Like a Ticking Time Bomb
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.

Like a Ticking Time Bomb: Chapter 14

M - Words: 812 - Last Updated: Jul 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Nov 16, 2011 - Updated: Jul 01, 2012
522 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: This chapter will be posted in two parts.
Kurt paused turning towards Blaine. “Wait, you like music!” he exclaimed.

“Ya.” Blaine said confusedly.

“Blaine, I know I don’t deserve to be asking this but will you join glee club?”

Blaine bit his lip, “Glee club?”

Kurt immediately recoiled and sprung off the bed. “I’m sorry Blaine I had no right to ask you. You don’t have to I am sure we will figure something out. I am just going to go.” Kurt said hurriedly as he made his way towards the door.

Blaine watched as Kurt quickly left the room. Blaine listened as the boy ran down the stairs. Before Blaine could catch himself he was running out of his room and down the stairs.

“Kurt wait!”

“Blaine, I am sorry if I made you angry by asking. But can we please just forget about.” Kurt said as he turned around.

“No, Kurt. Just…umm I would like to join glee club.” Blaine said quietly.

Kurt’s eyes lit up. “Wait! You would! Oh my gosh, Blaine. You really don’t have to. But just wow. Thank you!” Kurt exclaimed before grabbing Blaine into a bone crushing hug.

Blaine stiffened at first but soon relaxed and returned the hug. Kurt pulled back after a minute and smiled wide.

“Blaine you have no idea how much you are saving my butt right now. If we didn’t get to compete at sectionals then I wouldn’t have stood a chance at getting into NYADA.”

“It’s no big deal.” Blaine said with a shrug, but inside his heart swelled with emotion at seeing Kurt smile.

“I can never thank you enough! So tomorrow after tutoring, which I promise I won’t miss, we will both go to glee. Is that alright?” Kurt said as he pulled on his jacket.

“Ya, sounds good. See you tomorrow then?” Blaine replied.

“Of course. Thank you again Blaine see you tomorrow.” Kurt waved goodbye and was out the door.

Blaine shut the door and headed back up to his room. He picked up his guitar once again, but this time the music wasn’t played to heal it was played to accompany his smile.

The next two weeks flew by and soon Blaine found himself backstage at sectional, his stomach was turning and he was pretty sure that if he opened his mouth nothing would come out but vomit. Kurt must have sensed Blaine’s fear and came up behind the boy offering a shoulder rub.

“Are you ok?” Kurt asked as he massaged a knot out of Blaine’s shoulder.

“No.” Blaine squeaked. If anything Kurt’s little massage was making him more nervous.

Thankfully Kurt dropped his hands and stepped to Blaine’s side.
“Blaine, you will be fine. Everybody in glee loves you and we are so glad you are helping us out. And just think after a few minutes on that stage we will be going home with a huge trophy. Also I promise to buy you ice cream after we win.” Kurt said with a glint in his eye.

“Ice cream?” Blaine whispered.

“Ice cream.” Kurt said with a nod. “Now lets go get warmed up its almost time for our show circle.” Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand and led him into the green room.

The club rushed off stage in a flurry of excitement. The performance had gone spectacularly. The New Directions had won sectionals and were on their way to the regionals competition.

Blaine was overjoyed. It had been so long since he felt the way he did on that stage. He felt truly happy. He felt like he could be himself. He felt like he finally belonged. Kurt rushed to hug Blaine as the entered the green room.

“Blaine! I can’t believe we did it. I am so proud of you!” Kurt said as he buried his face in Blaine’s neck.

Blaine laughed and returned the hug. “You were so amazing Kurt! The judges were in love with you.”

Kurt blushed, the pink coloring his checks just right. Blaine in turn blushed too and looked down at the floor.

“I can’t believe we won!” Finn interrupted while grabbing Kurt in a hug that resembled a chock hold.

“Finn, can’t breath!” Kurt gasped.

“Oh shoot, sorry bro.” Finn said as he released his hold. He then turned to Blaine and offered a hand while smiling awkwardly. “I am glad you were here Blaine. You really helped us out.”

Blaine smiled and took Finn’s hand. “It wasn’t a problem. I had fun.”

“Great! Are joining us for ice cream?” Finn asked.

“If I am invited?” Blaine said raising his eyebrows.

“Blaine if your hobbit ass isn’t at that ice cream shop I will personally find you and drag you there.” Puck yelled from across the room.

“Alright, alright! I would love to come.” Blaine said with a laugh. The glee club cheered and offered Blaine slaps on the back. Blaine nearly broke down into tears of joy. He had finally found his place at McKinley.


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