Like a Ticking Time Bomb
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.

Like a Ticking Time Bomb: Chapter 12

M - Words: 1,218 - Last Updated: Jul 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Nov 16, 2011 - Updated: Jul 01, 2012
592 0 0 0 0

The next few months at McKinley went by without much consequence. Kurt would show up everyday at seventh period and help Blaine with his studies. Kurt couldn’t help but be impressed by Blaine’s work. Blaine was so smart all he needed was a little help. By November Blaine was nearly caught up to the rest of the junior class. One Friday afternoon, during their normal tutoring session the door to the special ed room swung open and in stepped Principal Figgins.

Kurt and Blaine looked up from their work. “Principal Figgins, can I help you with something?” Kurt asked politely.

“Yes, I have good news gentleman. Blaine, your improvement in your class work has been astounding! I am happy to say that you will be able to be put back on the normal track and start attending the class with your fellow students!” Figgins said cheerily.

Kurt looked towards Blaine trying to gauge the boy’s reaction. Kurt immediately saw Blaine’s face pale and his hands began to shake ever so slightly. Kurt silently started to rub Blaine’s back comfortingly. Blaine breathing evened out a little at the gesture.

He looked up at Principal Figgins, “Thank you. That is great news.” He said quietly.

Figgins smiled broadly. “I am so glad you feel that way Mr. Anderson, we are all very proud of you. Achievement!” he said loudly throwing a fist into the air. “Be sure to come to the main office after school to get your schedule.”

Blaine nodded as Figgins left the room. As soon as the coast was clear he let his head drop onto the desk.

“Blaine?” Kurt questioned, still rubbing the smaller boys back.

“Kurt, I can’t do this.” Came a muffled reply.

“Blaine, yes you can. You have been doing so great. You are excelling in your classes, your mood has been better, and to me it seems like you are happier.”

“I am happier. But Kurt, I am afraid of what will happen when I go back to the regular classes. I am afraid my anxiety will come back then all hell will break lose.”

“Blaine, even when you go back to your regular classes I will still be here to tutor you.” Kurt said reassuringly.

“You will?” Blaine perked up.

“Yes, of course. I am not going to leave you hanging. I will be here 7th period just like always.” Kurt said with a smile.

“You promise?” Blaine looked at Kurt his hazel eyes brimming with emotion.

“I promise.” Kurt said holding up three fingers in a mock boy scout salute.

“Ok, I can do this. Right?” Blaine asked quietly.

“Yes, just have courage Blaine.”

“What did you say?” Blaine eyes widened.

“I said have courage?” Kurt questioned.

“Courage. That’s what I thought you said. Well the period is almost over. And I need to go down to the main office before school is out so I guess I will see you Monday.” Blaine said standing up and closing his books.

Kurt stood up quickly, usually Blaine didn’t rush him out so fast. “Well, ok. If I don’t see you before Monday I hope you do well with your new classes. I will see you Monday afternoon ok?”

“Ya, of course.” Blaine said offering Kurt a small smile.

“Ok have a good weekend Blaine.” Kurt said walking out of the room and down stairs towards the choir room for Glee.

Kurt walked into the room to find it already filled with his peers. Mercedes was standing in the middle of the room staring down a clearly frightened Rachel Berry.

“I am done with your crap Berry, for three years we have been promised equal share of the solos. But I’ll be damned if you have ever given up one of those!” The black girl yelled fiercely at the brunette.

Kurt looked at the scene in shock. He bent down slowly and whispered in to Artie’s ear. “What the hell is happening?”

Artie looked up at Kurt and whisper back. “Mercedes got pissed at Rachel again, but this time I think it’s serious. She is threatening to quit.”

Kurt’s jaw dropped as he thought of losing a member so close to Sectionals. They only just met the amount of students needed to compete if they lost a member they were screwed. Kurt watched the scene play out. Soon Santana and Britney had joined in against Rachel. Finn had tried to step in for Rachel’s defense but was quickly shot down by Santana’s biting wit. Finally Shue bustled into the room and tired to break up the fight but after all was said and done the New Directions were down by three members. Santana, Britney, and Mercedes had all left in a huff vowing not to return until they were promised more solos.
Kurt sat in a chair shell shocked. Despite his recently tutoring credits he was counting on performing and winning nationals with Glee club this year in order to secure him a place at NYADA. Kurt was lost in this thoughts till he heard his name being


“Huh? What?” Kurt said looking up.

Rachel was staring at him with red rimmed eyes. “Its up to us to fix this. We have to recruit more members.”

“Rachel, are you serious? Sectionals are in like two weeks. We don’t have time to find three people who are willing to join glee club and learn all the songs and dance moves. It’s impossible.” Kurt replied apathetically.

“Kurt! I can’t believe you of all people would let something this small get you down. What happened to the boy who stood up against the bullies? What happened to the strong Kurt Hummel that I have grown to be friends with?” Rachel said trying to inspire Kurt to action.

“Rachel, even if I do agree to help you on your recruitment mission. Who the hell is going to want to join Glee club?”

“I am not sure. But I will think of something. I will call you over the weekend to make plans!” Rachel said before skipping out of the classroom.

Kurt shook his head and headed out of the room as well. Despite Rachel’s optimism he was still doubtful of her plan.
Kurt spent the weekend stressing over the glee club drama. Rachel had nearly talked his ear off while they discussed their plans to gain more members. By Monday Kurt was exhausted and pessimistic over the glee club’s chances.

Rachel approached him first thing in the morning and the pair spent the entire day talking up the perks of being in Glee club. Luckily they got two of the band guys to agree stand in during sectionals, after bribing them with promises of free dinner at Breadstix.

It was late in the school day when Kurt found Rachel sitting in the cafeteria during study hall. He slumped down onto the bench and put his head on the table.

Rachel sighed in response. “Kurt, don’t give up yet. We got two people we only need one more. And its only half way through seventh period so we still have time before the end of the day.”

“Wait what?” Kurt shoot up quickly. “What time period did you say it was?”

“Its about halfway through seventh. Why what’s wrong.”

Kurt grabbed his satchel quickly. “I forgot about Blaine!” he said before rushing out of the cafeteria.


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