June 3, 2012, 12:34 p.m.
June 3, 2012, 12:34 p.m.
Hey, Blaine!
I know we agreed that you would write me as soon as you’ll arrive in your hotel room, but I just couldn’t wait. Tell me that you’re okay, so I can stop worrying. Was the flight nice? Did you find your way in New York? How is it? Is it as beautiful as I think it is? Did you already see something there?
Please reply me as soon as you can, I’m going crazy here!
Hey there, my nervous boyfriend :)
If I promised you to write as soon as I arrive, then I’ll do it! Flight to New York takes only about an hour, but there’s also the time in the airport etc., but I guess you forgot about it. It was nice. As nice as a flight can be, of course. The airport was kind of hectic, but that’s New York after all. Took me some time while I found the taxi, but now I’m in my hotel, so you can relax :) My only sightseeing experience so far has been the yellow taxi and that’s probably it for tonight. I’m really tired. Sorry, but I’m going to sleep. It’s going to be a big day for me tomorrow.
Goodnight and sweet dreams.
There’s no need to make fun of me, Blaine! My boyfriend just flew to other state, of course I’m worried. Would you prefer if I didn’t care?
Now that you’ve reached your destination safe and sound I can relax and go to sleep too.
Tell me everything about your day tomorrow.
Sweet dreams,
Aww, I wasn’t making fun of you, babe :) I think you’re adorable! Now smile! … Did you smile? … See, that’s much better.
Anyway, I don’t have much time. I’m going to get some breakfast and then I’m heading to the university for registration.
Have a nice day and smile more,
Blaine xxxxx
If somebody’s here adorable then it’s you. And, yes, I smiled…
Now, will you tell me how your day went? And how’s New York? Are you already in love with it?
Come on, I’m dying from impatience here!
NOOOO, don’t die, Kurt! I need you!!!
Blaine! Stop making fun of me! How was your day? How’s New York?
Your very impatient boyfriend.
Patience is a virtue, my friend. But, since I’m so worried about your well-being, here’s the story.
Like I said, after checking the e-mail I went downstairs for the breakfast. The hotel was very nice. Nothing too fancy, but still good enough for mommy’s and daddy’s standards. After breakfast I took the metro to the university. The building was really big and a bit scary at first. Yes, I know what you’re thinking – Dalton’s huge too, but really, Kurt, this is New York. This is my future and all of my dreams. That’s a lot scarier than some Ohio’s private school.
The woman I met at the entrance was very helpful. She gave me all the forms I had to fill in. I also got the map of New York with the most famous sights and instructions to not get lost. After that I had to wait a bit for all the lists to be published. So many people are auditioning, Kurt! That’s crazy! My audition takes place tomorrow at 4pm and my interview will only be on Thursday morning. It means I get Wednesday free Yaaay! After all this I had dinner in university’s café and then I decided to explore the city a bit. Only when I was standing in the Time Square it really hit me. I’m in New York, Kurt. This is serious… Oh God... I can’t fuck up now.
Well, that’s my day. More important question – how was yours?
Blaine x
TIME SQUARE?! OH MY GOD, BLAINE!!! Did you get a photo of it? Did you?!
P.S You can’t do anything wrong, Blaine. You’ve already gotten so far and I’m incredibly proud of you.
Thank you. It means the world to me.
And, yes, of course I got you the photos. I’ll attach them to this e-mail. You’re so cute when you’re excited like this :) But still – how was your day, baby?
My day wasn’t anything special. We wrote a test in Spanish, what probably was the most “exciting” part of my day. After the lessons I had the Glee club. We were talking about Regionals. Be afraid, Anderson! We’re going to win this! Everyone has to think of a song that we would like to perform. Rachel named at least 20 songs she would like to sing as a solo a few seconds after Mr. Schue had finished the sentence. I don’t know about my song choice, but I’m not giving up without a fight. I want you to be proud of me as much as I’m proud of you.
P.S The photos look amazing! I don’t understand how you haven’t exploded from excitement.
No matter how your solo audition goes, know that I’m always proud of you. (And that a certain coffee shop will be more than happy to have you ;) )
I haven’t exploded from excitement, because most of the time I’m petrified in fear of screwing up my audition and interview.
I’m sorry, Kurt, but I’m going to put my computer aside for now. I want to practice some more and then to get some sleep (that is if I actually manage to get any).
Sweet dreams, babe, and see you tomorrow.
Sweet dreams to you, too, Blaine. And good luck tomorrow. Although I’m sure you won’t need it. The whole jury will fall in love with you as soon as you play the first chord. (The same as the certain coffee shop that you mentioned before ;) ).
I wish I could say I’m going to sleep. I still have to work on my book report for literature class.
Write me as soon as you can, so I don’t have to worry for too long.
I miss you,
I miss you too, dear.
Sorry for replying only in the evening, but my day was really busy. But it doesn’t mean I wasn’t thinking about you most of the time :)
Last night I actually managed to get some sleep. I guess my mind was so tired that it was happy to finally shut down for a few hours. I woke up, showered and practiced some more. I feel like I could play this song in my sleep now. Went downstairs for some late breakfast, but food was really the last thing on my mind. Since I didn’t eat a lot, I had more time than necessary to get to the university, so, instead of taking a taxi or metro, I decided to walk there. Opportunity to clear my head and see the city at the same time. I got there about 30 minutes before my turn and spent the remaining time sitting in a hallway and trying to not pass out from stress. I heard some girl singing behind that door and she was playing piano and her voice sounded like an angel, Kurt. Not the most inspiring thing to listen to before my own audition. I don’t really remember walking in that room, I just know I introduced myself to those 3 people sitting before me and told what song I’m going to play. And then there was only music. Once I got my guitar in my hands I finally felt so calm. I think I did well. I didn’t mess up the chords or lyrics. One of the judges even smiled at me in the end. When I finished they asked me about my piano skills, since I had indicated that in my application. They wanted me to play something. I wasn’t prepared for that, but piano is something I feel pretty confident about. I’ve been playing it since childhood. The first piece that came in my mind was Chopin’s “Raindrop”, so I played that. I think they approved.
When I got out of the room, I felt like I could finally breathe properly again. I’m so glad this is over now. I know I still have my interview on Thursday, but this was the part that got me worried the most. After audition I went to lunch and then did some shopping. What I bought I’ll keep a secret for now, since it has very much to do with you and the Valentine’s Day ;) Speaking of which – happy Valentine’s Day, my dear Kurt. I’m so sorry I can’t be there with you tonight and take you to a very special date, since this is our first February together. But I can promise you that there are many more Valentine’s Days to come and I’ll be there with you in every single one of them as long as you’ll let me.
Sweet dreams and sleep tight.
Always yours
Blaine xxxxxx
Oh my God, Blaine Anderson, you sure know how to get a boy to tears! Don’t ever dare feeling sorry for missing this day. Yes, I was sad at first, when I found out you’ll be gone, but this, New York, it’s so much more important than one date. And you never ever need to doubt about the future. I plan to keep you with me until you’ll get so sick of me that you’ll need to get a restraining order or something.
Anyway, I’m so very happy that your audition was successful. (Although I didn’t doubt for a second that you will be wonderful.) I also admit that I didn’t know the piano piece you mentioned, but I immediately looked it up and it’s wonderful. You’ll have to play it for me when you get back :)
Since tomorrow you’re free, do you have any exciting plans?
Sweet dreams to you too,
Good morning, Kurt.
I’m really sorry for not replying last night. I was so emotionally worn out that I passed out in front of my computer and woke up only recently. I have many plans today, indeed, but I’ll probably tell you all about them tonight. Now I’m in a desperate need of a shower and breakfast.
P.S What did I do to deserve such an amazing boyfriend? I promise to make up to you for last night as soon as I get back. And don’t worry, I will never get sick of you.
P.P.S How did things ended in your Glee club? You mentioned you want to get a solo.
Have a great day,
Glee club is exactly what I wanted to tell you about today! Like I said before, we needed to perform a song that would be useful in Regionals. So… I auditioned today! My choice was “Some People”. I don’t know. Mr. Schue didn’t say much, but he didn’t comment on others either. He just said that we will find out the results in the end of the week. Fingers crossed for me :)
Now – how did your day go? Where did you go? I’m so excited, Blaine! Please don’t keep me waiting!
Your very, very impatient boyfriend.
P.S You didn’t do anything. You just are and that’s enough. I’m the one who should be surprised.
Wow, Kurt, “Some people”? That’s a big song! I’m sure you absolutely nailed it, babe!
So my day… Just don’t scream or over react, okay? I know how excited you can get! :D In the morning I got an early start and I went to the Liberty Island and say the Statue of Liberty. It’s HUGE! So much bigger than I’ve ever imagined! After this I went to lunch and spent the rest of the day in the Central Park (I’m definitely going to the Zoo after my interview tomorrow!). I know you’re already sure about that, but I think you would love New York. I need to get used to all the noise and rush, but you would really fit here. It’s as bright and colourful as you are. Today, walking through the Central Park, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and how I would love to go for a walks here with you. Just hold your hand and walk through the park. It’s something so simple and yet it seems as the greatest thing that could ever happen to me. I promise you, Kurt, I’ll take you to New York.
P.S I attached some photos to this e-mail. :)
Have you made it your mission to make me cry in every e-mail, Blaine? I’m so happy you can be there and experience that all. And know that being there with you is one of my dreams, too. I’ve wanted to go to New York as far as I can remember myself, but now, when I think about it, I can’t imagine myself being there alone. You are there with me.
Good luck with your interview tomorrow. You have nothing to worry about, your musical talent has gotten everyone under the spell already ;)
I should probably get back to my chemistry text book. Test tomorrow :/
P.S Thank you so much for the photos. They are truly amazing! I can’t wait to hear all your stories once again when you’re back.
I’m sorry for making you cry again, babe. That was never my intention.
Also sorry for the lack of e-mails. I went to sleep early, because I was really tired and I wanted to look well relaxed before my interview. I don’t think they would have appreciated a half asleep student in front of them :D Anyway, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Everyone was really kind to me and seemed supportive enough. They asked me about my past achievements in music, Glee club and recent activities. I think the concerts in coffee shop actually impressed them :) They also wanted to know about my future plans, expectations if I get accepted in their university, and, of course, my thought why exactly I’m the one they should give the scholarship.
After this, as I already told you, I went to the Zoo :) It was awesome! One of the places I definitely promise to take you once we’re both in New York.
And you’ll definitely see more photos and here all about my days here! I’m not going to write more, since we’ll have all the time to talk tomorrow night when I get back.
Sweet dreams and see you so very soon,
Blaine xxxxx