Oct. 20, 2011, 9:36 a.m.
Oct. 20, 2011, 9:36 a.m.
Kurt was busy getting the shading right on Belle's yellow dress when Rachel got up from the bed. "Where are you going?" Kurt asked with a little pout.
"I am just going to find some clean clothes for Blaine. Do you think you have anything that will fit him?" She said as she opened up the chest of drawers next to Kurt's desk.
"Ha, I doubt it. I love that boy but he is sort of a hobbit" Kurt let out a small laugh.
"Hey, no hobbit jokes. I am also vertically challenged" Rachel retorted.
"Here is something that might work" She said pulling out a pair of sweats and Kurt's 'Born This Way' t-shirt. "Is this the only t-shirt you own?" She asks.
"Miss Berry, you know I have high fashion standards and t-shirts are not fashionable." Kurt said, matter-of-factly.
"Duly noted" Rachel said nodding. She grabbed the outfit and the bottle of calamine and lightly knocked on the bath room door.
Blaine quickly opened his eyes at the sound of the knocking. "Who's there?" he asked.
"Its just Rachel, I have some clean clothes for you to put on and some calamine you can use to help with the itching. "I can just put them on the vanity if you let me in."
"Ummm" Blaine said trying to hide his embarrassment.
"I promise not to look" said Rachel.
"Only if you promise" Blaine replied
"I promise" Rachel said as the door knob turned. Rachel scurried in averting her eyes from the tub. "Here are some clothes of Kurt's you can borrow. And if you apply the calamine lotion to the spots that are most itchy it will help, also as soon as your done Kurt will be able to take his turn." She said as she quickly exited the bathroom.
Blaine didn't want to leave the soothing waters but thought of Kurt and his itchiness. Blaine got out of the tub and began to dry off. He was itchy EVERYWHERE! He grabbed the bottle of calamine and began to slather the pink liquid over his torso and face. He had successfully covered almost every inch of his body with the calming lotion when he shrugged on the pair of sweat pants and t-shirt that Rachel had laid out. He then turned to face the mirror in the vanity. His curls lay damp on his head his face was slightly tinted pink from the calamine and the red spots were everywhere. His eyes traveled down to the oversized sweat pants. And then the t-shirt…."Likes Boys". He laughed thinking back to when Kurt had modeled this exact t-shirt after McKinley's performance of 'Born This Way'. He always thought that Kurt looked sexy in it. Unlike himself as the t-shirt hung loosely off his shoulder and was a bit too long. He grimaced at boy that looked back at him through the mirror. He looked like crap and there was nothing he could do about it. He grabbed the pile of dirty clothes and shuffled back into Kurt's bedroom.
Kurt eyes shot up from his coloring book to look at Blaine as he came out of the bathroom. His curls were free from the gel and had not been styled. His exposed skin was covered in calamine lotion and red spots. The borrowed clothes hung off his small frame. Kurt smiled at his boyfriend as he sat down on the bed.
"Don't laugh; I know I look like a goober." Blaine said slightly frowning.
"I think you look great" Kurt said as he kissed Blaine's nose. Blaine wrinkled it and let out a small laugh.
"Ok, Kurt time for your oatmeal bath!" Rachel called from the other room.
"Do I have to?" Kurt said, secretly just wanting to cuddle with Blaine.
"Kurt it really does help with the itching, and I promise it is slightly better than cuddling" Blaine said, once again seemingly reading Kurt's mind.
"Fine" Kurt said in a pouty voice.
"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel if you do not get in here and take your bath I will be forced to show Blaine the youtube video of you doing the single ladies dance." Rachel said as she stepped out of the bath room.
"Single ladies?" Blaine asked raising a triangle eyebrow.
"Hush your mouth Rachel, I am coming" Kurt said as he retreated into the bathroom. Kurt shut the door behind him to enjoy his oatmeal bath.
Rachel came over to the bed and looked at Blaine. He did look like a mess, but a cute mess too bad he was 100% gay.
"So Blaine Warbler, what would you like to do while we wait for Kurt to get out of the bathroom?" She asked motioning to her bag of goodies. Blaine crawled over to the bag. Sifting through its contents his eyes landed on a packet of construction paper.
"I have an idea!" Blaine said as he grabbed a pack of markers and the pad of paper.
I knew that oatmeal baths helped to reduce the itching associated with chicken pox, but i never knew how to give one. i had horrible images of bathing in an oatmeal-like substance. So I actually learned something from your story. Thanks for teaching me :)