You Will Always Be Perfect
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You Will Always Be Perfect : Chapter 10

T - Words: 1,250 - Last Updated: May 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Created: Nov 30, 2011 - Updated: May 01, 2012
1,148 0 1 0 0

Rachel stood shell shocked in the doorway of the Hummel household. “You’re…you’re Blaine’s parents?” She balked.

The intimidating couple nodded curtly. “Yes, now if you please could go get Blaine for us that would be much appreciated.”

“Umm…ok please come in. Blaine is sleeping upstairs I will go get him.” She opened the door wider and let the Anderson’s into the Hummel house. The couple looked around with disgusted glances before gingerly sitting down in the Hummel’s living room.

“We are in a hurry.” Mr. Anderson said curtly.

Rachel just nodded before running up the stairs. When she got to the second floor she pulled her cell-phone out of her pocket and hit the call button.

Burt sat next to Kurt’s hospital bed while he waited for the anesthesia to wear off. Kurt’s surgery had gone well and his doctors were hopeful about his recovery. Carole sat by Burt’s side and held her husband’s hand. As the couple watched their son sleep Carole felt a small vibration in her pocket. She pulled out her cell phone and looked down with a quizzical look.

“Who is it?” Burt asked softly.

“Rachel Berry.” Carole answered as she nodded towards the door indicating that she was going to take the call outside. Carole stood up quietly and walked out of the small hospital room.

Burt could feel the exhaustion in his bones. He had hardly slept since the accident and that was a good two weeks ago if not more. Burt really wasn’t sure what day it was. As he rested his head on the side of the side of the hospital bed he heard a small murmur. He shot up and looked intently at
Kurt’s as his eyelids began to flutter.

“Kurt, buddy? You with us?” Burt asked as he grabbed his sons hand.

“Dad?” Kurt whispered, his voice hoarse.

“Ya buddy, it’s me I am here.” Burt smiled. He quickly pressed the call button for one of the nurses.

Kurt’s eyes fluttered open and Burt smiled wide. “Good to see you awake kid.”

Kurt tried to smile back but Burt saw the pain it caused flash in his sons eyes.

“Hey there kid. Just relax you just got out of some pretty intense surgery. Just relax.”
Kurt nodded his head slightly and squeezed his father’s hand.

As Burt talked quietly to his son he heard the door open and one of the nurses come in. “How long has he been awake?” She asked as she checked the monitors that surrounded Kurt’s bed.

“Just a few minutes.” Burt answered not looking away from Kurt.

“Well his all his levels are normal, are you in any pain honey?”
Kurt nodded and grimaced as the movement caused pain to shoot through his body.

“Alright, I am going to up his morphine which will probably cause him to go back to sleep. But honestly sleep is good for his healing.” The nurse said with a smile.

“Thank you.” Burt said looking up at the nurse.

She smiled as she hung as she fiddled with Kurt’s IV before leaving the room.

Kurt opened his mouth to speak as she left but Burt shushed him.

“No talking, kiddo. Just get some rest.”

Kurt wanted to nod but found his eyes getting heavy as he slipped back into unconsciousness.

Rachel stood at the top of the stairs at the Hummel household as she dialed the number with shaky hands. It took a few rings before a voice picked up.

“Hello, Rachel what’s wrong is Blaine ok?” Carole’s voice sounded through the speaker.

“Mrs. Hummel, I am sorry I know you are with Kurt. But I had to bring Blaine home from school early because he was having a rough time and I got him home and settled but now his parents are here and they want to take them back home with them and I don’t know what to do.” Rachel said in a rush.

Carole sighed into the phone. “Ok, Rachel just calm down. When did Blaine’s parents get there?”

“Just a minute ago they are sitting in the living room. We can’t let them take Blaine home. Mrs. Hummel he is so…” Rachel bit her lip searching for the right word. “He isn’t ok. He can barely function and I know if he goes home with them its only going to get worse.”

“Oh honey, I know. But we can’t do anything about it. Burt and I are in Cleveland. And Blaine’s parents have ever legal right to take him home. I am sorry dear but there is nothing I can do right now.” Carole said, defeat in her voice.

Rachel let a tear slip down her cheek. “But Blaine…”

“I know Rachel. But…tell you what I will talk to Burt and we will figure something out. But for now you need to let Blaine go with his parents. Ok?”

“Yes, I understand. Thank you Mrs. Hummel.”

“Call me Carole, and Rachel thank you for taking care of Blaine.”

“You’re welcome Carole. I have to go the Anderson’s are waiting.”

“Ok Rachel, and don’t worry it will be ok.” Carole said before Rachel slid the phone shut. She wiped a tear from her eye before looking up to see Blaine standing in the door way of the guest bedroom.

“Blaine!” She breathed.

Blaine has tears streaming down his cheeks, “My parent’s are here?”

Rachel just nodded solemnly.

Just then someone cleared their throat behind them. Rachel looked back and saw that it was Mr. Anderson who had made his way up the stairs.

“Ah, Blaine good. Are you ready to go?”

Blaine looked at Rachel with tears in his eyes as he began to tremble.
Rachel walked towards him and slid her hand into his.

“Mr. Anderson, Blaine is more than welcome to stay here. He is really no trouble. And I think it might be best if…”

“Miss Berry, I do not wish be told what is best for my son by a silly girl. Now I am sorry that you and the Hummel’s have had to take care of Blaine but as you knew my wife and I are very busy. Blaine, gather your things we are leaving. Now!” Mr. Anderson said with hate in his voice.

“Dad, I want to stay here. I…I need to stay here.” Blaine said quietly.

“Blaine Thomas Anderson if you are not in the car within two minutes you will sorely regret the consequences.”

Blaine body began to shake harder with fear and anger. He shot his head up and glared at his father. “You don’t understand what I have been through. The Hummel’s are there for me and so is Rachel.”

“Oh really? Please tell me where are the Hummel’s now Blaine?” Mr. Anderson said with a snide smile.

“They…they.” Blaine stuttered as more tears fell down his cheeks.
Rachel quickly stood between Blaine and his father and wiped at Blaine’s cheeks.

“Blaine hey, listen to me. I talked to Carole. And you have to go with your parents. But its just for a little while.” She whispered. “Just it will be ok. But you have to go with them, ok?”
Blaine nodded as he pulled Rachel into a hug, burying his face into her shoulder.

“Blaine, lets go now.” Mr. Anderson barked.

Blaine gave one last sob into Rachel’s shoulder before letting his father lead him down the stairs and out of the Hummel’s house.He turned around and gave slight wave to Rachel before sliding into the car.

Rachel watched as the Blaine drove away with his parent’s hoping that he would be alright.


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