Like a Ticking Time Bomb
Chapter 20 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.

Like a Ticking Time Bomb: Chapter 20

M - Words: 918 - Last Updated: Jul 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Nov 16, 2011 - Updated: Jul 01, 2012
366 0 0 0 0

It had been three days since Mr. Anderson walked out of the hospital seemingly leaving Blaine on his own. Kurt hadn't left Blaine's side even though he had been unresponsive to anybody. The morning of the third day Kurt awoke slowly. His body ached from being curled up on a couple of plastic chair. He began to stretch as Blaine stirred.

Kurt quickly began to run a hand over Blaine's cheek.

Blaine's eyes cracked open and landed on Kurt.

Kurt offered Blaine a soft smile; "Good morning. How are you feeling?" he asked not expecting a response.

Blaine just stared into Kurt's eyes before turning towards the window. Kurt sighed. He knew Blaine was upset. His fears had been realized when his dad walked out on him.

"Blaine, it will be ok. I am not going to let them take you away. You have to believe me." Kurt said as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Blaine shrugged his shoulders and continued to stare out the window.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Burt stuck his head into the room.

"Kurt, can I talk to you outside?" Burt asked his voice low.

Kurt nodded, he squeezed Blaine's hand before leaving the room.

Burt pulled Kurt into a hug once he was out in the hall. "How is he doing?"

Kurt shook his head, "Not good, he is sure they are going to put him in some kind of home or something. He hasn't spoken to me in three days. Dad, we can't let them take him. He won't make it." Kurt said his eyes brimming with tears.

"Hey kid, calm down. I think I have figured something out."

Kurt looked up hopefully. "You did?"

"Blaine is set to be release from the hospital tomorrow and since his parents have officially disowned him we have to figure out where he is going to go. Blaine is 18 so he isn't going to be put into foster care. But he does need a place to stay."

"What are we going to do?" Kurt asked.

"Well if it was ok with you I was going to see if Blaine could come and stay with us." Burt said.

Kurt looked up with wide eyes. "You…you would let Blaine stay with us?"

"I'm not going to let him be taken away. He has had a hard enough time, he doesn't need another set back."

Kurt held back a squeal as he threw his arms around his dad. "Oh, dad thank you! Thank you so much! I can't wait to tell Blaine!"

Burt laughed as he embraced Kurt. "Hold on buddy, we will have to figure everything out. There is a lot of paper work to sort through and I am not even sure if it is legal for him to stay with us. But I will start looking into it."

Kurt nodded, "Thank you dad, this really means a lot to me."

"I know kiddo, now I am sure Blaine is missing you why don't you go back in?"

"Ya ok." Kurt said as he slipped back into the hospital room.

Blaine eyes were closed his face still turned towards the window.

Kurt quietly made his way back to the bedside, he sat down and intertwined his fingers through Blaine's.

Blaine turned his head towards Kurt, his eyes shining with tears.

Kurt's cooed as he wiped at Blaine's damp cheeks. "Blaine, what's wrong?"

"I am afraid of what's going to happen."

Kurt drew back slightly surprised that Blaine was talking.

"Happen when?"

"When they release me from the hospital. I have nowhere to go. I am going to be sent to some home."

Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand tight. "Blaine, I told you I am not going to let them take you away from me."

Blaine face contorted as more tears fell down his cheeks. "Kurt, just shut up you can't promise shit like that! It's not up to you! I am just some abandoned kid with a mental problem, of course they are going to cart me off!" Blaine shouted.

Kurt took a deep breath. "Blaine, I made a promise to you. And I can pretty much guarantee that you will not be 'carted off'."

Blaine let out scoff.

"Blaine, I am not supposed to tell you yet. But my dad is looking into some things."

"What do you mean?"

"If everything works out my dad is going to let you come and stay with us."

Blaine gave Kurt a confused look. "You dad hates me, I hurt you."

Kurt shook his head, "My dad doesn't hate you, he wants you to have a good home. And right now that means coming to stay with us."

Blaine sat motionless in the bed.

"Blaine, do you want to come to stay with my family?" Kurt asked.

Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes. Could this really be happening? He had hurt Kurt, how could Kurt still want him.

"I do, but how?"

"How what?" Kurt asked.

"How could you still want me around? I am crazy. I hurt you Kurt."

Kurt didn't say anything but instead climbed up onto the bed with Blaine. He pulled the smaller boy into his arms and held him.

"Blaine when I first met you everyone told me to be careful, that you were a timebomb waiting to go off. I have seen you at your worst Blaine but I have also seen you at your best. I promised that I would never leave you. So sorry to say but you are stuck with me for a while." Kurt said with a smile.

Blaine let out a small laugh as he curled deeper into Kurt's hold.

Maybe this time things would be ok, maybe he didn't mess them up as much as he thought he did.


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