Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
As he entered the dining hall he saw Rachel and a few other classmates crowded by one of of the flat screen TV's. He walked up behind Rachel and began to ask what was going on.
"Rach, what is everyone watch..."
"Shh, just listen." Rachel said, pointing to the TV screen.
"The Midwest is being held captive by a record-setting snowstorm. Darcy Meadows is on location in Cleveland, Ohio."
Normally Kurt wasn't very interested in the news but this story caught his attention. He watched as the familiar Cleveland skyline came on the screen. The reporter was almost shouting over the howling winds as snow made the entire shot blurry.
"From Chicago to Cleveland most cities are covered in more than a foot of snow. This is the largest snowstorm we have seen in decades. Power is out for millions of customers and road conditions are treacherous."
The scene changed as the camera focused back onto the newsroom. Rachel turned around and gave Kurt a worried look.
"Do you think everyone is ok back home?"
"I'm sure they're fine." Kurt said, walking towards the coffee machine.
"When was the last time you talked to your dad?" Rachel asked as she grabbed a cup of hot chocolate.
"We talked yesterday afternoon. He said it was snowing, but he didn't say it was this bad."
"I talked to my dads last night and they were a bit worried about the weather, but I'm sure they're fine." Rachel said, nodding to herself.
"Yeah, I'm sure everyone is fine." Kurt said once again.
Kurt began to take a sip of his coffee just as Rachel grabbed for his arm. "Kurt, wait! What about Blaine?"
Blaine's teeth clattered together as the wind whipped at his car. Outside the snow was coming down at an alarming pace and the radio was signalling blizzard warnings every few minutes. The storm had raged all night. According to the news there was already a foot of snow, and more was on its way.
Blaine sat curled up in the front seat, willing his car to get warmer. But the cold air outside seemed to be seeping into the car no matter how much warm air the vents were blowing out. It was barely six a.m. but Blaine knew he had to find someplace warmer than his car. He shifted in the seat and put the car into drive and began the slow trek towards McKinley.
Blaine's knuckles were turning white as he gripped the steering wheel. The roads had yet to be cleared and his station wagon wasn't prepared for such bad conditions. Blaine's heart sped up as he reached the crest of a large hill. The hill was close to Kurt's house and even in good weather it was a treacherous road. Blaine took his foot off the break and began to slowly head down the decline. As soon as the car started to go it hit a large patch of black ice and the station wagon started to hurtle down the hill at an alarming speed.
Blaine was practically standing on the breaks, but the car wasn't slowing down. As he neared the bottom of the hill he saw the road curve drastically. Blaine need to slow down or things would not end well. He did the only thing he could think of and as the car reached the bottom of the hill Blaine turned the wheel harshly as he tried to get the car to stop. His plan didn't work and the car continued to speed down the road. Blaine looked up in horror to see him and his car hurtling towards a telephone pole. Blaine let go of the wheel and braced for impact as the car headed straight for the pole.
"Blaine." Kurt breathed, his heart suddenly speeding up in pace.
"When was the last time you spoke to him?" Rachel asked, concerned.
Kurt knew the answer, but he didn't want to get into the whole mess with Rachel. "Umm, a few days ago."
"You should call him and make sure he's ok." Rachel said as she stood up from her chair.
"I don't want to call now. He's probably still sleeping. They probably have a snow day."
Rachel nodded. "You're probably right. But promise me you'll call him after yoga. I can't be worried about him all day."
Kurt let out a hollow laugh as he followed Rachel out of the dining hall.
The car hit the pole with a mighty crash. Blaine screamed as the sound of breaking glass and crunching metal sounded around him. His body was thrown into the steering wheel and his head slammed against the dashboard.
Blaine's world went dark.
The car went still.
The snow continued to fall.
It was well before dawn, but Burt was wide awake. He wasn't sure, but he could have sworn he had just heard the sound of brakes screeching and crunching metal. He turned towards Carole and gently nudged her awake.
"Honey, did you hear something?"
Carole yawned sleepily. "It was probably just the snow plow."
Burt shook his head. "No, I don't think that was it. I think I am going to go and check it out."
This caused Carole to sit up in bed. "Burt, its freezing out there. You were probably just dreaming."
"'I'm not going to be able to sleep 'till I check it out. I'll be back in a minute."
Thank God Burt heard. I was afraid Blaine would be stuck there until he was found by a random person...I hope at least that Burt finds him...
OMg what's your timezone if you're updating later tonight i can't wait and i don't wanna fall asleep omfg! dfkjngwklrs