In The Blink of an Eye
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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In The Blink of an Eye: Chapter 3

E - Words: 1,421 - Last Updated: Apr 06, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Apr 06, 2016 - Updated: Apr 06, 2016
146 0 0 0 0

"Come inside," Blaine echoed. Kurt hadn't said it suggestively. In fact, he had said it like he hadn't actually wanted Blaine to hear. "I'd love to, but I actually have a really early day tomorrow at the store. I should really be getting home."

Kurt looked away again.

"I'd like to see you again though," Blaine added triggering a smile from Kurt. "Most friends don't go five years without seeing each other every time, right?"

"I've actually been curious about your store for a while. Maybe I could stop in tomorrow and see it?"

"Not to busy being a Broadway star?" Blaine teased.

Kurt smiled. "Now that it's started, I'll mostly be free during the day and doing performances in the evenings."

Blaine nodded, thinking about all that free time Kurt could be spending with him. It takes him a second to remember Kurt's proposition. "I'd really like it if you'd stop by. I'll be there pretty much all day."

"See you tomorrow then," Kurt said turning on his heels and walking towards his building. Tomorrow.

Kurt walked into the store at 8:05, and Blaine's heart leaped. He hadn't expected him to get there for hours.

"What are you doing up right now? If I didn't have to work I would be asleep for at least another few hours."

"You know I was never one for sleeping in. That was your job. There's so much to be done. Why should I waste precious time?" He smiled dreamily. "Besides have you seen how beautiful it is out today?"

"So were talking about the weather now, I see. What happened to the hard hitting questions?" Blaine teased.

Kurt laughed and suddenly everything seemed brighter. That laugh, how did I go years without hearing that laugh? Blaine decided that even with all the sounds he had heard in the last five years to compare it to, that one was still the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. There was no competition. "Alright then. Is that how it's gonna be? How about you tell me about your ex who I mentioned last night who made you turn white as a sheet."


Blaine expected, after that reaction, that Kurt would just try to drop it. The more times they had spoken, however, the more sure of himself Kurt was becoming and was continuing to fall back into his old self, and Blaine was eating it up.

Kurt looked at him expectantly.

"He was no one, really."

"If he was no one why did you remember him?" Kurt challenged.

"We went out for a few months, but it never really went anywhere. Both of us were moslut just in it for the physical side of the relationship," Blaine stated then bit his tongue at his own bluntness.

Kurt, however, didn't seem affected. "Figured. He was all over you. Plus, he wasn't really your type."

"My type?"

"You know. Lanky. Pale. Fashionable. Amazing hair –"

"Gorgeous," Blaine supplied without thinking. Kurt used to be the person he told everything to, and it was so easy to go right back to just being comfortable around him. But they were just friends now, and there had to be boundaries.

He couldn't deny, however, he was thoroughly enjoying the fact that Kurt was now blushing. "I should stop distracting you," Kurt said changing the subject. "I can look around and let you work."

"Oh yes. You should definitely stop distracting me from all of my customers," Blaine joked gesturing to the empty store.

"You could still have something to do. Phone calls. Paperwork."

"What kind of paperwork exactly?" Blaine said grinning.

"Oh, I don't know! I know nothing about owning a business."

"Me either."

Kurt's laugh filled the entire store, and suddenly it didn't feel remotely empty anymore.

Blaine just grinned like an idiot.

"I'd still like to see your store, though."

"One of my employees will be here any minute then I'll give you a tour."


"What are you grinning like that for?"

"You have employees."

Blaine grinned back. "I can't exactly be here all the time."

"I know, I know. It's just weird to think about. You're so grown up."

"Kurt, you're on Broadway. My accomplishments are virtually nothing in comparison. You're living out your dream."

"I am," Kurt agreed. "That doesn't mean you haven't accomplished anything, and I can't be proud of you."

Before Blaine could respond, the door to the shop swung open.

"Hey, Blaine," a girl, not much younger than them, twenty or so, said walking in the door. "Sorry, I'm a little late. Traffic. Geez," she said looking around, "it's a ghost town in here." She saw Kurt and her expression turned apologetic. "I didn't realize you were with a customer. I can go work in storage or something."

"Not a problem, Lacey. Actually, this is a friend of mine."

"Oh?" she said questioning.

Kurt smiled, offering his hand. "Kurt."

Her eyes lit up with recognition as she was clearly trying not to react. She shook his hand. "Lacey."

Kurt's phone started buzzing, and he reached into his bag to search for it. Lacey took the opportunity to give Blaine a knowing look. He glared at her, confirming her suspicions.

"Hello?" Kurt said answering his phone. My director, he mouthed walking to the other side of the room.

"Oh my god," Lacey hissed softly. "What is your ex boyfriend who you've been hung up on forever doing here? Are you trying to get him back?"

"No. And I'm not hung up on him, Lace. Last night was the first time I even saw him in years and –"

"Last night? You were together last night and this morning? You are so fucking. Please tell me your fucking," she begged this time barely managing to keep down her voice.

"No. We're not. And I don't really think that is an appropriate way to speak to your boss."

"Oh, please. This is how I always speak to you. You just don't want to talk about this because you're not ready to admit you still looove –"

"How bout that tour?" Blaine said loudly over top of her. Lacey turned around, and Kurt walking towards them.

"Sure. It was lovely meeting you," he said to Lacey.

"You too," she said before turning to Blaine to give a "this conversation isn't over" look and walking behind the register.

Kurt followed behind Blaine as he began pointing out different areas of the store.

"We keep all the sheet music up here, and most of the instruments are more towards the back of the store."

Kurt stopped following Blaine and headed straight back towards the instruments.

"Alrighty then," Blaine muttered.

"Do you still play?" Kurt asked gesturing to one of the guitars.

"Of course."

"What about piano?"

He nodded.


"I never played the drums," Blaine pointed out.

"But you always wanted to learn. Did you?"

"Yes," he admitted. "You know me too well." He realized how weird the statement was after it came out of his mouth. All that time apart and Kurt still knew him better than anyone. He wondered if it was a bad thing that it had been years and he was barely any different. Kurt didn't seem much different either. He was a little more confident; he had certainly grown as a performer. Basically, he was a slightly more amazing version of the already perfect boy he fell in love with in high school. Shouldn't have expected any less.

"Where's this door go?" Kurt asked curiously.

"Staircase," he said unlocking the door to show him.

"There's an upstairs?" He asked with childlike excitement.

"Just for storage."

"Oh. Show me anyway?"

"Of course," he said opening the door and gesturing for Kurt to enter first.

"Always the perfect gentleman."

The stairs leading up to the second floor were almost completely pitch black. Kurt reached his hand back and latched it tightly onto Blaine's. When they reached the top and Blaine flicked on the lights, Kurt dropped Blaine's hand, blushing.

"This is the most organized storage space I've ever seen. Only you, Blaine." He said smiling and shaking his head. "And it's so clean! You vacuum up here don't you?"

"Sometimes Lacey –"

"Just admit it, Blaine."

Blaine simply shrugged. "If it wasn't so neat and clean up here I wouldn't be able to do this," he said plopping down on the floor, resting back on his hands with his legs stretched out in front of him.

"You could always just bring up a chair or, I don't know, go back downstairs," Kurt suggested.

"You're just trying to avoid the inevitable of you joining me down here."

"You could just show me around."

"This is the only room, Kurt."

"Fine," he said crossing his arms and lowering to the floor. He mimicked Blaine's position and extended his legs out in front of him. He moved his hands behind him to lean back on and accidently rested one of his hands on top of Blaine's, but he didn't pull away. For a while they just sat like that, not saying a word.


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