July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.
July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.
“Kurt!” His voice echoed through the seemingly empty house. “Kurt, buddy. It’s dad.” Burt called as he started to walk up the stair.
“Dad, we’re in here.” He heard Kurt cry.
Burt hurried into the room where Kurt sat on the floor gently cradling a very broken looking boy, who Burt could only assume was Blaine.
“Kurt, buddy what happened?” Burt asked as he kneeled on the floor next to Kurt.
“I don’t know dad, he missed school and I came to check on him and found him like this. He was talking when I got here but then he just…he passed out. Dad, I’m scared he has a fever.” Kurt said looking up at Burt with tear stained cheeks.
Burt gently wiped at his sons face, “It will be ok, we will get him help. Have you tried to wake him up?” Burt asked gently placing a hand on Blaine’s bruised cheek. The small boy’s skin was hot to the touch and his breathing was shallow.
“I tried but he won’t. Dad we have to get him to the hospital.” Kurt sobbed.
“Alright kiddo, don’t cry Blaine will be alright.” Burt looked towards his son and Blaine as he pulled out his phone and dialed 911. He told the dispatcher the details of Blaine’s condition as well as the address to the Anderson’s house. He hung up and offered a small smile to his son.
“They will be here soon buddy.”
“Do you know who did this to him?” Burt asked once again kneeling on the floor.
Kurt shook his head as he gently carded his hands through Blaine’s hair.
“He didn’t say before he passed out.”
“Do you think it was people from school?” Burt asked.
Kurt let out a soft sob…”He hasn’t been at school since the fight. I think…I think this happened here.”
Burt’s felt the rage boil up and begin to pulse through his veins…”Kurt are you telling me that his parent’s did this.”
Kurt looked up at his father with scared eyes and was about to speak when the heard the sharp shrill of sirens near the house. Within a minute the room was full of chaos as the paramedic descended onto Blaine.
Burt held onto Kurt as the medics spoke too fast and used words neither of them really understood.
Finally, a female paramedic approached them. “It’s not looking good; we have to get him to the ER and fast. We suspect internal bleeding among other things. You are welcome to follow behind the ambulance in your car.”
“Wait, I can’t ride with him?” Kurt asked looking past the paramedic as they strapped Blaine to the backboard and raised him onto the stretcher.
“No, I’m sorry.”
Kurt let out a cry and started to pull away from Burt’s hold. “No, I have to go with him. He needs me.”
Burt struggled to keep Kurt from running past the paramedic. “Kurt, calm down we will be right behind him.”
“No!” Kurt cried as he neared hysterics.
“We have to go.” The female paramedic said, she turned quickly and hurried to follow her team to the ambulance.
Kurt collapsed to the ground as the carried Blaine out of the room. He let out a loud sob as he heard the sirens start up again and the ambulance pull out of the drive and speed down the street.
Burt carefully picked up Kurt from the ground, “Come on buddy, I will drive to the hospital.”
Kurt nodded dumbly and let his father all but carry him out the door and into the pickup truck.
The ride to the hospital was silent except for the occasional sob from Kurt. As they neared the hospital Kurt took in a shaky breath and finally spoke. “Dad, what if his parents really did this?”
Burt sighed, “Kurt we will cross that bridge when we come to it, but I promise I will fix this and Blaine will be alright.”
Kurt nodded and wiped at his face, “Thank you dad. I know you don’t know Blaine but he is…”
“It’s alright, let’s go in.” Burt said stopping Kurt and motioning to the hospital.
Kurt slid out of the car and pulled close to his dad as they walked into the main lobby of the hospital.
They both approached the main desk, Burt cleared his throat. The receptionist sighed; “Fill out this clip board and we will be with you as quickly as possible.” She said without even acknowledging the Hummel’s.
“No, we aren’t here to check in. My son’s friend was just brought in via ambulance. A Blaine Anderson? Can you tell us where we can find him?”
The receptionist looked up and gave the pair a suspicious look. “Give me one moment.” She stood up from her chair and disappeared around the corner. A minute later she returned with an older nurse by her side.
The nurse smiled at Burt and Kurt, “You are here for Blaine Anderson?”
“Yes, he is my son’s friends. We were the ones who found him.”
The nurse looked around at the crowded waiting room. “Please come with me she said motioning to a large door.
Burt and Kurt followed the nurse into the hallway. As the door closed behind them the nurse spoke up. “My name is Sarah, I am a nurse up in the OR and post-opt recovery. Blaine is currently in surgery because we could not wait any longer.”
“What do you mean?” Burt asked.
“Since Blaine is a minor we tried to get a hold of his parents but were not successful. We had to override any parental consent in order to take him into surgery.”
“Why did he have to have surgery?” Kurt asked his voice high with worry.
“He has some internal bleeding and a collapsed lung, we had to take him to repair the damage. Now please understand I am only telling you this because you were the two that called for assistance. I am not sure what else they will tell you once I take you up to the OR waiting room or if they will tell you anything at all, since you are not family….But I do have a question for you.” Sarah asked eyeing Burt and Kurt.
Burt nodded for her to go ahead.
“Do you have any way that we can contact Blaine’s parents? I am sure they want to be here when he wakes up.”
Kurt eye’s widened and he felt the anger boil in his blood…”His parent are…” He started to yell before Burt grabbed his hand and squeezed a little too hard.
“We will try our best.” Burt said silencing Kurt.
Sarah gave the pair a confused look but nodded. “Thank you. I will take you up to the waiting room now.”
When Sarah had left them in the waiting room Kurt turned to his father…”Why did you say we will contact his parents! They are the ones who put him here. They are the reason he had to have fucking surgery!” he yelled tears pooling in his eyes.
Burt pulled his son into a hug before pulling back. “I know Kurt, but until Blaine can tell us that on his own we have no place to say those things. No matter if they are true or not.”
Kurt sniffed and nodded, he knew Burt was right. “He doesn’t deserve this dad. Why did it have to happen to him? He was doing so well.”
“I don’t know buddy.” Burt replied, as he pulled Kurt into a hug once more.
My heart hurts... Thanks for writing, so glad you continued...