You Will Always Be Perfect
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You Will Always Be Perfect : Chapter 6

T - Words: 1,487 - Last Updated: May 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Created: Nov 30, 2011 - Updated: May 01, 2012
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Finn continued to hold Blaine until the boy’s sobs quieted. Finn loosened his hold and helped Blaine to standing. “Do you want to head back to your room?” Finn asked quietly.

Blaine could only nod as he leaned heavily on Finn to walk the short distance back to the guest room. Finn gently guided Blaine towards the bed in the center of the room.

“Thanks Finn.” Blaine said quietly as he sat down on the bed.

Finn shuffled awkwardly back towards the door, turning back towards the bed before leaving… ”Blaine, I’ve known Kurt for a while now, and you know as well as I do that he is one of the strongest people out there. He will get through this. You both will.” Finn smiled at Blaine then walked towards his own bedroom.

Blaine’s heart ached as he laid back in the bed, ignoring the bowl of soup that Finn had brought up for him. He didn’t even bother to change into pajamas. Instead Blaine curled up underneath the sheets and fell into a restless sleep.

Burt and Carole woke up to the phone ringing loudly on the bedside table. Burt shot up and picked up the phone.


“Hello, Mr. Hummel this is Doctor Baker, I have been working on your son’s case.”

“Yes, of course. Is everything ok?” Burt asked as Carole rose from the bed and put her hand on his shoulder.

“Yes, but if you could come into the hospital sometime this morning that would be great. I would like to discuss Kurt’s condition with you further.”

“Of course, we will be there as soon as we can. Thank you doctor.” Burt hung up the phone and looked towards Carole.

“He’s still with us; the doctor just wants us to come in soon to talk about Kurt.”

“Alright I am going to check on the boys while you get ready.” Carole said stepping out of bed and putting on her robe. She quietly opened the door and headed down the hallway towards the boys rooms.

First she came to Finn’s room. Finn was sprawled out on the bed with his feet hanging off the side; he was also snoring quite loudly. Carol smiled and quietly walked towards the bed to lay a soft kiss on Finn’s temple. She didn’t have the heart to wake him and tell him about Kurt so she left the room to go check on Blaine.

Carole opened the door to the guest bedroom. She first noticed the untouched bowl of soup she had sent up last night, she then noticed the shape of Blaine’s body curled up underneath a mountain of covers in the middle of the bed. Carole uncovered Blaine’s head and saw that his checks were still stained with tears. Carole brushed the some curls off of Blaine’s forehead. Blaine stirred at her touch and slowly opened his eyes.

“Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep ok?” Carol asked softly.

“Yes, thank you Carole.” Blaine said as he sat up in bed. His face paled as a shooting pain coursed up his body.

“Blaine honey what’s wrong?” Carole asked her face showing concern.

“My leg hurts. I forgot to take the pain medication last night.” He said through gritted teeth.

“Oh dear, ok I will be right back.” Carole said as she rushed downstairs to get Blaine’s pills.

Blaine threw the remaining blankets off of him and swung his legs off the bed. He bit back a yelp when more pain shot threw his body. His right leg was firmly set in a cast, Blaine looked down and frowned. As much as he was in pain he hated that fact that this was all he had to deal with while Kurt was lying in the hospital alone fighting for his life. Tears once again welled in Blaine’s eyes; slowly his body began to tremble with silent sobs.

Carole quickly made her way down to the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge as well as the familiar orange prescription bottle. She quickly shook out two small pills from the container and hurried back up the stairs and into the spare room. Her heart broke once again to see Blaine shaking with sobs.

“Oh Blaine, honey. Is the pain that bad?” She asked setting down the water and pills before smoothing out the boy’s wild curls.

“No, its not that…its just I hate that I got out of this whole thing with just a stupid cast but Kurt is lying in the hospital fighting for his fucking life. I hate it! And to make it worse it’s all my fault!” Blaine yelled before collapsing back on the bed tears overtaking him.
Carole quickly began to rub Blaine’s back soothingly.

“Blaine sweetie, it’s not your fault. It was an accident. Shhh…”

Blaine turned his face from the pillow and spoke quietly…”It was my fault, we were singing that stupid song, and I was talking to him…and he got distracted…and then I couldn’t get him out…I tried so hard but they wouldn’t let me…Carole he looked so scared. I couldn’t save him.” Blaine said tears racing down his checks at a steady pace.

Carole ushered the small boy into her arms. She rocked him back in forth like any mother would do. Blaine continued to cry but soon his tears dried up and his sobs turned into small sniffles. Carole loosened her grip on Blaine slightly pulling his face up to look at hers.

“Blaine, I know that you feel like this is your fault but I promise you its not. And Kurt will get through this…this is Kurt we are talking about.” Carole smiled at Blaine wiling the boy to believe her.
Blaine sniffed and nodded slightly.

“Here, take your medicine you will feel a lot better.” Carole said coaxing Blaine to sit up more and take the pills.

Blaine looked up at Carole after taking a sip of water, “Has the doctor called about Kurt yet?”

Carole pursed her lips, “He did, just a few minutes ago he wants Burt and I to come to the hospital. He didn’t say why.”

“Carole, can I come too?” Blaine asked.

“Of course honey, why don’t you go get cleaned up a bit and then we will go.” Carole said before leaving the room to get her own self ready.

A half hour later the Hummel/Hudson clan, including a very sleepy Finn and a still distraught Blaine piled into the car and headed to the hospital. They parked the car and went straight up to the ICU. The nurse as the desk looked up as they entered and smiled kindly.

“Hello, how can I help you?”

“Umm I’m Burt Hummel, my son Kurt is in the burn unit; Doctor Baker called this morning and asked us to come in.”

“Oh yes, I will page him up here. Please have a seat.” The nurse said still smiling.

Blaine fought the urge to punch a wall, how could that nurse be so sickeningly sweet when fifteen feet down the hallway people were dying. Blaine caught Finn’s eye and the older boy smiled a goofy smile in return. Blaine wish he was more like Finn, Finn who really didn’t understand what was going on, Finn who wasn’t there to see the car blow up, Finn who didn’t see the look of horror on Kurt’s face when Blaine couldn’t get him out. Blaine shook his head trying to dislodge the taunting thoughts, as Blaine tried to focus on sending good vibes towards Kurt a kind looking doctor approached them.

“Mr. and Mrs. Hummel?”

Burt and Carole stood up, “What’s up doc, is everything ok with Kurt?” Burt asked grasping onto Carole’s hand tightly.

“His condition hasn’t worsened but it hasn’t gotten better either. I brought you down here today to talk about transferring Kurt to the Cleveland Metro Hospital in order to receive more specialized care. Kurt has pretty severe injuries and will need surgery to repair some of the damage, as well as grafts and therapy afterwards. And I think transferring him to another facility would be able to treat him more effectively.”

Burt’s eyes widened. “Cleveland! That’s three hours away doc!”

“Yes, I know but there is housing available in the area for families of the patients free of charge. It is really in Kurt’s best interest.”

“If it will help Kurt get out of here and on the mend sooner I guess we have no choice.” Burt said with a shrug.

Blaine’s jaw dropped his heart beating fast in his chest, Cleveland! Kurt was going to be transferred to Cleveland. How would Blaine visit him, Blaine couldn’t drive with his leg in a cast, and he knew that he Hummel, or his own parents, wouldn’t let him skip school to stay in the city during the week. Blaine thoughts rushed through his head until a young nurse came rushing out towards them.

“Doctor Baker, we need you in room 226. Kurt Hummel is awake.”


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