June 3, 2012, 12:34 p.m.
June 3, 2012, 12:34 p.m.
Once Kurt got into his room, he simply collapsed on his bed, letting the sobs take over his body. He didn’t even bother to close the door. Dad and Carole had already seen him and Finn wasn’t home. Not that Kurt really cared that anyone would walk in on him. Whole world falling apart seemed irrelevant, because his world had just crumbled to pieces.
How could he even allow himself to think that he had any chances with Blaine? You’re so stupid Kurt! Of course he doesn’t want you! Nobody’s ever wanted you! His mind screamed at him.
Kurt didn’t know how long he had lied there. He didn’t care either. He only felt his right arm going numb, because it was pressed underneath him. When Kurt shifted, he noticed that he was still holding the turquoise scarf Blaine had given him. Looking at it only caused more tears, but Kurt couldn’t let go of it, so he squeezed it as tightly as he could and pressed against his chest, expecting that it could take away some of his pain.
After a while Kurt heard a quiet knock on the door. He didn’t respond, because he didn’t want to see anyone. No one could make this better, and the only person who could, had just left him.
“May I come in?” he heard Carole’s gentle voice, but didn’t answer. Woman quietly stepped closed to Kurt and sat on the edge of his bed. She reached her hand and stroked Kurt’s shoulder that was once again shaking in silent sobs.
“Your dad wanted to know if you’d join us for dinner,” she spoke again quietly, not to disturb Kurt, who looked so fragile at the moment. Kurt just shook his head. Any idea of food made his stomach turn around.
“Maybe you want something to drink? I’ll make you tea or cacao?” Carole kept asking, but Kurt shook his head again.
“Please, go away,” he whispered.
“I’m just so worried about you, Kurt, and so is your dad,” she explained sympathetically still stroking boy’s shoulder. “Don’t shut yourself away like this. We see in how much pain you are.”
Now Kurt felt not only heartbroken, but also guilty. He had never wanted to cause any trouble to his dad and Carole. And Burt shouldn’t worry; his heart didn’t need any more stress than it already had.
“I’m sorry,” Kurt whispered.
“You don’t have to apologize, sweetie,” Carole said. “I just thought that maybe talking about what’s wrong could help you. If you’d rather talk with Burt, just tell me, I’ll understand. I’m not your mum and I know I can’t replace her. Just, please, don’t shut us out.”
Now Kurt was crying because of the guilt he was feeling. Carole loved him so much, but he had just asked her to leave. That’s why nobody wants you! You don’t deserve them! Kurt’s mind was screaming at him again. The boy took a deep breath and slowly turned around to face Carole, just as he felt her getting up to leave.
“Carole?” he called her name quietly. The woman turned to him and looked at her step – son with gentle eyes. “I’m sorry, please don’t leave me,” he begged her. Carole immediately returned to her previous spot on the bed and stroked Kurt’s hair.
“I won’t leave you, and your dad also won’t,” she told him. After hearing that Kurt gathered all his power to lift himself from the bed and hugged Carole.
“I love you,” he whispered to her. Even if she wasn’t his real mother, Kurt didn’t care. She had made him feel like her son. And now she made him feel like he wasn’t alone.
“I love you too, dear,” Carole answered, tears forming in her eyes.
Kurt pulled away and looked at his step – mum with red eyes, full with hurt and sadness. “I don’t want dinner, but can you… can you come to me afterwards. I need to pull myself together, before I can talk about it,” he looked at her with pleading eyes.
Carole simply nodded and leaned in to kiss Kurt’s temple. “Of course, honey, you need to rest now,” she said and got up from the bed, leaving Kurt’s room, closing the door after her. The boy just simply kept sitting on his bed, staring at the floor.
Again, Kurt didn’t know how much time had passed, when he heard a knock on his door once more. He didn’t answer also this time, knowing that it must be Carole. He was right. The door was pushed open and he saw Carole standing with a white cup in her hand.
“I still made you cacao,” she smiled, handing the cup to Kurt. “When Finn was little, this always cheered him up. No matter how bad things were, he never turned down a cup of cacao.”
That made Kurt smile reluctantly, as he accepted the cup. He stared at it for a moment, before taking a small sip. Kurt felt Carole’s hand on his back trying to comfort him.
“Would you like to tell what happened, Kurt?” she asked quietly, as if loud sounds could scare Kurt away.
The boy just kept staring at the cup in his hands, not being able to make himself look at Carole. He was quiet for a few minutes not sure how and what to say. After a moment of silence Kurt finally whispered, “He kissed me.”
“Did he force you, Kurt?” Carole asked carefully, not really knowing how to bring the subject up, but she still had to make sure.
“No, no, my God, no!” Kurt shook his head violently. “It was perfect,” he added barely audibly.
Carole kept stroking his back encouraging Kurt to continue. “Blaine kissed me and then left. Said he’s sorry and left,” Kurt felt a wave of tears returning to his eyes as he remembered the look on Blaine’s face and his words of apology.
He was immediately pulled in a tight hug by Carole, who know understood that the boy suffered from a broken heart. “Do you like Blaine?” she asked quietly.
“So very much,” Kurt managed to utter, shaking with tears. “Why did he leave me?” he asked. “Why does nobody wants me?”
When Blaine left Kurt he was fighting with tears. Don’t cry! Don’t cry! He was telling himself. Kurt will be so much better without you. Thinking about Kurt made Blaine remember the feeling of boy’s soft lips against his, boy’s hand holding his neck. But as soon as his mind conjured up the image of the young, angelic boy standing confused and lost on the driveway, Blaine lost it.
The tears he had been holing back now started to fall freely blurring his view. He was in so state to drive, so Blaine pulled over and just sat breathing heavily. Don’t cry, he don’t want you, he don’t need you! Blaine was telling himself. Unfortunately it didn’t calm him down as boy had expected. Now his body started to shake with sobs, so he rested his forehead against the wheel and let the tears flow. He remembered Kurt’s confused face and the sudden pain in his eyes, when they started to shine with tears. Oh my God, I hurt him… He will get over it. He will get over you. He will forget you…
After a while Blaine managed to get his tears stop flowing, so he continued to drive again. When he reached his house, Blaine quickly glanced in the mirror to check if he looked acceptable. His eyes were still red from recent crying, so he won’t be able to hide them from anyone. Blaine sighed deeply and got out of the car, making his way over to the front door. He pushed them open and walked inside, immediately going straight to the stairs to hide in his room.
“Blaine, please, leave the coat at the wardrobe!” he heard his mother’s voice calling from the living room. Blaine ignored her and continued to cross the room slowly moving towards the stairs.
“Blaine, didn’t you heard what your mother asked you?” his father spoke up, but Blaine ignored him too.
“Oh my God, Blaine, what’s wrong?” he heard Elise’s worried question, when she saw her brother while coming down the stairs.
“Is everything alright? Did something happen?” his mother was suddenly standing close to Blaine. Why can’t everybody just leave me alone?! Blaine thought, taking a deep breath and slowly turning towards Mrs. Anderson.
“Nothing you would care about!” he slowly muttered at her trying to keep back his anger. Blaine also made sure to look at his mother long enough to be certain that she saw his red eyes. Then he quickly ran up the stairs, pushing Elise out of his way. He ran into his room and forcefully slammed the doors closed. He didn’t even bother to turn on the light, but simply collapsed on his bed.
After a short while Blaine heard his doors slowly opening.
“Blaine? Are you awake?” he heard Elise calling him quietly.
“Go away, El,” he tiredly answered.
“Mum sent me to check on you,” she explained.
“Because she doesn’t care enough to come check herself?”
Elise didn’t answer, but slowly went over to Blaine and kneeled in front of him. “Did something happen between you and Kurt?” she asked quietly.
“It’s none of your business, El,” Blaine answered turning over, so he won’t be facing his sister anymore.
“He didn’t like the scarf?” Elise tried to guess the issue. “In that case it’s nothing to cry about, Blaine. You can get him another – “
“I ended things with Kurt,” Blaine simply announced not able to take Elise’s questions anymore. “It’s over. There won’t be another scarf or coffee dates. No anything…” at the end Blaine’s voice slowly broke and he had to stop talking.
Elise simply looked at her older brother. She knew that there was no point in trying to change Blaine’s mind. She could only hope that one day he will come to his senses. And she could only hope that this day will come soon enough. Elise rose from her spot on the floor and crawled into the bed next to Blaine. She wrapped her arm around his middle and tried to give him at least some sort of comfort. Until her brother will finally realize what he wants, this was the only thing she could do.
On the next morning Blaine started packing. He couldn’t stay in this house. He couldn’t stay in this town. He needed to get away from Lima as soon a possible, since everything reminded him about Kurt. Even his own room held a memory of Kurt sitting on the same bed that Blaine was sleeping in. He could only hope that Dalton would grant him so desperately needed escape. Even if Kurt had been in Dalton, there were so many other memories in that place that Blaine expected to find some kind of solace there. So on the morning of December 29th, Blaine simply packed his bags and left. Before leaving he only carried Paul back in Elise’s room, while the girl was still sleeping and left her a note telling about his intentions.
Dalton Academy had always been his island of safety. Place to go, when whole world was against him.