May 1, 2012, 7 p.m.
May 1, 2012, 7 p.m.
Made a wrong turn once or twice.
Dug my way out,blood and fire.Bad decisions, that's alright.
Welcome to my silly life.
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood! Miss "No way,It's all good",
it didn't slow me down
Mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated! Look, I'm still around...
Blaine looked at his boyfriend in awe as he sang, he was captivated that he almost missed his cue. But as the music swelled he joined Kurt is his song.
Pretty pretty please!
Don't you ever ever feel. Like you're less than, less than perfect
Pretty pretty please
If you ever ever feel like you're nothing you are perfect to me.
As the car traveled down the back roads of Lima the two boys continued to sing to each other. It was a beautiful performance, including a very convincing rap on the part of Blaine.
Blaine never took his eyes off Kurt as they sang. He meant every word, every syllable, ever note. Kurt was perfect and nothing would ever change that. Blaine’s heart swelled as he tried to hold back his emotions. As the song ended Blaine grabbed Kurt’s free hand, “Kurt, you are so perfect. And nothing will ever change that.”
Kurt took his eyes off the road and looked over at Blaine, “Blaine I am so in lov….”
Before Kurt could finish there was a loud screeching noise of brakes failing, followed by the sound of crunching metal and breaking glass. The Escalade began to spin widely. Blaine grabbed Kurt’s hand in desperate fear; his voice couldn’t scream he could only hear Kurt’s pained cries of help as the car careened out of control. The large car tipped mid spin sending the car into a ditch.
(O-O ) what the?????? Nooo ....this is why I only read complete stories. Great job. I cant wait for more
Oh no, you didn't! A wreck?! Aghhhh! I listened to perfect all day yesterday. It was great! Now, back to the story...I hope they're not hurt too bad. Thanks for writing!
Ajdndkafkak no no no no all the emotions ;___; also, I actually kind if got the same idea, about them singing and getting into a car crash, after the episode, and this was great, but I'm still gonna write my own fic so I hope you don't mind. But yeah, this was great, I hope you continue soon !
Comments are not very handy to respond, but I meant it in a way to calm myself, tell myself that no one dies you know ^^
Nooo Blainers! I need my klaine back together again! this is awesome, I need to know what happens!
I enjoyed this story, the plot was pretty good. I do have some constructive criticism, bough. If you don't want it... Don't read the rest of this, I guess?So, one thing about the story is that it didn't flow well. The dialogue especially; it seemed really forced. If nothing else, use contractions more often. Saying "I'm" instead of "I am" and "you're" instead of "you are" actually makes a huge difference. It helps the story to flow better and it makes it seem more realistic, because nobody really speaks like, "I am so happy that he will come with me." (I don't know, just made that up as a random example.) It sounds like a robot. "I'm so happy he'll come with me," flows better and sounds more like how people talk. Also, your sentences, both in the dialogue and otherwise, seemed choppy sometimes. One other thing. You were missing some punctuation in spots. A comma here, semicolon there, it doesn't seem like much, but it adds up. Again, it helps the story to flow. I really hope I'm not being offensive or overstepping. Overall, it was a good story and I liked it.