Mad World
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Mad World: Chapter 10

T - Words: 5,080 - Last Updated: Jun 03, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Mar 13, 2012 - Updated: Jun 03, 2012
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Author's Notes: This is one of the longest chapters in this fic so far. The song used here is Defying Gravity Chris' version.
The next two weeks flew by in a blur for Kurt. He was buried under piles of text books and notes, revising everything and trying to catch up with any work he might have missed. He hadn’t seen Blaine since that Saturday night in Westerville. Even their Facebook chats had reduced since both of them were completely immersed in their studies. Blaine had only called him once to confirm that they were on for the movie night, and to give Kurt the details.

Glee club rehearsals had been put on hold as they weren’t preparing for a Christmas performance this year. Despite Rachel and Mr. Shue claiming that a little extra performing would be great practice for Regionals, their vain attempts to get the group inspired and involved fell on deaf ears. None of the New Directions were buying into it. Everyone just wanted to pass their exams and enjoy the upcoming holidays as soon as possible.

Before he knew it, it was three days before Christmas and the long awaited Warbler movie night had finally arrived. Before the fun could begin however, Kurt had to work out a way of getting permission from his father to go and sleep over at another boy’s school without any parental supervision. In all the excitement of being invited at all, Kurt had completely forgotten about telling his Dad, which meant he hadn’t had time to work out how to approach the topic without Burt taking it the wrong way.

After his son had spent a good ten minutes hovering over him, opening his mouth to speak before snapping it shut and fumbling around the kitchen rearranging piles of books or randomly wiping already clean surfaces, Burt had had enough. “Are you gonna tell me what’s bothering you or were you planning on cleaning the entire house first?” he looked up at his son expectantly.

Kurt blushed and slid into the chair opposite his dad. “I...err... canigoandstaythenightatdalton?” Kurt gabbled, looking down at the table.

“You’re gonna need to say that again Kid.” Burt said, wondering why Kurt was so nervous.

“Can I go to an end of term Movie Night at Dalton?” Kurt breathed, finally looking up at his father.

“Dalton? Isn’t that that Blaine kid’s school?”

“Yes, his Glee club is having a sleepover to celebrate the end of the exams and I’ve been invited.”

“I’m not sure what I think about you staying the night with this Blaine.” Burt eyed Kurt suspiciously.

“It won’t just be Blaine and I, the rest of the Warblers are joining in too!” Kurt protested. Immediately after it left his mouth Kurt realized how it sounded and paled slightly.

“Is that supposed to make me feel better about this?!” Burt asked incredulously.

“Dad, please! You know I didn’t mean like that. Besides, Blaine and I just friends. Friends can have parties too, you know!” Kurt said exasperated. “No one has any problems with Finn staying over at Puck’s house!”

“You know that’s different, it’s not like I let him stay over at Rachel’s,” Burt objected.

“How na�ve can you be?” Kurt muttered under his breath.

“What did you say?” Burt frowned, fortunately he hadn’t heard what Kurt had said.

“Oh, Burt, let him go and have fun!” Carole said coming into the kitchen. Kurt grinned up at her. “Kurt is old enough to be responsible and make the right decisions. You can’t protect him from everything, you know,” she continued, putting her arm around Burt’s shoulders.

Kurt looked up at his Dad hopefully, silently pleading for him to say yes.

“Okay,” Burt sighed in defeat. He couldn’t argue with his wife, she knew exactly how to get him to change his mind, and deep down he knew she was right. “Carole’s right. I might be being a little over – protective.”

Kurt’s eyes immediately lit up.

“But listen to me, Kurt! If he tries anything you don’t – “

“Dad, I beg you not to finish that sentence!” Kurt practically yelled, covering his ears with his hands. “We’re just friends, you have nothing to worry about,” he said for what felt like the hundredth time.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, go and have fun, kid!” Burt replied apologetically.

“Thank you!” Kurt squealed in excitement and hugged his dad. “Thank you too, Carole!” he said hugging his step – mother and kissing her cheek.

“Go and have fun, Kurt,” the woman told him gently. Kurt smiled at his parents and ran upstairs to face his second problem – choosing the perfect outfit.

After 10 minutes of staring into his wardrobe Kurt started pulling out random pieces of clothing and trying to find a perfect match. Red? Too bright. Green? I don’t want match with the Christmas tree! Blue? No, I wore blue the last time we met. Yellow? No, it’s not even a winter colour. White? Yes! White! You can’t go wrong with that!

In the end Kurt settled with skin-tight black jeans and a long sleeved white t-shirt over which he wore a black waistcoat. Elegant and classy, while still being stylish. He completed the outfit with a thin slivery scarf. Next Kurt sat down in front of his vanity mirror to do his hair and twenty minutes later his look was finished and Kurt threw one last glance in the mirror and felt satisfied with the outcome. He quickly gathered up clothes for sleeping in and his wash bag and went downstairs.

This time the drive to Westerville took a bit longer than usual. The snow had fallen and made the roads slippery. Unlike the rain, Kurt loved snow. It somehow managed to make boring Ohio seem brighter and so much more beautiful. He had loved the snow since he was a little child, when he had made snowmen with his mom in the backyard. Memories of his mom that had once caused him so much pain now left a warm feeling in his heart.

When Kurt finally pulled up in front of Dalton Academy, he had to check and recheck the directions in his GPS, because there was no way the huge, castle-like building in front of him was a school. The school and its grounds were surrounded by heavy metal gates that opened automatically when Kurt’s car approached them. As soon as his Navigator was through them, he drew a sharp intake of breath. The entrance was shaded by a roof supported by columns, with a large fountain to the side of the drive; the overall effect was far too grand for a school. The thin layer of snow covering the whole scene only added to atmosphere. Realizing he had no idea where to go next, he found somewhere to pull over and call Blaine.

Without getting out of the car Kurt found his phone and dialed Blaine’s number. After a few rings the boy picked up.

“Hello, Kurt?”

“Hi, I just arrived at Dalton and I’m not sure where to go,” Kurt told him.

“Okay, where are you?” Blaine asked.

“I’m still in my car. I didn’t want to stand outside and let the snow ruin my hair.”

Blaine laughed quietly at the other end and then replied, “Just go to the main entrance and I’ll wait for you there.” With a final snicker he hung up.

Kurt pushed his phone into the bag, secured it on his shoulder and climbed out of the car. Luckily he had parked in a good spot, the closest one to the entrance. He may love the snow, but there was no way he was going to let it ruin his hair. Not tonight.

Kurt ran up the few steps on the front stairs and carefully opened the heavy entrance door. A warm gust of air greeted him and he found himself in a wide hall that was just as grand and tasteful as it looked from the outside. Kurt looked up to find Blaine rushing down the hallway. He was wearing black jeans and a simple black t-shirt, his hair was curly again and slightly falling in his eyes.

“Hey!” he greeted smiling that adorable, crooked smile Kurt liked so much. “You probably want to drop your stuff somewhere,” Blaine said noticing the bag in Kurt’s hand. “We could go to the dorms at first and you can leave it in my room.”

“Your room?” Kurt asked slightly confused.

“Yeah, you’ll be staying in my dorm. We couldn’t get you a room for yourself since you’re not a student here, but the fact that they let you stay at all is a big Christmas gift itself. We can have guests, but no one is usually allowed to stay the night. It must have something to do with the fact that you’re not a girl,” Blaine laughed.

“Oh, don’t worry, you won’t have to sleep on the floor!” he quickly added, when saw the terror on Kurt’s face, which he completely misinterpreted. “We managed to find you a folding bed, but if you don’t want it, we can change and you can take my bed. I’ll sleep on the folding one.”

“No, no! That’s not the problem!” Kurt quickly reassured Blaine. In fact he was silently panicking, Blaine and I are going to be sharing a room?! Let the awkwardness begin! Kurt thought to himself.

“Oh,” was all Blaine could reply. He doesn’t want to stay with me? I’m just making him uncomfortable, but I thought he liked me? While his mind was trying to work out how he had already managed to mess this up, his signature grin was plastered on his face. “I don’t snore, so don’t worry about that,” he told Kurt making the other boy giggle.

They left the main school entrance and followed a path round the back of it. Behind the first Dalton Academy building was another, smaller, but still very grand. Blaine opened the entrance door and smiled at the old lady sitting inside.

“Good evening, Mrs. Brown. This is Kurt Hummel,” Blaine pointed in Kurt’s direction.

“Good evening,” Kurt replied.

“Ah, yes,” Mrs. Brown smiled after checking her list. “Thank you for letting me know, Mr. Anderson.”

“No problem,” Blaine smiled at the lady one more time and gestured for Kurt to follow him.

“It’s kind of funny that she’s fine with me having a boy over, but starts fretting about Elise’s well being whenever she visits,” Blaine laughed when he was sure that Mrs. Brown was out of earshot. Kurt didn’t reply, focusing instead on his designer shoes. He was already feeling awkward and uncomfortable and they hadn’t even made it to Blaine’s room yet. Get a grip! This isn’t a date either! He scolded himself.

They headed upstairs and Blaine led Kurt to his room. Once inside Kurt laid his bag on the folded bed that he assumed Blaine had put up earlier, and sat beside it taking in his surroundings. Despite it being very neat and well organized everything about Blaine’s room screamed teenage boy. Most of his possessions seemed to be packed into a large suitcase that took up most of the floor space; however a few school books still lay scattered on the desk. The curtains and bed sheets were all a similar shade of blue and the wall behind Blaine’s bed was taken up by a large corkboard covered in certificates, tickets and a collection of photos. In most of them Kurt recognized Elise and the rest of the Warblers, but there were also some photos taken of different European cities, which Blaine had probably visited with his family.

“You’re quiet today, is something wrong?” Blaine asked sitting down on his bed and tilting his head to look at Kurt.

“No, I’m fine,” Kurt answered hurriedly startled by Blaine’s question. “I’m just trying to take in this place. How you don’t get lost in Dalton?”

“It’s not that bad,” Blaine said laughing, “It seems big at first but you soon get used to it. They do things differently here than at my old school, but I love it, it’s my home.”

They both went quiet after Blaine’s last words. Kurt was thinking about everything he was going through in his school and wondered what had made Blaine leave. Considering the way he was treated for being gay, it wasn’t hard for him to imagine the reason.

“How did you manage to get permission for me to stay over when there are such strict rules?” Kurt asked, looking for a way to break the awkward silence.

“Oh, I guess you could say that the rules are a little more lenient for the Warblers. Every time we do a performance we are building up Dalton’s already immaculate reputation and the teachers have noticed. Put that with a bright smile and you can work wonders.” Blaine answered simply.

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Blaine quickly got to his feet and went to pull it open. The moment he turned the handle, however, two grinning boys forced their way in and clambered into the room.

“Hey, did we interrupted something?” the blond boy asked hopefully, making Kurt blush again.

“No, you didn’t! What are you even doing here?” Blaine sounded annoyed.

“We wanted to meet your friend,” he black haired boy answered, wiggling his eyebrows at Kurt.

“I’m Jeff and that’s Nick,” the blond boy waved at Kurt.

“I’m Kurt. Nice to meet you,” Kurt smiled.

“Are you guys coming? We’re starting the movie any minute.” Nick asked.

“I mean, as long as you don’t have better things to do…” Jeff quickly added winking at Blaine, who was staring at the boys in horror.

“Yes! Let’s get going,” answered Kurt quickly before Blaine did anything drastic, he looked like he was about to strangle Jeff. Was my crush on him that obvious? Or has Blaine said something?

“We’ll be over in a minute, we’ll meet you there Nick.” Blaine added when Nick moved to sit down and wait for them. Once Blaine finally managed to kick them both out he sighed and turned to back to Kurt, “I’m sorry, you’ll get used to them, eventually. I promise they’re not all that bad, some of us are actually quite normal!”

Kurt laughed and headed to the door, but put his hand up to stop Blaine before he could follow him. “Aren’t you going to wear your jacket? It’s snowing outside.”

“No, I’ll only be outside for a minute, I’ll be fine. Really!” Blaine added at Kurt’s skeptical look.

They made their way back to the main school and passed several identical looking corridors and a grand staircase that Kurt couldn’t help himself from admiring, before Blaine steered them down a hallway and right, into one of the rooms.

Kurt assumed they were in some sort of choir room because of the piano stood next to the window, however it was almost unrecognizable. All the furniture had been pushed against the walls, creating a huge empty space in the middle of the room. Up against one wall was a huge T.V screen with a DVD player and a massive stack of DVDs. Every bit of floor was covered with pillows and blankets and boys were scattered around obviously trying to grab the best spots.

When Kurt and Blaine walked in the loud chatter died down and everyone turned their attention to the boys. Kurt cringed under all the stares and was beginning to plan an escape route when Blaine smiled at him, grabbed his hand and introduced Kurt to the rest of the Warblers, “Everyone, this is Kurt.”

Some of the guys waved, and a few called out, “Hey Kurt!” before people turned away and the loud buzzing of conversation continued. Blaine led Kurt from Warbler to Warbler introducing him, keeping hold of his hand all the way, and making Kurt’s heart flutter in his chest at the contact.

Before long Kurt was surrounded by a group of boys, telling them all about McKinley, and Blaine had left him to go and grab them something to eat and drink.

“So, you don’t regret bringing him here?” Wes asked, quietly approaching Blaine as he piled food onto a plate.

“No, he seems to be enjoying himself and the others certainly seem to like him. But I feel like I might have already messed something up. When I told him he would be sleeping in my room he seemed all uncomfortable and awkward. Do you think I should find him somewhere else to stay? Jeff’s roommate has already left, so Kurt could stay with him or I could ask Nick, I think he has a spare-”

“You really don’t get it, do you?” Wes interrupted, staring at Blaine in disbelief.

“Don’t get what?” he asked.

“Kurt doesn’t want to share a room with someone else, he seemed uncomfortable because he likes you Blaine. He was nervous about staying in a room with the guy he has a crush on. You should see how he looks at you whenever you call his name or even when someone just talks about you. He definitely likes you, only you are too damn stupid, blind or scared to admit that you like him, too!” Wes glared at him.

Blaine didn’t say a word, his eyes fixed on the plate in his hands.

“Plus, if I was you, I wouldn’t want to leave Kurt alone with Nick or Jeff. You never know what they might tell him,” Wes smirked as he patted Blaine on the shoulder and left him alone.

As he walked away a circle was beginning to form around the piano and a few of the boys were singing a version of Bills Bills Bills, which ended to thunderous applause.

“Hey, Kurt, sing something!” Nick yelled as the clapping died down.

Kurt’s head shot up, and he choked on his drink in shock.

“Blaine told us how amazing your voice is, we want to hear it!” Jeff added.

Both Kurt and Blaine blushed at this and Kurt scanned the room for the other boy, and caught his eye. Blaine smiled at him reassuringly and Kurt swallowed before he finally answered: “O-okay, Yeah, I’ll sing, I’m not sure what song though. You all seem to love the Top 40 stuff but that’s not really my thing.”

“You can sing whatever you like, just pick something you know really well, your favorite song.”

Kurt smiled remembering the conversation in Blaine’s car, when he had asked him what his favorite song was. He glanced back at Blaine, only to find him making his way over towards him.

“Any idea what you want to do?” he asked.

“I think so, but I’ll need someone to play the piano. It’s not a something you can do a cappella,” Kurt replied hopefully.

“Just look through the sheet music over there,” Blaine gestured to a large box overflowing with paper in the corner of the room. “Let me guess, Defying Gravity right?”

Kurt just smiled and nodded, but he was he was freaking out on the inside. He remembered! He started to look through the sheet music in the box he was directed to and after a few minutes, handed the notes to Blaine.

“You’re sure you can sing this?” Wes asked in disbelief, when he saw the title of the song.

“Positive,” Kurt smiled confidently. Defying Gravity was his dream song. A dream that he had given up on, but some things are even more important than Wicked. Maybe this was his chance to finally get to sing his favorite solo.
“Why do we even have the music for this song? It’s not like any of us can sing it,” someone asked. Nobody said anything, but Kurt noticed Blaine blushing slightly, as he sat down at the piano.

“Whenever you’re ready,” Blaine said and Kurt gestured to start. A gentle melody filled the room.

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game

Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!

It's time to try defying gravity
I think I'll try defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye I am defying gravity
And you won’t bring me down!

I'm through accepting limits
'cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!

Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost!

I'd sooner buy defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye I'm defying gravity
I think I'll try defying gravity
And you won’t bring me down!

I'd sooner buy defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye I'm defying gravity
I think I'll try defying gravity
And you won't bring me down!
Bring me down!
ohh ohhh ohhhh!

Kurt finished the song and looked around the room nervously. For a few seconds no one said anything and Kurt started to worry that maybe his singing wasn’t as good as he thought. But the next moment the room was filled with cheers and applause. Kurt glanced at Blaine who was smiling proudly at him. He looked Kurt in the eyes and patted his shoulder, standing up from the piano bench.

“You were incredible,” he whispered, leaning into Kurt as he walked past, who shivered slightly as a blush rose up his neck.

“Did you sing this song in your Glee club? You guys could win any competition with that!” Nick asked in amazement once the noise had died down.

“No, I didn’t,” Kurt answered shyly, still looking at the floor, “Rachel got the solo; it is a girl’s song after all.”

“Is everyone in your Glee club deaf?!” Jeff yelled in disbelief. “No girl could sing that the way you just did! Besides Blaine’s been singing Katy Perry for years and nobody minds that.”

Kurt raised his eyebrow at Blaine questioningly, but the other boy just shrugged. Blaine felt Kurt edge closer to him and noticed he was looking uncomfortable again.
“Are you alright?” he whispered to Kurt while the others continued to express their indignation about the New Directions and their obviously rigged voting.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” Blaine raised his eyebrows and Kurt sighed, “I’ll tell you later, okay?”

Blaine just nodded and squeezed Kurt’s hand. That made the younger boy redden again and his heart skipped a beat knowing he had made Kurt blush.

When others had come to some sort of conclusion in their heated discussion, they decided it was time to actually watch some movies. All the boys gathered around the pile of DVD’s to choose something. Kurt quickly glanced at the offered possibilities and stepped back.

“Nothing you like?” Blaine asked, sliding in next to him.

“Not really, I’m more of a musical guy, but I’ll let the others choose, I don’t really mind what we watch,” he answered.

Everyone finally decided to watch Inception and Kurt decided it wasn’t so bad. By the time he turned around to sit down, all the best seats had already been taken. How do they all move so quickly?! He scanned the room, looking for a free spot, until noticed Blaine sitting in the back. He was sitting on one of the pillows and resting against the end of the couch. And, of course, the only free space left was next to him. Not that Kurt was complaining.

He carefully maneuvered between the boys sitting on the floor and the various pieces of furniture scattered around to reach Blaine, just as Wes was struggling with the DVD player.

“May I sit here?” Kurt asked, hesitating slightly.

“Of course!” Blaine smiled. He patted the pillow in front of him to invite Kurt to sit down.

“Will you be able to see behind me?” Kurt asked as the lights were turned off and Wes finally managed to get the movie to play. Blaine nodded and gestured for Kurt to sit down.

Throughout the movie Kurt found himself leaning closer and closer towards Blaine as he began to tire from sitting upright for so long. Soon his back was touching Blaine’s knees. Kurt wasn’t sure if Blaine could see anything sitting behind him and assumed that the boy was just too polite to say anything, so Kurt decided to move away a little so he could see. However, it seemed that Blaine had other ideas, because as soon as Kurt shifted, he gently pulled on Kurt’s arm, encouraging him to move closer. The younger boy wasn’t really sure what Blaine was doing, but moved anyway. How could he not? Suddenly, he found himself sitting between Blaine’s legs, resting with his back against the older boy’s chest. How this had happened, Kurt had no idea.

All of a sudden, Kurt became very aware of how they were sitting and the room around him. They were both sitting at the back of the choir room and all the other boys seemed so immersed in the movie that they wouldn’t notice a small explosion, let alone the two of them sitting quietly in the corner. Kurt could feel the rise and fall of Blaine’s chest against his back as he breathed in and out, as well as the other boy’s breath against his neck, which sent tremors down his spine. He started to wonder if Blaine had realized how he was affecting Kurt, or if he was too engaged in the movie to notice anything.

Soon his questions were answered. As Kurt was sitting with his legs pulled up against his chest, holding his hands together on his knees, he felt arms gently wrapping around him and Blaine’s hands resting on his own. Kurt’s breath hitched in his throat and his heartbeat accelerated. All he could concentrate on now was the warm body wrapped around him, the movie forgotten a long time ago.

“Kurt? Hey, Kurt?”

“Hmm?” Kurt grunted without opening his eyes.

“The movie is over, you can wake up now,” Blaine gently whispered in his ear.

What?! Kurt’s eyes snapped open and he quickly moved away from Blaine before anyone noticed them. As soon as their bodies weren’t touching anymore, Kurt missed having Blaine’s warmth surrounding him. The last thing he remembered was the amazing feeling of being wrapped up by Blaine and – Oh, god! Kurt inwardly cursed himself. He had actually fallen asleep in his friend’s arms.

“You fell asleep during the movie,” Blaine explained seeing Kurt’s confusion. “It’s gone 1 am, if you’re tired we can go to bed.”

Kurt smiled at how Blaine had assumed if they were leaving, they would leave together.

“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” Kurt answered. “I’m old enough to go to bed by myself.”

“No, I’m kind of tired too; it’s been a long day with packing and everything. They’ll want to watch another movie, and I’ll probably just fall asleep. Plus, there’s no way you’ll be able find your way back to my dorm alone.” Blaine grinned at him.

“Hey! I so could!” Kurt argued.

“Oh yeah? What floor are we on?” Blaine smirked smugly as Kurt struggled for a moment before sighing,

“Fine, you proved your point. Shall we go?”

Blaine nodded and both of them stood up.

“Are you two leaving?” Jeff asked and all the heads in the room turned to stare at them.

“Yeah, Kurt already fell asleep during Inception and I’m tired too. You have fun without us,” Blaine said.

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll be having fun, too,” Nick added, causing Kurt to blush violently and Blaine to glare at him with a murderous look. The other Warblers were trying really hard not to laugh.

“Night, everyone!” Blaine called walking out of the room.

“Bye!” Kurt waved to the boys and followed after Blaine.

Once they had made it back to Blaine’s room Kurt grabbed his bag and started to search for his sleeping clothes, trying to avoid Blaine’s gaze as much as possible.

“You can use the bathroom to take a shower if you want,” Blaine offered.

“Nah, I’m too tired. I’ll use it in the morning though, if that’s okay. Now I just want to brush my teeth and go to sleep,” Kurt replied yawning and making his way to the bathroom.

“Sure, whatever you want,” Blaine said turning to his own bed.

A few minutes later Kurt came out changed to find Blaine already curled up under his sheets. Kurt quickly climbed into his folding bed and pulled the cover over himself as the other boy turned off the light.

“Goodnight, Kurt.”

“Goodnight, Blaine.”

Despite being tired and sleepy before, Kurt’s mind was buzzing, replaying the night over and over in his head. What was happening between him and Blaine? Sure, Kurt had a crush on Blaine. He had done from the moment he had seen him playing Fur Elise in Somewhere Only We Know, but what was Blaine doing? He had made it clear that he only saw Kurt as a friend, but then how do you explain what happened earlier? Could he have feelings for Kurt as well? But if he did, why was he acting like nothing had happened? Maybe I made it all up in my head? Kurt wondered.

“Kurt? Are you awake?” Blaine asked. He couldn’t sleep either; his brain just wasn’t shutting off. What had happened between him and Kurt tonight? How could he have let himself get so carried away? But it’s not like Kurt seemed to mind...

“No,” Kurt replied simply.

“If the bed isn’t comfortable enough, we can swap, I don’t mind,” Blaine suggested.

“No, no, it’s not that! I’ve just never been very good at getting to sleep in new places,” the younger boy explained. And it wasn’t entirely a lie. Kurt really did have trouble sleeping in strange places, but that wasn’t necessarily the reason he was so wide awake now.

“Kurt?” Blaine asked again.


“Tonight… well…umm, when you sang Defying Gravity, you said your Glee club never let you sing it. Why?”

Kurt remembered their conversation earlier and his promise to explain things later. He sighed and tried to remember it all.

“Well, I got to compete against Rachel for the solo, but in the end I intentionally lost. It was just after I had come out to everyone and I wanted to protect my dad from all the harassment he would be getting for his son being gay and singing a girls song. It was already hard for him, I guess I just didn’t want to make it worse and decided he was more important to me than the solo” Kurt explained.

Blaine was quiet for a moment. He wasn’t sure what to say. He couldn’t believe how selfless Kurt was, and hated that anyone could possibly want to hurt someone as wonderful as the boy lying next to him.

“I’m sorry. You definitely deserved to perform that song, it’s perfect for you,” he finally said.

“But I did. Tonight. So thank you for that,” Kurt answered smiling tiredly into the darkness and closed his eyes, finally falling asleep.

“Your welcome.” Blaine whispered to Kurt sleeping figure, before rolling over and falling asleep himself.


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