In The Blink of an Eye
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In The Blink of an Eye: Chapter 4

E - Words: 1,303 - Last Updated: Apr 06, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Apr 06, 2016 - Updated: Apr 06, 2016
147 0 0 0 0

For the next few days, Kurt and Blaine talked all the time. They talked on the phone and texted constantly, and Kurt had even stopped by the store two more times. Blaine couldn't really figure out what they were exactly. He knew strictly speaking they were just friends, but that just didn't feel right even if they obviously couldn't be anything more. Blaine was too worried about getting his hopes up that it took him a while to even notice the small stuff.

Kurt is flirting with me. He thought finally reading a text from him and grinning. But what the hell does that mean? Blaine managed to avoid any opportunities that would give Lacey a chance to ask him about Kurt for a few days. He made sure they were around a customer when interacting or busied himself with telephone calls. But Saturday morning, one week after he had seen Kurt again for the first time, she was waiting for him the second he got into the store.

"Should have known that you kept the storage room so clean just so that you could take guys up there."

"Hello to you too, Lacey."

"Yeah, yeah. Hello, Blaine. Good morning. It's good to see you. How was your night? You get laid?" she shot back with a grin.

Blaine simply sighed. "Okay, fine. In all seriousness, what's going on between you two? You've barely dated anyone in the two years that I've known you because you were waiting around for this guy to come back to you."

"Don't be so dramatic. I haven't been waiting around for him. I only mentioned him in passing a few times after the first time I told you about him. And you're the one who asked about my first love."

"Yes I asked you a simple question out of curiosity. You're the one whose eyes light up as you said his name and made it into a beautiful love story," she quipped.

"You're exaggerating. I'd hardly call my cheating on the love of my life and breaking his heart a beautiful love story," he said not meeting her eye.

"The love of your life? Blaine do you hear yourself?" she asked, incredulous. He was quiet for a really long time. She finally opened her mouth to apologize, realizing that she had probably been out of line, when he started to speak.

"I – I think I always believed that part of me would always love him. That's what they say about first loves, right? I tried dating other people, but none of them ever made me feel a fraction of what I felt with him. I started to think that maybe that was my one shot for love, and I blew it. I didn't think I'd ever get to feel like that again. Now, he's back and all these old feelings are coming back, and it sort of feels like a second chance." Lacey watched him for a second unsure how to respond. "It all has to be in my head though. Why the hell would Kurt want me? I don't deserve him. I don't think that I ever have."

"Blaine, sweetie, you made one mistake back in high school. That was what? Five years ago?Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone. Unfortunately, your mistake hurt the man that you love, but you know what? He forgave you. It's time you forgave yourself."

Blaine nodded. "You're right. I just wish I knew how." Blaine's phone started ringing, and he looked down at the caller ID. Kurt. "Hello?"

"Hi. You're not busy at work, right?" Blaine glanced around as the store began to fill up with customers.

"No, I can talk." He threw Lacey a pleasing look, but she just waved him off.

"I got this. Take all the time you need," she assured.

Thank you, he mouthed. "

Okay, good. So, I don't know if I told you this, but my show doesn't run on Mondays, and I was wondering if you wanted to celebrate my first night off with me?"

Blaine's heart fluttered. "Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking something that involves minimal moving. I'm exhausted. Movie night at my place work for you?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Fantastic. See you then." "See you then."

Blaine walked back towards the front counter in a daze. "What are you grinning about?"

Was I grinning? Huh.

"I'm going to Kurt's on Monday night."

"Guess it's lucky I'm already scheduled to open up Tuesday morning." She said with a wink.

"It's not like that. We're just friends. Kurt doesn't see me in that way anymore."

"Whatever you say boss."

Despite his own assurance that it was no big deal, as Monday wore on, Blaine got more and more nervous. He spent twenty minutes deciding whether on not to gel his hair. Once he had finally made his decision and had gelled it and picked out the perfect outfit, he ended up taking a second shower to wash it back out. By the time he arrived at Kurt's door he was surprised he wasn't shaking. Kurt opened the door and instantly raked his eyes over Blaine. Oh my god, is he checking me out? What do I do?

"I like your hair like that," Kurt commented as he was already turning away and heading back into his apartment as Blaine decided to never gel his hair again for the rest of his life. Blaine shut the door quickly and trailed behind Kurt like a lost puppy.

"So what are we watching in celebration this lovely day off?" Blaine barely noticed what movie they were watching because Kurt was so close to him that it was intoxicating. Kurt started to doze only a few minutes in and finally fell asleep on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine tried not to move wanting to let him sleep, and he was doing it partly because he enjoyed having him close as well. What was the harm in that? Eventually, Kurt's head a lowered down so that he was lying in Blaine's lap, and that was when Blaine had to put a stop to it. Getting a hard on from feeling Kurt's breath down so low would not play out well any scenario. "Kurt," Blaine whispered. "You fell asleep."

" 'M tired," a half conscious Kurt muttered.

"I know, but you need to wake up." Kurt finally opened his eyes and realized the situation, and he darted up quickly. "Oh my god. Blaine, I'm so sorry. I invited you over then fell asleep on you! Oh gosh." Kurt looked so frazzled and embarrassed that it was adorable.

Blaine couldn't help just staring at him. God, he was beautiful. Blaine knew Kurt better than anyone, so he was pretty well aware that Kurt was going to blush and look away. Except that he didn't. He watched him right on back. Next thing he knew, Kurt was leaning in and brushing his lips over Blaine's. Blaine's eyes fluttered closed. Kurt pulled away much too quickly. When Blaine opened his eyes he expected to see Kurt looking regretful; instead, Kurt's expression seemed to be challenging him. Blaine leaned over and kissed him more eagerly. Kurt reciprocated by leaning Blaine back until his back was pressed against the coach and Kurt was lying on top of him. He moved his lips from Blaine's to start sucking on Blaine's neck, eliciting a moan for Blaine. Kurt, shocked back into reality, jumped off of him instantly. Blaine felt a sinking inside of him. He was so confused. Kurt was the one who initiated everything they had done. He didn't know what had happened, but he felt completely rejected. "It's getting late," he said even though he had no idea what time it was. "I should be getting home."

Kurt just stared, his expression unreadable. Blaine got up and walked quickly to the door. But when he grabbed the knob, a hand caught his wrist. And turned to see Kurt's pleading eyes on him. "Stay."


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