Jan. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
Review Guys!
They arrived at the hospital the next morning deciding to skip the few first classes. They told the receptionist they are there and want to see Dr. Smyth to get their results. The receptionist told them to wait in the waiting area until she calls for them. 10 minutes later they were seated in the room and waiting for the doctor to come in.
"Hello boys." He said as he came in.
"Hi doctor." They said in unison.
He sat behind his desk and looked at some papers and looked at them again.
"Ive got your results."
"And?" Kurt was breathing so rapidly that Blaine thought he was gonna have a heart attack.
"Youre Pregnant." Dr. Smyth said with a calming voice.
Kurt closed his eyes and squeezed Blaines hand so hardly. His breath hitched and he felt like he couldnt breathe.
"Kurt? Kurt are you with me." That was the last thing he heard and then he woke up in the same room but laid down on a bed with his arm attached to an IV.
"Blaine?" He opened his eyes but everything was blurry for the first few seconds. Then he noticed Blaine sitting beside him.
"Baby, Im right here, how are you? You were out for 15 minutes." Blaine told him as he smoothed his hand on his cheek.
"Im pregnant." Kurt said as he remembered the last few minutes before he passed out.
Blaine nodded with a bittersweet smile on his face. The doctor entered the room in that moment and went to check on Kurt.
"How are you feeling Kurt?" He asked with his usual smile.
"I dont know." He said honestly.
"Okay, well, thats common. Let me fill you on the talk I had with Blaine. You are currently 4 weeks long as I predicted. Male pregnancies are a little trickier than females, but there is nothing to worry about. The symptoms are the same but the birth can be in the 8th or 9th month, if you decide you want to keep the baby-" the doctor was cut by Kurts sharp answer.
"Yes, I wanna keep the baby, Blaine you wanna keep our baby right? I dont wanna kill my baby" Kurt said with a panic seriously in wide eyes.
"Baby baby, calm down, nobodys gonna kill our baby, I promise." Blaine told him as he took him in his arms and Kurt clanged to him.
"As I was saying the birth can be either the natural birth or C-section but that all depends on your body and how it adjusts to the baby. I have already scheduled you a sonogram in 3 weeks to see the baby, and check on the babys health. Im going to prescribe you some pills for the morning sickness and pregnancy vitamins. I want you to keep healthy, eat whatever you want and dont keep yourself hungry cause youre not only hurting yourself but also the baby. Try not to get stressed and do your daily stuff, go to school but just take it easy a little, the school year is almost over just 3 more months so I dont think it would be that hard for you to finish school. And I think you should tell your parents about this situation sooner or later. Do you have any questions?" The doctor explained everything patiently.
"Yes doctor, well do." Blaine said and looked at Kurt to see how hes doing. "Do you have any questions baby?" He asked as he took Kurts hand in his own and kissed it.
"Uhhhh... You said Im 4 weeks long, how big is the baby right now?" The nervousness on Kurts face was so obvious that Dr. Smyth didnt answer his question. He got up and poured him some water in the plastic cup and handed it to him. Kurt took it hesitantly with a smile and drank half of it in one go.
"Better?" The doctor asked with a kind smile.
"Yes, thank you." Kurt said with a much relaxed smile.
"And to your question, the baby is like a...a... Peanut maybe even smaller." The doctor said with an amused look.
Kurt felt a tug at his lips and he smiled as he put his hand on his stomach.
"Thats really cute." Blaine said as he took Kurts hand in his and kissed it.
"I love you." Blaine said quietly.
"I love you too." Kurt kissed his knuckles and turned to the doctor again to see the doctor smiling back at him.
"Now, are you gonna get out of here or should I click you out?" The doctor asked jokingly.
"No, I think we are good." Blaine said and pulled Kurt up.
"See you in 3 weeks." The doctor said gathering the papers on his desk.
"Thanks doctor, bye." Kurt said and they exited the room.
Blaine took Kurts hand and pulled him in an empty room and kissed him fiercely as he hugged him close. Kurt kissed back with just as much love after the shocked reaction was gone.
"Were gonna have a baby." Blaine said with hearts in his eyes and didnt let go of Kurt.
"I know are you happy?"
"Ive never been more happier in my life. I know that its gonna be a challenge in our situation but I promise you with everything I am that youre never gonna have to do anything alone." Kurt absorbed everything Blaine said and as a grateful gesture he have him a soft but lingering kiss on his lips and breathed him in.
"When do you wanna tell your Dad?" Blaine asked as they started the car and went to go home.
"Now, I just really wanna get it over with." Kurt said wearily.
"Okay, whatever you want." Blaine said and joined their hands between them as he drove.
The drive to the house was spent in silence both boys were deep in thought and when they got to the house they saw Burts truck in the driveway. As soon as they opened the door Burt was in front of them with a furious look on his face.
"Seriously, you guys need to tell me whats going on. You didnt go to school today either, so I need explanations RIGHT NOW, Kurt Im concerned about your health, please just tell me whats wrong." He said loudly and so very seriously and angry.
"Dad, Ill tell you just calm down, its not good for your heart." Kurt led him to the living room by his arm and sat him on the couch. Blaine followed them and he with Kurt sat on the sofa opposite to Burt.
"Just tell me." Burt was getting more and more impatient by the second.
"Okay umm.... This is gonna change a lot of things, so just try to understand please." Kurt said with pleading eyes.
"Kurt, cut the crap and tell me whats wrong."
"Im pregnant." Kurt said loudly.
The room was quiet for so long it felt like forever. Burt just blinked at them slowly and his expression was unreadable.
"Youre p-pregnant, how is that exactly possible?" Burt asked with narrowed eyes.
"Umm, I didnt know that Im a carrier. A carrier is a man whos able to conceive and hold a baby for 9 months." Kurt said a little shyly at his dads confused expression.
"How far long are you?" Burt asked carefully.
"4 weeks." Kurt said again taking Blaines hand in his.
"What decisions have you made concerning this baby?" Burt asked gesturing to the both of them.
"Umm... just that we want to keep it." Kurt said squeezing Blaines hand.
Burt nodded and made his way to the kitchen and gesturing for the boys to follow suit. They sat around the kitchen table and Burt handed them a can of soda each.
"Dad will you just tell us what youre thinking please?" Kurt said finally not being able to hold his breath any longer.
"Im disappointed that you didnt prevent this even though you didnt know it could happen, but I also cant do anything about it now and we just have to deal with it. Now Kurt why dont you go and change upstairs so I can have a word with Blaine." Blaines head snapped up at the mention of his name.
"Dad-" Kurt said with a warning look before he got up from the table.
"Just wanna talk." Burt held his hands up as a defending gesture. When Kurt left the kitchen Blaine felt like he was gonna die and Burt noticed that much too easily.
"Im not gonna kill you, cause then Kurt will kill me, so chill, okay? First of all, are you serious about my son and this baby or not?"
"Yes, yes of course I am. More than anything." Blaine said quickly.
"Good, secondly, why werent you using protection?" Burt asked a little angrily.
"We were always its just that... That we ranoutofit that day." Blaine said quickly as he looked at his hands on the table.
"Hmmmm, have you told your parents yet?" Burt asked him carefully this time.
"Not yet sir, but I will."
"Hey now, we dont need to go back to the sir level. Now go see if my son needs anything. Ill cook lunch for you but then I need to go back to the garage."
"Ill cook something, you dont need to."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, totally." Blaine said and nodded his head fast, So Burt accepted and left for work.