My Caged Songbird
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Nov. 20, 2011, 3:15 p.m.

My Caged Songbird: Chapter 15

E - Words: 841 - Last Updated: Nov 20, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 17/17 - Created: Oct 20, 2011 - Updated: Nov 20, 2011
519 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Warning Character Death!!! Also this is probably the second to last chapter! Hope you all enjoy.
Kurt’s body began to betray him as the ambulance sped down the thin dirt road. He couldn’t control the shaking that racked his body and his head was swimming with dizziness. Joe, the paramedic, had tried and failed at trying to medically attend to Kurt. But that didn’t stop him from forcing a warming blanket over the boys shaking shoulders and throwing continued worried glances in his direction. Kurt kept his eyes focused out the back windows watching the main road quickly disappear as the dirt road led closer to the house. Kurt’s heart beat fast in his chest as his thought turned to Blaine and Rachel.
Blaine’s body seemed to be working on its own accord; his mind was a steady stream of recounting to thirty over and over again followed by two quick breaths into Rachel’s cold and seemingly dead lips. Tears were streaming down the young boys face as despair filled his heart. The logical side of his brain was telling him that he should give up that Rachel was dead, but his heart pushed him to keep pumping life into the small girl. Blaine was exhausted he had been doing CPR for about twenty minutes while Kurt had run to catch the ambulance. Just when Blaine felt like he couldn’t bear to do any more compressions he heard the shrill sound of the emergency sirens as they neared the house. He stopped mid compression and lifted Rachel off the floor her body sagged limply in his arms as he ran out of the darkened room and towards the front door.
As the ambulance pulled up to the house Brian, the driver, jumped out quickly and ran to the rear of the truck. Joe quickly flung the back doors open and began to hand Brian the stretcher. “Kurt, I am gonna need you to stay out here. We have called for back up they should be here any minute. You have to let them help you, you are pretty beat up. Kurt, do you understand?” Joe said as he searched the boy’s dim eyes. Kurt let out small nod. He then watched as the two paramedics raced into the small house. Less than a minute later Kurt saw the backup ambulance pull up quickly and two more paramedics approach him. “Sal why don’t you go inside and help Brian and Joe, I will take care of this one.” The female paramedic said as she stepped up to Kurt. “Hi there, my name is Hannah what’s yours.” Kurt looked up at Hannah and began to speak but his words were stopped by a cry of horror coming from inside the house.
As Blaine neared the door he saw it burst open and two young paramedics rush in. Blaine looked up with tear filled eyes as he sunk to his knees. He felt two strong hands on his shoulders as another pair lifted Rachel from his arms. As soon as the weight of the unconscious girl was taken away Blaine looked up in horror. He struggled to stand to help Rachel. But his body gave out beneath him. “Hey, hey its ok we are going to help her. Just relax, and tell me your name.” The paramedic asked trying to calm Blaine as he began to shake.
“My name is Blaine, and she is Rachel, please please help her, she stopped breathing and…oh god please don’t let her die. She can’t die here! I can’t let her die here!” Blaine said as sobs racked his body.
“Ok, Blaine I need to calm down and breath. We are going to do the best we can to help Rachel. Brian how are her vitals?” Joe asked as he turned away from Blaine. “I can’t find a pulse; we are going to try to shock her.” Brian said as he leapt up and ran out to the ambulance. He was back within seconds with another paramedic. Blaine watched as the paramedics sent shocks into Rachel’s body, each one causing her body to jerk slightly. Blaine’s body shook violently as he strained against the strong hold that Joe had upon him. “Rachel, please don’t die. You are stronger than this. You can’t die here. Please, please…” Blaine kept talking despite his sobs. It wasn’t until he saw the two paramedics trying to revive Rachel stop their movements and look up with grim expressions; that his heart sank. Blaine heart felt like it was being torn in half as he let out a horrendous scream of agony.
As soon as the scream hit his ears Kurt jumped out of the ambulance and rushed into the house. Hannah tried to restrain him but failed as Kurt burst from her arms. He ran up the walkway, immediately he saw Blaine curled up on the floor shaking with tears as Rachel’s body was put on the stretcher and covered up with a thin white sheet. Kurt’s vision began to darken on the edges as he collapsed on the front stoop of the house.


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NNAAAAOOO!! NOT RACHEL, MY LOVELY LITTLE JEW!! Oh God I hope they find these guys and fry them!!