As the pair walked into the small room Kurt noticed about eight other students in the room. The students in the room seemed to be unfazed by the outburst they had just witnessed and were working on assignments in pairs. Mrs. Raine quickly shut the door behind Kurt and tuned towards the boy. “My name is Mrs. Raine, and you said your name is Kurt?”
“Yes, Kurt Hummel. I was told that you were looking for peer tutors to help during seventh period?”
Mrs. Raine looked up at Kurt with a tight smile, “Oh dear, I was but unfortunately, as you can see, we already have enough peer tutors.” As she said this Kurt looked around the room once again noticing how each student was paired up. His smile faded as he comprehended his ever shrinking opportunity to be accepted in to NYADA.
“Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do to help. I would really love to be able to add some service work to my college applications.” Kurt pleaded.
“I understand Mr. Hummel, but there is really nothing I can do. Thank you for coming up and once again I apologize for your little run in with Mr. Anderson.” Mrs. Raine said as she began to usher Kurt out of the classroom.
“Wait! Does Blaine have a peer tutor?” Kurt asked his voice high with anticipation.
“Oh dear, you don’t want to work with Blaine. He is more than a handful, why don’t you go see if the art department needs any help, I am sure that will look just as good on your college applications.”
“No, I want to peer tutor Blaine.” Kurt said, while simultaneously questioning himself mentally.
Mrs. Raine bit her lip and looked around the room warily. “Come back to my office Kurt.” She said as she led the way to a small closed off office in the back to of the classroom. “Please sit down.” She said motioning to a folding chair on the opposite side of the desk. “Kurt, it is very noble of you to want to peer tutor Blaine, but I am not sure you want to get your self with him and his issues.”
“Mrs. Raine, I am sorry if this is prying but what issues does Blaine have?” Kurt asked. Mrs. Raine sighed and opened one of her desk drawers and pulled out a pamphlet on the cover there was a badly illustrated of a blonde haired boy sitting in a dark corner of a room, above the boy was the title Emotionally Disturbed Students, What You Need to Know. “Blaine is classified as an emotionally disturbed student, or ED as we refer to it. He show both externalizing and internalizing behaviors but usually this is determined by the day. Today you the blow up you saw were part of the externalizing symptoms. Other symptoms are detailed in this pamphlet. But Blaine’s case is bit rare; he also deals with internalized symptoms like depression and anxiety. He is a very troubled boy and as you saw before he is very hard to handle.”
Suddenly the door to the classroom burst open Kurt looked up quickly to see Coach Bieste and who he assumed was Mr. Jones caring a struggling Blaine into the classroom. They managed to get him in the room and shut the door behind them. Blaine quickly escaped their hands and began to walk to a deserted corner of the room. Coach Bieste looked at the boy with sad eyes as she exited the room. Mr. Jones shook his head as he walked towards Mrs. Raine’s office. “Hi Cindy, we had trouble calming him down but he should be manageable for the rest of the day.” Mrs. Raine looked up at Mr. Jones and nodded. “Thanks Kevin, I will let you know if we have another incident.” With that Mr. Jones gave a quick nod to Kurt and left the room. “Sorry about the interruption Kurt, but as you can see Blaine is not someone that you want to be involved with. As she said this Kurt’s eyes traveled to the boy who sat slumped in the corner of the room, his head was down and his dark curls stuck up from his head in every direction. “I want to peer tutor Blaine. I don’t care what is wrong with him. He is the only student in this room who doesn’t have a peer tutor, I need the service hours for my college applications and he needs a friend. I will be here tomorrow during seventh period to start the tutoring; now if you excuse me I am going to go introduce myself to Blaine. I will see you tomorrow Mrs. Raine.” Kurt said standing up and adjusting his satchel onto his shoulder. He quickly left the small office and walked over to Blaine.
“Hi Blaine, my name is Kurt. I am going to start helping you during seventh period.” At his introduction Blaine looked up with a sneer. “Fuck off, I don’t need any help from a little fairy like you.” Kurt’s blue eyes widened at the comment. And he immediately began to regret his decision to help this boy. “I will not, ‘fuck off’” Kurt replied using air quotes. “You need a peer tutor and I need to beef up my college applications. So whether you like it our not I will be here everyday during seventh period staring tomorrow. I will see you then Blaine.” Kurt said as he walked out of the classroom. Blaine looked up as the boy walked out, in his head he resolved to make Kurt regret his decision to get involved no matter what it took.