June 3, 2012, 12:34 p.m.
June 3, 2012, 12:34 p.m.
Kurt was standing in the airport impatiently waiting at the arrival’s exit. He knew when Blaine’s flight from New York was supposed to land, but he couldn’t sit still. Right after his last lesson Kurt went straight to the airport to not miss the moment when his boyfriend came through the door, in case the plane arrived earlier.
Kurt had missed Blaine whole week. Yes, it wasn’t much different than their usual routine while they both were busy with their school works and only called each other in the evenings. But the knowing that Blaine was out of state and alone in such a huge city as New York were the things that worried Kurt the most. He couldn’t imagine what the next year is going to be like, once Blaine will be gone for good. And Kurt didn’t doubt that Blaine will be going to New York after graduation.
Finally Kurt heard the long waited announcement “Plane No. BT691 from New York has landed”. The young boy focused his eyes to the door not wanting to miss the exact second when Blaine walked through them.
He didn’t have to wait for too long and after about 15 minutes he saw the familiar curly hair and amber coloured eyes. Kurt couldn’t stop himself as he launched himself straight into Blaine’s arms, wrapping his own around his boyfriend’s neck.
“Welcome back, Blaine,” Kurt muttered against the older boy’s neck; breathing in the scent that he was so used to. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too, baby,” Blaine replied, pressing his boyfriend closed to his chest. “I missed you, too.”
Kurt eased his grip and pressed his lips against Blaine’s, his arms never leaving their position around the other boy’s neck. He wasn’t worried who could be watching them or what people might think; he had his boyfriend back and he was going to enjoy every moment of this wonderful feeling.
Their kiss was very short and simple, as Kurt couldn’t stop himself from grinning against Blaine’s lips.
“I’m so happy to have you back,” he whispered. “Will I get to see you tomorrow to hear all about your adventures in New York?” Kurt asked, looking straight to the older boy’s eyes, their faces only a few centimeters apart.
“Only tomorrow?” Blaine playfully asked. “I was planning to keep you tonight until your father dragged you away from me.”
Kurt could only stare in his boyfriend’s eyes in awe, “But, Blaine, you just arrived from your audition in New York, I’m sure your parents will want to –“. One look on Blaine’s face and Kurt immediately stopped talking.
“Then come to dinner at my house. Let’s spend tonight together, like any other Friday,” Blaine softly asked, taking Kurt’s hand and leading him out of the airport. “Please, I missed you so much, and I still have to make up for the Valentine’s Day.”
“But I’ve never had dinner in your house,” Kurt replied worriedly.
“There’s a first time for everything,” Blaine smiled at him amusedly. “But it’s okay, if you’ll say no,” he added feeling defeated. “If it’s about my parents, I’ll understand. While they’re not bad people, they haven’t been super welcoming to you, too. It’s okay, if you don’t want to come over.”
“No, Blaine!” Kurt exclaimed, stopping abruptly and looking in his boyfriend’s eyes again. “I’ll always want to spend time with you. You know very well that I like to hang out in your house, meet Elise and listen how you play the piano. Besides, my dad is trying to re-establish out Friday night dinner, now that we have Carole and Finn in our family. We had kind of forgotten about them for a while, and then I started to hang out with you…” Kurt trailed off.
“It’s okay, babe,” Blaine answered smiling reassuringly. “If I’m meeting you only tomorrow, it means I get to take you out for a date. A real date, with dinner and stuff. It’s kind of odd, we haven’t done this before.”
“It sounds amazing,” Kurt replied blushing slightly. “Is it okay, if I’ll give you your Valentine’s present tomorrow, too?” he asked shyly.
“It wasn’t an obligatory for you to get me anything, but I truly appreciate your generosity and I can’t wait to know what it is,” Blaine said, kissing Kurt’s cheek and continuing their way towards the younger boy’s car.
Next day Kurt was freaking out since the moment he woke up. Blaine has promised to pick him up at 4pm, since their plan for the date included going to Westerville. Of course they could find some nice and quiet place in Lima, but both boys had wanted to spend their first Valentine’s Day date together in the place where they had first met. And now Kurt had to find the perfect outfit for the occasion. He didn’t even precisely know what Blaine had planed for the night.
The problem was to choose between formal and casual without going from extreme to another. In Kurt’s mind nothing seemed scarier than being inappropriately dressed. Besides, this was their first real date, so any mistake was unforgivable. They had gone out for a coffee or a movie and Kurt had driven to Westerville to listen to Blaine’s little concerts, but they had never called them a date. Tonight everything will be different.
After many different combinations of clothes and accessories Kurt finally felt satisfied with the result. He had chosen dark grey skinny jeans with a purple shirt and a black jacket over it. Kurt also accented his look with a purple scarf that matched the shirt and styled his hair.
When he was done dressing up, Kurt looked at the clock and discovered that he still has about 20 minutes left, so he went downstairs to find his dad and Carole, because sitting alone in his room made the boy more and more nervous.
He found his Burt sitting on a couch in the living room watching some movie. Carole was nowhere in the room.
“Hey, dad,” Kurt smiled, “are you alone?”
“Yeah, Carole took Finn shopping. Apparently he needs some new clothes. She asked about you, but I said you had your own plans. And a little less shopping won’t hurt you,” Burt replied turning to his son.
“No, it’s fine, dad. I’m going to a date with Blaine, he should be here soon,” Kurt answered as he looked down shyly, not really wanting to bring his boyfriend up in a conversation with his father.
“I remember that,” Burt mumbled. “Listen, Kurt,” he started talking once again now in a louder voice, “I know it’s none of my business and you’re old enough to have a boyfriend and so on, but we haven’t really talked about all of this since you both got together. All I know is that this boy broke your heart, left you crying for days, then suddenly apologized and now you both are a couple. I just want to know that Blaine’s treating you right.”
“He is great, dad,” Kurt responded, a slight smile creeping up his lips from thoughts of his boyfriend and from knowing that his father cared so much.
“So, you’re happy with him?”
“Yeah… Blaine makes me happier than anyone else,” Kurt said quietly suddenly becoming overwhelmed with his feelings.
Their moment was disturbed by Kurt’s phone that beeped as a new text message arrived.
“Blaine’s here, I’m going, dad,” he said hugging Burt and rushing to grab his coat and a bag.
“Have fun, kid!” Burt called after him.
Once out of the house Kurt made his way to Blaine’s car and got into the passenger’s seat. Blaine was sitting in the driver’s side, a coat hanging over the back of his seat. The older boy was dressed in dark jeans, white shirt and dark red cardigan. His curly hair was a bit more styled and in place than usually, but also not as gelled as Kurt had seen them in the Sectionals. Blaine looked beautiful and his eyes shined the second he saw Kurt.
“Hey,” he smiled as the younger boy got into the car.
“Hi, Blaine, you look amazing,” Kurt slightly blushed as he took in the sight before him.
“And you are beautiful as always, baby,” Blaine told at him, putting his right hand over Kurt’s left as he felt the little tension that was coming from the boy. “Relax, Kurt,” he laughed gently, “What are you even so tense about?”
Kurt seemed a bit caught of guard. He didn’t expect Blaine to notice his uneasiness and now the boy felt slightly ashamed about it. “It’s my first real date,” he whispered, not daring to look into Blaine’s eyes.
“Kurt,” the older boy sighed lightly rubbing his boyfriend’s hand, “look at me.” He waited until Kurt finally raised his eyes. “We have been hanging out every week-end, so don’t think about his night as something new. I just wanted to take you out, since I was away whole week. If you don’t want to do this, you just have to tell me,” Blaine carefully explained.
“No!” Kurt exclaimed suddenly, “Of course I want to go on a date with you. I was just… worried. First date and all…”
“I’ll make sure you love every minute of tonight. Besides you have absolutely nothing to be nervous about, we’re already together and I don’t plan to leave,” Blaine winked at his quite stunned boyfriend and turned to the road to start driving.
Rest of the drive to Westerville was spent in much lighter mood, both boys chatting about their day. Later Blaine started to tell about New York and answered all of Kurt’s questions about his time there. They both didn’t even notice how fast the time passed and soon enough they were already in Westerville.
Blaine had chosen a small restaurant for them to have dinner in. It wasn’t too crowded, so none of the boys had to worry about unwanted attention. They kept talking mostly about New York and, after done with all of his stories, Blaine asked Kurt to tell more about his week. Kurt then revealed that he had done very good in his Glee club audition and was going to sing a duet with Rachel at Regionals. Even if he wasn’t very found of the girl and her high self – esteem, an opportunity to sing with her on a stage at Regionals was a great accomplishment to Kurt.
After they had finished their dinner, Blaine suggested going for a walk. It was a surprisingly pleasant evening for a February. They walked leisurely through the Westerville holding hands glancing at each other from time to time.
“Your hands are getting cold,” Blaine said after they had walked for some time. “Are you cold?”
“Yeah, a bit,” Kurt confessed.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?!” Blaine was really surprised. “I’m going to get you ill, but you just keep quiet.”
“I didn’t want to ruin the moment?” Kurt half asked, half stated, looking up at Blaine unsurely.
“You’re so silly,” Blaine laughed and leaned forward, kissing the tip of Kurt’s nose. “Come on, I’ll buy you coffee.”
They reached Somewhere Only We Know and went inside still holding hands.
“Hey, Shannon!” Blaine greeted the smiling girl behind the counter.
“Nice to see you, Blaine,” she replied and granted Kurt a smile too. “The usual?”
“For me, yes. My boyfriend will choose whatever he wants for himself.”
Shannon looked at their linked hands and looked even more excited then before while taking Kurt’s order.
When both of their orders were ready and it was time to pay, Kurt quickly handed the money to Shannon, before Blaine had even managed to find his wallet.
“Hey!” he exclaimed, “I offered you a coffee, I’m paying for it!”
“You asked me on a date, drove to Westerville and bought me dinner. Paying for the coffee is least I can do,” Kurt seriously explained. “Please, Blaine.”
The older boy gently smiled and kissed his boyfriends cheek, before thanking Shannon and leading Kurt to the music area of the coffee shop. Once they entered the dimly light room, they noticed Wes sitting at the piano and playing instrumental version of one of the songs The Warblers had performed.
“He’s so full of himself,” Blaine quietly laughed leaning closer to Kurt’s ear. They waited until Wes finished playing and went over to talk to him.
“Hey, guys,” Wes greeted them as soon as he noticed the boys approaching. “It’s so nice of you to not call or write me for a whole week while being away,” he sarcastically added turning to Blaine.
“Yeah… I was… busy,” Blaine explained once again taking Kurt’s hand in his. Wes only smiled knowingly and shook his head.
“Do you want to play something?” he asked expectantly looking at his friend.
“No, I don’t think so. I’m on a date here and we’re nowhere near the end,” Blaine smiled glancing at Kurt who smiled back.
“Okay, guys, enjoy your night, I’ll be right here,” Wes said and turned back to piano.
“Let’s go sit down there,” Blaine said gesturing Kurt to a free couch on the left side of the room. “I still have to give you your present,” he smiled as soon as they sat down.
Once again Kurt looked nervous as he opened his bag and took out something wrapped in a silvery paper. “Can I go first?” he asked anxiously.
“Sure, babe,” Blaine smiled sweetly at him.
“I’m not sure you’ll like it or if it fits the occasion. I don’t even know what’s an appropriate gift for the Valentine’s Day, but I just thought that –“
“Kurt, you’re not making any sense,” his boyfriend interrupted him and smiled taking the younger boy’s hand in his.
“I know,” Kurt sighed. “Just… here, happy Valentine’s Day, Blaine,” Kurt nervously handed him the present and looked into Blaine’s eyes nervously.
Blaine took it and carefully started to open the wrapping paper. Inside he found a white photo frame. The top left and right corners were decorated with tiny, silvery music notes that sparkled in the light. But what surprised Blaine the most was the picture that he saw in the frame. It was taken during the Warbler’s movie night when Kurt had sung Defying Gravity. Kurt was standing next to the piano and looking straight in front of him. Blaine was sitting at the piano, his hands were on the piano keys, but he wasn’t looking at them. His head was slightly turned in Kurt’s direction, small, adoring smile playing on his lips.
Blaine had never seen this photo before. He didn’t even know where Kurt had gotten it.
“Wes helped me a bit,” Kurt explained as if he had read Blaine’s mind. “At first I asked Elise, if she had any good photos of you performing in the coffee shop, but she didn’t. I once told you, that you should see yourself performing once, so I wanted to find a photo that would show that. Elise suggested asking some of your Dalton friends and Wes sent me this one,” Kurt finished unsurely.
“I love it, Kurt,” Blaine replied looking straight into the younger boy’s eyes. “It’s a prefect gift, thank you.” Then Blaine slightly leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to Kurt. The kiss was very short and light, but so full with all the emotions that was inside Blaine.
When he pulled back, Kurt was sitting completely still, his eyes still closed. Blaine quickly put a white envelope in his hands.
“My gift is less personal, but I hope you will still enjoy it and put it in a good use one day,” he explained and Kurt opened his eyes and looked at the envelope curiously. He opened it and pulled out a colourful card.
“It’s a gift certificate from Broadway. As soon as you go to New York, you can exchange it for a ticket to any show that’s on at that time,” Blaine explained carefully observing Kurt’s reaction.
Kurt was looking at the small card in his hand with huge eyes. He seemed to have lost all ability to speak.
“Oh my God, Blaine,” he uttered. “Thank you so much!” Kurt exclaimed launching forward and wrapping his arms around Blaine’s neck. “Thank you so much,” he whispered in Blaine’s hair.
“I’m glad you like it,” Blaine laughed hugging his boyfriend closer.
“I don’t like it, I love it!” Kurt said as he pulled back from Blaine. “How could you even doubt about it?! It’s me who should worry! You gave me Broadway tickets, but all I got you was a photo.”
“Don’t you dare saying that, Kurt!” Blaine seriously objected looking straight into the other boy’s eyes. “Your gift is perfect and I wouldn’t change it for anything else. I love it! Now drink your coffee before it gets cold,” he smiled at the boy in front of him.
They sat in a silence for a while, simply enjoying each other company and the whole atmosphere around them. Suddenly Blaine turned to Kurt and said:”Sing with me!”
“What?” Kurt looked at Blaine.
“Sing with me! You once said you’d like to do a duet with me. Let’s do it,” he said, his voice full with excitement. “Please, Kurt!”
Kurt looked at Blaine’s puppy eyes for a minute, thinking over this suggestion. “Okay,” he giggled, not being able to resist Blaine’s goofy facial expression.
“Yaay!” Blaine squealed and grabbed Kurt’s hand raising him from the couch.
The made their way over to Wes and waited until he finished playing yet another Warbler’s song.
“We want to sing something, Wes,” Blaine announced as soon as his friend had finished playing.
“That’s awesome, guys!” Wes exclaimed. “The stage is yours.”
“Do you have your guitar with you?” Blaine asked.
“Sure,” Wes nodded and reached behind the piano to pull out black guitar case. “Have fun!” he smiled.
“Thanks!” Blaine said, taking guitar and pulling a chair from one of the closest tables. Then he gestured to Kurt to sit down on the piano bench. “Don’t worry, you’ll know the song. Just join in whenever you want,” he whispered to Kurt who was now sitting and looking at the small audience nervously.
“Good evening, I’m Blaine and this is Kurt. And tonight we would like to sing a song together if you don’t mind,” Blaine told the audience before starting to strum the guitar and sing.
I've had enough of this parade
I'm thinking of the words to say
We open up unfinished parts
Broken up, it’s only love
Singing the next part Blaine slightly smiled and turned his head a bit to look at Kurt.
And when I see you then I know you will be next to me
And when I need you then I know you will be there with me
I'll never leave you
Just need to get closer, closer
Lean on me now
Lean on me now
Closer, closer
Lean on me now
Lean on me now
Blaine kept strumming the chords as Kurt now started to sing, his gentle voice beautifully complementing the melody.
Keep waking up without you here
Another day, another year
I seek the truth, we set apart
Second dance, second chance
And when I see you then I know you will be next to me
And when I need you then I know you will be there with me
I'll never leave you
Just need to get closer, closer
Lean on me now
Lean on me now
Closer, closer
Lean on me now
Lean on me now
Lean on me now
Blaine continued to play guitar still glancing at Kurt who had closed his eyes completely lost in the music and this moment. When the short interlude came to an end, Kurt opened his eyes and looked right at Blaine. Both boys continued to sing together, their eyes never leaving each others.
And when I see you then I know you will be next to me
And when I need you then I know you will be there with me
I'll never leave you
Just need to get closer, closer
Lean on me now
Lean on me now
Closer, closer
Lean on me now
Lean on me now
Lean on me now
Closer, closer
Closer, closer