My Caged Songbird
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Nov. 20, 2011, 3:15 p.m.

My Caged Songbird: Chapter 2

E - Words: 886 - Last Updated: Nov 20, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 17/17 - Created: Oct 20, 2011 - Updated: Nov 20, 2011
963 0 1 1 0

Kurt sat up groggily as he scanned the room. Remnants from last nights homework were strewn about, open books and notebook pages covered his bed and the floor around him. He sighed; homework at McKinley was like coloring pages compared to the difficulty of Dalton's assignments. He slowly rubbed his eyes, thanking Gaga he remembered to do his moisturizing routine before he collapsed into the black hole of homework. As he started to get ready he casually checked his phone, there was text from Blaine informing Kurt that the other boy had retreated back to his dorm in order to avoid falling asleep with his head in a book in Kurt's room. Kurt smiled as he continued his morning routine.

Blaine smiled as he saw Kurt walking down the hall towards first period. "Good morning sleepyhead."

"Ughh don't remind me, I fell asleep before I finished my History assignment I will have to work on it during lunch today." Kurt said with a frown.

"I will help you" Blaine smiled as he gestured for Kurt to enter the classroom. Kurt tipped his head at the gentlemanly signal and proceeded to sit down and prepare for a new onslaught of heavy material.

Rachel's eyes widened as the menacing figure approached her with a wild grin. "Well look like I have caught the famous songbird of McKingley high." A cruel voice mocked.

"Who are you and what do you want with me!" Rachel said feigning strength in her voice.

"Who I am is none of your concern at the moment, and you are here for leverage my dear one." As the stranger spoke he caressed Rachel's check, the motion caused the young girl to shudder in horror.

"Leverage for what?" Rachel asked in a small voice.

"That information will be reveled at a later date, for now I want to go over some rules that will help us get alone better." The stranger grabbed Rachel gruffly and forced her up a set of steps into a poorly lit kitchen.

As the lunch bell chimed at Dalton Kurt begrudgingly headed upstairs to finish his afternoon assignments, as he opened the door he pulled out his phone to text Blaine and get him to help with the homework. Before he could send a text he noticed that he had four missed calls, he clicked the button and saw that two came from Finn, and then Mercedes and Quinn. Kurt was a bit confused but put the phone to his ear as he listened to the voicemails from his old glee club. The first one was from Finn:

"Hey Kurt, I was just wondering if you were with Rachel last night, she didn't show up to school this morning and when the school called her house no one answered. A few of us tried to call her cell but she didn't pick that up either. We all are a bit worried; I will have my phone on so call me when you get this."

Kurt quickly listened to the next two messages from Mercedes and Quinn and shut the phone letting out a loud swear…"Shit".

"Wow, is homework stressing you out that much?" Blaine asked as he entered Kurt dorm room.

"No, I just got a load of messages from the New Directions, Rachel didn't show up for school today and nobody can get a hold of her." Kurt said turning to face Blaine. At this news Blaine's smile faded.

"What should we do?" He asked.

"I don't know. Go find her I guess." Kurt replied half-heartedly.

"Ok, there is bus leaving for Lima in ten minutes, let's go check her house first and go from there." Blaine said as he headed out of the dorm room.

"Now I expect us to be together for a little while, so I am going to lay down some ground rules that will help you in the area of self-preservation." Rachel looked at the stranger with horror filled eyes as he pushed her into a hard backed chair and secured her to it with thick ropes.

"First, you may call me Sir, and only Sir. Understand?" Rachel couldn't respond as tears welled in her eyes, a harsh slap caused her to gasp in pain.

"Second, you will respond to me when I speak to you. If not you will be punished harshly. Do you understand my little songbird?" The man ended that command in a sweet voice.

"Yes sir." Rachel replied in a voice thick with tears.

"Third, I must be honest with you I was quite please when I realized you would be the perfect leverage. You are quite well-known for your voice Miss Berry, and I do love a good serenade. You will be quite entertaining in the time we spend together. Now let's start the entertainment, sing for me."

Rachel looked up at the man, eyes burning with hatred. How could he expect her to sing, something that gave her great joy, when she was filled with anger and fear? The defiance she was feeling must have set her captor off as he grabbed at her throat and cut off her oxygen supply. "If you don't sing for me this instance you will never sing again." He said almost in a whisper. He squeezed the brunette's throat hard before letting go. Rachel coughed and breathed in with raspy breaths. She could not hold back tears as she began to sing for her life.


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Scary!!!! Shit. I still like it.