Mad World
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Mad World: Chapter 2

T - Words: 3,122 - Last Updated: Jun 03, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Mar 13, 2012 - Updated: Jun 03, 2012
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Author's Notes: I forgot to mention that I own nothing and I'm writing this just for my own enjoyment.Songs used in this chapter are Beethoven's Fur Elise and Gary Jules - Mad World
Saturday morning, much to Kurt’s enjoyment, greeted him with a sun. This must be a sign for a good day, Kurt hoped.

It was 9:00 am and Mercedes had promised to pick him up at 11:00 am, so Kurt still had enough time to get ready. He went to the bathroom for his morning shower and then moved to the wardrobe to pick the right outfit. After some minutes of consideration, Kurt decided on black jeans and a beige shirt. He also took a black scarf to accent his outfit.

When Kurt went downstairs, everything was quiet. Apparently Finn was still sleeping and Carole had already left to visit her sister. Kurt wandered into the kitchen and immediately noticed a little note on the table. He picked it up and recognized his father’s handwriting.

“I had to leave for a work this morning, so I’ll be gone for whole day. We are still going to that game, Finn, I’ll pick you up at 5:00 pm. Enjoy your day in Westerville, Kurt. Home before midnight! ”
- Burt

Kurt put the note back on the table, so Finn can find it after he wakes up, and moved on to prepare a coffee as well as some toasts.

Some minutes later, Finn came into the kitchen looking a bit weary.

“Good morning,” he said to Kurt and yawned.

“Good morning to you, too, Finn. Sorry to say that, but you look terrible,” boy answered raising an eyebrow at his step – brother.

“I came back late from my date with Rachel and then spent half of the night playing online games with Puck.”

Kurt just nodded, because he wasn’t really interested in Finn’s dates with Rachel or computer games.

Suddenly Kurt’s phone started to ring. Name on the screen said that it’s Mercedes.


“Yeah, yeah, I’m ready. I’ll be out in a second. See you!”

Kurt ended the call and pushed phone back in his pocket.

“Mercedes is already waiting for me outside, so I’m going,” Kurt explained. “Oh, and there is a note for you!” Kurt waved his hand in the table’s direction. “Bye, Finn!”

“Bye, Kurt!” Finn replied a bit puzzled. Everything seems a bit confusing in such an early morning.

Kurt grabbed his grey jacket and ran out the door. Mercedes greeted him with a warm hug.

“Hey, someone seems happy this morning!” girl said smiling at Kurt.

“How can I be sad when I get to spend whole day with my best friend? Besides look at the wonderful sun today! Got to enjoy that before the winter arrives.”

“California is crying for you, baby!” Mercedes laughed while opening doors on the driver’s side.

“Do you even imagine how much sunscreen I’d have to use there? I do enjoy sun, but everything has its limits,” Kurt explained getting into the car besides Mercedes.

“Okay, okay! I was just saying. I know how much you dream about New York.”


They kept talking about this and that all the way to Westerville. 2 hours flew by while both friends were occupied in an animated conversation about fashion, movies and things they would like to do today. Mercedes also told Kurt some more things about Alisha. She was 21 year old aspiring photographer and had spent last 3 month traveling around Canada and taking photos for her portfolio.

They pulled up in front of a quiet small two story brick house with a metallic fence around it. In front of the house was little, but very neat garden where some autumn flower still lingered.

“Alisha lives with her mother who is divorced. She spent her childhood in this house. I used to come here during summer holidays. Alisha has always been like my older sister” Mercedes explained.

Kurt just nodded. He wished that he’d had any friends on his age when he was a child. After his mother’s death Burt has spent even more time with Kurt that before and boy really appreciated his effort and care, but it still didn’t protect him from loneliness and longing for acceptance from kids his age. All until he joined the Glee club.

Mercedes knocked on the door.

Just a few seconds later a middle aged woman opened them. She was dressed in simple white dress and her dark hair was pulled back in a high bun. She immediately smiled and hugged Mercedes.

“It’s so nice to finally see you again, Mercedes! Come on in!” the lady greeted her.

“I’m glad to see you too, aunt Denise! And this is my best friend Kurt.”

“Hello, Kurt! It’s nice to meet you,” the woman smiled and reached her hand out to Kurt.

“Hello, Mrs…” Kurt started, but stopped remembering that he didn’t know her surname.

“Oh, just called me Denise, dear! A friend of Mercedes is also our friend.”

“Hello, Denise. It’s a pleasure to meet you. And thank you,” Kurt smiled shaking her hand.

Denise led them into the house. It was nicely decorated in a country style with warm colours that created really pleasant atmosphere. This wasn’t Kurt’s favourite style of house decorations, but he had to admit that it looked really tasteful and suited its owner.

“Alisha, Mercedes is here!” Denise called. “Come and sit in the living room, Alisha will be down in a minute,” she told Kurt and Mercedes. “I’ll be in the back garden if you need me.”

“She seems really nice,” Kurt said, after Denise had left.

“Yeah, she’s the most positive and kind – hearted woman I know,” Mercedes answered.

A few seconds later black girl came down the stairs and straight away hugged Mercedes who had from the couch as soon as she saw her. She was taller then Mercedes and had long black, wavy hair with a pink in them. She was wearing black leggings with short jeans skirt and yellow blouse that fitted her slim figure nicely.

“Mercedes! God, I missed you so much!” girl, who apparently was Alisha exclaimed.

“I really missed you, too! We saw each other last Christmas, if I remember correctly,” Mercades told her.

“Yeah, but college was taking all of my time and when the summer came Curtis invited me to Canada and I just couldn’t say no. You can’t even imagine how beautiful that place is, especially in autumn. Just wait when I’ll show you my photos! They will bring me luck, I can feel it!”

“That’s great, Alisha! I’m really happy for you,” Mercedes hugged her one more time. “Today I brought my friend Kurt with me,” younger girl explained as she stepped aside allowing Kurt greet her cousin.

“Hey, Kurt! I’m Alisha. Mercedes has already told me about you,” Alisha said and hugged Kurt too.

“I’m happy to meet you, too,” Kurt hugged her back.

She seemed really nice and Kurt was sure that today is going to be great.

“Would you like some tea or anything else?” Alisha offered.

“Tea would be great. How about you, Kurt?” Mercedes asked.

“Yes, tea please,” Kurt replied.

After couple of minutes all three of them were already involved in a conversation about Alisha’s trip and adventures in Canada. She also showed them her best photos and Kurt had to admit that they all were unexpectedly good. Lots of people with cameras like to call themselves photographers, but this girl really had a talent. Kurt was surprised that she wasn’t successful already.

“There’s such a nice weather outside today. Maybe we could go for a little walk? Kurt has never been in Westerville, so it could be interesting for him, too,” Mercedes offered after they had seen all the photos.

“Sure! We can find some nice place and have dinner there. Are you both staying the night?” Alisha asked.

“No, no, we’re going back tonight. Maybe some other time, if you are not leaving again soon,” the other girl answered.

“Okay, you both can wait me here or already go outside. I’ll just tell mum that won’t be home for diner,” and with that Alisha left them.

Kurt really enjoyed the tour of the city. Alisha and her mother lived in the suburb of Westerville, but boy was sure that it’s the prettiest part of it. Although Westerville was almost as big as Lima, it had some strange charm. This place made Kurt feel so calm and relaxed.

They ate dinner at some restaurant, which Alisha claimed as her favourite one, and continued their walk until it got dark.

When the sun had set, wind got colder and it wasn’t pleasant to be outside anymore.

“How about coffee?” Alisha offered. “There is one coffee shop that was opened recently just down the street.”

“Sounds really nice. Warm cup of coffee is exactly what I need,” Kurt answered and Mercedes nodded in agreement.

After a couple of minutes they arrived at the coffee shop called Somewhere Only We Know and went inside. It definitely differed to any other place Kurt had ever been to. Front room’s walls were painted in sand colour and all the furniture, and even curtains nicely matched their tone. The walls were decorated with some photographs. In some of them Kurt recognized parts of Westerville that he had visited today. On the left side of the room was a counter where customers where served. Rest of the room was filled with small, round tables and chairs around them. A few of them were taken by people who drank coffee and filled the room with their chatter.

All three of them stood in the line until their turn came and young girl took their orders.

“Let’s go further! It’s quieter there,” Alisha suggested holding her warm cup of coffee in one hand, while she gestured to the dark curtain.

Kurt and Mercedes followed her and entered next room behind the heavy curtains. Kurt was absolutely stunned by what he saw. All the walls were painted in deep read colour. On the left side he saw a fireplace which filled the room with a dim light and warmth. There weren’t the usual round tables and chairs, but dark brown sofas with small coffee tables in front of them. Some people were sitting in their places, some were casually curled up on the sofas and enjoying themselves. In the corners of the room tall lamps were placed, but their light wasn’t bright, so it didn’t disturb the calm and private atmosphere. On the other side of the room Kurt saw a piano and some boy was playing a quiet melody. Heavy curtains seemed to block the sounds from the front room, so nothing disturbed this dreamlike environment.

“Here is a free place,” Alisha called them and Kurt noticed that he was standing with an open mouth in the middle at the room simply staring at everything around him. Never had he seen a coffee shop like this.

They sat down on one of the sofas near the fireplace. Both girls continued a conversation they had started earlier, but Kurt kept looking around him until he finally looked at the boy who was playing piano. Kurt had to catch his breath at the sight in front of him. It was the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. He had dark and curl hair that kept falling in his eyes a bit. He was wearing a perfectly white shirt that almost seemed like glowing in the dark. He finished the song and people quietly applauded. Kurt joined them. Boy smiled gratefully, thought for a minute and then started to play a new melody which Kurt recognizes immediately. Beethoven’s Fur Elise. Boy closed his eyes as his fingers gently traced the piano keys. Looked like he was not only playing the song, he was living in every note of it. Small smile never left the unknown boy’s lips.

“See something you like?” Mercedes whispered in Kurt’s ear.

“I enjoy beautiful music,” Kurt replied, but Mercedes smiled knowingly. She knew this boy too well to notice what he was actually enjoying here. She also knew not to push the subject further and returned to Alisha. The way back home was long enough to satisfy her curiosity about things that happened in her best friend’s mind.

As the music got more dramatic, boy at the piano opened his eyed, but kept playing never missing a single note. He played it by heart, like he has done it million times before. Music got quieter and quieter until faded away completely.

As soon as it ended people applauded again. Suddenly some girl run to the beautiful boy and kissed his cheek throwing her hands around his neck. Boy laughed quietly and hugged the girl back.

Kurt felt a small sting in his heart. Of course he has a girlfriend, Kurt thought. Someone so beautiful and apparently also talented can’t be single. He probably had many girls waiting for him and Kurt felt another pain in his chest. Was it jealousy? Was he really jealous at some random girl who was hugging a boy had seen for the first and probably last time less then ten minutes ago? Maybe.

Girl left and mysterious boy turned back to piano. Quiet melody filled the room again as boy’s fingers touched piano keys one more time. Then, much to Kurt’s surprise, he started to sing.

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere

Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

His voice was quiet and gentle, but filled with so much depth that left Kurt speechless. The boy closed his eyes as he continued.

And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it’s a very, very
Mad world, mad world

Boy opened his eyes again and suddenly looked at Kurt’s direction. His eyes. Kurt finally saw his eyes and couldn’t look away anymore. They where the softest brown colour that Kurt had ever seen. He kept looking straight at the boy’s eyes unable to turn away. Boy kept his stare and Kurt saw something new. Was it interest? Curiosity maybe? He continued to sing.

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday, happy birthday
And I feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen

He finally averted his gaze from Kurt’s and turned back to piano, much to other boy’s disappointment.

Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me, what's my lesson?
Look right through me, look right through me

Then he lifted his gaze from piano keys and looked at Kurt again. Now there was something else in his eyes. Sadness. Every word that came out of his lips was filled with sadness. It felt like he was putting his soul out into this song. Like he lived in every word of the lyrics. And he never looked away from Kurt.

And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it’s a very, very
Mad world, mad world, enlarging your world
Mad world.

Suddenly the song ended and boy quickly turned his gaze away. Kurt was completely taken aback. He felt like the world had stopped during the song and now restarted to turn at full speed.

People applauded and the boy stood up from the piano bench. “Thank you, you’re very kind,” he said and smiled shyly. Then he left and went to the girl who had hugged him earlier. She looked kind of upset and muttered something to him, but boy just shrugged, took her by the hand and led out of the room through small door next to the piano. He never looked back at Kurt again.

When boy and his girlfriend left, Kurt finally remembered about his already cold coffee in front of him. He had completely forgotten about it.

Kurt turned to Mercedes and Alisha who were still talking and not noticing anything around them. Kurt took out his phone to check the time. It was already 9:30 pm. Where did the time go?

“Hey, Mercedes!” Kurt tapped her shoulder to get the girl’s attention. “It’s already half past nine. I think it’s time to get going,” he looked at her questioning.

“Oh my God! You’re right! I never noticed how the time passed,” she said getting to her feet.

“Pity that you have to leave so soon. I’ll walk you to your car,” Alisha also got up and put on her jacket.

All three of them left the warm and cozy coffee shop. As soon as they opened the front door, they where greeted with a cold wind. Three friends hurried up the street, none of them wanting to spend more time than necessary in the cold air.

“Thank you for this wonderful day, Al,” Mercedes hugged the older girl, when they were standing in front of Alishas house.

“I hope to see you again soon, dear. I’ll be back in Westerville for Christmas, so you better visit me then,” Alisha told her cousin. “It was nice to meet you too, Kurt,” she said and went to hug the boy. Kurt smiled at her.

When they finally had said their goodbyes and Kurt and Mercedes were already driving in the car, girl just couldn’t fight her curiosity anymore.

“So… I also saw that guy in the coffee shop. He looked hot!” Mercedes giggled looking at Kurt.

“What exactly are you talking about?” Kurt asked pretending he had no idea what his friend had meant.

“Oh, come on, Kurt! I saw you staring at that guy while he was playing; and that wasn’t really an “I – admire – your – piano – playing - skills” kind of staring. More like a “How – are – you – real” stare. So, the question is – are you planning to visit that coffee shop again? You know, to try your luck,” girl continued, winking at Kurt.

Did she really just wink? Kurt thought raising an eyebrow at his friend.

“No, Mercedes I’m not. Plus he has a girlfriend and they looked happy. I’m not that desperate to stalk a random guy who I saw only once in a coffee shop. Please, drop the subject.” Kurt sounded a bit annoyed.

Even if he liked that mysterious guy, what did it give him? The boy was straight. Kurt had learned his lesson over the last year. He got his heart broken and, even if he had gotten over Finn a long time ago, it still hurt. Just because others seemed to not noticed it, this boy had feelings too. He won’t fall for a straight guy again. Not this time. Not ever.


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