My Caged Songbird
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Nov. 20, 2011, 3:15 p.m.

My Caged Songbird: Chapter 13

E - Words: 1,122 - Last Updated: Nov 20, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 17/17 - Created: Oct 20, 2011 - Updated: Nov 20, 2011
567 0 0 0 0

Blaine felt Kurt pull out of his embrace with a start and heard the young boy let out a gasp…"Oh god, Rachel!" Blaine saw Kurt's blue eyes widen as he turned his head towards the corner of the room where a small figure was curled against the wall.

Blaine gently slid Kurt out of his arms and hesitantly approached the broken Rachel Berry. As he got closer the tenor's feet slid on a viscous substance, Blaine let out a strangled yelp as his body hit the floor with a loud thud. Kurt moved as fast as he could despite his injuries and was by his fallen friend in an instant. "Blaine, are you ok? What happened!" Kurt said his voice high with worry.

"I slipped on something" Blaine replied wincing as he propped himself up on his elbows. Blaine looked down at the floor and saw that a large puddle of red liquid had caused him to fall. Kurt's eyes followed Blaine's and they both took in a breathe in shock. "Blood." Blaine said as he followed the trail with his eyes. The thick puddle was stemming from a large gash in the young girl's thigh.

Rachel was deathly pale and her breathing was shallow and irregular. There was a stream of blood coming from what appeared to be stab wound in her upper thigh. Her clothes were torn and there little fabric left on her body. Blaine shuddered at the thought of what action caused this to happen. The only color left in the young girl's complexion was the array of bruises that littered her body. Blaine was in shock; his mind couldn't comprehend the sight in front of him. He stood there silently his eyes widened in unbelief.

Kurt tired to hold back the tears as he looked down on the beaten girl. "Rachel, I'm sorry" he whispered as he dropped to his knees and began to asses the damage. Kurt knew that they had to stop the bleeding first. "Blaine, I need some of you shirt we have to wrap Rachel's leg." The boy said not looking up from Rachel's face. "Blaine, please I need you to help me." Kurt didn't here Blaine move which caused the younger boy to look up. He saw Blaine's face lose its color as the shorter boy began to tremble. Kurt stood up slowly, being wary of the pain shooting through his body. Kurt grabbed Blaine by the shoulders and shook him gently. "Blaine, look at me." Dim hazel eyes met bright blue ones, as Blaine shoved his head into Kurt's shoulder and began to weep. Kurt shushed the boy as he ran a hand through dampened curls. "Blaine, I know this is hard, but we both need to be strong. There is no way that Rachel will survive unless we help her right now, and I need your help to that. I need you to be strong. Please Blaine, be strong for Rachel, be strong for me."

Blaine looked up, his eyes shining with tears, and nodded. He stepped back and began to tear his shirt once again as he knelt down slowly next to Rachel's legs. He took in a deep breath and looked up at Kurt who was stroking Rachel's hair softly. "Kurt, Rachel might wake up when I start to wrap her leg, its going to be very painful for her. I need you to keep her still and as comfortable as possible, can you do that?" Blaine said his voice trembling. Kurt nodded and scooted himself closer to Rachel, lifting her head and placing it on his thigh. Blaine carefully lifted Rachel's injured leg off the floor and began to tightly wrap the cloth around the wound. The white shirt was quickly stained red by the amount of blood, causing Blaine to swallow hard against the rising bile in his throat. As he tightened the cloth he saw Rachel's eyes open quickly as he let out a high pitched scream.

Kurt was quick to respond as he knelt down and began to reassure the terrified girl. "Rachel, its ok. It's just Blaine trying to help. It's ok breath honey. Just breathe." Kurt said as he stroked the girls check.

"Kurt, its hurts. Please stop it hurts. Please make him stop." Rachel said in between labored breaths.

"Blaine, please hurry." Kurt said looking down at the smaller boy as he secured the cloth with a tight knot. "Ok, I am done." Blaine said looking down with a worried look at the cloth that was already soaked through with blood. "But I am not sure it will do, we need to get both you and her out of here." Blaine said as he stood up and walked towards the door of the room. He tried the handle and the door swung open. Blaine nearly sprinted out the room; barely hearing Kurt calling out from behind him.

Blaine ran through the house quickly, noticing that Sir and his henchmen had already made their getaway, after they had secured the money they were after. Blaine cursed under his breath thinking that he and his friend were left for dead in the abandoned house. Blaine's eyes scanned the open layout of the house, and soon landed on a old wall phone hung in the kitchen. He rushed over and picked it up, thanking the lucky stars that there was a dial tone. He pushed three numbers into the phone and a calm voice sounded through the line. "911, what is your emergency?"

"My name is Blaine Anderson, my friend and I have been kidnapped. They are both severely injured. We need help fast!" Blaine said his voice filled with worry.

"Ok, Blaine. I am going to need you to take a deep breath and answer a few questions. First, are your kidnappers still there, are you and your friends in danger?"

"No, the kidnappers left, and if by danger you mean life threatening injuries then yes!" Blaine was annoyed with the calmness of the voice on the other end of the line.

"Ok, do you know where you are at. Can you give me the address?" The voice said not waving despite the impatience that was in the young boys answers.

"I am not sure of the exact address, but I know it is on the edge of Geauga County, about a half mile off of Rt. 6. I can come to out to the main road to flag the ambulance down." Blaine replied.

"Ok, Blaine. Go stand out there for us. The ambulance will be as soon as possible. Do you need me to stay on the phone?"

"No thank you." Blaine said as he quickly threw the phone back in its cradle. As soon as he turned around he heard the Kurt call out his name.



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