Aug. 9, 2012, 8:44 a.m.
Aug. 9, 2012, 8:44 a.m.
The corner's of Kurt's mouth were tugged into a false smile, and his eyes were glassy and focused on Brittany's foot. As Blaine sat down, he swore he could hear Brittany ask Santana if there was something wrong with her foot, and if she should get rid of it.
Blaine shook his head and turned to talk to Finn and Rachel, who were laughing about something Mike had done in the previous lesson.
As usual, Mr Shuester jumped into the lesson full of life.
“Right guys!” the teacher said loudly. “This next few weeks we will be focusing on you!”
“Um … what do you mean Mr Shue?” Artie asked after a moment, clearly unimpressed.
“Basically, you each pick one of your favourite songs to sing!”
Rachel frowned. “As much as I love this idea, and I will be looking through my collection of recordings of myself later on, I don't understand, how will this help us, at all?”
“You don't get it! All of you are from different walks of life, you all have completely different views on the world and that's what makes New Direction's great. So, by picking your favourite song, the whole of Glee club gets to see how you are, as a person.”
Silence still followed.
“That's the plan and you have to participate, no excuses!” Mr Shuester said with an air of finality.
Rachel rushed forward to Mr Shuester with unlimited ideas pouring from her mouth, while Blaine started to talk to Tina about his idea, everyone else doing the same thing.
After a few moments, Blaine noticed that Kurt wasn't joining in, as he normally would during Glee.
Blaine shrugged to himself, knowing he shouldn't really get involved and turned back to Mike and Tina.
“So my final choices are, My Man by the beautiful Barbra, What I Did For Love and For Good,” Rachel said frantically. “What do you think?”
Blaine jumped. “What?”
They had stopped in the middle of the car park, while Blaine was looking at a new text from Kurt.
'Sorry I just realised I can't do tonight, something came up. Sorry again!xx'
“Hey Rach, what does it mean when you get two x's on the end of a text?” Blaine asked, quickly typing out a reply of acceptance.
“Uh, nothing, why?” Rachel replied, frowning.
“Nothing.” Blaine supplied quickly. “Just wondering, really.”
Rachel groaned and pulled Blaine by his arm towards his car so they could drive home and muttering to herself.
“You know what, I don't know why they adopted you as well sometimes.”
“You wound me, oh dear sister,” Blaine drawled, watching as she got into the passenger seat.
Rachel pulled her tongue out at her brother and slammed the door between him.
Groaning, Blaine walked around to the driver's side of his car and climbed in.
Neither of the siblings noticed as David Karofsky walked back into the school from his own car.
Kurt paced his bedroom, tapping his phone which read 10.33PM against the palm of his hand, and fighting the urge to throw it across the room. Even after the three showers he had taken since returning home, the stench and feel of Karofsky's slushie still coated his body.
The mere thought of the football player made Kurt sick to his stomach. He sat down on his bed as he thought of earlier that day, the way Blaine looked at him when he had been slushied … oh, that told him everything he needed to know.
There was no way Blaine would even consider liking him now. Although Kurt wondered to himself, why on Earth he was thinking about his best friend's brother in that way?
Throwing himself back onto his bed, Kurt refused himself the thought that maybe he actually did like Blaine, and all those times that he thought about him at night was just because Blaine was attractive, and out of the closet.
But then Blaine was just so sweet to him, and his smile was absolutely dazzling, and he would get flustered when he spoke to Kurt, or just looked at him. How far down would that blush travel? Did Blaine have hair on his chest? And his lips were just so full he wondered what it would be like to kiss those, or to just have a kiss he wanted for once?
Kurt really did know how to pick them. But he was resolved, he would stay away from Blaine, for a little bit, because after all, he was starting to like his best friend's brother.
Blaine was steadily falling to sleep when he felt his phone vibrate. It was tucked underneath his pillow for his alarm clock. After patting down his bed in search for it, he finally pulled it out and held it above his head, his eyes squinting through the darkness, before promptly dropping it onto his face.
It was 11.58PM. And Blaine Anderberry had received a text from Kurt Hummel.
He picked up his phone again, eager to read the text.
'Hey, I was just wondering, do you still want to have that tutoring session, but tomorrow instead?xx'
Blaine smiled softly, his eyes focusing on the two x's at the end of the text.
“I don't care what she says, they do mean something,” he muttered to himself.
'Yeah sure, my dad's are working late and Rachel's out with Finn if you wanna come here. xx-'
But then he stopped typing and started to worry. If he put two kisses, would that insinuate that he felt the same way that Kurt felt about him, or that he was just being polite? Worrying his lip, Blaine felt his brain starting to fail him.
'Yeah sure, my dad's are working late and Rachel's out with Finn if you wanna come here. Xxx'
The following day, Kurt woke up determined that he would not show his true feelings to anyone, not even himself. He went through his usual morning shower, moisturising routine followed by half an hour of picking out an outfit, before sitting down for some breakfast, still perfecting his hair with a pocket mirror.
He had chosen to wear his hair looser than normal, a pair of black skinny jeans with a white shirt and one of his favourite dark tartan blazers. Sure, he maybe wasn't going to show that he liked Blaine, but maybe by looking the best he could, Blaine may return his feelings.
Burt noticed his son's sudden perkiness, in comparison to other mornings.
“Kurt?” Burt asked when his son finally stopped moving around and was glancing in his mirror. Again. “What's going on?”
Kurt looked up at his dad, slightly flushed. “Hm? I don't know what you mean, I'm just getting ready.”
“But you're all-” Burt made a frantic movement with his hands “-moving around fast.”
Kurt smiled brightly. “I just must have woke up in a good mood.”
“Yeah ok,” Burt said, still frowning. “I'll see you tonight, don't wait up though cause I'm picking up Carole straight from the hospital and then we're going out for dinner.”
“Hm ok yeah,” Kurt said, looking at his reflection and sighing when that one hair just wasn't staying in place.
Burt shook his head and left the kitchen, wondering what had gotten into his son.
When Kurt pulled into a parking space outside of school, the first thing he noticed was that Blaine and Rachel had parked a little bit away from him, and according to his newly formed plan, Blaine would definitely see him walking into school.
Kurt jumped out of his car, dragging his bag from the passenger seat and locking up swiftly. He strutted through the car park, ignoring the glares coming from the other side of the parking lot from Karofsky, and instead chancing a glance towards Blaine.
Blaine seemed to be ignoring him, but there was a steady blush growing on his face, while Rachel was oblivious to anything, and was hurrying Blaine to get inside.
Kurt smirked and gladly walked through the doors at McKinley, joining Blaine and Rachel inside.
“Hi Rachel,” he said brightly, and looked towards Blaine. “Hey Blaine,”
Blaine blushed and muttered a hello in response, hurrying off to his locker with an excuse of forgetting a book the night before.
“Hey Kurt,” Rachel beamed happily.
“What's the matter with your brother?” Kurt asked, a grin forming on his mouth as they walked through the corridor, unable to take his eyes off the back of Blaine's rushing, but gelled head.
“I don't know,” Rachel sighed, before continuing arrogantly, “he's been like this since he's come to McKinley. I guess he's just nervous or something. Although there's no need for him to be since he's my baby brother and everyone knows how cool I am, so therefore they should already accept Blaine.”
Kurt nodded. “Yeah maybe they should just accept him,”
“You like him, don't you?” Rachel asked bluntly.
“I...uh, what?” Kurt asked, finally looking at Rachel, shocked.
“You think he's ok don't you?” Rachel asked. “He's a good friend, even to me.”
Kurt nodded, relieved. “Yeah he's pretty … cool.”
Rachel nodded. “I thought so, he is really nice.”
Kurt sighed and blinked twice to regain his thoughts. “I should really get going, I have to get to English quickly.”
“Ok, see you Kurt!” Rachel said happily.
Kurt simply waved lazily behind him as he walked off to English, worrying that maybe Rachel knew more than she was letting on.
The day went smoothly after Kurt's worries about Rachel, and he soon found himself gathering his French books and others from his locker, getting ready to go to Blaine's house in half an hour.
“Hey lady-lips!” someone called from behind him.
Kurt didn't turn around, but decided to respond to them anyway. “What do you want Santana?”
The cheerio appeared in front of him, blocking his locker from his view. “Oh, not much,” Santana said lazily. “I was just wondering whether you could translate this for me, 'Vous avez tout faux. Je ne suis pas interessee'?”
Kurt's eyes narrowed as he looked at her. “Why?”
Santana shrugged. “Out of interest.”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “It means 'You have it all wrong. I'm not interested.',”
Santana seemed to mull this over for a second, before pushing herself away from the locker and walking away quickly. “Right ok, thanks Mrs McGay.”
Shaking off the thought that maybe Santana knew more than he wished her to, Kurt shut his locker and headed towards the exit of the school.