science then math," Kurt said. "I'm less likely to commit murder that way."

Blaine laughed, and just like that any remaining tension between them was gone.

"Come here," Blaine said opening his arms to Kurt.

The younger boy moved close enough for their bodies to touch and rested his head against Blaine's shoulder. Blaine wrapped his free arm around Kurt and opened the book to the chapter they had left off on.

As he went through the chapter, explaining the main points and breaking down things for Kurt, Blaine occasionally stopped to make sure he was paying attention.

"Mmhmm," came Kurt's mumbled response every time.

Blaine shook his head and went back to explaining the different concepts.

Kurt was oddly affectionate when they were alone, not that Blaine minded. He liked having the boy so close to him.

"You're falling asleep," Blaine said halfway through explaining the lesson they went over in Calculus earlier.

"Long day," Kurt mumbled.

"Try to pay attention, We're almost done."

"Your voice doesn't help," Kurt mumbled.

Blaine chuckled, and said, "Take a nap. I'll wake you up before you have to be home."

He pulled away from Kurt and unceremoniously shoved the textbooks and papers onto the floor as he spoke.

"Okay," Kurt said.

Blaine pulled the blankets back and helped Kurt lay down. Once he was settled, the dark haired boy went to climb off the bed, but a hand grabbing his arm stopped him.

"Stay, please," Kurt whispered.

Kurt's bright blue eyes were staring at him pleading with him to stay when he looked down.

"Sure," Blaine said, and kicked his shoes off. He climbed under the covers and Kurt snuggled into him, using his chest as a pillow, and passed out.

With a sigh, Blaine grabbed his phone off the nightstand.

To: Wes


I'm so fucked.

He waited for the text to send before shutting the ringer off on his phone and setting and alarm for nine thirty. After shoving it under his pillow, Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt and drifted off.

"Wake up." Blaine's breath blew hotly across Kurt's neck, sending shivers down his spine.

"Nuh-uh," the boy mumbled sleepily and snuggled deeper into the Blaine's arms, which were wrapped tightly around him. He buried his face into the other boy's neck.

The blankets were soft and heavy around them, trapping the heat from Blaine's body around the two boys. A gentle laugh washed over him, and the dark haired boy pulled away.

"No," Kurt whined and tried to pull him back.

"Yes," Blaine said. "I have to get you home."

Suddenly, the blankets were gone, and he was being pulled into a sitting position.

Kurt blinked at his friend, confused. The last thing he remembered was Blaine explaining chemical bonds. He glanced around the room, which very much was not what he expected. The soft white walls of his room was missing, and instead he saw the dark red walls of Blaine's rooms. Which explained why Blaine was waking him up.

"What time is it?" Kurt asked, his voice rough with sleep.

"A little after nine-thirty," Blaine said.

"I fell asleep." After he said it, Kurt wanted to slap himself for saying something so stupid. Of course he fell asleep.

"We both did. Now, come on, I really don't want to get you into any trouble."

Kurt nodded and slipped out of the bed. As he gathered his things off the floor, he thought about the drastic differences in Blaine's personality. He could go from being incredibly self-centered and rude, to being one of the sweetest people Kurt had ever met. It was strange, and often discerning. Yet, it only served to make Kurt want to get closer to the older boy. Get to know him. Everything about him intrigued Kurt. Blaine was incredibly unpredictable, and Kurt never knew what he might do. He was like a wild animal that wandered up one day, and wouldn't stop following him around.

And Kurt realized, in that moment, he liked it. He liked seeing the different sides of Blaine. He liked being the only person in Lima that really got to see those sides. And he never wanted it to stop. Kurt never wanted Blaine to go away.

He also realized he was so very screwed.

"You ready?" Blaine asked pulling Kurt away from his thoughts.

Afraid to speak, the Cheerio just nodded his head.

He followed Blaine through the quiet, dark house, and out to the car.

Blaine didn't question his silence on the short drive to his house. Kurt guessed the other boy thought he was still tired. Kurt let him assume that, wrong as it was.

Kurt thought about how he could get the unwanted thoughts out of his head. There was no way he would be able to look Quinn in the eyes if he didn't. She would see straight through him. In all the years they had been friends, Kurt had never been able to keep anything from the girl.

Lost in thought, he didn't notice the car turning off. Nor did he notice Blaine getting out.

"Let's get you inside," Blaine said opening the passenger side door. He held out his hand for the younger boy.

He took the outstretched hand, and allowed Blaine to help him climb from the car. As they walked Blaine let go of his hand, and placed his own on the center of Kurt's back. The younger boy leaned into the touch in instinct, and called his body a traitor for reacting that way.

They stopped in front of the door for Kurt to pull his keys out of his bag. However, before he could open the door, Blaine pulled him into a tight hug. Kurt fell into it, resting his head against Blaine's shoulder as though it belonged there. He wrapped his arms around the dark haired boy's neck, and let Blaine's body heat once again envelop him.

"Get some sleep," Blaine whispered into his hair, still holding him closely.

Eventually, Kurt pulled away. As he did Kurt pressed a soft kiss to Blaine's cheek.

"Goodnight, Blaine," Kurt said and let himself into the house.

Once he was in the house, he leaned against the closed door trying to calm his beating heart.

What have I done, Kurt thought desperately.

He was panicking. Of all the stupid things he could have done, he just had to kiss Blaine. It may have only been on the cheek, but that wasn't the point.

Blaine was straight. Sure, he was okay with hanging around with Kurt, even hanging out with him alone. That was more than any of the other guys he knew would do. Not even Puck, who until a couple of weeks ago, Kurt would have considered his best guy friend, was willing to spend so much time with him alone.

Puck would beat the shit out of him if he ever tried something like that with him. Blaine may have seemed accepting on the outside. He may have gone to an all-boys school, and have close friends that were gay.

But he was straight. He was dating, however reluctantly, Quinn. He was friends with Puck in a way Kurt would never be. Blaine could be terribly violent. And Kurt had just made a move on him.

He couldn't even imagine the hell Blaine would put him through. Reliving the misery Karofsky put him through before he joined the Cheerios was not high on his list of things to do. The only reason the football player no longer bothered him was because of the Cheerios. It was doubtful threats from Coach Sylvester would deter Blaine.

Tears welled up in his eyes and his breathing became erratic at the thoughts. Not just of what Blaine might do, but the things Kurt would let him do. More and more, Blaine was becoming a drug. Once that Kurt couldn't get enough of, and would do anything to keep around.

Taking a deep breath, and pushed himself off the door. He would worry tomorrow, he decided.

Walking farther into the house, Kurt found his father sitting into his favorite chair watching the news.

"I'm home," he said.

"Cutting it close, Kid," Burt Hummel said without looking away from the television.

"Sorry Dad."

His father paused the television and turned to look at him. "Who is he?" Burt asked.

"Who is who?"

"The guy you're spending all this time with?"

"Blaine? He's tutoring me in Calculus."

Burt grunted, "Sure."

"What does that mean?"

"This kid's just tutoring you, my ass," Burt said. "I've heard some interesting things about him from Finn."

"Finn's an idiot," Kurt pointed out.

"Well, we're not talking about Finn."

"Nothing's happening with Blaine," Kurt said. Oh how he wished it were though. "He's just a friend that's helping me in Calculus."

"I'm sure that's all he wants," Burt said.

Kurt rolled his eyes at his dad's overprotectiveness. Sometimes it was nice, other times it drove him crazy. This was one of the times it drove him crazy.

"He's dating Quinn, Dad. Trust me, he isn't interested."

"But you are." Oh how his dad could read him so well.

Kurt opted not to say anything. Instead he went upstairs and got ready for bed.

There was no way he could talk to his dad about the mess he was making of his life. The one person he usually would turn too was completely out of the question. Even if Blaine wasn't right about Quinn's jealousy, Kurt couldn't tell her he was crushing on her boyfriend. None of his other friends could be trusted to keep their mouths quiet about it either.

He would just have to wait for morning, when he could talk to Carol. Maybe she could help him figure something out. If nothing else, he could trust her not to tell everyone.


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