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Oct. 20, 2011, 9:36 a.m.

Chickenpox: Chapter 8

K - Words: 812 - Last Updated: Oct 20, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/10 - Created: Oct 20, 2011 - Updated: Oct 20, 2011
911 0 0 0 0

Blaine started to fold a piece of blue construction paper in half.

"What are you doing?" questioned Rachel as she continued to color in her picture of Cinderella.

"Making a get well card." He said as he picked out a pink marker.

"But you are the sick one…" Rachel confused by Blaine's actions.

"So my boyfriend is sick as well, and since I am quarantined in this room and cannot go out and get him a real card and possibly flowers I will have to make due with a homemade card" Blaine said as he started to write a message on the inside of the card.

Rachel just smiled as got up and knocked on the bathroom door "Hey Kurt are you doing ok?" She asked through the door.

"Mhmm", said a soft voice from the other side of the door.

Rachel came back and plopped herself on the bed.

"Hey watch it!" Blaine said as the movement of the bed caused him to mess up a bit on the card.

"Ohh I'm sorry" Rachel said quickly apologizing. "So you really like him don't you?" She asked.

"I do" Blaine said not looking up from his work.

"Well good, because if you ever hurt him you will have to deal with the wrath of the whole of New Directions." Rachel said looking straight into Blaine's golden eyes. He looked back at her and knew that she wasn't trying to make a joke; the concern for Kurt in her eyes made Blaine smile.

"Rachel" he said putting down the markers he was using. "I love Kurt with my whole heart and the last thing I would do is hurt him." He said his voice full of sincerity.

"Did someone say my name?" Kurt said as he emerged from the bathroom his usually porcelain skin tinted pink from the calamine lotion.

"Oh Blaine was just confessing his love for you." Rachel said as she giggled.

Blaine looked at her with a look of terror. "Umm Rachel me and Kurt haven't had that discussion yet".

"Oh my God!" Rachel said bring her hands up to her face. "I am so sorry."

Kurt let out a giggle; Blaine sat on the bed and gave him a look of disappointment. "Kurt, you couldn't keep the joke running a little longer?" he asked shaking his head.

"I'm sorry must be a bit of delirium from the fever." Kurt said as he sat next to Blaine on the bed.

"Oh you two are horrible," Rachel said finally getting the joke. She playfully hit the two boys in mock anger.

"Hey you can't hit us we are sick" Blaine said snuggling into Kurt's shoulder.

"Ok, enough fun for now. You two need to rest. How about we put in a movie?" Rachel suggested as she pulled a stack of DVD's out of her bag.

"You pick Kurt" Blaine said.

"Umm, ohh Rachel you brought my favorite Disney movie; Lion King!" Kurt exclaimed.

"Oh good choice dear." Blaine said nodding in approval.

Rachel cleared the bed from the coloring books and other art supplies and went to pop in the DVD. The two sick boys snuggled underneath the covers while Rachel sat on the oversized chair. Simba had just been hoisted over the pride lands by Rafiki when Rachel heard faint snoring coming from the bed. She got up and looked at the sleeping boys. They were cuddled together sleeping soundly. She quietly turned off the TV and left the boys to sleep in peace. As she was walking down the stairs Mrs. Hummel was walking in carrying a few grocery bags.

"Let me help you with those." Rachel said grabbing a bag.

"Thank you Rachel" Mrs. Hummel said as she put the bags down on the kitchen counter. "How are our patients doing?"

"They just went to sleep. I had them both take oatmeal baths for the itching. And they are currently covered in calamine lotion." Rachel said as she sat down at the table.

"Rachel you really have been a big help. I don't know what I would have done without you." Carole said as she started to put the groceries away. "I am going to try to get off work tomorrow so you shouldn't have to come over."

"Mrs. Hummel, I really don't mind coming over to take care of the boys. It was actually kind of fun. And ever since school has let out I have been kinda bored" Rachel replied.

"Oh Rachel you are very sweet. I would really appreciate if you would come over tomorrow. I think the boys need one more day of having a care taker after that they will just need a few days more and then they will be able to be let out of quarantine." Carole said relief in her voice.

"Ok, I will be over at 9 am sharp! Have a good night Mrs. Hummel" Rachel said as she grabbed her bag and left.

Carole let out a sigh and walked up the stairs to check on her son and his boyfriend.


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