Two Words to Hide the Lie
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.

Two Words to Hide the Lie : Chapter 7

E - Words: 1,357 - Last Updated: Oct 25, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Sep 21, 2012 - Updated: Oct 25, 2012
632 0 2 0 0

The first weeks of school went by in a blur. Blaine barely had time to think between his classes, glee club, and trying to keep up a long distance relationship. It'd been hard to stick to the nightly phone calls that he and Kurt had agreed upon and soon their relationship had been reduced to text messages and Facebook chats while they both studied.

Adding to the pressure of school and glee was the fact that Blaine was still living in his car. He had figured out a workable system. He'd set up a new bank account with the small amount of money his parents left in his previous one. He spent the nights in his car and awoke early to shower in the locker room at McKinley. His afternoons were spent either staying late for glee or at the Lima Local Library. So far no one had noticed.

It was nearing the end of September and tensions were high as the set list for Sectionals had become the main topic at glee club.
The bell rang as Mr. Shue bustled into the room. "All right guys, I've received the letter from the Show Choir Committee and this year's theme is 'Friendship'. What are your ideas?" He said as he turned to write "friendship" in large letters on the whiteboard.

"I think we should do a Backstreet Boys medley!" Sugar said excitedly.

"I agree, I think that Blaine and I could lay down some sweet harmonies." Artie said as he wheeled up to the piano.

"Lord Tubbington prefers N'Sync." Brittany said quietly. Sugar gave her a confused look.

"I'm not sure Backstreet Boys is what they are looking for."

"Oh come on Mr. Shue, even I know the Backstreet Boys are one of the best boy bands around." Sam chimed in.

"Well I think we should let our co-captains decide." Mr. Shue said as he turned towards "What do you think Tina?"

Tina nodded her head. "I think Backstreet Boys would work well, and Artie is right him and Blaine would kill it with their harmonies. What do you think Blaine?" Tina asked, looking over to Blaine who was still seated in the back of the room.

Blaine was fighting sleep in the back of the choir room. The temperature in Ohio was quickly dropping and Blaine was finding it harder and harder to get a good night's sleep in his car. Last night was one of the worst, due to a very loud thunderstorm. Blaine hadn't slept at all, and now he was struggling to stay awake.

" with us?" Mr. Shue asked as he walked up towards him.

Blaine jumped slightly as Mr. Shue placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm here. Umm, I think doing N'Sync is a good idea." Blaine said as he wiped the sleep away from his eyes.

Brittany jumped up and down as she clapped her hands together. "Lord Tubbington will be very happy!"

The rest of the club gave Blaine a disapproving look and Blaine realized his mistake. Blaine shook his head, "No, wait. I'm sorry Brit, I meant to say Backstreet Boys. I was confused."

Brittany shrugged her shoulder, "I guess its ok, I don't think cats are allowed to perform at Sectionals anyways."

"Ok then it's settled, we're doing Backstreet Boys for Sectionals!" Mr. Shue said just as the bell rang.

The glee club began to filter out of the room as Blaine began to gather his stuff. Normally he would head to the library to study and use the WiFi but his eyes would not stay open. He knew he had to head to his car for a nap.
Before Blaine could leave the room Mr. Shue approached him.

"Hey Blaine, do you have a minute?"

Blaine nodded as he shifted his bag on his shoulder. "Sure."

"Is everything ok?"

Blaine's heartbeat sped up as Mr. Shue looked down at him with concern. "Yeah, everything is fine. Why do you ask?"

"Well you haven't been participating as much in glee club and you seem distant. Is everything ok at home?"

Blaine's face hardened. Of course everything wasn't ok at home: he didn't have one. He took a deep breath and tried to hold back his anger. "I'm fine Mr. Shue, I'm just busy with schoolwork and I can't focus all my attention on glee club."

Mr. Shue stepped back a bit. "Ok, just making sure. Let me know if you need any help with classes or anything."

"Thank you, Mr. Shue. Can I go now? I've got a lot of homework to do."

Mr. Shue nodded as Blaine made his way to the door.

As he walked down the hallway, his breath started to hitch in his throat. Mr. Shue knew something was wrong. It was only a matter of time before everyone else figured out his secret.

Blaine quickly went to his locker to grab his jacket; he needed to get out of the school as soon as possible. As he shut his locker Tina appeared at his side.

"Blaine, what's going on?" She asked.

He looked down nervously. "Nothing, Mr. Shue just wanted to talk about Sectionals."

"You know I'm not talking about what Mr. Shue said to you. You've been falling asleep in class, you barely talk in glee club, you never gel your hair anymore and you're rapidly approaching the line between scruff and a full beard. Is everything ok with you and Kurt?" Tina said her eyes searching Blaine's.

Blaine could hear his heartbeat in his ears. He knew Tina would help him if he told her the reason for his lack of effort and change in appearance, but he just couldn't. He mumbled something about him and Kurt being fine and sprinted down the hallway. Tina called after him but Blaine kept running till he reached his car. He quickly started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. He drove to the main library and stopped his car before breaking down into sobs.

The jig was up. Everyone was going to find out that he was homeless. Kurt would freak out and come home. Blaine couldn't let Kurt ruin his first year in New York. Blaine needed to keep this a secret, but he could feel it suffocating him bit by bit. As Blaine began to panic, his phone let out a familiar ringtone.

Blaine looked down to see a picture of him and Kurt smiling on his phone's screen. He quickly composed himself before answering the phone.

"Kurt! I wasn't expecting you to call." He said trying to hide the tears in his voice.

"Blaine, is everything ok? sound like you've been crying."

Blaine cursed in his head. He should have known that Kurt would be able to tell something was wrong. He always knew.

"I'm fine. Just missing you." Blaine said, which wasn't completely untrue.

"Oh baby, I know. I miss you too. But I have some good news. I'm free tomorrow night, are you available for a Skype date?"

Blaine thought in his head. Tomorrow was Friday, the library closed at six. He would have to go to the Lima Bean to use their internet. "I'm always available for you, love."

Kurt's laughed chimed through the speaker. "Great, I can't wait to see you, even if it's via a crappy web cam."

"I know, me too." Blaine said as he let out a small smile.

There was a slight pause on the line before Kurt spoke again, "Blaine, are you sure you're ok?"

Blaine held back another sob. "I'm great now that I've got a date with you to look forward to."

Kurt let out small noise. "Ok, but Blaine you know I'm here for you no matter what. I don't want you to think that I'm too busy for you. I know I can't be there to take care of you but I promise I'm just a phone call away."

Blaine smiled into the phone. "I love you."

Kurt laughed again. "I love you too. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Have a good night Blaine."

"Goodnight, Kurt."

The line went dead and Blaine slid his phone back into his pocket. He turned his car on and headed towards the abandoned parking lot where he spent his nights. Once he arrived he looked at the clock it was only 5pm, but Blaine didn't care. He climbed into the backseat of his car and fell asleep.


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I'm really liking this story... which feels weird to say about one so sad, but I'm enjoying the experience all the same. Can't wait for the next update!

I love this story more with every update that's posted! This is seriously my crack right now. So amazing. Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for angst and hurt/comfort, but right now I'm loving the way Blaine still struggles to keep everybody from finding out about his predicament. It makes my heart ache in the most bittersweet ways, and I'm enjoying it :)