May 25, 2013, 1 p.m.
May 25, 2013, 1 p.m.
Blaine had always loved America. Part of that love could be because he IS American but there was something about the country that just... screamed freedom. Blaine and his parents have been living in Puerto Rico for quite some time, 7 years to be exact, and it's been quite the adventure. For a 10 year-old boy to come to a brand new country and learn a brand new language, was quite the change, but he enjoyed it. Besides, Spanish was a nice language and it is said to open a lot of doors. But now... it was time to come home. Thomas Anderson had thought about his company a lot and realized, it was time to go back and run his successful international law firm from its home town... Lima, Ohio. Blaine's mom, Lyann Anderson wasn't fond; she has grown to love this country and the incredible people. But she loved her husband and son to death and knew that this was for the best. So it was settled: The Andersons will be leaving San Juan in 2 days and go back to Lima to start ALMOST new.
"Mijo, are you done packing"
"No, Mom But I'm almost finished. Where's dad anyways?" Blaine yelled from his room. He'd always hated packing for trips and NOW he had to pack for good, what a nightmare.
"He's talking to the airport people... something about the jet. Why? Do you need something?" His mom's voiced sounded so excited. Maybe Blaine could get to go out with friends one last time today.
"No, just..." Blaine came down to the kitchen where his mom was making something for the trip tomorrow. "I just wanted to know... if I could go out with Jose.... Mario and the guys..."
His mom looked at him with understanding "Aw mijo, it's gonna be okay, you know we can come visit some times, and they're not gonna forget you" Blaine looked at her with those puppy eyes he KNOWS she can't resist. "Okay, okay. You can go..."Blaine's face lit up so bright "-AFTER you finish packing" Of course... packing.... He HATED packing.
He sighted "Okay mom. Thanks"
Two and a half hours later, Blaine was saying goodbye to his mom and heading down to the beach where he was going to meet up with his friends: Jose, Mario and Rafael.
He was early (considering he had taken a LOT of time packing) so he just decided to sit on the sand and think a little. He was definitely going to miss this; the peace he had every time he headed down here, the sound of the waves and the light salty breeze. His friends, or as he had started calling them 7 years ago, the guys... they have been so cool and friendly with him, even after he came out to them. Those three guys have been his best friends since he first came here... and now he had to leave them and face another reality. He really hoped Lima was Gay-friendly and if it wasn't well.... He has picked up some of the sass and attitude from the Latin people. He'll be just fine.
"Hey there, chico!" a strong voice with thick accent came loud from his left. Mario.
"Hey Guys" His thoughtful expression changed to one of joy. The three latinos came running and crushed Blaine in a super strong bear hug. Latinos are very affectionate Blaine remembered, he was going to miss that.
"Oh man, we are going to miss you like LOCOS!" said the loud brunette. "How am I supposed to handle these 3 without you, mi chico"
"Ay Mario, suerte with that" They all chuckled and the tallest of the three, Rafael, was now trying to knock them all down.
"Blainey! DON'T GOO" –BUMP- all four of them came down to the sand in a fit of giggles. "Who's gonna help me with my Italian class?" Rafael was such a drama...king "How am I supposed to LIVE without you here?"
"oh come on! Now you just sound needy" Blaine could never take him seriously. "It's not gonna be THAT hard. Besides, I'm sure Linda can help you out with Italian" He said wiggling his eyebrows. Rafael has had a crush on this girl for ages, maybe now was a good time to make a move.
"Speaking of love lives. I'm still disappointed we couldn't get you laid, Blainey" Jose informed while helping the guys stand up "I mean, how could we have let this guy, leave Puero Rico... still a virgin" He said pointing at Blaine "No me gusta" the three guys laughed at this and shock their heads in disbelieve.
Jose had made it his mission to get Blaine a *hot piece of salsa* so he could no longer be a virgin... didn't work. Blaine liked romance and he had a very strong believe in love, so one-night stands weren't gonna work for him. Nu-uh. Besides, he couldn't be the ONLY virgin in America...right? And if he was, whatever.
"I'm not gonna discuss this again with you guys. You've known me for 7 years, I don't do THAT" Blaine could not like it, but he was ganna miss this too.
"aaaaawwww Blainey. Not even a "goodbye business" Mario said with a wink.
"No Mario, my word is final" Blaine said faking annoyance with a serious face, but the act didn't last long "Guuuys" he whined "I'm leaving tomorrow and you are here, making fun of my decisions. Not fair" He finished with a pout
Before anything could have said, all four of them were engulfed in a group hug that probably lasted more than a normal all-guy hug would normally last. "I know we've said this a lot but... we ARE gonna miss you, chico" and that was it. That single statement made the boys break. Especially Blaine. "you have to promise you'll come visit" Rafael said with a watery smile
"I promise. And you will come too right?" Blaine knew the answer but he needed reassurance right now
"OF COURSE, MY HORSE" The guys screamed, laughing while still having tears on their faces and Blaine felt a little bit better and way happier. it's gonna be okay Blaine though it's gonna great.
On the other hand, Kurt Hummel was struggling. He has been living in Lima, Ohio for his entire life and since he started high school at McKinley, life has not treated him good; For starters, he was the only openly gay kid in town, in all of Ohio, to be precise. His dad was good about it: "I love you son, and nothing will ever make me think less of you, unless, you become a serial killer cuz then I might be very disappointed" And that was it. His friends were a little uncomfortable at first, but they all warmed up to it and, seriously... haven't they seen his clothes? But they were cool, and even tried to defend him sometimes when they had the chance; because yes, he was being bullied. Those brainless gorillas, who make themselves be called *Football players* are nothing more than that, stupid animals with too much force.
Only a year. Just one more year, and then you will be gone to New York and nobody will ever push you around again. Kurt thought when he entered the doors of WMHS to begin his senior year. He had a feeling that this year might be slightly different. And he is holding onto that thought for good measure.
"Hello Kurt!" Rachel was standing beside his locker with too much excitement to be healthy. "ready for a new year of singing and dancing and studying?" she was practically jumping now.
"Don't forget the slushy facials, shoves against lockers, dumpster dumpings-"
"DON'T... be so negative. I have a feeling that will stop sometime this year. IT'S SENIOR YEAR KURT!" Was she yelling now? "we are going to New York at the end, an it's gonna be HA-MAZING"
Kurt sighted and smiled a sad smile "Rachel, you know I love you, and I'm sure something's gonna change too, but until then.... Slow down a little. I'm starting to worry about the insane amount of coffee and sugar you might have had for breakfast today"
"FINE. Now let's go to class" She laced her arm with Kurt's while he picked up his books and began walking towards their first class "did I tell you about what I heard today at the main office?" Kurt was about to say something about her too-much talking but she was faster "well, it seems like there's a new transfer student. A LATIN transfer, who's supposed to come tomorrow" she sing sang that last part.
A new comer huh? Probably another homophobic kid. Kurt couldn't get his hopes up, but a Latin guy sounded intriguing, even to him. He only hoped his thoughts weren't accurate, he could use a guy friend. Rachel kept talking, now about some songs she wanted to try for Glee club but he was tired of that so he zoned out.
It's gonna be okay. This year was going to be great Kurt smiled to himself a little. For whatever reason, he was excited for the next day. Something good is going to happen... he could feel it.
And this was the exact same thought Blaine climbed to the family jet with. In just a few hours he would be in Lima, Ohio and tomorrow he would go to his new school and begin his senior year. Bring it on, Ohio! Let me see what you've got