Hidden Secrets
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Hidden Secrets : Scarecrow Dreams

E - Words: 1,698 - Last Updated: Dec 26, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Dec 24, 2011 - Updated: Dec 26, 2011
245 0 1 0 0

I DO NOT OWN GLEE OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS OR ANYTHING. (If I did Kurt and Blaine would have sex in every. single. episode.) All goes to Ryan Murphy/Fox.


Kurt Hummel was walking out of the choir room when he noticed someone unfamiliar crouched down picking up their fallen books. Kurt noticed the letterman jacket clad jocks sauntering down the hallway and immediately knew what had happened; they had thrown another unsuspecting kid into the lockers. Kurt's heart went out to the guy; it wasn't too long ago that Kurt was being thrown into lockers and dumpsters. He threw his bag over his shoulder and decided to approach the boy; the countertenor leaned down and began to help this unknown boy pick up his strew papers. The curly haired boy glanced up at Kurt, fear flashed in his eyes for a split second before he realized that Kurt was just trying help.

"I wouldn't take it personally," Kurt offered. "Sometimes their inevitable failure in life gets them down and they take it out on kids who are actually going somewhere in life."

When the boy looked up and smiled Kurt's heart skipped a beat, his eyes were green flecked with gold and his smile brightened the dreary halls of McKinley.

"I'm Kurt."

Kurt offered his hand to the heart achingly handsome boy before him.


Blaine reached out and took Kurt's hand in his, Kurt felt his heart stutter again before releasing Blaine's hand. Immediately Kurt missed the warmth of the calloused hand in his.

"So Blaine, what brings you here to the lovely and charming town of Lima Ohio?"

"My dad's law firm moved here, he thought Lima would be the great place to…" Blaine faltered. "To try a new lifestyle, I used to attend a private school."

Kurt arched an eyebrow, although Blaine was obviously upset over the incident with the football players, it seemed like discussing his dad made Blaine upset in a completely different way. They both stood up, Kurt handed Blaine his papers and they started to walk towards the entrance.

"Hmm private school." Kurt murmured appreciatively. "I used to go to Dalton Academy, but I came back to McKinley."

"Why did you go there to begin with if you just ended up transferring back?" Blaine asked, not unkindly.

"Well I had some uh issues with those football jocks too. I'm gay." Kurt blurted out. He wasn't sure how Blaine would take to this kind of revelation, but what was the point of having a friendship if Blaine didn't know a major part of Kurt's personality? "I went to Dalton to be safe." Kurt continued boldly. "But I managed to work things out with the bullies here and I missed my friends in glee club."

"So you're gay? Are there any other gay kids in this school?"

Kurt was surprised, Blaine didn't seem to be uncomfortable at all, he actually seemed eager to know more.

"Unfortunately no, just me myself and I".

"Not anymore." Blaine uttered softly.

"Wait, you're gay?" Kurt exclaimed incredulously, he could not believe his luck. Here, right before his eyes, was a beautiful boy who wasn't hiding who he was. Although Kurt didn't believe in God, he quickly made a silent prayer to whomever it was that suddenly sent some good fortune his way.

"Yeah, but could you just keep that to yourself for the time being? I don't have any friends here yet and I'd rather stay inconspicuous until I start to fit in."
Blaine's eyes were cast downward again, Kurt could feel that being gay had caused Blaine some trouble in the past, it was almost like Blaine was hiding something, but Kurt wasn't going to push the issue.

"Yeah of course, I wouldn't say anything. In regards to the 'no friends' situation, do you sing?"

"Do I sing?" Blaine seemed confused.

"Yeah I mean we have a glee club here and they're the most accepting people in this school. If you're looking for a group of friends, that's the way to do it."

"Actually, I do sing. I mean I've never been in a glee club before, but yeah I'd love to join."

Kurt could not believe his ears, a handsome gay boy who could sing. Kurt would take all the bullying he went through all over again if he knew that this fine specimen of man would cross his path.

"Perfect." Kurt said, they were in the parking lot, Kurt wondered if he'd be able to drive Blaine home. "Well do you need help practicing for an audition?" He hoped he
wasn't pushing things.

"You'd do that for me?" Blaine's eyes were filled with admiration.

Kurt's heart actually broke a bit, it seemed like Blaine was genuinely surprised that someone was being kind to him.

"Of course! We can go to my house now if you want; I have an amazing collection of CDs, my cars just over here." Kurt started walking towards his SUV, Blaine followed with his head held just a bit higher. It seemed like all he needed was a little kindness and his whole persona brightened.

"This is really nice of you." Blaine said once they were on the road. "Tell me about your glee club."

"It's hard to describe everyone…. You'll really have to see for yourself. But I can tell you that it's incredible how much talent is in that choir room. Myself included."
Blaine laughed along with Kurt. "I'm sure your voice is amazing."

Kurt blushed, was he flirting with Blaine? He'd only known him for 20 minutes or so, but he was sure they were going to be friends at the least.

"Well I appreciate your confidence in me; I'll try not to let you down." Kurt and Blaine smiled at each other for a moment. They pulled into Kurt's driveway; thankfully there were no cars in the driveway. Blaine and Kurt both got out of car and Kurt led the way into his house. Images flashed through Kurt's head of the two of them spending hours in his room together, rehearsing musical numbers together, ordering take out and staying in for a night of movies, cuddling, and maybe a kiss shared every now and then. Kurt shook his head, right now he was just here to help Blaine work his way into the New Directions.

"Here, give me your jacket."

Blaine shrugged his pea coat off and handed it to Kurt. As Kurt hung it up he couldn't help but smell the hint of delicious cologne that emanated off the soft coat.

"Come on, let's head up to my room, we can decide on a song there."

"Great, but just so you know I haven't sang in a while, don't judge me."

Kurt hadn't actually considered for a second that Blaine wouldn't be a good singer, he was the image of perfection, there was no way he was a bad singer. But what if he was? Kurt practically invited him to glee club; he'd feel terrible if they turned him away. When they entered his room Blaine went over to the CDs and instantly grabbed one.

"This, this is an amazing song, track 6." Blaine seemed set on this song. Kurt looked down at the CD in his hand, and glanced down at the track list and if possible his heart expanded. He put the CD in his laptop and selected track 6. The opening notes of the song started to play and when Blaine opened his mouth to sing, Kurt was sure his heart and given out once and for all.

I stole a key
Took a car downtown where the lost boys meet
I took a car downtown and took what they offered me
To set me free
I saw the lights go down at the end of the scene
I saw the lights go down and they're standing in front of me

My scarecrow dreams
When they smashed my heart into smithereens
I be a bright red rose come bursting the concrete
Be the cartoon heart

Light a fire, without a spark
Light a fire, a flame in my heart
We'll run wild oh
We'll be glowing in the dark
Glowing in the dark

All the boys, all the girls
All the madness in the world
All the boys, all the girls
All the madness that occurs
All the highs, all the lows
As the room is spinning, oh
We'll run wild oh
We'll start glowing in the dark
So we'll run wild oh
We'll be glow in the dark

As the song came to a close Blaine opened his eyes, it was almost like he'd forgotten where he was. Kurt couldn't be sure, but he could have sworn he saw tears clouding Blaine's gorgeous eyes.

"That was amazing, Blaine you're really talented." Kurt said softly, he wasn't sure if Blaine was okay, he seemed slightly distraught and disoriented.

"Thank you, uhm maybe I won't do that song. I don't know I'll probably just pick some Katy Perry number or something. Something upbeat I don't know." Blaine almost looked upset with himself.

"Blaine, you don't have to try and be something you're not." Kurt didn't know how to tell this boy that he just met that it he was here for him, that he would hold him while he cried if that's what he wanted, or just listen to his story.

"What do you mean?"

"Well if seems like you're afraid of being too emotional or something, the glee club is really accepting, this one girl, Rachel, you'll get to know her, she cries every time she sings a solo."

Blaine smiled just a little bit, a small smile that barely tugged at the corners of his lips. "I don't know I'm just going to pick something a bit lighter, I don't even know anyone in that club, and I only just met you."

"Yeah I understand, when I first joined glee club it took me forever to open up, I'm kind of a defensive person."

The two boys smiled at each other, they had a mutual understanding. Not just because they were both gay or that they were both singers, but they just got each other. They barely knew each other but having conversations came easily. Kurt could tell Blaine had some issues, but Kurt had them too. Who knows, maybe this could be the start of something great.


SORRY IF THAT WAS DREADFULLY POOR :/ this is my first fic, please review :) I'd love to know if it's worth continuing xx
The song Blaine sang in Kurt’s room is “Charlie Brown” by Coldplay


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Haha. You are a liar. This is totally NOT your first fic. It's your millionth, and you've mastered the characters. RIGHT?! Right. BTW, this is amazing. I'm prepping for serious angst! Next chapter...