Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
Tina quickly walked over to Kurt and wrapped him up in a hug.
"Rachel called us and told us about Blaine." Tina said as she squeezed Kurt.
"We wanted to make sure he was ok." Sam added.
"Thanks guys...but I don't think you should be here right now."
"Why? Is he not ok?" Tina asked her voice worried.
"He's not hurt or anything, but... have you guys noticed something wrong with him?" Kurt asked.
Tina and Sam looked at each other and frowned. "He has been off, but we thought things would get better once he came to live with your dad and Carole."
Kurt's eyes widened. "Wait, what?"
"He came to live with your parents after getting kicked out of his parents house right?" Sam asked, his voice full of confusion.
"When did Blaine tell you this?" Kurt murmured.
"At Sectionals. After we overheard him talking to Sebastian."
Kurt felt anger rise up in his chest. Burt noticed his son's demeanor change instantly.
"Blaine hasn't been living with us." Burt said as he looked at Tina and Sam.
"Then where has he been living?" Sam said still confused.
"He's been living in his car!" Kurt answered, his voice hard.
Tina clapped a hand over her mouth. "But...but he told us he was staying here! Why would he lie to us?"
Kurt shook his head and stood up from his chair.. "It doesn't matter. You guys were here! You should have checked on him! But since nobody did, he crashed his car this morning and is sick in bed because he hasn't had a warm place to sleep in months!"
Kurt's breathing was heavy as he felt the anger course through his body.
"Kurt, it's not their fault.." Carole said, calmly.
"Then who's fault is it?!" Kurt bellowed. "Blaine-my boyfriend-the man I am supposed to love and protect had to live in his car for months because nobody bothered to notice something was wrong with him!" Kurt was shouting now.
Tina was full on sobbing, while Sam just stood shell-shocked.
"I think you two should leave." Burt said standing up behind his shaking son.
Carole offered the two teens a smile before placing a hand on their backs.
As they turned to leave, Tina looked back at Kurt. "We're so sorry, Kurt..."
Kurt didn't reply. He stood silently in the middle of the kitchen trying to hold back tears. Burt quickly pulled his son into a hug. Kurt held steady in his arms for just a moment before dissolving into tears.
"I...I just don't understand. Why...why would he tell them? Why didn't he tell me? Why did he lie?" He sobbed.
Burt shook his head and rubbed soothing circles onto his sons back. "I don't know, kiddo... I don't know..."
Kurt sobbed for a few more minutes as Burt tried to comfort him. Finally, Kurt pulled back and wiped at his face. As he did a small cough came from the doorway of the kitchen.
Kurt peeked over his dad to see Blaine standing in the entryway. His hair was a mess and his face was flushed.
"I...I heard you crying."
Kurt stepped past his dad and walked towards Blaine. He grabbed the smaller boys hand and led him into the living room.
Kurt led Blaine to the couch and sat him down.
"How are you feeling?" He asked placing a cool hand to Blaine's forehead.
"I'm fine. Why were you crying?" Blaine asked, trying to put the focus back on Kurt.
"Blaine, why did you lie?" Kurt asked.
"I...I don't understand." Blaine said quietly.
"Blaine, just stop. I love you, you know that right?" Kurt said, willing Blaine to be honest with him.
"Yes, of course." Blaine answered quickly.
"And love means letting the other person know when you need help, right?"
"Yes, but..." Blaine started.
"But what, Blaine?"
"I...I just didn't want to ruin your first year in New York." Blaine said as a few tears escaped from his eyes.
Kurt's heart shattered. "Why would you think me helping you would ruin things?"
"Because...I didn't want you to spend your year worried about me. Or worse, come back to Ohio to take care of me."
"But Blaine, can't you see how this is worse? You could have been killed this morning and now you're sick because you haven't had a good place to sleep in months! If you would have told me it would have all been ok!" Kurt said as he grasped for Blaine's hands.
"I...I was fine."
"Blaine, being homeless is not fine! Can't you see that there are so many people who want to help you? But instead of letting them, you fed them a lie. I just don't understand!"
"I...I just needed to make it through this last year. Then I would be able to move to New York with you."
Kurt closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. "But you don't have to do everything on your own."
Blaine shook his head. "I know, I...I just didn't want to ruin anything."
"Blaine you could never ruin-" Kurt started.
"-No, Kurt you don't understand! I thought about living with your parents but they were in D.C. I thought about coming to New York and taking classes there, but I knew you wouldn't let me. I thought about living with someone from Glee...but I knew if I did any of those things other people would have to deal with my shitty life..."
Kurt watched Blaine falling apart in front of him. He rushed forward and threw his arms around him in a desperate attempt to hold him together.
Blaine stopped his yelling and let his head fall onto Kurt's shoulder.
"Blaine, you aren't shit. You aren't something that has to be dealt with. I've been worried about you since I left New York. And I'm pissed at myself for not noticing something was wrong. But Blaine, I hope to god that you realize that people love you and want to help you."
Blaine squeezed his eyes shut, allowing more tears to fall.
"I just thought I was fine. I thought I could do it."
Kurt pulled Blaine tighter as the boy started crying even harder. "Shhh, Blaine. Shhh. You're fine now. It's going to be ok. It's going to be fine. I promise."
For what seemed like hours, Blaine let everything he had been holding onto spill out of him in a mess of tears and incoherent words. Eventually, the shaking stilled and Kurt felt Blaine's breathing even out. He carefully readjusted himself and guided Blaine to lay against his chest. After a few moments the two of them drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Burt and Carole came downstairs. They found the two boys still cuddled together on the couch, fast asleep.
"Do you think everything's going to be okay?" Carole asked as she looped her arms around Burt.
"It is now." Burt said as he smiled fondly at the two boys.