Give Me Some Salsa
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Give Me Some Salsa: Chapter 2

M - Words: 4,111 - Last Updated: May 25, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Apr 14, 2013 - Updated: May 25, 2013
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Author's Notes: NOTE: I don't really know how Americans dress during fall so... yeah! And everything that's involves Spanish and "Latin personality" I know first-hand as I am Latin myself... and we are affectionate and friendly indeed ;) Hope you liked this chapter. YAY FOR KLAINE'S FIRST ENCOUNTER!! YAY for quick update! I don't promise this is how it'll always be. And finally, I wanted to say that most of the "rich" people I'm friends with are very kind and friendly and not brats at all or conceited so that's what I'm trying to portray with Blaine. And it'll reflect in further chapters! Now, Bye CHECK my Tumblr and Twitter for spoilers ;)

That first day of school went as usual for Kurt. There were, exactly two and a half locker shoves and MIRACULOUSLY no slushie facials, because really... today's outfit (white jacket over gray button down and dark jeans) was not made to be stain with artificial red. Just no.

On the bright side, he has his friends in almost all of his classes except Environmental Science, which he only chose to know exactly what damages to the earth, were his fault. You know the spray stuff and whatnot. He honestly expected this day to go a lot worse.

"Hey Kurt! Hold on!" Rachel came running down the hall at the end of his last period. She had been... bearable throughout the day, he really hoped it would be like this all year. Okay, no. But he could only dream. "Do you know where Finn is? I've been looking for him since last period started"

I bet you have "Sorry, what was that" Oh shit, I said that out loud

"Uhm nothing I just said 'I bet he's outside'... he probably is at the house already" Kurt tried to cover his slip. This day had gone so well to have Rachel ranting at him for a stupid slip of his mouth. Rachel had this look on her face that told him she was not buying that one "UGHH Rachel, just because I live with him doesn't mean I know his every move!" she kept staring not saying a word "OKAY FINE! He's at Puck's"

"AT PUCK'S? But today was our monthly 'Discuss our relationship' day! He knew that" Rachel was on the verge of tears and this was just what Kurt needed to end his ALMOST good first day. Poor Finn

"Calm down Rach, I bet he didn't forget it! He just needs a little 'bonding time' or whatever that means" Kurt really needed a nice bath and a long nap right now, but that seems like a 'NO-GO' at this moment.

By now Rachel had calmed down a little, if that word even existed for Rachel, which meant only one thing "Kurt...?" Here it comes "Could you please call Finn for me?"

"NO. nu-uh. He's YOUR boyfriend, not mine so YOU call him! Bye" Kurt shouted turning around and walking as fast as he could until he reached his navigator. I'm impressed Hummel Kurt told himself.

"Thank you Kurt! You really are the best friend ever! Don't even think I won't do the same when YOU get a boyfriend, you hear me?" He could still hear Rachel yelling after him. When I get a boyfriend? HA not a very near future, honey

But besides all the things that happened today, he was happy, so happy he almost forgot about the Latin transfer coming tomorrow. "Please grilled cheesus, let it not be a homophobic, I have so many of those in my life" Kurt thought while driving the way to his house. When he arrived home he saw his dad's truck so, maybe they would only talk a little and then he would finally get to have his bath...and nap.

"Hey kiddo" Kurt heard his dad call from his chair in the living room when he opened the front door "How was your first day as a senior?"

"Hey dad, it was fine" he said sitting himself on the couch "I expected it to be worse to be honest" Burt smiled and stood up walking towards the kitchen "what are you doing, dad?"

"I brought some pizza for dinner, as Carole has the night shift and Finn is out" Kurt stood up immediately and went to the kitchen infuriated. His dad knew he couldn't eat that.

"DAD! You can't eat that! Your hea-" Kurt stopped on the doorway and couldn't believe what he saw "what is that?" there was a large bag in the middle of the kitchen island. His dad picked the bag and gave it to Kurt.

"It's your present! For your senior year" Kurt took the bag and peaked inside "Don't worry bud, it's not a bomb in there" his dad chuckled "Go on... open it. I'm not good at wrapping stuff"

Kurt opened the bag carefully and he swore he couldn't breathe "Dad... is this... no you wouldn't"

"Of course I would Kurt. Not every day you get to have a 'First day of senior year' right?"

"DAD! This is amazing! How did you know I wanted this scarf? Or this pea coat?" Kurt was seeing stars. These things were supposed to be expensive. "It's MCQUEEN dad. This is not just... Target where you get your clothes"

Burt had the biggest smile on his face and just kept laughing "This, kid, is a present from me, Carole and Finn. As well as Finn's new game thing is a present from me, Carole and YOU" he winked. Right! That's why Finn wasn't with Rachel. Lucky "And don't judge my clothing okay? As to for how I knew, well let's say that a bird told me"

Mercedes. Kurt just knew it was her. He would have to thank her a lot when she comes back from her family trip next week "Oh my god dad, I can't thank you enough" he was ecstatic "So, no pizza?"

"No pizza! I wouldn't do that to you again, son" Kurt hugged his dad and ran upstairs for his much wanted bubble bath.

Life is good


"Life is good" Blaine and his parents had just landed and were now loading the bags in the family car they JUST BOUGHT. He just loved the states, it reminded him of his first ten years, though he lived in Columbus not Lima, but it'll do. He knew this was no tropical paradise like San Juan but it was his home... well, second home. He just wished his brothers were here with him now.

"Oh yes! This is home Blaine." His father had just finished loading the bags and was staring at the big sign that said 'WELCOME TO LIMA' with him. "Are you ready to star school mañana campeón?" Blaine's dad said patting him on the back

"Daad! Don't call me that, it's embarrassing" He used to love the little Spanish endearment but he was 17 years old, he couldn't go around with his dad calling him that. Just... no. "And yes! I think I am, I mean it shouldn't be that bad. I'm just one day behind" it was a public school after all. In San Juan he used to attend a private school, and it's known that they are way more academically challenging than public ones.... Worldwide. He would be just fine.

"HOMBRES! Come on! We are leaving. I don't care if I have to drive!" Mrs. Anderson pocked her head full of long, dark locks out of the car window and shouted at the two men, they immediately climbed inside the car chuckling and ready to go home.

"Mom, when are Cooper and Charlie coming home?" Blaine needed to ask when were his brothers coming, because at least Charlie needed to come to school, right?

"Mijo I already told you. Charlie is coming next week, he starts at Dalton then and well, Cooper.... I'll call him when we get home, si cariño?" Cooper has been living in New York for three years now. He moved two years after graduating high school in Puerto Rico. But Charlie was three years younger than Blaine and he wanted to keep going to private school after moving to Lima, that's why he was staying with his friends in San Juan for another week. Not Fair.

"Cuidado Lyann, Blaine is too old to be called that. Be careful, he might get all angry at you" his dad joked while looking at the road

"Ay Dios, no! I wouldn't survive his Anderson genes right now" Blaine rolled his eyes but smiled. His parents loved to make fun of him, but that last statement made his dad's smile transform into a pout. Oh the Anderson genes... irresistible.

"Ha-ha so funny! But seriously, I miss them" Blaine now had to go to school and return later, to his empty house. Why did his parents have to work so much? "Why do you have to go to work mom? You don't need the money, do you?"

Lyann smiled and turned around to look at his son in the backseat of their red Ford Escape 2013 "First cariño, No I don't need the money, but I don't have all the distractions here as I had in Puerto Rico, do I?" Blaine shook his head. She was right, there she had her 'Book group' (he liked to call it 'Chat group' because they spent their afternoon gossiping around), and she'd go to the gym with the neighbors. "And Second, I want to work on my profession, I want to open my store here"

"Yeah... I understand" it was going to be so boring, he needed to find some extracurriculars to sign up to or he'd die of boredom. Suddenly, a thought popped into his head and a fast grin appeared on his face "By the way, who's getting this car" he asked both his parents

His dad laughed, he knew this question was coming anytime soon "Sadly campeón, this is your mom's" Blaine's grinned disappeared as fast as it had appeared "But we know you need something to move yourself around town so... once we get home, you and I are going CAR HUNTING" His dad announced excitedly, but Blaine knew there was a catch, and he wasn't gonna like it.

"AFTER you unpack your bags, mijo" And his mom had to ruin his beautiful moment. Of COURSE she would make him suffer in Lima too. Stupid bags with stupid clothes and stupid UNPACKING

"Of course mom" at least he was getting a car out of this. In San Juan he used to drive a motorcycle. It was cool but sometimes the breeze would mess up his hair (not that he cares a lot about it. Not at all). Now, a car...That was a whole 'nother level of awesomeness.

20 minutes later, the Andersons arrived to their new home. It was a good two story house with a back pool and yard. His mom had specifically called the decorators to arrange the backyard as to resemble the tropical one they had back in San Juan. There were hammocks and a retractable roof for when it rains and snows. Blaine thought his mom was a little crazy for wanting something like this... in the middle of Ohio.... Where you get the four seasons every year. But she would not accept the others' opinion about it. If she was happy, then all the Anderson men were happy.

"Oh wow mom. This backyard esta de locos!! I can't wait for it to be summer" He could bring some friends over and have a pool party and maybe some barbeque... his mom was the best.

"I know right? But you have to go unpack so, stop ogling my baby yard. Vamos, anda!" his mom said trying to get him upstairs to his room

"Why do you always have to ruin my happy thought with the STUPID unpacking??" WHY?" Blaine whined, he would never win this one. "I'll just do it for my car, YOU HEAR ME DAD?" he shouted towards the closing front door from where his dad had just entered.

"Yeeeaaah buddy. Come find me when you're ready, okay? And don't take until tomorrow, please" his dad said trying to hide his amusement.

"UUghh" Blaine disappeared towards the stairs to his bedroom. Which THANK GOD was already furnished and cleaned. Now, let the unpacking....BEGIN!

An hour later, Blaine was walking down the stairs in search for his dad. "Hey, Viejo, let's go. I'm done with the torture" Thomas turned around from the TV and looked at is son with shock.

"Blaine, I thought you wouldn't be down in another two hours" he laughed until he caught up with what Blaine had said just now "WAIT! What did you just call me? I'm not that old, you know" Now Blaine was laughing

"You get to call me 'campeon' then, I get you call you 'viejo'" once he was all calmed down again he continued "what are we waiting for? I want my ride"

"Yeah let's get going. Cariño! Do you need something while we're out?" Blaine's dad asked his wife

"No! I'm fine! Now go and bring a nice car I can borrow later on" she said coming from the kitchen winking at Blaine

"Oh no forget it! I'm out" and just like that Blaine was out the front door to the car

During the ride he was analyzing his situation: tomorrow he would be going to start his senior year in a new school, where he knew no one, he was a nice person so he wouldn't have problems in making friends....STOP WORRYING

The "CAR HUNTING" went better than he had imagined. He ended up with a black Camaro 2013, nothing too much as to not get attention (yeah, right). It felt so good to be behind the wheel again, he hasn't been able to drive since he got his license, and this was way better than his bike.

The Anderson men got to the house and Blaine went straight to bed. He had a long and exciting day tomorrow. Bring it on!



HOLY SHIT! Rachel.

"Kurt! Wake up!" Rachel jumped on his bed and startled him awake wait, how did she get inside?

"Silly, Carole let me in" he really needed to find some way to stop saying his thoughts out loud.

"Rachel, in the morning, I don't get up in another half hour" Kurt groaned, why did he befriended her? Oh right, Glee Club.

"I know but the earlier, the better, right?" Rachel said so confident and bubbly. But seriously, what did she eat for breakfast? Probably a bottle of maple syrup... no pancakes

"No Rachel, the LATER the better" Kurt Hummel was NOT an early riser, except when it was 'Black Friday' season. WAIT...

Kurt jumped out of bed and ran into his bathroom to get his morning moisturizing routine done, take a shower and get dressed. Which was the best part

"Kurt, what is wrong with you? You almost knocked me down from the bed" Rachel's voice sounded through his bathroom door

"Just wait a second and you'll know" He was so excited to get to wear his new pieces of clothing his dad gave him the night before. Every moment, is a moment for fashion and he was going to make justice to that statement today.

Kurt opened the door and walked out fully dressed. He was gay but that didn't mean he could just, walk out of the bathroom in a towel while Rachel was there. "OH MY GOD Kurt! That looks amazing!!!" maybe that's why he was friends with Rachel too.

"Thank you" he turned around to show her the complete outfit: Black fitted dress pants, black boots, short-sleeve white shirt under his new pea coat, and scarf. The perfect Fall look, if he said so himself

"Okay now, enough ogling me! Let's go to school" Today was going to be a good day and he needed to look his best.


"Blaine, mijo! Breakfast is ready!" Blaine's mom shouted just when he was finishing getting dressed. He missed wearing light coats and socks. He quickly got downstairs and his mom looked at him stunned "AY Dios mio, my son is such a good looking man"

"The Anderson genes, huh?" His dad came to the kitchen ready to go to his office in his tailored suit.

"And I thought I wouldn't have to deal with this here" Lyann said with a smile while looking at his husband and son. The Anderson men were very well known in San Juan for their good looks and personality. Tons of girls from fifteen to eighteen, got their hearts broken when they found out that, a certain Anderson wasn't playing for their team. Sad. And not to mention the older women who persuaded the older Andersons

"Okay mom, I'm gonna go now, okay?" Blaine said, a little blush coloring his cheeks at the memories, and walked to his mom to give her a kiss and his dad a hug.

"Have fun today cariño!"

"Yeah, campeón, be good and make friends"

And that was Blaine was planning too. He got to his car and checked the mirrors. Let's see what this is all about. And just like that he was driving down the road to McKinley High. He was... excited for lack of a better word, but also nervous. He woke up before his alarm could wake him with that annoying 'marimba' tone, real marimbas didn't sound like that, and hopped into the shower. He never used gel on his hair, just a little mousse to tame the curls and keep them good without the frizz. The clothes picking was never hard for him, because living in a tropical place only required loose clothes: tank tops, jeans, shorts, vans shoes and shirts; but here, he had the chance to use more varied clothing, and for today it consisted in a pair of skinny black jeans, polo red shirt and a nice light coat.

Once he got to the parking lot he found a nice place, close to the main doors, to park his car. "Ay Dios" Blaine whispered. This school was like a jungle, people were running inside, others were walking elegantly with arms laced with their friend's (very fashionable to say the least), cheerleaders, football players...

Blaine never understood why they called this sport 'Football' it was more like 'Handball' or 'Tackleball', and then they called the REAL FOOTball, 'Soccer'. He just didn't get it. He locked his car and started walking to the doors. He needed to find his locker first and then find his first class.

-BAM- The minute he heard that noise he turned around and saw something he's NEVER seen in Puerto Rico.

"Hello Hummel, has anybody told you how to dress like a MAN? Huh?" A medium size guy with a red letterman jacket said to a boy after he shoved him against a locker. This is not okay and Blaine had been taught morals so...

"Hey! What did you just do?" Blaine yelled walking towards him until he was right in front of El Oso, (He decided to call him that, and the guy did look like a bear after all)

"And who the fuck are you to yell at me, shorty" El Oso asked but Blaine really didn't want to get his hands dirty.

"I'm none of your business! Now leave that boy alone and don't come near him or me, you hear me?" Blaine was angry and when he was angry he didn't care there was an audience. This had just happened two times back in San Juan, thank you Jose, and it earned him a 2-week No-beach from his parents.

"Oh I know who you are! You are the new transfer... do you want me to teach you how things are done here, Amigo?" El Oso said and rubbed his fist against his other hand to make Blaine feel threatened. It didn't work.

"Karofsky, DON'T" came a shout from the floor, the guy that El Oso shoved (Karofsky now) was still on the ground with his back pressed against the lockers. He looked annoyed and had a very serious/angry face.

Blaine moved to the boy's side and was ready to throw his punch at the big guy when the bell rang. SHIT. El Os- Karofsky guy threw him an angry look and walked away not before saying over his shoulder "Go back to Mexico, new fag"

Blaine stood there and watched him go. He wasn't used to hearing those words but he didn't let them bother him. He turned and looked at a petite girl who was standing, in a very bright multicolored dress, next to the boy. The girl looked down and said "Are you okay? I'm so sorry! I didn't see him get near, come one lets go to class" she tried to get him up but the boy refused with annoyance

"JUST- Just go Rachel, you're going to be late to class. I'll be fine" the boy said. With that the girl ran down the almost empty hall, leaving the two boys behind.

Blaine reached down with his hand outstretched for the other boy to take "Hey, are you sure you're fine?" the boy looked up at him and then at his outstretched hand ay dios mio, those EYES

"Yes... I-I'm sorry" he said taking his hand and standing up looking at the floor

"Oh hey, 'Sorry'! I'm Blaine. I knew Americans were crazy when it came to name their kids, but I didn't know they were THIS crazy" Blaine joked to try and make the other boy look up

"Wha- oh, Kurt. My name is Kurt" he looked up and holy mother of cheesus, is that honey in his eyes? How is that possible? And his smile is... wow, am I dead?

"No, I don't think so Kurt" Blaine said laughing a little. Damn! Kurt's mouth is gonna cause him some serious trouble.

"Sorry, I just- sorry. You didn't have to do that" Kurt said. This one he couldn't fix. But he was confused, whether it was from the shove or what Blaine had just done

"What do you mean? I wanted to help you. I was taught that violence shouldn't be accepted in any form or place. El Oso pushed yo-"

"El- what?" Kurt smiled little pieces of laughter escaping his mouth, and Blaine thought that that smile alone, had made his first day brighter. Wow! Where are these thoughts coming from?

"Oh" Blaine chuckled "It's just a nickname I made up in that moment because I didn't know his name so, yeah" he raised his hand to rub the back of his neck

"Ah, so you ARE the new transfer, then. Oh shit, I'm late to class already" Kurt said, the smile going away from his face. It was his second day and he was late... like, REAL late.

"Yeah me too and I still need to find my locker. DIOS where is that thing?" Blaine asked out loud looking around. This was not a good way to start your first day of high school, WORSE, your senior year. Oh well. At least he got to meet someone *and gain some kind of reputation with the school's bully* GREAT

"Uhm well... I have to go now! It was nice to meet you Blaine! And thanks, for...eerr... earlier, even though you didn't have to. I'm used to it"

Used to it? "Don't worry about it Kurt" Blaine smiled "and it was a pleasure to meet you too. Hope to see you around!" he said waving as Kurt made his way down the hall. Blaine was going to do EVERYTHING he could to make sure that, that boy with the ocean-like eyes, was never hurt again. Everything will be alright... HE will be alright. But first he needed to get to his locker, and down to his AP English class. It's Show time!


"Pleasure to meet you, too" who says that these days? That was Kurt's thought while he made his way to his Calculus class. That guy, Blaine, what was it about him that made him so... flustered? But two things were for certain: One, the new transfer student *LATIN transfer student* was by no means homophobic, and maybe his gaydar was right and he might play for his team, and Two, he was Drop Dead GORGEOUS. The best part? He seemed to be willing to be his friend and he wasn't going to reject such friendship. No way.

And with that he walked inside the classroom. Daydreaming of those honey-hazel eyes and dazzling smile...Wait! Was that a little accent he heard in his voice?


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