July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.
July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.
Blaine gave Kurt a quizzical look as he opened the passenger side door. “I didn’t call for a ride?”
“Ya, I know but I was in the neighborhood. Also I come bearing gifts of hot coffee so get in or we will be late for school.” Kurt said motioning to the steaming cup of coffee in the cup holder.
“Thanks.” Blaine said as he slid in the seat. “Did you have a nice weekend after sectionals?”
“If you consider working on college essays and other homework to be a nice weekend then yes, I did.” Kurt said with a wink.
Blaine laughed in response; the rest of the ride was silent except for the radio playing. Except this time the silence wasn’t laced with tension or fear, it was just comfortable. Blaine loved it.
As the entered the front door of McKinley they saw Finn and Puck standing near their lockers.
“Morning boys.” Puck said with a sly grin.
“Don’t start Noah, I just picked Blaine up this morning.” Kurt said as he began to enter his locker combination.
“Is it true Blainers?” Puck asked.
Blaine was blushing furiously but nodded. “I normally walk but Kurt picked me up his morning.”
“You walk to school, how far do you live?” Finn asked.
“Umm I live on Walton Circle.”
“Shit! That’s far dude.” Puck exclaimed.
Blaine shrugged. “It’s not that bad. Shouldn’t we be getting to class?” Blaine asked desperately trying to change the subject. Just then the bell rang as if on cue.
“Come on Blaine I will walk you to class.” Kurt said as he looped his arm into Blaine’s.
Blaine smiled as Kurt chatted about his various college essays and his test he had in French. The pair had almost reached Blaine’s classroom when a shock of hard cold ice hit Blaine’s face and torso.
The coldness took Blaine’s breath away and his eyes began to sting. Rage began to well up in his body. He barely heard Kurt going up against the guy who threw the slushy.
“What the hell Karofsky!” Kurt yelled.
“I heard your little friend joined glee I am just part of the welcoming committee.” Karofsky said with a laugh.
Blaine continued to hear the yelling. His body was shaking as he wiped some of the ice out of his eyes. He knew he had to keep it together. He knew he didn’t need another screw up but despite his brain telling him to stay calm he found himself fly towards Karofksy with a punch aimed at the bullies face.
Blaine yelled as his fist connected with Karofsky’s nose and he heard a satisfying pop.
Kurt watched horror as Blaine continued to beat up Karofsky. He was so tiny and Karofsky could easily do some damage to the small boy. Kurt quickly stepped in as Blaine was thrown against the lockers.
“BLAINE! Stop! You are going to get hurt!” Kurt said as he tried to restrain the boy.
Blaine didn’t hear Kurt; he only knew someone was in his way. He quickly threw the obstructing body against the lockers. A sickening crack was heard and Kurt yelled before sliding down the lockers.
The yelp caught Blaine’s attention. He quickly turned to see who he threw against the lockers. His heart stopped as he saw Kurt slumped on the floor, a trail of wet blood smeared on the lockers above him.
Blaine fell down on his knees next to Kurt. He couldn’t speak. He threw Kurt against the lockers, he made him hit his head, he caused him to bleed.
Suddenly he heard Finn’s voice yelling down the hallway. In a flash Finn was beside Blaine on the ground.
“What the hell man! Who did this?” he asked as he tore off his hoodie and placed it to the back of Kurt’s head to stem the flow of blood.
“I did.” Blaine said in a low whisper.
Finn eyes flashed with rage. “You did this! What! Get the hell out of here! I knew you were trouble!” Finn yelled.
Blaine sat on the ground his body still shaking as tears ran down his cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
“SORRY! My little brother is bleeding from the head and it’s your fault! You are a freak! Just leave nobody wants you here!”
Blaine jumped up from the tile floor and ran down the hallway away from the scene.
He didn’t look back. He couldn’t look back. It had happened again. He had hurt someone he loved. He had lost them for good. It was all his fault.
I read all fifteen chapter in one night and I love it so far, I just hope that Kurt forgives Blaine in the next chapter and that Blaine is smart enough to let Kurt in. You can tell they love each other and what is up with all this angst. All of a sudden in the Klaine fics I've been reading it so much hurt and drama. I miss the fluff and dare I even say it the smutty fics especially after last nights episode. Can you tell us If a happy ending is in store for these two. Klaine should always be endgame! *sigh*
I really, really hope that I will have to read an update soon. I just fell in love with this story. Really great. Thank you!
awww, no no no no no, blaineee, kurttt, nooooo, why?update?! please?!love the story! :D