Mad World
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Mad World: Chapter 19

T - Words: 3,700 - Last Updated: Jun 03, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Mar 13, 2012 - Updated: Jun 03, 2012
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Author's Notes: Oh gosh, I actually managed to write this before the end of the dead line! Sorry for any possible grammar or spelling mistakes, I can't make myself to read this through one more time.Songs used here are Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy (I wrote only Kurt's lyrics, because the scene focuses on him) and Hey, Soul Sister (both are Glee versions obviously).

Next weeks came and went and soon the end of March was there. And for a Glee club it meant only one thing – Regionals. New Directions seemed to be broken their tradition to prepare on the last moment and was ready to conquer the stage. Rachel had found a song for a duet and Kurt had to admit that it was really suiting and he was happy to be the one to perform it. Their second song was a group number that showed their ability to work as a team and musically contrasted with their soft opening duet.

Only difference between the past competitions and this one was the fact that this year’s Regionals took place in McKinley High. It meant no bus ride and more confidence for the New Directions, who got a chance to perform at their home.

Actually, it meant more confidence for everyone, except Kurt. Since the moment the young boy woke up, he was a ball of nerves. This time in Regionals Kurt would have to compete with Blaine and the rest of the Warblers. Of course, they had done the same in Sectionals, too, but this time everything was different. Back in November they both barely knew each other and Kurt saw the Warblers all together for the first time. Today Kurt would be competing against his boyfriend and his friends. Kurt and Blaine hadn’t talked much about the competition. They just teased each other from time to time about how their Glee club is going to win and the other choirs had no other option than a loss. But now Kurt was really worried what would happen if New Directions actually won. How would Blaine take it? After all it was his senior year. Would he be mad at Kurt for taking away his chance to shine?

While other Glee club members were inside getting ready, Kurt was already dressed and waited outside by the school entrance. He and Blaine had agreed to meet before the competition to wish each other good luck.

As soon as he noticed Blaine’s car pulling up in the parking lot in front of the school, his heart started to beat faster. Blaine wasn’t going together with other Warblers, because afterwards he was planning to stay in Lima and spend the rest of the day with Kurt.

The lead Warbler stepped out of his car dressed in his Dalton uniform, hair perfectly styled with a gel. Kurt couldn’t help, but smile. Once in his school blazer, Blaine looked nothing like he usually did. This was Blaine Anderson, top student and the Warblers lead singer. But to Kurt he was still Blaine. His Blaine.

“Good morning,” Kurt was greeted with a smile and an unexpected kiss, when Blaine finally made his way towards him.

“Hey, Blaine,” Kurt shyly replied after their lips had parted.

“Ready for the competition?” the older boy asked almost bouncing next to Kurt, as he seemed to have problems controlling his excitement. “Warblers are at their absolute best this time. This is war, Kurt!” he playfully winked at the boy.

“Yeah… we’re… we’re good,” Kurt unsurely replied looking at his feet. Come on, it’s Blaine! his mind was screaming at him.

Blaine looked at the boy in front of him completely confused.

“What’s wrong, Kurt? You’re absolutely not yourself this morning?” he asked trying to look in his boyfriend’s eyes that were still fixed on the ground.

The younger boy didn’t answer, not daring to look at the Warbler and biting his lower lip. Blaine started to worry more and more, so he put his hand under Kurt’s chin to gently look in his eyes.

“Kurt, please don’t leave me guessing here. Is it about your duet?” he asked, but Kurt just shook his head, still trying to avoid Blaine’s eyes. “Is it because I didn’t call last night? I’m so sorry about that, Kurt. Please don’t be angry with me now, I told you I had a really long Warbler rehearsal.”

Now Kurt finally looked at Blaine with huge surprised eyes and then started to shake his head rapidly. “No, Blaine! I could never be angry with you!”

“That what is it, babe? Please talk to me! I can’t go on stage knowing that there’s something wrong with you,” the older boy was basically begging at the moment.

“I…what if… I’m not saying it will happen, but… imagine if New Directions won, would you be angry with me?” Kurt asked in a quiet voice that seemed to make him even younger than he already looked.

Now it was Blaine’s turn to stare in surprise. “And that’s it?” he asked not believing his ears. Kurt simply nodded.

“You are so silly, babe!” Blaine laughed, cupping Kurt’s face in his hands and kissing his nose. “Do you really think I value some choir competition more than our relationship?”

“But it’s your senior year, it’s your last chance and –“

“Kurt, listen to me now very carefully,” Blaine began, still holding the younger boy’s face in his hands and looking straight in his eyes, “you are the best thing that has happened to me in my senior year and nothing, absolutely nothing can change that. And if New Directions win, I’ll be the first one to hug and congratulate you. Okay?”

Kurt nodded feeling his eyes filling with tears.

“Now I should probably go and meet the Warblers. Good luck, baby! Go and stun everyone with your beautiful voice,” Blaine smiled and gently pressed his lips to Kurt’s.

“Good luck to you, too, Blaine,” Kurt replied. “I’m still going to see you after the competition?”

“Of course! I promised you dinner, didn’t I? But now I really must go or I’ll have to face Wes’ wrath.” With that Blaine left, after he had kissed Kurt one more time.

Now Kurt felt a lot better and could concentrate on his performance. You are the best thing that has happened to me, he could still hear Blaine’s voice in his head, until the boy stepped into the classroom that had now become the dressing room for New Direction. As soon as he opened the door, Rachel rushed to his side.

“Now, Kurt, I know you’re not even nearly as experienced performer as I am and I don’t even know why Mr. Schue put us both together. But don’t worry, me, Rachel Berry, future’s brightest star in the Broadway’s heaven, am here to help you. Yes, I know you’re surprised and grateful, but you can thank me later, now is not the right time. I know you’re worried about the duet and don’t feel confident enough to sing with me, but I’ve got few tips that you’ll definitely find helpful. First…”

Kurt just stared at the brunet in front of him as she said it all in a speed of light and without taking a breath. He really wasn’t worried and actually not at all grateful for the speech Rachel was giving him right now, so he simply zoned her voice out and stared at a spot on the wall just a bit above her shoulder. He continued to this until Mr. Schue’s voice stopped all the conversations in the room.

“Okay, guys, it’s our turn! Do your best!”


Blaine and the rest of the Warblers sat patiently in the McKinley High auditorium, waiting for the New Directions’ performance. Actually patient were everyone else, except Blaine. He was freaking out about Kurt’s performance more than about his own.

The lights on the stage went off for a moment and then came on again to reveal two soloists of New Directions sitting on tall stools facing the audience. A peaceful piano melody filled the room and soon after that Kurt began to sing.

Forget your troubles
Come on get happy
You better chase all your cares away
Shout hallelujah
Come on get happy
Get ready for the judgment day

Blaine was immediately blown away by his boyfriend’s voice. Until this moment he had heard Kurt only singing high notes, but now he could admire his velvet voice in a lower register. Rachel next to him was trying very hard to look all dramatic and full of passion, but it did nothing to Blaine. In this duet he saw only Kurt.

The sun is shining
Come on get happy
The Lord is waiting to take your hand
Shout hallelujah
And just get happy
We're going to the promise land

All Blaine wanted was for Kurt to catch his gaze. The look in younger boy’s eyes was heavenly. Blaine remembered Kurt saying to him many times how full of life the older boy looked while singing, but at this moment Blaine couldn’t imagine anything more wrong. He could swear he saw stars in Kurt’s eyes as the boy on the stage sung his heart out and seemed to burst with happiness.

We're heading across the river
Soon your cares will all be gone

Forget your troubles
And just get happy
You better chase all your blues away
Shout hallelujah
And just get happy

Happy times
Happy nights
Happy days
Are here again

The song ended and Blaine immediately stood up to cheer for his boyfriend who finally looked at him and smiled in the most adorable way.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are the New Direction!” Rachel announced in an over excited manned and literally skipped to stand among the other choir members.

New melody, which Blaine recognized as Amy Winehouse’s Valery, filled the room. Although he had to admit that the girl who was leading this number was great, his eyes still stayed locked to Kurt. And once again, when the song ended, Blaine was the first one to stand up and cheer.

As soon as New Direction left the stage, Blaine excused himself to the rest of the Warblers and rushed backstage in hopes to see Kurt and congratulate his with the amazing performance.

He looked all around, but apparently the boy had already left to the auditorium to enjoy the rest of the choir performances. As his own time to sing was coming closer and closer, Blaine decided to go to the classroom that was assigned as the Warbler’s dressing room. On his way there he heard Vocal Adrenaline singing Bohemian Rhapsody, but he didn’t go back to see it.

Soon after the Vocal Adrenaline had ended their performance the rest of the Dalton boys filled the dressing room. They exchanged good luck wishes and made their way towards the stage.


When the lights in the auditorium went down, Kurt’s heart started to beat faster and faster. He even hadn’t been this nervous before his own performance. He had no idea what the Warblers will be singing, since he and Blaine had decided to keep their set – lists in secret, respecting their teams. He only knew that his boyfriend will be singing a duet and Kurt couldn’t wait to see what song it’s going to be.

The first song was a group number and Kurt didn’t recognize it, but he really had to admit that Blaine was right and Warblers truly were at their best. Their voices sounded in perfect unison and their moves were completely synchronized till the tiniest movement. When the first song ended, Kurt jumped to his feet to cheer for the group just like Blaine had done for him.

When the audience calmed down, Blaine stepped forwards towards the audience and the Warblers started to sing joyful background melody.

Hey, hey, hey

Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains
I knew I wouldn't forget you, and so I went and let you blow my mind
Your sweet moonbeam, the smell of you in every single dream, I dream
I knew when we collided, you're the one I have decided who's one of my kind

Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo,
The way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do, tonight

Kurt was amazed by the grace and the ease in which Blaine moved around the stage. He was smiling and flirted with the whole audience, winning every girl’s heart in the room. A few times he caught Kurt’s eyes and playfully winked at the boy, letting him know, that he was the only one Blaine was singing to. Kurt was feeling giddy and couldn’t help the slight blush that rose in his cheeks.

Hey, hey, hey

Just in time, I'm so glad you have a one-track mind like me
You gave my life direction, a game show love connection we can't deny
I'm so obsessed; my heart is bound to beat right out of my untrimmed chest
I believe in you, like a virgin, you're Madonna
And I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind

Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo,
The way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do, tonight

Well you can cut a rug, watching you's the only drug I need
So gangsta, I'm so thug, you're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see, I can be myself now finally, in fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you'll be, with me

Blaine winked at Kurt one more time making the younger boy giggle in his seat as he couldn’t contain the smile that had spread on his lips. This earned him a knowing look from Mercedes, which caused Kurt to blush even more.

Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo,
The way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do, tonight


“And the winner of this year’s Regional show choir competition is… Vocal Adrenaline!” the head of the judges announced as the audience began to cheer.


The loss hurt, but Kurt and Blaine had each other for support and soon the bitterness was gone.

No more competitions to prepare for meant no more Glee rehearsals. The group met one afternoon after the Regionals to look back at their year and sing together one last time in this school year.

More and more weeks passed and the end of May arrived. Only a few days of school were left, but more importantly – Kurt’s 18th birthday was here.

In this very special morning, he was woken up by a phone call from his boyfriend.

“Mmmm?” was all Kurt was able to say as he picked up his phone, eyes still closed.

“Happy birthday, baby!” Blaine gently exclaimed understanding that he had just woken the other boy up.

“Thank you, Blaine. That’s sweet. Can I sleep, please?” Kurt mumbled as his eyes stubbornly kept closing each time he tried to open them.

“Of course,” Blaine giggled, “I just wanted to make sure I’m the first one to congratulate you today.”

“Mhm,” was all he got for the answer as Kurt fell asleep once again.

“See you tonight, dear,” Blaine whispered as he hung up his phone. He wasn’t even sure if Kurt had heard that anymore.

Tonight Blaine was invited to dinner with the Hummel - Hudson family and tomorrow Kurt was throwing a party for his Glee friends. Blaine was, of course, invited to that one, too.

A few hours later Kurt had properly woken up, received congratulations from his parents and Finn and now was eating breakfast in the kitchen. Suddenly his phone started to ring and the name on the screen said it was Blaine.

“Hey!” Kurt’s cheerful voice greeted him.

“Kurt?” Blaine asked in a quiet voice causing all the colour drain from his boyfriend’s face.

“Oh God, what’s wrong?” the younger boy asked weakly, as thousand possibilities came to his mind.

“I got the letter from New York,” was Blaine’s equally weak answer.

On one hand Kurt felt immerse relief that everything was okay with his boyfriend. On the other hand his heart started to beat again in double speed when he though about the letter that held Blaine’s whole future.

“What does it say?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I haven’t looked. Mum just gave it to me and I can’t open it. I want to do together with you, if that’s okay.”

“Yeah... sure,” Kurt replied still stunned. “Tonight?”

“I don’t know, Kurt. I don’t want to ruin your birthday with this. Maybe I didn’t get in and then I’ll be miserable for the rest of the night.”

“No, Blaine,” Kurt softly spoke. “It’s equally important to me as it is to you and I can’t make you wait any longer. We’re going to open your letter tonight after dinner and I’m going to stay with you no matter what it says. Okay?”

“Okay,” Blaine replied. “I’ll see you tonight, I guess. Bye, Kurt.”

“Bye,” Kurt said as he hung up his phone and leaned against the wall with a heavy sigh.


Kurt couldn’t take his mind of the letter for the rest of the day. The fact that it was his birthday didn’t help either, because Carole had forbidden him to help make the dinner. It was his day and he was supposed to enjoy it, not work in the kitchen, she had said. To somehow clear his mind Kurt had spent the day at the mall, looking for a nice outfit for tomorrow night’s party.

When Blaine arrived that night, both boys avoided talking about the letter. They enjoyed the dinner in Kurt’s family in a light and joyful atmosphere.

Only when they had finished eating, Kurt asked his dad to excuse them both and explained the reason. Burt nodded understandingly and let the boys head to Kurt’s room. His opinion about Blaine had completely changed during the past months. He saw how happy his son was around this boy and he also saw how much Blaine cared about Kurt.

In Kurt’s room both boys sat down on the bed facing each other. For a moment nobody said anything.

“I would like to give you your birthday present first,” Blaine finally broke the silence and pulled a black, rectangular box out of his bag. “Happy birthday, babe,” he said leaning in and lightly kissing Kurt.

Kurt carefully took the box and opened it with slightly shaking hands. His breath got caught a little as he saw what was inside it. In the box he found a bracelet. It consisted from a thin silver plate and at its both ends soft leather straps were attached. Kurt took the bracelet out of the box to take a better look at the silver plate. On it he saw the engraving – five staves and music notes on them. The boy looked at them more closely, his eyes full of curiosity.

“Those are the beginning notes of Defying Gravity,” Blaine explained unsurely looking at Kurt’s expression. “It’s your favourite song, so I thought it would mean more than any lyrics I could come up with.”

“It’s so beautiful,” Kurt whispered not tearing his eyes away from the bracelet. “Thank you,” he smiled looking at Blaine at last.

“May I?” the older boy asked and Kurt nodded, reaching his right hand out to him. Blaine took the bracelet from Kurt and fixed it around his wrist. When it was done, Kurt leaned forward and kissed Blaine, hoping that the boy will feel all the adoration he felt towards him.

When they parted, Kurt didn’t lean away, but stayed still with his eyes closed and his face only a tiny bit way from Blaine’s.

“Are you ready to open your letter?” he whispered.

“Yeah, I am,” Blaine whispered back equally quiet.

Kurt leaned back and sat straight on the edge of his bed. He saw how Blaine reached for his bag one more time and pulled out a simple white envelope. The older boy looked at him and Kurt smiled, hoping that it would somehow reassure Blaine and show him support.

Blaine turned the envelope around and started to open it with shaking hands. When it was done he pulled out the sheet of paper and started to read. His eyes scanned the text, but his facial expression didn’t change. Finally he swallowed hard and looked at Kurt with tears shining in his eyes.

“I got in,” he managed to utter. “I got in and I got the scholarship. I – “

But he couldn’t finish the sentence as Kurt launched himself at Blaine and wrapped his arms tightly around his neck. All Blaine could do was to wrap his own arms around Kurt’s slender body and hold the boy as close to him as possible. The tears of happiness he was holding finally started to fall over his cheeks.

“I love you, Blaine,” Kurt whispered through his own tears.

This phrase made Blaine unwrap his arms and gently pull Kurt back. He looked at his boyfriend’s tear stained face that was now becoming completely white with fear.

“I love you so much, Kurt,” Blaine whispered back. That caused Kurt to burst in the most beautiful smile Blaine had ever seen; and he leaned in for another kiss.

End Notes: So, the next update. It's going to be the last chapter before the epilogue, so I want to do this right and not rush with writing. I can't promise to finish it until the next Sunday, although I'll try. Let's set the dead line to Tuesday, June 5th :)


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