Like a Ticking Time Bomb
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.

Like a Ticking Time Bomb: Chapter 6

M - Words: 1,373 - Last Updated: Jul 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Nov 16, 2011 - Updated: Jul 01, 2012
723 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Warnings: Homophobic language, swearing, violence
The unmistakable footsteps of Mr. Anderson resounded through the cavernous house as he ascended the stairs to Blaine’s room. Blaine quickly thought about hiding or locking the door but knew that it would only delay what was coming, as well as making it worse for him if he didn’t face his father right away.

The door to Blaine’s room was thrown open and his father stepped in, his face was pulled tight with anger. Blaine stood up from his bed quickly, directing his eyes towards the floor. He heard his father step closer, “Look at me boy.” Blaine looked up cautiously as a heavy handed slap was aimed as his check. Blaine didn’t have time to dodge the blow and his father’s hand hit his check with a force that nearly caused Blaine to lose his footing.

“What the hell is wrong with you Blaine? Your mother told me about your stunt at school today!” Mr. Anderson yelled as he invaded Blaine’s personal space even more.
Blaine didn’t responded, he didn’t really have an answer.

“That’s it Blaine if we have one more incident with you and that school we will send you back to Glenview.” His father’s voice was no longer yelling but still held an intimidating tone.

Blaine’s eyes widened, “No please! Please don’t make me go back there!” Blaine’s thoughts were immediately pulled back to his old high school.

Blaine had been in the Glenview school district all his life. He was a good student and rarely had any trouble. His teachers loved him and he was well liked by his peers. It wasn’t until Blaine’s sophomore year that things took a turn for the worse. That was the year that Blaine came to terms with his sexuality. This is also when the bullying started. It was little things at first, friends no longer calling him to hang out or him having to sit alone at lunch. But soon the bullying got worse, Blaine began to be pushed into lockers, locked in closets, and once he was trapped in a port-a-potty overnight. That’s when Blaine began to fight back. Mostly Blaine lashed out in self-defense but as the school year went on he found it harder to control his temper. He began to lash out at his teachers. Blaine also began to struggle with depression and anxiety. It wasn’t until a boy named Carson transferred to Glenview. Carson quickly took an interest in Blaine. Blaine resisted at first, unwilling to trust anyone. But soon Carson confided in Blaine that he was gay. Blaine was overjoyed; the two boys quickly became friends. Soon Carson and Blaine became a couple, although they tried to keep their relationship under the radar during school hours. Blaine was happy. He still struggled with anxiety and keeping his temper in check but Carson was his saving grace.

As the school year neared its end Carson surprised Blaine by asking him to Spring Dance, which was the sophomore class’s substitution for prom. Blaine immediately said yes, ignoring the gnawing feeling of anxiety in his stomach. The night of the dance the boys left Blaine’s house where matching corsages in their suit lapels. Blaine grabbed tightly to Carson’s hand as the two entered the dance, anxiety was welling up inside of him. Caron seemed to sense Blaine’s distress and didn’t leave his side the entire night. The pair shared a couple dances before Carson asked Blaine if he wanted to go outside to get some air. The couple left the gymnasium and headed out to the parking lot. Blaine’s anxiety spiked as soon as they left the supervised gym but let himself be led into the dark parking lot by Carson.

“Carson, I don’t think we should be out here alone.” Blaine said nervously.

“You’re fine Blaine just calm down, you are safe with me.” Carson said as he pulled Blaine close to his body.

“I am just nervous.” Blaine said looking down at the ground.

“Don’t be.” Carson said in a whisper as he pulled Blaine’s face up and kissed him softly.
Blaine’s heart fluttered as he melted into the kiss. The two boys kisses became more passionate until the heard a sudden breaking of glass near their feet. Carson pulled back sharply and positioned himself in front of Blaine. Blaine looked over Carson’s shoulder and saw a group of boys that he used to call his friends.

“What do you guys want?” Carson asked.

“Well, Carson me and the boys were enjoying some fresh night air when we spy you two fags making out.” The leader of the pack, Jarrod, said with a sneer.

“So we aren’t hurting anybody.” Carson replied.

“Well that’s where you are wrong fairy boy. I don’t like seeing two dudes making out.” Jarrod spat.

“Ok fine, how bout we all just go back inside and forget about it. We don’t want any trouble.” Carson said, as he grabbed Blaine’s hand behind his back.

“Ya, I don’t think that is going to solve the problem, I think we are going to have to teach you girls a lesson.” Jarrod said as he threw another bottle towards the couple Carson swerved and dodged the bottle, Blaine didn’t act quickly enough and the glass shattered against the side of this face. Blaine cried out in pain as blood began gush down his face. Carson turned around quickly as his eyes widened in horror.

“Blaine, shit. Oh god you’re bleeding.” Carson’s hand moved useless over Blaine’s face. “Oh Blaine we have to get you out of here. Come on.” Carson began to usher the shaken Blaine to the car before he was grabbed by Jarrod and thrown to the ground. Jarrod and the other boys started to pummel Carson. Blaine’s body seemed to act on its own accord. Before he knew it Blaine was throwing punches at the group of boys.

“Get off of him you bastards!” Blaine was furious, hitting whoever came in-between him and Carson.

“Oh look Carson’s fuck buddy wants to fight to, lets show him how the real men do it.”, Jarrod said as some of the boys descended on Blaine. Blaine was small for his age and was quickly taken down. He tried to block the blows as well as he could but soon darkness was pulling at the edges of his vision. But as soon as the fight started it stopped as a couple of chaperones came out and broke it up. As the chaperones took care of Jarrod and his gang Blaine looked over at Carson. His face was a bloody mess and one of his eyes was swollen shut. Blaine tears increased in number as he saw his friend and boyfriend in pain. “Carson I am sorry.” Blaine said before he slipped into unconsciousness.

“BLAINE! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME BOY!” Blaine was snapped back to the present as his father continued to yell in his face.

“Yes sir, I am sorry sir. But please don’t send me back to Glenview.” Blaine pleaded with his father.

“Well, that is up to you isn’t it. One more slip up and you will be back there so fast it will make your head spin. At least there people weren’t afraid to show you some muscle when you got out of hand.”
Blaine’s mouth went dry and his emotions snapped at that comment. “What the hell is that supposed to mean dad!” Blaine screamed.

“It means that at least at Glenview kids weren’t afraid to stand up to you, maybe a little beating would help you learn your place!” His father screamed back.

“I wasn’t beat up because of my temper dad, I was beat up cuz I am gay!” Blaine raged.

His father’s lips snarled as he threw a punch to the right side of Blaine’s face, “I don’t want you to use that word in my house, its bad enough that you are mental I don’t need you to be a fag as well.”

Blaine heard the door slam as he father stomped down the stairs. He carefully lifted himself off the floor and into his bed. He didn’t bother setting his alarm, he knew that school wouldn’t be something he would going to in the morning.


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poor Blaine. his dad is mean. P.s you changed the name of Blaines date from Carson to Cameron just thought i would let you know. this is turning out to be very intresting

eeps thank i will go change that!