Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
"I...I have to go."
"No, Blaine. Wait." Sebastian said as he reached out for Blaine's hand.
"Why, did you think of a whole new slew of insults because 'homeless hobbit' isn't good enough for you?" Blaine cried.
"Shit Blaine, don't cry please. Just sit down." Sebastian pleaded.
Blaine sniffed as he sat heavily back into the chair.
Sebastian relaxed slightly before taking a deep breath. "So let me get this straight...you don't have a place to live?"
"I think that's what the definition of homeless is." Blaine snapped.
Sebastian's jaw tightened a bit before closing his eyes and sighing.
"Does Kurt know? Can't you stay with his family? Or like someone else from your glee club?...Of course it can't be much better than what you already have."
"Kurt doesn't know, and neither does anyone from glee. But if I can't come up with the money for sectionals then I'm sure they'll find out. And Kurt will freak out and come home and it will ruin his first year in New York and he'll hate me." Blaine said as more tears fell down his cheeks. He couldn't believe he was exposing all his fears to one of his sworn enemies.
Sebastian stared at Blaine for a short while before speaking. "I'm not gonna tell you to tell someone; I'm sure you already know that...I just...I want to help."
Blaine wiped at his tear stained cheeks with the back of his hand.
"Thank you Sebastian, but I'm fine. I'll be fine."
"I'm sure you will be." Sebastian said seriously. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a very expensive looking wallet and pulled out a few bills. "But until you are, I want to help." Sebastian slid the bills towards Blaine.
Blaine's eyes widened as he saw $300 lying on the table between them. "I...I can't take your money Sebastian." Blaine said as he shook his head.
"Well it's no fun at all if the Warblers stomp all over your pathetic little glee club at sectionals is it?" he said, his boastful smirk returning.
"This is $300!" Blaine said a bit too loudly.
Sebastian shrugged, "It's about half my allowance but I'm really not using it anyway. Just take it before I change my mind. I'm not used to this whole being nice thing and it's starting to gross me out."
Blaine bit his lip as he put his hand over the neatly folded bills. He did need the money, if not just to buy him more time. "Thank you Sebastian. I'll pay you back as soon as possible."
"Blaine, this isn't a loan. It's a gift. Use it to buy some razors and hair gel. You're starting to look like a hippie."
Blaine let out a small laugh as he put the money into his own wallet. "Thank you. Really."
"Well to be honest, my deeds are not completely selfless. I mean if you don't go to sectionals I won't be able to see your sad puppy dog eyes when we beat you." Sebastian said with a twinkle in his eye.
"I look forward to beating you as well Sebastian." Blaine smiled. As he did his Skype ringtone went off. "Oh it's Kurt." Blaine said as he plugged his headphone into the jack.
"Have fun talking to Hummleina, I'll see you soon, Blaine."
"Thanks Sebastian." Blaine said as the taller boy left the table.
Blaine settled into his seat as he answered Kurt's call.
"Hello beautiful!" Blaine said as Kurt's face popped up on his screen.
"Blaine! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" Kurt said with a giggle.
Blaine's heart leapt in his chest. He hadn't realized just how much he had been missing Kurt but seeing him on his computer was both breaking his heart and making him feel like he could breathe again.
"So have you taken over New York yet?" Blaine asked.
"Sadly no, but not for lack of trying. Oh Blaine, I love it here. There is only one thing that could make it better."
"A mastercard with no spending limit?" Blaine teased.
Kurt laughed, "Well ok two things. But one of them is more precious than a Manhattan shopping spree."
"Even one at Marc Jacobs?" Blaine asked.
"Even one at Marc Jacobs." Kurt replied.
"Hmm, what could Kurt Hummel want more than a no limit shopping spree to Marc Jacobs?" Blaine said as he tapped his finger against his chin.
"I'll give you a clue, it's a person. He is about 5'8", has the most impressive bow tie collection in all of Ohio, and is currently looking very sexy with his loose curls and facial hair." Kurt said as he placed his face closer to the camera.
"Oh Kurt, you are making me blush." Blaine said as he felt his cheeks heat up.
"Well it's true; I am lonely without you Blaine. I can't believe I have to wait another three weeks to see you. It was hard enough that you had to cancel your trip a few weeks ago." Kurt said with a pout.
Blaine's heart lurched as he remembered making an excuse to not visit Kurt over Labor Day. "I know, but I'm sure you can't be missing me all the time. Tell me about New York. I want to hear just how amazing it is." Blaine said as he leaned his head against his hand.
Blaine sat enthralled by Kurt and his stories of New York, NYADA, Rachel, and various other misadventures. They talked forever and it wasn't until a young barista came and tapped Blaine on his shoulder.
Blaine pulled his earphones out and looked up. "Yes?"
"Sir, I'm sorry but I just wanted to let you know we are closing in fifteen minutes."
"Oh right, I'm sorry I'll be leaving soon!" Blaine hastily apologized.
The barista nodded and she continued to wipe down the tables.
"Who was that?" Kurt asked once Blaine had turned back to the screen.
"Umm, I'm at the Lima Bean. I have to go soon they are closing."
"Why are you at the Lima Bean so late?" Kurt asked.
"I was doing homework here." Blaine said a quickly.
Kurt nodded. "Ok, well I'm pretty busy next week. But I'll be home soon."
"I'm counting down the days." Blaine said softly.
"I know me too. I love you, Blaine."
"I love you more. Have a good week." Blaine blew a kiss at the screen. Kurt "caught" it on other end.
"Goodnight." Kurt said as the he waved before ending the call.
Blaine quickly shut down his laptop and gathered his books. He walked slowly out to his car. He drove out to an abandoned lot before pulling out a granola bar and a bottle of water for dinner. He knew he should be relieved. He could go to sectionals; everything was going to be ok. But deep down inside he could feel himself going under.