Two Words to Hide the Lie
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.

Two Words to Hide the Lie : Chapter 14

E - Words: 1,087 - Last Updated: Oct 25, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Sep 21, 2012 - Updated: Oct 25, 2012
623 0 1 0 0

Blaine awoke shivering. The weather had taken a harsh turn and Blaine hadn't gotten a good night's sleep since Kurt left a week ago. Blaine curled himself against the cold leather of his back seat and tries to fall back asleep, the thin fleece blanket doing little to stop the cold from seeping into his bones. The nights were getting colder and Blaine could see the morning frost on his car windows. After a few moments Blaine realized that he wasn't going to get anymore sleep. He sighed as he pulled himself up off the seat.

Every morning was the same: awakening to stiff muscles and numb fingers and toes. Blaine pulled himself up to the front seat to turn on the car for some heat. His stiff fingers fumbled with the car key but he finally managed to get it in the ignition. The car sputtered. It took a few times for the engine to turn over, but soon the vents were blowing out warm air.

Blaine closed his eyes for a moment and let the warmth hit his face. A moment later his wristwatch alarm went off. 6:30am. Blaine had an hour and a half before class starts.

He rooted through his backpack and pulled out a granola bar before putting the car in drive and heading towards McKinley.
After a cold shower in the locker room Blaine trudged towards first-period History. He arrived early and found the room to be empty. He fell into his seat and let his head drop onto the desk.

"Blaine!" A familiar voice caused him to lift his head. Tina was standing by his desk with a worried look. Blaine had avoided most of the Glee club since the party, but now he offered Tina a smile.

"Mmm...what's up, Tina?" Blaine asked with a yawn.

Tina bit her lip and sat down beside Blaine. "I...I just umm how is staying at the Hummels?" She asked, her voice quiet.

Blaine felt a spark of anger in his chest but he quickly stopped it. He knew Tina didn't mean to ask Kurt about him. "It's great." Blaine lied. "It's a bit weird being there without Kurt, but it's good."

Tina relaxed and offered Blaine a smile. "I'm glad you told them, Blaine. I was really worried about you."

"Don't worry about me, Tina. I'm fine." Blaine smiled again. Mr. Shue walked into the room, but for some reason, Miss Pillsbury was behind him.
Blaine furrowed his eyebrows as the two teachers exchanged a whisper.

Mr. Shue turned towards the class and made eye contact with Blaine.

"Blaine, can you come up here for a moment?" He asked as he sat down behind his desk.

Blaine shuffled out of his seat.

"Is everything ok, Mr. Shue?" Blaine asked as he approached both of the teachers.

Miss Pillsbury spoke first; "Blaine, I was wondering if you would want to come talk with me for a bit."

Blaine eyed both teachers curiously.

"We just want to check in Blaine, you aren't in trouble or anything." Mr. Shue assured.

Blaine nodded, "Umm ok, when would you like to talk?"

"You are excused from class today so you can talk to Miss Pillsbury." Mr. Shue said as he wrote Blaine a pass.
Blaine took the pass and followed Miss Pillsbury down the hall to her office. Blaine focused on the click of her too-shiny shoes to keep from freaking out. Did Tina or Sam tell Mr. Shue that he was supposedly living with the Hummel's? Did they find out he was lying?
As they entered the pristine office Miss Pillsbury offered Blaine a seat.

"So Blaine, senior year! That's exciting." Miss Pillsbury started, her fake smile making Blaine uneasy.

"It is." Blaine answered stiffly.

"Do you have any plans for after graduation?" She asked, trying to continue the charade.

"I'm going to New York after I graduate." Blaine said. He felt his heart warm a bit at the thought.

"Mmmhmm." Miss Pillsbury nodded as she pulled out a few pamphlets from her desk drawer.

"New York is very exciting, but Blaine, I'm a bit worried about your chances of getting there."

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked, his voice tinged with anger.

"Well, your grades have been slipping and no matter what your peers have told you, senior year is not one to blow off." She replied sternly.

"Am I failing out of my classes?" Blaine asked slowly.

"No, of course not. But you used to be on the honor roll Blaine, and now you're struggling to maintain B's in most of your classes."

"Last time I checked B's were above average, Miss Pillsbury." Blaine tightened his grip on the chair as anger began to rise in his chest.

"And they are Blaine, but you know you aren't doing your best." Miss Pillsbury said as she slid a pamphlet Blaine's way.

It pictured a curly-haired kid with a bored look on his face in bold letters above the boy's head it read Senioritis:The Silent Killer of Dreams.
Blaine's eyes widened as he looked at the pamphlet. He couldn't believe that this was happening. He felt the anger and stress build up and finally spill over the surface.

"Miss Pillsbury, I don't think you understand. Yes, my grades have been slipping but not only am I still above the curve, I am also co-leading a winning glee club, trying to maintain a long distance relationship, and on top of that I don't..." Blaine stopped short.

Miss Pillsbury blinked harshly, "You don't what Blaine?"

"I don't...I don't understand why everyone is on my case." Blaine said as he took a deep breath.

Miss Pillsbury nodded. "I'm sorry Blaine. We're just trying to make you the best you can be."

"I understand, but I'm fine. May I go now?" Blaine asked as he stood up from the chair.

"Yes, of course." Miss Pillsbury said as she watched the shorter boy leave her office.

Blaine ran down the hallway ignoring the bell as it rang, ending first period.

He sped into the empty locker room and threw off his shirt and bowtie. It had been ages since he had gotten this angry but he knew if he didn't take his anger out on the punching bag it would be directed somewhere else.

Blaine quickly strapped on his gloves and began to pummel the large black bag. Soon Blaine was dripping with sweat and shaking with anger.
It had been three months since Kurt left. Three months since Blaine had been kicked out. Three months since things had been ok. Blaine placed one last punch on the bag before collapsing in a heap on the locker room floor. The stress was closing in on him like a vice and Blaine wasn't sure he could do it anymore.


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