Mad World
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Mad World: Chapter 3

T - Words: 2,471 - Last Updated: Jun 03, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Mar 13, 2012 - Updated: Jun 03, 2012
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Author's Notes: This is Chapter 2 from Blaine's point of view. Songs obviously are the same as in the previous chapter.
That Saturday morning Blaine Anderson woke up later than usual. But that’s what Saturday mornings are for. It’s the time to sleep through all the fatigue and worries that has piled up during the week.

Blaine also liked Saturdays because on those days he met his sister Elise. She was his closest person in the whole world, but living in Dalton Academy’s dorms didn’t allow them to meet during the week. Of course, Blaine could live at home with his family like he had done all those years before, but driving to Westerville each morning and then back to Lima on the evenings would be a bit too much and living in dorms… well… let’s just say it was easier.

Saturdays were also one of the days when Blaine got to perform. Although music was a big part of his everyday – he was the lead singer in the Warblers, Dalton Academy Glee club, but that wasn’t enough for Blaine. Music was his passion and his love. Music was his ultimate escape and a way to express himself. And about month ago he has gotten an amazing chance to live his dream more than ever.

Wes, his best friend’s parents, had started a new business and opened a coffee shop in Westerville – Somewhere Only We Know. They wanted to create something unique and different. And they thought that music will be the key to it. So, every Friday and Saturday night they let Blaine perform there. That was an opportunity the boy wouldn’t miss for anything in the world. And tonight was even more special, because Elise will be coming to listen.

Blaine spent the first part of his day doing some homework that has still left and cleaned his room. He lived alone, because after a long day at the Dalton he enjoyed some privacy. Yes, it could get lonely sometimes, but most of his friends and fellow Warblers lived just down the hall; and he could always call his sister.

Around 3:00 pm while Blaine was lying on his bed with math homework in front of him, his phone started to ring. Blaine reached his hand and grabbed it. Caller ID said it’s Elise.

“Hey, El!” boy greeted her happily.

“I’m at your dorm building, but the lovely lady at the entrance won’t let me in saying something about young boys and innocent girls,” Elise replied sarcastically.

“Oh, you’re already here? I thought we agreed that I’ll meet you at the bus stop,” Blaine spoke bemused.

“Yes, but I wanted to surprise you. Although it seems that this woman has some other plans. So will you come and save me from those evil boys?” Elise laughed.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m already coming,” and with that Blaine ended the call.

He rushed down the stairs to the first floor and straight to the Mrs. Brown, an old lady who was controlling the incomers at the entrance.

“Hello, Mrs. Brown!” Blaine greeted her. “You can surely let this girl in,” he told her, “She’s my sister!” boy quickly added.

Mr. Brown looked suspiciously and Elise and then at Blaine, as if checking how similar they looked. And they really were alike. Elise had the same curly hair that Blaine had, only she had grew them long and now they reached the middle of her back. She also had Blaine’s soft brown eyes and bright smile.

“Okay, she may come in, but you know the rules, Mr. Anderson,” the lady warned him.

“Thank you, Mrs. Brown, and I can assure you that next time you’ll be informed about any of my visitors,” Blaine said and granted her a warm smile.

As soon as Elise was allowed to walk through the entrance door she ran to hug Blaine.

“I missed you so much, big brother! You definitely owe me lunch today!” she tried to sound annoyed but absolutely failed and started to laugh.

“Deal! Let me just take my stuff from the room. You can come with me.”

And with that Blaine led the younger girl up the stairs.

Once in his room, Blaine started to look for his bag and a wallet. He quickly closed the math book, making a mental note not to forget about finishing his homework.

“I’m all done and ready to go. How about you?” Blaine asked turning to Elise.

“Yeah, I’m ready, too,” she replied, still smiling.

They went to the Westerville shopping centre since it was almost 4:00 pm and both of them started to feel the hunger. They found a quiet restaurant and ordered their food. As promised, Blaine paid for Elise, too.

“I miss you at home,” Elise suddenly said while they were eating their lunch.

“You know I miss you, too,” Blaine looked at her.

“Then why don’t you come back? Your room is still empty, you can move in right now if you want and – “

“El, we’ve been through this so many times,” Blaine sighed, “I won’t move back. I just can’t stand the atmosphere at home and I can’t return to the old school, you know that very well. You were forced to transfer, too. Besides mom and dad – “

“They love you, Blaine!” Elise pleaded.

“Then they have very strange ways of showing it,” the boy snapped. After a moment of silence he continued, “Deep down I know they love me or at least they care enough to pay the Dalton’s tuition fee, but I can’t stand the feeling of disappointment. I can’t even sit at the same room with them not feeling like a burden or a mistake. El, please, understand me. And after all I’m graduating this year. I’m going to New York; I’m already filling in the application forms. And that means moving away even further.”

Elise wasn’t looking at him, but playing with her napkin like it was the most exciting activity ever. Blaine immediately felt guilty for his words.

“You know, let’s just forget this conversation. This was meant as our day together and such days are supposed to be happy. Look, even sun is shining today because you’re here. Let’s go and I’ll buy you something pretty,” Blaine offered taking his sister’s hand.

Girl took his hand and smiled finally looking up.

After a small shopping trip which resulted in Blaine buying a pink scarf for Elise, they both made their way to the coffee shop.

“Hello, Shannon!” Blaine greeted the girl who was working behind a counter as he entered Somewhere Only We Know.

“Hi, Blaine! Are you going to play again tonight? Pity that I’m working, I’d love to listen,” girl replied.

“Yeah, I can’t miss such an opportunity,” Blaine smiled. “I took my sister with me tonight,” he introduced Elise proudly.

“Hey, it’s so nice to meet you,” Shannon waved. “Coffee’s on the house for you!”

“Thanks!” Elise smiled and took the cup that was offered to her.

Blaine thanked Shannon and led his sister to the room at the back of the coffee shop where the piano stood. There he met Wes parents who were enjoying themselves in front of the fireplace.

“Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Turner,” Blaine greeted them.

“Hello, Blaine,” Mr. Turned answered and smiled at him. “So, as I understand you’re playing again? We love your enthusiasm, Blaine. Sadly that other guests don’t want to participate, but we are not giving up on our idea. We still hope that you and Wes will inspire them and some day we will have successful concerts here.”

“You know I’ll never let down an opportunity to perform, Mr. Turner. I use it as a possibility to practice before New York,” Blaine explained.

“Ah, yes, Wes told us about your future plans. We wish you all the best Blaine,” Mrs. Turner joined the conversation.

“Thank you, I really appreciate that,” Blaine expressed his gratitude. He really was thankful to these people who had cared about him ever since he became friends with Wes.

“I think we will leave your for tonight. We still have some paper work to do. Have fun, kids!” and with that Wes parents left.

“Do you have anything special in mind or you just come and play?” Elise asked, when Blaine had sat down behind the piano.

“No, I just play what feels right at the moment. I think that makes any performance more personal,” Blaine replied. “You can sit down somewhere there and enjoy your coffee,” he smiled showing Elise some free places.

Elise sat on the couch that was right in front of the piano and smiled sweetly at Blaine. She was glad to see her brother so happy and relaxed. He used to be so nervous and depressed. Coming from school upset and sometimes even crying. But, when Blaine transferred to Dalton after the first semester last year, he changed so much. He once more became that happy, smiling boy Elise had known since her childhood.

“Good evening, I’m Blaine. Some of you may have already noticed me here sometimes and I hope you’ll allow me to play again tonight. Enjoy!” Blaine greeted people in the room. Not that there were so many of them, but Blaine always felt the need to make a connection between himself and the audience, no matter how many people were listening.

He started playing some quiet melody, just enjoying the feeling of piano keys under his fingers and sound of music that filled the room. After a while Blaine began looking around to room when suddenly his eyed fell on a boy he had never seen here before. He was simply standing in the middle of the room and looking around, like daydreaming, with a cup of coffee in his hands. Abruptly two girls snapped the boy’s dreaming and led him to one of the couches near the fire place.

Blaine averted his gaze from the new boy and finished the song, smiling as the people started to applaud. He looked at his sister and straight away knew what to play next. Beethoven’s Fur Elise. It was one of the first music pieces he had ever learned to and Blaine always played it for his sister.

Small smile found the way to his lips as he closed his eyes feeling the music. He had played Fur Elise so many times that he could probably do it in his sleep. When the peaceful melody changed and became more rapid he opened his eyes concentrating on the notes. He had struggled with this part so much in his childhood, but now playing it had become like a second nature to Blaine. After a short while melody became quiet again and soon after Blaine finished playing.

Public applauded again and Blaine felt two hand wrapping around him.

“Thank you!” Elise said kissing Blaine’s cheek. “You know how much I love this composition.”

Blaine smiled hugging his sister tighter. Nothing made him more blissful than seeing his little sister so happy. And as soon as Blaine thought about her, he also remembered his home and his family that he had left. He had left them because of the disappointment he was causing. Because he didn’t fit in. Not even in his own family. Smile left Blaine’s face and once Elise had sat back in her place he started another song. The one he had played too many times before.

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere

Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

Elise recognized the song from the first notes. She knew that Blaine played it whenever he was sad. He had once explained that this is the song that reflects his soul, whatever that meant. For Elise it remained those night that Blaine had spent crying after coming home from school and all those days he was depressed and hiding away from everyone.

And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it’s a very, very
Mad world, mad world

Blaine had closed his eyes simply feeling the melody and lyrics that seemed to come from somewhere deep inside him. But suddenly he felt something else. Like someone was staring at him. Blaine opened his eyes and they immediately fell on that unknown boy he had noticed some moments before. He was looking at Blaine with his bright eyes. What was their colour? Is it green or gray? Blue?, Blaine wondered. And why is he looking at me so closely? God, he is beautiful…

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday, happy birthday
And I feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen

Blaine started to feel uncomfortable just staring at the boy like that, so he broke the gaze trying to concentrate on the piano and lyrics again, before he messed something up.

Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me, what's my lesson?
Look right through me, look right through me

Unfortunately that wasn’t the best idea, because this song always brought back so many memories. Memories Blaine wanted to forget, but couldn’t. Even now, when time had passed and he had tried to run away from his past, it always caught him.

Blaine looked at the boy again, trying to find some strange consolation in his eyed. And Blaine’s heart started to beat so unusually again. So Blaine continued to sing, putting his heart in the lyrics. He wanted the boy to feel it. But why?

And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it’s a very, very
Mad world, mad world, enlarging your world
Mad world.

Blaine finished the song while looking in the mysterious boy’s eyes. He seemed to do just to same, never avoiding Blaine’s gaze.

As soon as Blaine finished playing he looked away from the object of his sudden infatuation. What had just happened?

“Thank you, you’re very kind,” Blaine smiled at his small audience and went to Elise who waited him with a frown on her face.

“Why are you playing this again, Blaine?” she whispered, sounding upset. “Why are you doing this to yourself?”

“I simply love the song,” Blaine shrugged, “Isn’t that a good enough reason? Plus I’m not the baby here, so you don’t need to worry about nothing.”

“Did you just call me a baby?!” Elise asked faking indignation. “I’m only two years younger than you, so watch what you’re saying!” she smacked Blaine’s arm still pretending to be angry.

Blaine just laughed at her kind – heartedly. “Come on, it’s already late. I need to take you to the bus,” he said putting his arm around Elise’s shoulder.


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