You Will Always Be Perfect
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You Will Always Be Perfect : Chapter 11

T - Words: 1,516 - Last Updated: May 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Created: Nov 30, 2011 - Updated: May 01, 2012
1,095 0 2 0 0

It had been two weeks since Kurt first awoke after his surgery. Two weeks of pain medication, physical therapy, and hoards of doctors and nurses. But two week were nothing when Kurt realized it had been four weeks since the accident. Four weeks of either being away from Blaine. Kurt sighed as he looked out the window. The ground was covered in snow, it was early January. It had been four weeks since the accident. He had spent Christmas and New Years in the hospital. Without Blaine. Kurt wasn’t sure what hurt more, his injuries or the place in his heart where Blaine should be.

“How are you this morning Kurt?” Nurse Claire came in and interrupted Kurt’s thoughts. Kurt liked Nurse Claire but he wasn’t in the mood for her cheeriness today.

He ignored her question and continued to stare out the window.
Claire noticed Kurt’s silence and walked into his line of sight.

“Come on grumpy, what’s wrong?”

“I miss Blaine.” Kurt said simply.

“Ahh…” Claire nodded. Kurt had told her everything about Blaine. And she knew that Blaine was the most important person in Kurt’s life. “Well, I might have some good news if you give me a smile sweet boy.”

Kurt turned towards Claire and offered her a wry smile.

“Hmm, not quite what I was looking for but it will do. I think we can arrange a little visitation time this weekend if you talk a walk down the hallway with me today.”

Kurt gave Claire a suspicious look. “Claire, you know every weekend I have visitation time, haven’t you seen my dad and Carole here literally every chance they get.”

“Yes, but I think we can arrange for non-family visitors to come down this weekend.” Claire said her eyes lighting up.

Kurt smiled wide, “Do you mean…Blaine?”

“Unless you had another boy in mind.” Claire said as she pulled the blankets off of Kurt’s legs.

“No, oh gosh Claire! Do you really think I can see Blaine this weekend?” Kurt asked his voice high with excitement.

“I don’t see why not, you are doing great with your recovery. I will talk to Dr. Halsted just to get the ok, but I do think you and your lover boy will be reunited very soon.
Kurt’s heart soared. He was going to get to see Blaine. He couldn’t be happier.

Two weeks. Two weeks since his parents had picked him up from the Hummel’s. Blaine doesn’t remember much of the past two weeks, he is pretty sure he has been to school but everything else has been a haze of confusion and pain. Blaine sits at lunch and picks at his food. He hasn’t eaten much since leaving the Hummel’s. His parents haven’t been around and while they left money for food Blaine hasn’t felt the need to go shopping. His thoughts are consumed with Kurt. The way he misses him, the way he worries about him, the ache in his heart that won’t go away.
Blaine didn't notice Finn approaching the lunch table and he jumped slightly when Finn slaped him lightly on his back.

“Blaine! Guess what!” Finn said loudly.
Blaine looked up from his food and offers Finn a tired smile, “What, Finn?”
“Carole called me this morning.” Finn said sitting down besides Blaine.
Blaine shrugged. Carole had called him almost everyday during the past two weeks, but it was always the same news. Kurt was awake, they are doing physical therapy, no sorry you can’t come see him yet.
Finn kept talking ignoring Blaine’s indifference.

“Well, she said that Kurt is doing really well and that we can come up and see him this weekend!” Finn said excitedly.

“I am glad Kurt is doing well.” Blaine says only half listening to Finn as he pushes his food around the plastic lunch tray.

“Blaine…did you hear me?” Finn asked waving a hand in front of Blaine’s face.

“Huh, ya. Kurt is doing really well.” Blaine replied.

“Ya, and Carole said that we can come see him this weekend!” Finn said.
Blaine’s eyes widened. “We can go see him!”

Finn nodded enthusiastically. “Yepp, we can leave tomorrow after school.”

Blaine quickly grabbed Finn and pulled him into a tight hug.
“Finn! I get to see Kurt tomorrow. Thank you! Oh Finn!” Blaine cried his words muffled by Finn’s shoulder.

Finn was a bit taken aback by Blaine’s embrace, but he slowly put his arms around the smaller boy. He knew Blaine had been hurting; he missed Kurt more than Finn could know.

“So, umm just bring your bag to school tomorrow and we will leave right after, ok?” Finn asked as Blaine pulled back from the hug.

“Ya, of course. Thank you Finn!” Blaine replied with a smile Finn hadn’t seen in a long time.

Blaine couldn’t sleep that night. He was too excited. He was finally going to be able to see Kurt. Instead of sleeping he decided to pack. He carefully untangled himself from the sheets on his bed and crept out of his room. As far as he knew his parents weren’t home but he still wanted to be quite. He made his way to the hallway closet and pulled out a large duffle bag. As he pulled on it the suitcase it sat beneath came with it and crashed onto the floor. Blaine held his breath, hoping the noise didn’t wake his parents if they were home. Unfortunately Blaine wasn’t so lucky; a second after the noise the bedroom light down the hall turned on and out emerged his father.

“Blaine, what the hell are you doing?” He asked.

Blaine quickly shoved the suitcase back to its rightful place and gathered the duffle bag up in his arms. “I was just getting a duffle bag, I couldn’t sleep and since I am going with Finn tomorrow to Cleveland I figured I would pack now.”

His father eyes hardened. “You are going where?”

Blaine stepped back, “To Cleveland, Kurt has been in the hospital there and he got the ok to have visitors this weekend. I won’t be missing any…” Blaine said before his father put up his hand immediately silencing him.

“Who gave you permission to go to Cleveland?” His father asked, Blaine could hear the anger besides his fathers all too carefully controlled voice.

“No one, but Kurt needs me I haven’t seen him in four weeks…and since you took me from the Hummel’s I have only seen Finn…”

“Stop right there!” His father yelled. “We didn’t take you from the Hummel’s. We are your parents, you belong here with us!”

“You took me from a place where I am loved and people are there for me, do you know how many days you and mom have been home in the past two weeks? Two! I have been alone, in a big house with no food and no support for two weeks!” Blaine was shouting now his small body began to shake with anger.

“You ungrateful little bastard, we left you money! We provide a beautiful home for you to sleep in. What more do you want from us?” Blaine mother was now standing in the door way of the bedroom looking with wide eyes as her husband and son argued in the hallway.

“I was in a car accident, I have a broken leg. My boyfriend and love of my life has been in the hospital for four weeks, he has had multiple surgeries, and he will probably need physical therapy for years…and I…I haven’t seen him since they pulled him out of the car. I thought he was dead…I thought he was dead dad.” Blaine anger had turned to tears. “I thought he was dead, but he isn’t dad. He is awake and I can see him tomorrow.” Blaine looked past his father and down the hall towards his mother. “Mom, please I have to go see him.”

Blaine’s mother didn’t respond she only shook her head slightly before retreating back in the master bedroom.

“Dad, I have to go please!” Blaine begged as he hugged the duffle bag closer to his chest.

“You will see Kurt when he is back in Lima, I will not have you drive to Cleveland. Especially in your condition.” Blaine’s father said his voice hard.

“I expect you to call Flynn and tell him you will not be able to go. Now get back to bed. Its late and you have school.” With that his father turned away from Blaine and slammed the bedroom door closed.

Blaine crumpled into a heap in the hallway. Tears blurred his eyes as he quickly typed out a text to Finn, politely declining the invitation of going to Cleveland hoping that Finn would take it at face value and not ask Blaine why. He then dragged himself back into his bedroom and into his bed. He pulled the sheets over his head he lay awake for hours just hoping that this whole thing was a bad dream. That he would wake up in the morning and have Kurt next to him. Just like it was supposed to be.


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SOBS- but thanks for the update it love this story!