Nov. 20, 2011, 3:15 p.m.
Nov. 20, 2011, 3:15 p.m.
Kurt let go of Blaine's hand as the shorter boy slid out of the truck. He watched as Blaine began to walk up pathway to the house, his thoughts were so focused on Blaine that Kurt didn't see the figure of a burley man walking towards the truck. In the blink of an eye the passenger side door of the truck was flung open and Kurt was grabbed around the waist and pulled out of the vehicle. "BLAINE HELP!" Kurt screamed as the arms that held him tightened their grip around his chest causing Kurt to struggle in his breathing. Kurt's eyes searched frantically around for Blaine he finally focused on the older boy running towards Kurt before Blaine himself was grabbed by another rather large man. "Blaine!" Kurt rasped as his lungs begged for more airflow.
Blaine quickly turned around to see Kurt being pulled out of the car by a large intimidating man. Blaine began to run at full sprit to rescue Kurt from Sir's apparent henchmen. But as he was running he felt himself being grabbed by a pair of tree like arms and being lifted off the ground. Blaine was flung over the shoulder of the second henchman, Blaine tried in vain to inflict some sort of pain on the man but his punches and kicks seemed to do nothing. He screamed for Kurt. "KURT!" Blaine kept screaming the younger boy's name.
"BLAINE!" Kurt screamed back, he saw Blaine being hoisted like a rag doll over the other man's shoulders. His mind raced, he knew he had to escape. He thought fast and lifted his leg in a high kick, mentally thanking his bodies fexiblity. His foot made contact with the first henchman's neck and his arms released Kurt from their stronghold. Kurt scrambled to his feet and began to run toward Blaine. Before he got far he felt a swift punch to the side of his head and fell limply to the ground.
"KURT!" Blaine screamed. He saw Kurt fall to the ground as the first henchman laughed and placed a swift kick into Kurt's ribs. "STOP IT PLEASE! DON'T HURT HIM!" Blaine yelled as he increased his efforts to get out of the second mans hold.
"Bring them inside boys; we can't have too much fun at one time." Blaine's heart sank as he heard the voice of Sir coming from the doorway to the house.
As they entered the house Blaine was dropped roughly on the floor. He heard the first henchman enter the house and practically throw Kurt's unconscious body to the ground. Blaine quickly crawled towards Kurt to asses the damage that had been done to the countertenor. "Kurt, can you hear me?" He asked brushing his chestnut hair out of his face. An angry bruise had already formed near Kurt's temple; Blaine lightly brushed his fingers over the wound.
"Welcome back Blaine. I see you have brought me another friend to play with." Sir drawled.
Blaine stood up placing himself between Sir and Kurt. "What do you want this time, more money?" Blaine asked with a sneer.
"Money is always at the root of my desires, but this time I figured I would have to work harder to get my needs met." Sir said as he stepped closer to Blaine, making the shorter boy step closer to Kurt.
"You know very well that if you hurt me my parents will bring in the authorities, we have certain protections set up since the last incident." Blaine said his voice sounding forceful.
"I must admit since our last rendezvous your parents have made it a lot harder for me to get close to your family and I am very much aware of my lack of ability to harm you Blaine." Sir stepped closer to Blaine and stroked Blaine's check with his finger. "And that is why I had to find other ways to get you to come to me. Seems like despite the young Berry girl not being your girlfriend you are too kind hearted to let me have my way with her."
Blaine thought fast knowing that he had to protect Kurt, "Rachel is my girlfriend, you saw us kissing."
"Oh Blaine you were always bad at hiding things. And besides my little songbird Rachel already informed me of your sexual orientation and she also provided me with a little information about a boy named Kurt, who I am assuming is the boy you are trying to protect right now."
Blaine's heart sank but before he had a chance to respond he heard a groan come from Kurt. Blaine dropped to his knees, "Kurt, are you ok? Open your eyes for me." Kurt's blue eyes fluttered open.
"Blaine…what happened?" He asked his voice sounding weak.
"Its ok Kurt, I will get us out of here." Blaine said with resolve.
"How precious." Sir said causing Blaine to stand up and face the evil man.
"You know I can get you the money you want, just let us go and I will contact my parents and this can all be settled without anyone else getting hurt."
"Oh Blaine, so ignorant. You see if I let you and your friends leave I cannot guarantee that I will get the money I am asking for. So unfortunately I am going to need to keep all three of you here for ransom. Rex take the pale queer out of here and put him in the same room as my little songbird, I will have some fun with them later. As for Blaine I am going to need you to put him in the room next to little Kurt's…Andy you can handle him I suspect." And with that Sir walked out of the room. Before Blaine could do anything he saw Rex lift the limp body of Kurt off the ground and begin to carry him down the small hallway.
"KURT! NO DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Blaine yelled and started to run towards Rex, Andy was quick to grab the small boy and take him down the small hallway to an open bedroom. Blaine's eyes widened in horror as he saw the door to the room that Kurt was being thrown into open to revel and small lump in the middle of the floor, "RACHEL!" Blaine screamed but before he could see if she was alright he was tossed into the adjacent room and locked in.