Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
Mr. Shue walked in just as the bell rang. “I have some bad news guys.”
The glee club straightened in their chairs as they waiting for Mr. Shue to continue.
“Figgins just informed me that the school will be unable to fund our trip to Sectionals. So if we want to compete we have to pay our own way.”
“How much is it going to be Mr. Shue?” Sam asked.
“Well with the registration fee and transportation it’s going to be about $150 per person.”
Blaine’s heart stopped. $150 was a lot of money. He was on a tight enough budget as it was.
Sugar cleared her throat as she stood up and walked towards the center of the room. She dramatically opened up her purse and pulled out a wad of cash.
“Mr. Shue I think this will cover the cost of the bus.”
Mr. Shue quickly counted the mass of bills; “Sugar, this is a lot of money! Are you sure you are willing to give it up?”
“I can do without one week's allowance, besides I’ve been meaning to negotiate a raise with Daddy.” Sugar said nonchalantly as she skipped back to her seat.
“Well then, looks like Sugar saved you guys some money! But we still have to cover our registration fee, so I’m going to need $100 from all of you by Monday. Now let’s practice!”
The glee club scrambled out of the chairs and circled around the piano. Blaine followed but his head was still focused on how he was going to come up with $100 to spare. Blaine was surprised when the bell rang; he had been inside his head for whole class period. As he gathered his books, Sugar and Brittany appeared at his side.
“Hi Blainers!” Sugar said excitedly.
Blaine gave her a small smile. “Hello girls.”
“Blainey, we miss you! We haven’t hung out since school started!” Brittany said as she pouted her lips.
“Aww, thanks Brit. But I have been really busy.”
“That’s why we’re kidnapping you tonight for a sleepover!” Sugar said as she looped her arm into Blaine’s.
Blaine fidgeted against her touch, “I can’t tonight.”
“Why?” Brittany exclaimed.
“I have a Skype date with Kurt and I’ve got a lot of homework. I’m sorry but another time.” With that Blaine wriggled out of Sugar’s grip and made his way out of the classroom.
As he drove to the coffee shop he couldn’t help but feel guilty. He knew he had been avoiding most of his friends but honestly he couldn’t bear to face them. Everything was so messed up and he couldn't let them see just how fucked up his life was. Blaine pulled into the parking lot of the Lima Bean and forced himself to focus. He couldn’t be sad tonight. He was getting to talk to Kurt in a little while, everything would be ok. He would be ok.
Blaine sighed as walked into the coffee shop. He felt a pang in his chest. He had avoided the Lima Bean ever since he and Tina met up right after he got kicked out. Being here without Kurt felt wrong. He let out a sad smile as he sat down at their usual table. He spread out his books and pulled out his laptop. He opened up his browser and went to his bank account. He sighed as he saw that there was no way he could pay for sectionals. He was the co-captain of the glee club: if he didn’t go to sectionals he would disappoint the whole team not to mention keep them from having the right number of students to compete. He buried his face in his hands and tried to hold back the tears.
“Well if it isn’t the homeless hobbit.” Someone sneered above him.
Blaine’s head shot up to find Sebastian standing next to his table.
“What...what did you say?” Blaine said his voice weak.
“I was just commenting on your new look, very vagrant sheek. Does Kurt know about your new fashion choices or has the distance broken up Lima’s Bert and Ernie?”
“You have no idea what you are talking about Sebastian. Kurt and I are fine; we are skyping later in fact. And I’m not...I’m just busy with school.” Blaine replied.
“Well you could have fooled me, your car looks like it could be on its own episode of Hoarders.”
“How....” Blaine shook his head. “What do you want Sebastian?”
“Can’t an old friend stop by for a chat? Besides you look even more crazy sitting here alone.”
“Fine, but as soon as Kurt calls I would like to be alone.”
“Hmm.” Sebastian hummed as he sat down across from Blaine. “I would make a dirty joke about that but since you are at a public coffee shop I assume you aren’t participating in adult activities.”
“Oh, like you are?” Blaine said as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
“As a matter of fact Dave and I have kept each other quite satisfied despite the distance.” Sebastian said with a wry smile.
Blaine sat up towards Sebastian, “Wait, Dave...as in Dave Karofsky?”
“Ok, don’t go making a big deal about this. You and Kurt aren’t the only ones who can be disgustingly in love.”
“Wait, did Sebastian Smythe just say that he was in love with David Karofsky?!”
Sebastian cheeks blushed a deep red, “Yeah, I guess I did. But back to you, Grumpy. I can feel your angst from here. What’s up?”
Blaine fell back into his chair and stared at his hands. “Nothing, I’m fine.”
Blaine sighed as tears prickled the back of his eyes. “I am just having some money issues, and I don’t think I can afford sectionals.”
“Wait you can’t tell me your precious public school isn’t funding an award winning glee club’s trip to sectionals?”
“No, so we each have to pay $100 in order to go.”
“Must be my lucky day,” Sebastian quipped. “I’m sure Mommy and Daddy Anderson have that much in their change purse. Have you asked them for help?”
Blaine felt his heart beat painfully in his chest. “I can’t ask them for money.” He said trying to keep his secret from spilling out.
“Oh come on Blainers, I’m sure it’s not that hard to ask for money.”
“I can’t.” Blaine said his voice watery.
“Why?” Sebastian pressed.
“My parents, they umm kicked me out.” Blaine said his voice barely above a whisper.
“They what?” Sebastian asked, his smile sliding off of his face.
Blaine’s body began to tremble. He was out of excuses. He felt the tears begin to fall hot on his cheeks as all his secrets began to tumble out.
“They kicked me out! Right before school started! The reason I look like this and my car is a mess is because I don’t have a place to live! I’m homeless!” Blaine sobbed.
Ooooooh :( Come on Bas. I hope love has melted the ice around your heart so be a decent guy and help Blaine out. Lovely chapter!