July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.
July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.
Suddenly Blaine started thrashing underneath the covers and began to shout. “No stop, don’t hurt him. Carson! Stop!”
Kurt carefully grabbed Blaine’s shoulder in an attempt to wake him. “Blaine, come on wake up you are having a nightmare. Wake up, please” Kurt said in a calming voice.
Blaine woke up with shout and shot up out of bed and looked around the room frantically. His breathing was heavy and his eyes were wide with fear.
“Blaine?” Kurt asked quietly.
Blaine looked towards Kurt and nearly jumped out of his skin…”WHAT THE FUCK! What are you doing here? How did you get in?”
“Shh, Blaine its ok. You weren’t at school and I was worried. So I came to check on you and the door was open so I let myself in then I heard you crying…and oh my god what happened to your eye?” Kurt said noticed the prominent bruise centered over Blaine’s left eye.
Blaine turned his head away. “It’s nothing. Now please get the fuck out of my house you aren’t welcome here.”
“Blaine you were having a nightmare and your eye looks really bad. Let me help you.” Kurt said standing his ground.
“I don’t need your help I’m fine!” Blaine yelled as he stood up out of bed he tried to stare Kurt down in an attempt of intimidation but didn’t quite succeed as he stood a good few inches shorter than the boy.
Kurt looked at Blaine; a boy who was haunted by past fears, a boy who was so scared and confused, a boy who just needed to be loved. Kurt turned around and headed into the bathroom that was connected to Blaine’s room.
Blaine’s jaw dropped. What the hell was this Kurt kid doing?! “I said I don’t need your help. Get the hell out of my house!” Blaine yelled his voice cracking a bit. Blaine’s head began to spin after shouting at Kurt and his fell back onto the bed. So what if this creeper named Kurt was in his bathroom doing god knows what. He was too tired to give a fuck.
Kurt emerged from the bathroom with a wash cloth in his hand. He walked over to Blaine who was sitting on the edge of the bed. “Here this will help your eye.” Kurt said softly offering Blaine the cloth. Blaine looked up. His eye looked even worse from this angle. Kurt brought his hand up to the injury and placed the warm cloth on Blaine’s face. Blaine hissed at the contact but soon relaxed. He grabbed the cloth from Kurt’s hand.
“Thanks.” He whispered.
Kurt cleared his throat and sat gingerly on the bed next to Blaine. He waited a moment before speaking, silently calculating his words. “Blaine, I know you aren’t thrilled with me being here.”
Blaine replied with a huff.
“But, I think we both know that you need a friend.” Kurt continued. “And I am well-known for being stubborn and I usually get what I want. And no matter what you think of me Blaine I want to be your friend.”
“Why would you want to be friends with someone like me?” Blaine asked quietly.
“What do you mean someone like you?” Kurt asked
“Don’t patronize me Kurt, I am messed up. I got kicked out of my old school, nobody at McKinley cares enough to get to know me beyond the label of special ed kid, my parents hate me, and to top it all of I’m gay!” Blaine’s voice rose at the last confession. “So let’s end this charade early, because you and I both know that you really don’t want to by my friend Kurt!”
Kurt just stared at Blaine. His brain raced to catch up with what Blaine had just blurted out. First, Blaine was gay. Second he got kicked out his old school, but for what…did it have something to do with whoever Carson was? Third his parents hated him…is that why he had the black eye? And once again…Blaine was gay!
“Well, didn’t you hear me! Just stop pretending Kurt and please just leave me alone.” Blaine said standing up from the bed.
Kurt looked up at Blaine. “Blaine, I don’t care about those things. I want to be your friend. It doesn’t matter to me if you got kicked out of your old school, it doesn’t matter if your parents are jerks, it doesn’t matter to me if you are in special ed, if you are jock, or even if you are some weirdo who likes to eat your own boogers. And most importantly it doesn’t matter to me if you are gay because I’m gay too.”
the fact that Blaine's parents hate himis only going to make Kurt want to be his friend more