Give Me Some Salsa
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Give Me Some Salsa: Chapter 5

M - Words: 4,691 - Last Updated: May 25, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Apr 14, 2013 - Updated: May 25, 2013
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Author's Notes: Cliffhanger?? YOU'RE. WELCOME. I really hope you liked this chapter. I also hope I made the wait worth it... sorry about that again... school's being a bitch. I have been waiting for this.... Since I started writing this story lol I just love Klaine so much. Btw, I can't believe we have to wait 4 moths to know what happens after that... FINALE! I was kind of expecting a Klaine cliffhanger... *sigh* PLEASE REVIEW!!!! PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE!!! Tweet me if you want *JustBlainetana* See you next chapter ;)

The next day went very much the same as the day before. Only difference, Kurt and Blaine would randomly talk to each other in the hallways and it would all be smiles and laughter. Neither of them had used the other's phone number yet but Kurt felt like he was in cloud nine, and Blaine wasn't any different.

On the other hand... Karofsky had been suspiciously quiet since Tuesday, and that worried Kurt; nothing good could come out of that. And he was right. At the end of the day everyone was walking to the parking lot to their cars or busses, including Blaine. There was a group of people standing near a big car that looked familiar to him but couldn't quite confirm, so he made his way over there and that's when he saw it. Large white letters covering the side of the Navigator, he now recognized as Kurt's car. "Oh Dios, no" Blaine pushed his way through the crowd so he was standing in front of the car. He looked around him for any clue of Kurt but he saw none. "What the fuck happened here!" he asked to no one in particular

"OH MY GOD" Kurt exclaimed the minute he saw his car and rushed towards it, he didn't even noticed Blaine standing there. With his hands on his mouth he started walking around his car looking at the damage. The words FAG and COCKSUCKER were painted all over his Black navigator in white spray paint or something. He knew this was bound to happen someday, he just hoped it wasn't today. Everything was going great and now this. He wanted to cry so badly, so he did. Who cares about the people around? This was his car and people vandalized it with names he has been hearing directed at him these past two years; names that made him feel like trash.

Blaine saw Kurt looking on the verge of tears while he looked at his car and read the words in white. He wanted so badly to go and gather him in his arms because he was the last person to deserve this kind of... embarrassment? Pain? ...But something caught his eye

Two red letterman jackets-wearing guys were laughing their guts out. El Oso; why didn't I see this coming? He was angry, and he couldn't handle their stupid laughs and faces right now, while the boy with the innocent cerulean eyes was crying at the other end- Wait! Kurt is crying? OH, NO!

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT, HUH?" Blaine yelled walking up to the two guys, who now looked amused.

"Oh look, it's our other fairy amigo, what? You think you can stand up for your little fairy boyfriend there, twice?" Karofsky said with his stupid grin and so-called threatening face. Blaine wasn't having any of that

"Oh, I think I can easily stand up for him as many times as I want" ­–pow­- Blaine used to take some boxing classes back in San Juan and, well, they come in handy here, apparently.

When Kurt heard shouting, he quickly cleared his eyes and looked in the direction of the sounds. He wasn't expecting to see Blaine yelling at Karofsky, even less he expected Blaine punching the jock right on the jaw. Kurt rushed to Blaine and grabbed his hand before he could throw another punch. He didn't want him to be taken to the principal because Kurt was too busy crying over his damaged car to defend himself. "Blaine no! STOP" Blaine turned to look at Kurt in the eyes "He is not worth it"

"Kurt, are you okay? Don't cry, okay?" Blaine said looking very calm after punching El Oso

"Blaine! Let's go! You could get in trouble" Kurt grabbed Blaine's very defined bicep and guided him towards his Camaro. He could see the people walking away from his car now, and Karofsky was being pulled to his feet by Azimio, which Kurt couldn't quite understand, why he hadn't helped David, when Blaine punched him, weird.

Blaine was still a bit angry as Kurt took him to his car. When they reached it, Blaine stopped making Kurt look at him. "Let's take your car to a shop! I'll pay for it"

Kurt was surprised by the generous offer but he couldn't do it "No don't worry about it! My dad owns a car shop, he'll fix it" He smiled sadly and Blaine just, couldn't handle that smile

"Okay" He didn't know what to say. He was so angry that this happened to Kurt. To kind, innocent, funny, beautiful Kurt. "Are we still up for tomorrow? I can pick you up tomorrow morning if your car isn't ready yet, and I'm sure it won't be ready!"

Kurt was speechless, this seemed like a very date-like thing to do but Blaine was right: he wasn't going to drive his car to school tomorrow looking like it did right this moment "Uhm, yeah, I guess. I haven't asked my dad yet, I'm sorry, but as I told you yesterday; he will say yes"

"Awesome! I'm sorry this happened to you! I can't believe that Gorila cabeza de pollo!-

"It's okay, Blaine! Don't worry about it. It's fine" that last part was said with a sad tone and Blaine felt his heart break a little

"Kurt. It's not okay... or fine. He can't do that to you and I'll make sure he doesn't even think about doing it again, okay?" Instinctively, Blaine reached Kurt's hand that was still grabbing his arm, and placed his own on top of it reassuringly. They both felt something that made them look up and stare into each other's eyes. Suddenly, Kurt's phone went off and they broke the contact.

Kurt was about to say his goodbyes and thank you, when Blaine reached for him and hugged him, just like he did every day when they said 'Hello' or 'Goodbye' but this time... Kurt could feel something else

"See you tomorrow" Kurt finally said once he was released from Blaine's warm embrace and made his way to his, now shameful, navigator and picking up the call "Hey dad"

Blaine stared after him for a while until Kurt pull down the curb and his car was no longer visible. After what happened today, he was more than convinced that Kurt was something else, completely and was surer about his plans for the next afternoon.


"Kurt, hey. I was calling to let you know I'm coming home early... in about 30 minutes. Do you want me to pick up something for dinner?" Burt said on the phone after Kurt greeted him

"Uhm... yeah you can maybe, go to the Chinese place and order something." Kurt put his phone on speaker and sat it on the passenger seat.

"Okay, kiddo! Kurt?"

"Yeah?" Kurt said looking at the road

"Are you okay? You sound... disappointed? Did something happen at school?"

How his dad knew him so well? Kurt didn't know but he loved him more for that. Now he had to tell him about his car and the Neanderthals who did it "Actually..." He sighed "...Some guys at school thought it was a funny idea to spray-paint insults on my car... I'm pretty disappointed, yes" He was glad he couldn't see his dad's face. He wouldn't be able to handle it

"THEY DID WHAT?! Kurt, did the school punish them? Are you okay?"

"Yes, dad I'm fine" physically "and it was at the end of school so, the school couldn't do anything I guess" He didn't know, he was too busy crying over his car and then forcing Blaine away from Karofsky

"Okay... I can't believe this school. No matter how many times I go and talk to them... they do nothing" Kurt could almost see his dad massaging his temples in frustration

"Yeah I know... dad I have to go! I just got home and I need a shower! See you later" Kurt said while parking his car on the parkway. He needed to zone out of the world for a while

"Sure thing, kid" They hung up and Kurt made his way to his room. He turned on the water on his bathtub and sank down after removing his multiple layers. He didn't know how much time passed but after what seemed like hours, the front door opened and closed. His dad was home.

Kurt made his way out of the tub and dried himself with a towel before putting on some yoga pants and a random shirt.

"Hey dad" Kurt said while making his way down the stairs. He saw his dad wearing an annoyed face when he placed the food on the counter, and Burt explained right away

"I saw your car.... I'll take it to the shop tomorrow. You can use my truck to go to school; I think this will take the weekend to be done"

"Oh no, a friend already volunteered to come pick me up" oh right! "By the way dad... can I go to a friend's house tomorrow after school?" Kurt said hopefully

"Is this the same friend picking you up?"

"Uhm... yes..."

"This friend new?" His dad looked up at him from the bills he was looking at, sensing something in Kurt's voice and body language

"Yes, he just transferred-

"HE?" Burt cut him off "and HE is just a friend.... Right?"

"DAD! Yes, he is just my friend" At least for now, I hope

"What was that?" Oh shit

"Nothing. So, can I go?" Yes, evade the question with another question. Clever

"Yeah, sure. But I expect to meet him soon, though. I need to make sure who my son is being 'Friends' with" Burt grinned and Kurt just felt all his blood run up to his face

"I can't believe you dad... okay" with that Kurt went up to his room and turned up some music to relax and think about happy things and not the vandalism done to his car... something more like Broadway, and music, and Fridays.... And Blaine



Did you get home safe?

Kurt was a little surprised when he checked his buzzing phone and, saw a text from Blaine. Up until now, neither of them had texted the other, but he thought it was nice that Blaine cared for him this way, so he texted back... how could he NOT text back


Hey! Yes, thank you! :)


No problem! So... Have you asked your dad, yet? About tomorrow?

Oh yeah, he did and that caused him a moment of embarrassment he will never forget. His dad smiling like that, was a picture Kurt will never get out of his mind


Yeah I did! He said yes, as I told you he would :) and he is taking my car tomorrow to the shop so, if your offer of picking me up still stands....


Of course it stands, silly! Text me your address and I'll be there ;)

Did Blaine just texted me a wink? A WINK? Kurt was smiling like the Mad Hatter. He has never felt so strongly about a guy ever in his life, as much as he was feeling about this Latin boy


Blaine woke up early the next morning feeling happy. Today Kurt was going to come to his house after school, and they'll have fun. He wanted to confess his feelings... badly. The worst that could happen would be Kurt not returning them... oh shit

"Blaine, Cariño, come down" His mom yelled from downstairs

Blaine hurried up showering and changing, and made his way down to the kitchen

"Good morning Cariño" His mom kissed his cheek but he didn't mind.... It was freaking Friday

"Morning mom. Where's dad?" He looked around and saw his dad wasn't there

"Oh he went to the grocery store to buy some stuff we needed for breakfast" she said while putting two red velvet muffins on is plate. His mother was such an excellent cook and baker, sometimes Blaine wondered why she didn't go with that instead of fashion and interior design.

"Hey, mom! Don't forget a friend is coming over today. Please don't come home and embarrass me" Blaine picked up his fork and started eating his muffin... it was delicious, as always

"Oh how could I? You know what; you haven't even said his name to me. A mother needs to know her son's boyfriend's name" Lyann said with a knowing smile

"MOM! He is not my boyfriend! This is exactly what I'm talking about! Please.... Don't embarrass me... if you can, come home late... I don't know" Blaine said blushing furiously and distractedly eating his breakfast

His mom chuckled "OH Cariño, I know he is not your boyfriend, but I as well, know you want him to be... don't you?" she directed her eyes to Blaine's

Blaine sighed; he couldn't hide stuff from his mom... NEVER. He was like a fashion magazine to his mom. She could read him perfectly "Mom... yes, I want him to be but I don't even know if he feels anything for me"

"Ow Blainey, the guy must be blind if he doesn't feel anything for you, or heartless... you are a very lovable guy and you have... the Anderson genes right?" His mom laughed at that part and so did he. "But I'm sure this kid must be very special if you like him, so I am SURE he likes you back, if not love you" she winked and Blaine smiled

"Thanks mom, you are la mejor!" Blaine stood up and hugged her "Te amo"

"Te amo mas, mi Chico" She said back and they both parted when the front door opened and closed.

"Hey Andersons, why are we hugging?" His dad said and enveloped them in a hug, too. He was so much like Cooper... or Cooper was like him? Whatever.

"I just really love you guys" Blaine said and his mom gave him a smile which made his dad a little confused

"What exactly is going on here? All these secret smiles and affection, Am I missing something?" Thomas said while putting the bags he was still carrying, on the kitchen island

"Nothing, Cariño! Oh, Tom? Don't forget that we have reservations for dinner tonight" she said throwing a wink in Blaine's direction and he smiled I have the best parents in the world

"What reservations?" His dad asked confused

"The ones I just decided to make! Now Blaine, go or you'll be late! Bye Cariño and take care"

"Bye mom, dad. Have fun tonight, but not too much. We are not in Puerto Rico any more" Blaine winked and left with Kurt's address on his phone and a smile on his face


Kurt was sitting on the couch with his dad, waiting for Blaine. He had texted Kurt saying he was on his way, so he decided to read some Vogue

"Hey kiddo, who's this guy picking you up?" his dad asked from his armchair

"He's a friend, I told you" Kurt replied not taking his eyes off of the magazine

"I know that, I want to know his name"

"It's Blaine and he's a transfer, so he is new" Kurt said and in that moment he heard a car pull up "That must be him, bye dad"

"Wait up kiddo" Burt rose from the chair and went to the window and whistled "Sweet ride"

Kurt rolled his eyes and then the doorbell rang and he froze. Oh no his dad made his way to the door announcing he would get it, but Kurt ran and beat him. He opened the door shooing his dad away

"Hey, Kurt" Blaine was there all perfect and smiling standing outside his door

"Hey, I'll be out in a second, just let me get my bag" Kurt said and went to the couch

"Hello" wait what? Oh no. no no no

"Hello, Mr..." Kurt turned around to see Blaine extending his hand to his dad, who had ventured to the door, but Blaine seemed... cool.... Not scared

"Burt Hummel. And you are-"

"Blaine! Blaine Anderson, sir. Pleasure to meet you" Blaine said with a blinding smile. Like if he was happy to meet his dad, which would be accurate, knowing the kind of person Blaine was.

"Okay, bye dad" Kurt said waking to the door and walking out the house with Blaine towards his Camaro

"You look good" Blaine said as they reached the Black car and Kurt flushed tomato red. He wasn't used to being admired that much.... And this is Blaine we are talking about.

"Thank you. Err, sorry about my dad. He wanted to know who was picking me up and all that jazz" Kurt said while standing by the passenger door waiting for Blaine to unlock the doors.

Blaine moved a little closer with the motive of opening the door for Kurt but then realized it would be weird to do it... too early so he just unlocked the doors and moved to the driver seat with a light blush

"It's fine! He is your dad so; I find it normal that he worries!" Blaine put the keys in the ignition and pushed the engine button. The car came to live with a roar. Kurt jumped

Blaine chuckled and started driving "It's very powerful, this tiger, isn't it?"

Kurt just laughed and Blaine will never get tired of that sound. The drive was enjoyable; they sang along to some songs and made light conversation until they got to school

"So, I'll meet you here after school?" Kurt asked as he got out of the car

"Yeah, don't eat too much at lunch...see you later" Blaine hugged Kurt and started walking to the doors but then he turned and started walking backwards "you won't go back to American food after tonight" he winked

Kurt stood frozen in his place for a good 2 minutes before shaking his head and making his way to class. He was so excited, already.


Classes came and went in a blur to both Blaine and Kurt. When the final bell rang, Blaine almost ran outside. He wanted to be there before Kurt.

A couple minutes later Kurt came out the front doors and started looking around until he found Blaine and smiled. He reached Blaine and hugged him. HOLD ON! YES! Kurt hugged Blaine. It was always the other way around but Blaine wouldn't complain so he hugged back

"Ready to have the best culinary experience of your life?" Blaine said once they parted from the warm hug, smiling.

"Like hell I am" Kurt said. He didn't know why, but after that wink earlier today, Kurt felt inspired and started thinking he actually had a chance with Blaine, so he decided to be a little more forward. Hence, the hug.

"That's what I like to hear! Come on!" this time Blaine did open Kurt's door and felt more confident

The ride to Blaine's house was rather short. Kurt spent the entire ride looking out the window at the change in scenery. They entered a part of Lima he had never been to. It was the exclusive part of town and he, kind of guessed Blaine was rich after he saw his car, but he wasn't prepare to the house that came into his line of sight when Blaine killed the engine.

"WOW" was all he said when he got out of the car with Blaine opening the door for him. He was too stunned at the moment to even try and open the door himself. This is a freaking mansion

"Yeah, I know. My mom is an interior designer and her 'motto'" he said the last word with air quotations "is 'Go big and go home'" he laughed. He pushed Kurt a little so they could make their way to the front door

"Wait! Isn't it 'Go big OR go home'?" Kurt came back to his senses and started walking along with Blaine to the door

"No, I can assure you it is not" he chuckled and opened the front door. If Kurt thought the outside was amazing... the inside was just... wow "okay I guess my mom would love you. She is always looking for people to admire her creations, better yet, be left speechless by them" Blaine chuckled and then he stopped when he realized what he just implied "oh shit, I forgot to go to the grocery store, damn"

Kurt turned to Blaine, missing the slip, "oh don't worry we can go, I don't mind"

Blaine was walking to the kitchen and opened the fridge "Oh, never mind. It seems like my mom did it for me" he smiled at her mother's thoughtfulness

Kurt smiled "that's very nice of her. And you said she designed this house?" Blaine nodded, taking the ingredients out and putting them on the kitchen island "It's very nice" he walked to the kitchen to help Blaine with the things "What are we doing again?"

"I am going to make Ecuadorean Ceviche and you are going to watch and then have a foodgasm" Blaine smiled wickedly

Kurt stopped what he was doing and blushed deeply, he was sure he was going to have a permanent blush on his face. "Uhm... err.... Okay! So what do I do?"

"I told you... you are gonna watch"

"Okay" Kurt swallowed and sat on the barstools of the kitchen island and watched as Blaine moved around the kitchen, chopping fish, boiling it in water, squeezing lemons on a bowl, putting the cooked fish pieces on the bowl and letting them rest. He chopped some vegetables and after some time, Kurt found himself in front of Blaine with two bowls in front of them and two spoons.

"So, what would you like to drink? I usually have this with iced tea, but its good with orange juice too or soda if you'd like" Blaine said looking at Kurt smiling. He looked so proud

"Uhm... I'll go with the iced tea! You are the expert after all" Kurt said and smiled which made Blaine smile In return

"Okay! You can go sit on the table and I'll be right out with everything! Make yourself at home" and Blaine made Kurt walk out of the kitchen, empty handed

Kurt sat at the table and waited a couple of minutes until Blaine was coming out with a tray

"Here" he said placing the bowl in front of Kurt and a glass of iced tea and then made his way to seat in the chair in front of Kurt


"So, now eat it and tell me what you think" Blaine said smiling, grabbing his spoon and starting to eat

Kurt did what he was told and once the spoon reached his moth... he literally moaned. This sound made Blaine stop eating and look at Kurt.

"OH MY GOD! Blaine, this is.... What is this?" Kurt looked so... good. His eyes closed and his lips pursed. Blaine had to shake his head before saying something he didn't want to say yet

"Uhm... well, its Ceviche. Can I take the sound you just made as a positive sign?" Blaine tried to compose himself and started eating again

"UHM... YEAH! This is the most delicious thing I've ever tasted in my life! I think I just found my new favorite food" Kurt couldn't believe his mouth. It tasted so good; it was a little salty and the combination with the salt and lemon was... magical his taste buds were on fire, not because it was spicy, but because it was so good

"I'm glad to hear that! Maybe I'll give you the recipe one of these days" Blaine said looking at Kurt eat

"Oh please do!"

They finished their meal and headed upstairs to Blaine's room. It was very... Blaine. He had some trophies which Kurt assumed, were from soccer tournaments and some pictures too. He recognized most of the people in them as Blaine's friends from San Juan.

"I have something for you" Blaine said holding out a small box wrapped in tiffany's blue paper and had a small silver bow in the middle. Kurt looked at the box and felt his breath hitch

"Oh Blaine you didn't have to get me anything! What's it for?" Kurt was transfixed.

"I saw it the other day and I HAD to buy it. I knew you'd like it. Besides... the wrapper makes your eyes look beautiful right now, just as I thought it would

Kurt looked up and saw Blaine looking intently into his eyes, they locked eyes for a moment until Kurt felt the box being pressed into his hands "I don't know what to say"

"Just open it" Blaine encouraged

So Kurt did. Blaine was a little nervous about this but he kind of decided to go with his gut and just do it.

When Kurt pulled the lid off, his jaw dropped. Inside the box was a beautiful silver bracelet with two stones incrusted; one was blue and the other was honey colored... WAIT!

"Blaine, are these real gems?" Kurt asked looking back to Blaine

"Yes. This one is a Zircon" Blaine said pointing at the honey colored gem "and this one is a sapphire" now pointing at the blue one

"Blaine.... This is beautiful but, I can't take this. It must have cost you a fortune-

"Tonterias, Kurt! I wanted to buy it because I thought it was beautiful and you would love it. Please take it"

"But... why? I don't understand why you would buy this... for me" Kurt could feel the tears forming in his eyes. He couldn't believe this. Is this what I think it is?

"Kurt, I like you... like, a lot and I just wanted to do this for you so, you could at least know my feelings towards you" Blaine looked down unable to face Kurt, fearing he might not feel the same

"Oh Blaine! I-I like you, too. Like.... Really like you. Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening..."

"Please, believe it. Kurt... I know this is kind of short notice and I know we kind of just meet this week, but I feel for you so strongly already and I know you are different from any other boy I will ever meet, that's why I was wondering... if you'd like to be my boyfriend?" Blaine looked at Kurt in the eyes and saw a single tear roll down Kurt's cheek. He caught it with his thumb and left his hand linger on Kurt's jaw

Kurt was awestruck. He was speechless. This is not supposed to happen to him, but here he was, standing very close to the boy he has strong feelings for, after said boy had just confessed his, also, strong feelings for him. Kurt stared into Blaine's eyes and then at his lips. He has never been so close to someone else's lips before...

Kurt looked back up to Blaine's honey eyes and nodded, with a shy, beautiful smile "I'd love to" the smile grew and Blaine just... couldn't handle it so he leaned forward and kissed him.


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