June 3, 2012, 12:34 p.m.
June 3, 2012, 12:34 p.m.
But I love it when you sing to me
And you can sing me anything
Sometimes when words fail, music allows to speak. It gives us words that we can’t get over our lips or words that we can’t even formulate in our thoughts. Music doesn’t let us hide anything; we become exposed and vulnerable. It expresses every feeling that we keep locked deep down in our souls.
And each person’s soul has its own music to which it responds. There are millions of sounds around us every day, but when you suddenly hear that one song, it goes right to your heart.
And then one day you meet a person who carries that song in his heart. Your song. And all of a sudden this invisible bond is created between you. No one can see that, maybe at first you don’t even notice it by yourself, but you feel it. You feel that this person isn’t like everybody else. Like there is something magical about him.
But I love it when you sing to me
And you can sing me anything
I actually wait for your updates so please anounce at end notes of chapter as to approximately when you can post the next chapter so that I dont have to check hoplessly every morning & Night ! Thanks !
Wow... First of all, thank you so much! I couldn't imagine that someone is actually looking forward to updates for this, so really - thank you! I've writen a part of the next chapter. I also have an exam to study for and I haven't even started to do that, but the next part won't be very long and I approximately know what has to be written. So lets give me time till Sunday :)
Yay..you updated ! And of course, its quite beautiful, I really enjoyed reading it ! Don't doubt yourself! And you introduced me some great music & great music is my weakness :->
Thank you :) And I'm glad you enjoy the songs. It's always great to discover some new music.
So updated twice while i was gone & wow, just amazing & realistic ending & epilogue but it felt a little rushed.. Other than that fantastic ! you were right about the song ! & keep up the good work !
Yeah, epilogue is one of the parts I'm not completely happy about, but I hope it gives the needed conclusion to the story. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing :)