May 25, 2013, 1 p.m.
May 25, 2013, 1 p.m.
Kurt looked back up to Blaine's honey eyes and nodded, with a shy, beautiful smile "I'd love to" the smile grew and Blaine just... couldn't handle it so he leaned forward and kissed him.
Kurt thought he was dreaming. It was perfect. Blaine's lips were so soft and they moved graciously against his; this definitely was the best day ever.... Until they parted
Blaine was feeling breathless. With Kurt's lips and his face so close, it was amazing. But the bell rang....
At Kurt's confused face, Blaine explained "The bell rang; I better go check it out. I'll be back very soon, okay? Just... stay here" he smiled and made his way downstairs.
Kurt stood there a little shocked, he will never get over the fact that he had a boyfriend now... BOYFRIEND! That was such a foreign word to him, so he just laid down on Blaine's bed and closed his eyes with a happy smile "Blaine"
"I'M COMING" Blaine yelled from the bottom of the stairs to the person who thought it was a great idea to interrupt the most perfect moment of his life ugh, it better not be the mailman. Super cockblock
OH MY GOD, NO WAY! Blaine knew that voice. He has been living with that voice for the last 14 years of his existence. But this is so random; he was supposed to come home on Saturday. He rushed to the door and opened it
"What's up bro? Not happy to see me?" Charlie said engulfing Blaine in a bear hug. Of course Blaine missed him; Charlie was his partner in crime when the guys were not around, but he kind of hates him right now
"CHARLIE! Of course I'm happy to see you, I'm just...surprised, I thought you were coming tomorrow" Blaine said finally smiling after the shock.
"YEAH! But I missed you guys WAY too much! Where is mom?" Charlie said looking around stepping back from the hug
"Working" Blaine said like it was obvious
"Oh right, I forgot mom works now! That sucks Blainey! What are you gonna do when I go to Dalton on week days?"
Thank you Charlie, I actually hadn't thought about that until now! "Uhm...I have friends you know so I'll probably hang out with them"
Charlie started walking around the living room and kitchen "Dios! mom did a very good job here! It looks almost as our house in San Juan"
"Yeah, it does! And speaking of San Juan... how's everything there?" Blaine sat on the couch and waited for Charlie to do so too. It was good to be back with Charlie and his craziness
"It's good, living la vida loca, you know! Met a few chicas at the beach party a few days ago but, nothing else. What about you, Tigre" Charlie smiled wickedly, what is wrong with him?
"Uhm, slightly calmer. No girls' fun! I joined the Glee club at school, dad got me a car, made some friends... the usual" Charlie laughed
"I saw the car. Sweet ride bro!"
There were footsteps sounds behind them and Charlie looked back at the stairs Kurt, I forgot about him!SHIT
"Blaine, is everything okay?" Kurt said coming down the stairs "You were taking so long and I thought something bad had happ-"
"Hi" Charlie said smiling with all teeth showing and a glint in his brown eyes
Blaine rose from the couch and went to stand by Kurt's side "Uhm... Kurt this is my little brother, Charlie, he just arrived from Puerto Rico... just now... out of nowhere"
Kurt was shocked, he wasn't expecting to meet Blaine's family so soon, and definitely not JUST after they became boyfriends. He waved at Charlie, but Charlie wasn't haven't it
Charlie stood up from the couch as well and walked toward his brother and Kurt "Hello, there! It looks like my big bro forgot to tell me about his new friend! Let me introduce myself properly; my name is Charles Thomas Anderson II, my family and friends call me Charlie, but you... "Wink "...Can call me whatever you want"
"Errr, I think I'll just go with Charlie too" Kurt said blushing a little. What is it with these Anderson boys and flirting? He was confused and a little overwhelmed
"Charlie... please" Blaine said sighing. Charlie has always been like this: flirty and inappropriate with everyone, EVERYONE. It doesn't matter the gender or age. It must be the Anderson genes... HAS to be
"Okay, okay, easy there Tigre! Care to explain why this good looking boy, was hidden upstairs and you never told me anything?"
"He wasn't hidden! We were upstairs in my room when you got here- Wait, why am I explaining myself TO YOU?" Blaine said blushing a bit and looking a little annoyed
"ooooooh, you were BOTH in your bedroom? In an empty house? For god knows how long? "Charlie laughed and Blaine smiled, let's face it, Charlie is his brother and Blaine's entire family can read him like a Harry Potter book
"Charlie, this is my.... Boyfriend, Kurt" Blaine said the last part looking at Kurt and Kurt, who had been so very confused throughout the brothers' exchange, met him halfway and smiled so big. Blaine had just introduced him to his brother as his boyfriend and Kurt will never get tired of hearing him say it
Charlie smiled "I'm happy for you, Blainey! Now I want to know everything, because I haven't seen you in a week and you already have a boyfriend... SAY WUT?" All three of them laughed and went to sit in the living room
"This is so weird, we just got together... literally 5 minutes ago and we already have to tell our story to someone... to your brother" Kurt said to Blaine smiling, because... How could he not smile right now?
"I know, but look at the bright side... you haven't stopped smiling, that must be worth some of the awkwardness, at least it is for me" Blaine said taking Kurt's hand and noticing the bracelet was on "It looks beautiful" he said tracing his thumb against the gems
"I'm waiting...." And Charlie had to ruin a perfect, intimate moment... again
Blaine sighed and decided to just go with it "We met the second day of school and Kurt was actually my very first friend there. And I don't know, it must sound crazy and like we are going very fast, but since the first time I saw him sitting there, on the floor against the lockers, I knew he was something else... and here we are! I felt like I just had to do it. I couldn't keep the feeling locked up any longer" Blaine rambled and looked at Kurt again. Kurt's eyes were a little misty because, Blaine has never said THAT to him. Why am I being so emotional?
"That is so sweet, I'm about to vomit. It is very fas,t if I have to say so myself! But we all know how strongly you feel about things, so I'm okay with it! What does mom say about this? I bet she already guessed you liked someone before you did, right?" They both laughed because it was true
"Wait- your mom knew? How?" Kurt asked because if he was being honest, he felt like everyone else knew Blaine's feelings but him
"Eeerr" Blaine brought his free hand, that wasn't holding Kurt's, up and scratched his neck "Yeah... my entire family is, apparently, able to read me and know what is going on with me even before I do, especially my mom" Kurt giggled at the adorableness of his boyfriend. HIS boyfriend
"Oh okay! I hope I can get there too, to be able to read you as well" and he really did want to. He wanted to know everything about Blaine and wanted Blaine to know everything about him
"Believe me, you will get there. Especially with Blaine's facial expressions, those give him away immediately" Charlie laughed again
"Okay, enough Charlie! Your room is next to mine, the one with the wooden door, mom thought you might like that detail. With that I'm off to the backyard with my boyfriend. ADIOSSSS"
Blaine got up dragging a giggling Kurt out to the backyard and leaving smirking Charlie behind to fins his room by himself
"That was... interesting" Kurt said once he recovered from his giggles. "I never expected to meet your family so early in our relationship" Blaine looked t Kurt and smiled shyly "What?"
"Our relationship! I can't believe you agreed to be my boyfriend, I totally expected you to freak out and run away. That why I gave you food first, so you could at least have energy for the run" Blaine looked at away. He walked them to the chairs on one side of the pool
"I could never say 'No' to you" Kurt said and smiled
"Thank you"
"By the way, this backyard is AMAZING!" Kurt said looking around and sitting down
"It's all my mom's doing, so you can tell her that when you meet her" at Kurt's terrified face Blaine elaborated "that won't be today, though. She's going to dinner with my dad after work"
"Okay, that would have been a little bit too overwhelming for this day" Kurt laughed and looked down when he felt pressure on his right hand
"I really am happy right now! Thank you" Blaine said with so much emotion on his voice that Kurt had to look back up.
"I'm really happy too, Blaine" Kurt leaned forward and joined their lips once more. This time, the kiss was slow and full of all the feelings they both shared for each other. They never noticed their photo being taken by Charlie from the other side of the pool. They were happy in their own world
An hour full of kissing and talking later, Kurt announced he had to leave.
"I had the best time today, Blaine. Thank you for everything" Kurt said looking down at his wrist leaving the message unsaid. Of course Blaine already knew what he was leaving aside
"I'm gonna miss you" Blaine said looking at Kurt and hugging him
I really like it when he hugs me
"I like hugging you too" Kurt needs some mouth filter
"I wasn't supposed to say that" Kurt said when they broke the hug "that was going to be my very own guilty pleasure" They both laughed
"I'm sure you can think of another guilty pleasure involving me, baby" Blaine winked
This was the first time Blaine used any kind of endearment with him, unless you count the "papi" thing, so Kurt was a little surprised
"Uhm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, you probably don't even like to be called that and I'm just assu-"
"Blaine! It's fine, I-I like it" Kurt smiled because, yeah, he liked it... a lot "I like endearments"
"okay then, because I would love using them with you" Blaine finished pecking Kurt on the lips "Text me when you get home okay?"
"Of course!" Kurt pecked Blaine as well "Bye"
And with that Kurt was out the house- WAIT! He turned around and knocked on the door
"What happened, babe?" Blaine said when he opened the front door to see kurt with a shy and guilty smile
"uhm... I kinda don't know how to get home..." oh right, his car is at the shop
Blaine decided to make this a movie-like moment "Would you like a ride home, handsome?" Yes, now he could say these stuff to Kurt; because he was his boyfriend now SCORE!
"Please" Kurt looks the cutest when he blushes
"Let me grab my car keys, hold on" Blaine almost tripped on the carpet on his way to the little table where all the family members leave their keys at. "Let's go"
They made their way to Blaine's car. With Blaine opening Kurt's door, of course.
"I'm sorry; I totally forgot you didn't have a car. I guess I'm still biased by this whole afternoon to think properly" Blaine chuckled
"Don't worry, I'm just glad we can spend a little more time together before we part" such a drama queen
"True! So, what are you doing tomorrow?" Blaine asked. If Kurt was free, he had some nice plans for them
"Uhm... nothing I think, are you asking me out Mr. Anderson?" Kurt flirted. He felt like if with Blaine, he could do anything and not feel embarrassed.
"Yes I am. Can I pick you up at... 11?" Blaine asked looking at the road with a suspicious smile
"Early bird! Yes you can. Are you going to tell me what are we doing or, are you one of those guys who like to keep people in suspense?" Kurt joked
"Oh you bet I am!" They laughed. It was always so easy to let go when with Blaine, or around him. That is one of the things with which Kurt knew Blaine was worth it.
They arrived at the Hummel household and Kurt saw his dad's truck parked on the entryway. Should he tell his dad about what happened today, or not?
"Are you going to tell your dad about me?" Blaine already knew him well enough
"I think I am, I mean, your parents already know about me so I think I should tell him about you" Kurt was confident, his dad trusted him and he knew he would be happy for him "Besides, I think he already suspects something was up before I did"
Blaine laughed "I guess that's a parents' thing"
Kurt looked outside the window and saw the lights on. "I guess I have to go now"
"I know" Blaine said grabbing Kurt by the cheek and kissing him on the lips one last time
Once they parted, Kurt and Blaine had the biggest grins on their faces "I'll text you tomorrow, sweet dreams, Kurt"
"Have a good night, Blaine"
Kurt entered his house and saw his dad sitting on the kitchen stool with a cup of tea on his hand " Hey kiddo! How was your date?"
"DAD! It was not a date" though, it felt like it in the end
"That was not what I thought after you spent almost 20 minutes inside that kid's car outside. Besides, I can see it in your entire face that something good happened. You look happy" Yeah, Blaine was right. It had to be a parents' thing
Kurt sighed and sat down next to his dad with a shy smile "Well, yeah! Something did happened"
"Spill the soup kid, I want to know what's got you so smiling and blushing" Oh, he was blushing?
"Well, Blaine asked me to be his boyfriend" Yeah, it felt so good to share it with someone else "and I said yes, of course"
Kurt looked up a little worried to know his dad's reaction, but he was surprised once more by this man. Burt hugged him and patted him on the back "I knew this was going to happen. I just knew it. I'm so happy for you Kurt"
Kurt felt like crying. He remembered that time some months ago, when he actually thought his dad wouldn't be able to see him with another boy, a boyfriend. And now, his dad was here, healthy and sharing with him. Yep, the tears started falling. "Thank you dad, I love you"
"I love you too, son." They parted and wiped their eyes, smiling "But, im concerned. Wasn't this moving a little bit too fast?"
Oh shit "Uhm... I don't know dad, I already have strong feelings for Blaine and he is such a nice guy. He is so kind, and caring. Even when we first met, he was willing to punch Karofsky to defend me. And when they spray painted my car, he actually did just that. It may be moving too fast, but I believe our feelings for each other just... couldn't wait any longer" Kurt looked down at his wrist and smiled
"I believe you, and I also agree with you. You've always been such a loving kid and I can see the reasoning" Burt also looked down at Kurt's wrist "What's that?"
"Blaine gave it to me" Kurt replied not looking away from the bracelet
"It's very nice! This kid know the way to your heart" Burt chuckled
"He does. Do you see these gems?" Burt nods "this blue one represents me and this light brown one, represents Blaine. They're our eyes' colors"
"When am I meeting him?"
"Maybe next week, I don't know." He was sure Blaine was going to love his dad, but it all had to be at its own pace "By the way dad" Kurt said, looking at his dad again after breaking away from his trance "Can I go on a date with Blaine tomorrow?"
"I'm convinced that if I say no, you will find a way to make me say yes, so let's not waste time. Yes, you can go. Be careful and don't move on too fast, okay?"
Blaine arrived home to his mom yelling in Spanish and his dad sitting on the couch smiling at the scene. Charlie was always the one to put his mom on edge.
He made his way to the couch and sat next to his dad, like if they were watching a comedy movie playing in front of them. "Is she pissed off because he came home earlier without letting her know?" Blaine asked
"Yes! We just got back from dinner and Charlie was watching TV down here. She went all LATINA on him" Thomas laughed and Blaine smiled
"I'm so glad I wasn't here any earlier or she would have probably yelled at me too"
"Now that you mention it, campeon, where were you?" His dad turned to face him
"Uhm.. I was taking Kurt back home, his car is at the shop and he didn't have a ride to get back" Blaine said blushing a bit and his dad smiled knowingly
"Oh, so THAT'S why your mom made me take her to dinner!" they laughed "How did it all go?"
"It went well... it went amazing!" Blaine said dreamingly
"What went well?" His mom had apparently finished yelling at Charlie and now they were both looking at him. Charlie wearing a grin
"Oh, mom! Did you know that Blaine's got a boyfriend now?" Charlie said. Blaine wanted to punch him. he wanted to be the one to tell his mom about it, not Charlie
"YOU WHAT?? OMG MIJO" His mom rushed to crush him in a hug and smother him with kisses all over his face "How did it happen? When am I gonna meet him? Did you kiss him? Was he surprised? Is he coming over tomorrow? Are you-"
"MOM! Mom, stop! Calm down. I'll tell you everything just... calm down" Blaine chuckled and so did his dad and brother
"Come here, Cariño! Give ME some love and let Blainey here, breathe" his dad said, pulling Lyann onto his lap and away from Blaine
"Yes, because he didn't get much of that done while Kurt was here... breathing I mean" Charlie said and he and his dad laughed
His mom looked at him and grabbed his face. Her blue eyes were a little wet. "I'm so happy for you mi chico, I just want you to be happy and find that someone who'd gonna love you and accept you, and respect you for who you are"
In that moment Blaine felt like the luckiest guy in the planet... until he remembered he hadn't tell the guys... that will be interesting
"Hey, tigre! Look at the photo I just sent you" Charlie said from his side of the couch
Blaine pulled his phone out of his pocket when he felt it vibrate once, twice
He had two texts. He checked Charlie's one and smiled so big. It was a picture of him and Kurt sitting on the chairs by the pool, kissing. Beautiful wasn't enough to describe it. He heard an "Aaaaaawwww" coming from both his sides and noticed his parents overlooking at the picture
He saved it on his phone and set it as his home and lock screen background, It was THAT cute, and then decided to send it to Kurt.
I think this is beautiful, just as much as you are, baby! Goodnight <3
Then he checked the other text he got, and this one got him frowning but knew quite well, things weren't going to be easy. He wasn't afraid, though, he had more reasons not to be now, so... bring it on
Hola fairy-amigo! Don't think you can get away with punching me and acting all Batman on me. Monday after school, you are going to pay. Oh, and tell your fairy-boyfriend to watch his back