April 6, 2016, 7 p.m.
April 6, 2016, 7 p.m.
Kurt woke up the next morning and instantly noticed the lack of warm arms wrapped around him. He lazily reached back for Blaine's hand, but found nothing. He suddenly didn't feel very sleepy anymore and hopped out of bed.
"Blaine?" he called out into his apartment from his doorway. He wandered into his kitchen and spotted a note sitting on the table.
I'm sorry. I can't do this. Please don't think it didn't mean anything to me. – B
Kurt stood there frozen for a moment. What did I do? Kurt ran over last night quickly in head. He realized that he had initiated everything they had done. What if he didn't want to? No, of course he did. Maybe he just got caught up in the moment? Maybe he just got caught up in old feelings that don't mean anything anymore?
Kurt grabbed his phone and hit number one on his speed dial. The other line picked up after two rings.
"Hello? Kurt is everything okay? It's really early."
Kurt glanced over at the clock. 6:30. Huh. "Rachel, I did something really stupid last night."
"Weren't you with Blaine last night? What did you – oh my god, you slept with him!"
"Well, I – yeah."
"Kurt," she said her tone now sympathetic, but not losing a bit of its judgmental tone. "Do you even remember how long it took you to get over him the first time?"
"No, not at all," Kurt snapped. " I went out with one other guy the entire time I was at NYADA, Rachel. It's pretty hard to forget. I just thought maybe – this was a second chance for us," Kurt said, his voice becoming soft and broken and began pacing throughout his home.
"Oh, Kurt. It sounds like you thought about it beforehand so why are you regretting it now? Were you drunk? Did you forget protection? Was it bad?"
"No," he said softly, "he's just not here."
"He left a note."
"It said that he couldn't do this, he was sorry, and 'Please don't think it didn't mean anything to me.'"
Rachel was silent for a moment. Then abruptly her voice became high pitched and began ringing out of the phone, "WHO DOES THAT SON OF A BITCH THINK THAT HE IS? BREAKING YOUR HEART ONCE WASN'T ENOUGH FOR HIM? I THOUGHT THAT BACK IN HIGH SCHOOL HE JUST MADE A MISTAKE, BUT THIS IS UNFORGIVABLE!"
She continued to scream, but Kurt held the phone away from his ear and rubbed his head. This is not what he needed right now.
"Rach. Rach!" He said over her. "I'm gonna go."
She sighed. "Alright. If you need anything, and I mean anything Kurt Hummel, do hesitate to call. Got it?"
"Yes. Talk to you later."
Kurt laid back on his bed feeling defeated. He played back over every part of the previous night in his head over and over. He couldn't find a flaw though. To him at least, last night had been absolutely perfect.
He sang Teenage Dream to me before I fell asleep. Was that supposed to be some kind of cruel joke? Sing the song that makes me fall in love with him then slip out? Kurt was trying to convince himself of all these horrible things so he could make Blaine out to be the bad guy so he could just hate him forever. However, he wasn't having much luck. None of it made any sense. It just wasn't Blaine. He laid on his bed like that for a while going back and forth until his phone buzzing snapped him back to reality. He answered it without even glancing at the caller ID.
"Hello?" he mumbled.
"Where are you? You were supposed to come in and get your shirt refitted fifteen minutes ago."
He sat right up. Shit. He looked over at the clock that read 8:45. When had that happened? "I am so, so sorry. I am feeling a little under the weather and I guess I just fell back asleep after my alarm went off. I will be there in 20 minutes."
"If you're sick maybe you should just stay home and rest – "
"No! That extra hour has me feeling better already. See you soon."
Kurt went through his day on autopilot. He got his costume fitting done then remained at the theater rehearsing for hours even though he knew the show backwards and could perform scenes that weren't even his own in his sleep. By the time his performance actually rolled around, he poured emotion and outright frustration into his performance that he had never done before. For a moment, he was a little concerned that his director would have a fit about it but couldn't entirely bring himself to care.
When he returned home, he closed the door to his apartment and slumped down against it as he began to sob. He sat there like that for a while and continued to bawl until he ran out the energy. This is so not fair. He already made me feel like this once, why is he allowed to do it again? He smacked him head off the door in frustration as realization dawned on him. Because I let him. I can't let another person in on this planet, but when it comes to him I give chances he doesn't deserve.
The next morning Kurt woke up and he was done feeling sorry for himself. This pity party was over. Now, he was angry. This wasn't who he was anymore. He was way too strong a person to sit around crying over some guy no matter who he was. He didn't have to sit around wondering what he did wrong, or why Blaine didn't care if he hurt him like this. He wanted answers so he was going to get them.
He took an extra long time making himself look as irresistible as possible because Blaine had made his confidence in himself waver in a way it hadn't done in years, and he was going to regret it. He pulled on the tightest pair of jeans he owned and got him hair just so before grabbing his bag and walking out the door.
It was still a little early, but he couldn't give two shits about whether he woke Blaine up, so he pounded on his door anyway.
To his surprise, Santana opened the door. "Oh. Hi, Kurt," she said nervously. What the hell? Santana doesn't get nervous. What is she evening doing here?
He noticed Blaine over her shoulder was sitting on the couch looking a wreck. Brittany was sitting beside him talking softly probably, Kurt guessed, in complete nonsense. Kurt wavered for a moment unsure he actually understood the situation, but he didn't back down.
"I need to talk to Blaine right now."
At the sound of Kurt's voice, Blaine's head shot up.
"Kurt?" he said weakly.
"You really didn't think I'd want answers? Do you really think that I don't deserve them? After everything, Blaine, don't you think that I at least deserve that?" Kurt asked exasperated.
Blaine sighed, not meeting Kurt's eye. "You're right. Of course you deserve answers. We should talk."